Peter McCullough

COVID-19 Vaccine Research

This big picture summary by Corey Lynn of the COVID “vaccine” injections is one of the best I have seen:  Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide – – 1/13/22.  See my highlights here.

Below are General articles about the COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.  (See also posts on Effectiveness and Safety)

  1. Head of Moderna Explains How Vaccines Alter DNA | Armstrong Economics – 4/3/21
  2. DNA found in coronavirus was patented by Moderna 3 years before the pandemic – – 2/25/22
    • ‘one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.’
    • While independent media outlets, including LifeSiteNews, consistently held the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic initiated from a lab, it was not until mid-2021 that mainstream media outlets began to acknowledge it as a possibility.
  3. Brighteon – 1/3/2022 The Thrive Time Show: Joe Rogan – Robert Malone Show Excerpt – great 22-minute summary about the vaccines and the behavior of our lawless government, media and Big Pharma (Link to 3+ hour audio of Joe Rogan’s discussion with Dr. Robert Malone)
  4. Steve Kirsch interviews with Alix Mayer on COVID-19 Vaccines – 12/10 – 12/13/21
  5. Bayer Executive Says mRNA Vaccines are Gene Therapy ( – 3/5/22
  6. The COVID-19 injection is not a vaccine. Here’s why – LifeSite ( by Paul Elias Alexander, PhD
  7. Despite CDC denials: new study shows vaccine converts to DNA | America’s Frontline Doctors ( – 3/2/22
  8. Brighteon – Mike Adams interviews Karen Kingston on the COVID “vaccines” which include nanoparticles – 2/18/22
  9. Dr. Peter McCullough dismantles COVID lies, demands review of jab safety in rousing CPAC speech – – 3/4/22
  10. Bayer President: The mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy | Armstrong Economics – 3/5/22
  11. Covid-19 “Vaccines” are not fully approved by the FDA.  They were originally approved only under an Emergency Use Authorization. UPDATE: Pfizer’s vaccine Comernity was approved on 8/23/21.  However, Comernity is still not available in the U.S. as of January 2022.  So, the FDA allows continued use of the EUA version of the “vaccine”.  This allows the liability shield to continue for the vaccine makers, and still allows the government to claim the vaccine is approved.  VERY disingenuous.
    1. Even though the FDA just approved the Pfizer vaccine, such an approval was totally illegal according to Dr. Jane Ruby on the Stew Peters Show.  They did not follow normal procedures.
    2. Pfizer vaccine approved behind closed doors – ( The FDA “approved” Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab for 16 years and older – officially declaring it “safe and effective” – without even allowing public discussion or holding a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss data.
    3. FDA Approves Gates’ Vaccine After Accepting Funding from Him | Armstrong Economics
    4. US Drug Regulators Approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine ( 8/23/21.
    5. Despite thousands of deaths and adverse reactions FDA rushes to grant full approval to Pfizer COVID jab – LifeSite (
    6. Professor blasts COVID-19 jabs for young: ‘No such thing as mild myocarditis’ – LifeSite (
  12. FDA Leaders, Other Scientists Say Most People Don’t Need Vaccine Boosters (  (9/13/2021)
  13. Dr. Peter McCullough, preeminently qualified on COVID-19
  14. Karen Kingston – former Pfizer employee and independent consultant for pharmaceutical industry
  15. Steve Kirsch’s COVID-19 Vaccine Research
  16. Mark Mallett COVID-19 Documentaries
  17. Dr. David Martin on the Bioweapon aspect of COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines
  18. Brighteon – The Darpa Docs We Haven’t Seen: Documents – Covid is Purposefully Engineered Bioweapon – Karen Kingston on Stew Peters Show 1/13/22
  19. Brighteon – Healthcare professional shares information on the declining health of patients who had the vaccine – 1/15/22
  20. Rand Paul & Why | Armstrong Economics  – Rand Paul chastises HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra for not following the science on natural immunity.
  21. Antibodies Persist for More Than a Year After COVID-19 Infection, Study Finds (
  22. How Likely Is Reinfection Following Covid Recovery? Very Rare. ( (12/31/21)
  23. 146 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to COVID-19 ( – 1/29/22 – all 146 studies listed
  24. Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination Against Delta Virus Variant: Study ( – 1/21/22
  25. Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study ( – 1/29/22
  26. CDC Confirms the Validity of Natural Immunity | Armstrong Economics – 1/27/22
  27. 29 studies + 14 articles that show Natural Immunity provides effective protection from COVID-19 – – 10/15/21
  28. Pfizer Quality Inspector / whistleblower Melissa Strickler says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds (  (10/14/21)
    • Pfizer vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase
    • Pfizer emails from high-level employees directing lower- level workers to not discuss the role of aborted fetal cells in the development of its Covid shots with the public.
    • “They’re just simply being deceitful… they could correct the fact-checkers on social media and they remain silent because they know if they do say, ‘yeah, we did use fetal cell lines in the development of this,’ they know that they’re not able to deny the religious exemptions. I think that’s what it’s about.
    • She added that the mRNA technology of the vaccines could be used with CRISPR technology for gene editing and that fact is also being obscured to the public in messages from Pfizer, the mainstream media and government.
    • “…many employees have “vaccine regret” after getting the shots and “a lot of people refused to get it. In fact, over half of the employees are willing to walk out over this and Pfizer knows that.”
  29. Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.’ #ExposePfizer – YouTube
  30. ‘The Idea That the Unvaccinated Are a Threat to You Is Ridiculous,’ Jimmy Dore Explains • (11/3/21)
    • “Even if you vaccinate 100% of the population, according to the science, people will still be giving and getting COVID … the idea that the unvaccinated are a threat to you is ridiculous because the vaccinated are just as likely to spread COVID as the unvaccinated.”
    • “The idea that you can vaccinate your way out of the pandemic is completely incorrect,” Dore said. “This false narrative is coming from the corporate media and Big Pharma and it’s not right.”
    • Dore played a clip from an August 2020 interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to President Biden, in which Fauci said, “I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of [COVID-19] vaccines for the general public … you would never mandate it…  people who refuse the vaccine “have every right to refuse…”

Effectiveness – See 90+ links to articles on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.

Safety – see 260+ links to articles on the safety of the COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.

Summary: Why I am not getting the COVID-19 “Vaccine”

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Summary of COVID-19 research

Summary of COVID Research

Below is a short summary of what I have come to believe after my research on COVID-19, followed by the same list with some supporting detail and links.

  1. The COVID-19 virus is highly contagious, but statistically speaking, not that deadly, unless you are in a high-risk group.  The risk to the general population was greatly exaggerated.
  2. SARS-COV-2 was created in a lab and may have been released intentionally.
  3. The public was misled to believe that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 was significant.  This fed the narrative to frighten the public into compliance.
  4. Even if you got sick with Covid-19, there were and are effective early treatments.
  5. Successful early treatment options for Covid-19 were aggressively censored and suppressed.
  6. For those who recovered from COVID-19, the likelihood of reinfection is extremely low.
  7. Masks are useless against airborne illnesses such as COVID-19, and, and even harmful.
  8. The COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective.
  9. I do not trust the Government, the media and mainstream medicine because they all conspired to suppress treatment options, push vaccines, censor dissent, and stifle debate.
  10. Billions of people have swallowed the COVID-19 Hoax due to all the propaganda and censorship.

Below is the same list with some supporting detail and links.

  1. The virus is real. It is highly contagious, but statistically speaking, not that deadly, unless you are in a high-risk group. The risk to the general population was and is greatly exaggerated, so that the government can more easily seize extra power from a population in fear.
  2. SARS-COV-2 was created in a lab and may have been released intentionally. A strong reason for believing this: A patent for SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, was filed in the US in the early 2000’s along with detection (PCR test) and treatments. Ponder that.  Watch the David Martin Interviews and talks for an in-depth analysis from this bioweapons and chemical warfare expert.
  3. The public was misled to believe that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 was significant.  This fed the narrative to frighten the public into compliance.
  4. Even if you got sick with Covid-19, there were and are effective early treatments.
  5. Successful early treatment options for Covid-19 were aggressively censored and suppressed. Why?  Because if a treatment existed, and there were 80% or 90% fewer deaths, there would be no need for a vaccine (follow the money).
  6. For those who recovered from COVID-19, the likelihood of reinfection is extremely low.
  7. Masks are useless against airborne illnesses such as COVID-19, and, and even harmful (40+ articles) There is no scientific basis for wearing a mask to protect against a respiratory virus. Wearing a mask is merely virtue signaling, a badge of honor for those who implicitly trust the government and the medical establishment.
  8. The COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective beyond (maybe) reducing the severity of symptoms.  They prevent neither infection NOR transmission. There is therefore no justification for vaccine mandates. 260+ articles on safety; 90+ articles on effectiveness.
  9. I do not trust the Government, the media and mainstream medicine because they all conspire to suppress treatment options, push vaccines, censor dissent, and stifle debate.  They appear to be heavily influenced, if not controlled, by the pharmaceutical industry.
  10. Why billions swallowed the COVID-19 Hoax.  Professor Piers Robinson, Ph.D. 1/9/23
    • COVID-19 is the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history. Psychological techniques were extensively used during 2020 to incite fear and panic in the population.
    • Propaganda strategies were also used to get people to support and defend irrational COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates.
    • What made the COVID propaganda so much more effective than any previous propaganda operation is the fact that a virus is the perfect enemy. It’s invisible, could be carried by anyone, including those you love the most, and could “get” you anywhere.
    • Classical rhetoric is about persuasion through argument. It appeals to logic. Propaganda, on the other hand, is a kind of sub rational manipulation that appeals to our most basic instincts, such as fear. An informal definition of propaganda is “an organized attempt to get people to think or do something — or not think or do something”.
    • The Great Lie is possible because the more divorced a lie is from reality, the more likely it is to succeed, as most people are reluctant to think that authority figures would lie and completely ignore reality.

Additional summaries

Top Ten Biggest Lies about COVID-19 (2 separate lists)

COVID Revealed | Documentary ( – 1/8/23, 59-minute video.

10 Key Facts That Unravel The COVID Narrative | America’s Frontline Doctors (

  1. COVID-19 is not as dangerous as previously thought. Fatality rate was only 0.27%.
  2. Early medical treatment works.
  3. PCR Positive Test does not mean contagious.
  4. Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
  5. Lockdowns are ineffective and costly.
  6. Vaccine Passports are unscientific and unethical.
  7. Mask Mandates are unscientific and unethical. Masks | America’s Frontline Doctors ( – Masks do not prevent virus respiratory illness.
  8. Kids are paying a disproportionately high price for the Covid response.
  9. The COVID vaccines are far more dangerous than we were led to believe.
  10. The COVID vaccines are ineffective at preventing infection and transmission.