Masks are useless and harmful

Masks are Useless and Harmful

Below are 40 articles indicating that wearing a mask does no good and can actually cause harm. At the bottom of the list are 11 articles on the detrimental effect of masking children.

  1. 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects – – 7/23/21
    • California county imposes mask mandate inside private homes regardless of vaccination status – – 11/25/21
      • according to a group of doctors and health experts who published an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 20 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”
      • Even worse, a whopping 32 scientific studies indicate that not only are masks ineffective, but their use is actually damaging.
      • In a 2008 study on the effects of wearing surgical masks, researchers proved that surgeons that wore a mask in surgery for an hour or more had significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation, leading experts to conclude that prolonged mask usage is detrimental to overall health.
  2. 27-page rebuttal letter from 8 industrial hygienists complaining about flawed CDC mask guidance ( – 2/23/22
  3. Refused Medical Care in New York State over Hospital Mask Mandate ( – 2/13/24
  4. Masks Increase the Risk of Infection! ( – 12/1/23 – Pam Popper
  5. The Cost of Ignorant ‘Expert’ Policy Makers During COVID ( – 2/13/23 – The Cochrane Library recently updated its 2020 systematic review of physical interventions to reduce respiratory illnesses. They found no evidence to support the use of surgical face masks or N95 respirators to prevent influenza or COVID-19 infection
  6. The Harms From Wearing Masks Are Real ( – 4/27/23
  7. CDC Guidance: 98% of U.S. Population Can Drop Masks Indoors | Health News | US News – 3/11/22
  8. Florida surgeon general blasts masks: ‘These things are not saving lives’ – – 3/4/22
  9. Psychiatrist bans child-masking and ‘all forms of child abuse’ in his practice | America’s Frontline Doctors ( – 2/10/22
  10. Can any company or government agency justify their own COVID mask policy? ( – 4/11/22 – Steve Kirsch
  11. The CDC Admits Cloth Masks Are Ineffective | Armstrong Economics – 1/19/22
  12. CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for COVID — But Agency Recommended Them Anyway • – 2/9/24
  13. The Science of Masks ( a collection of dozens of articles on why masks don’t work.
  14. Biden Administration Considers Extending Mask Mandate for Airplanes ( – 4/11/22
    • 20 states joined Florida in its lawsuit (pdf) against the federal government’s mask mandate.
    • Several major airline CEOs pleaded with the Biden administration to drop the mask order
  15. Study shows inhalation of microplastics found in masks getting into lung tissue for the first time – – 4/11/22
  16. The CDC Admits Cloth Masks Are Ineffective | Armstrong Economics – 1/19/22
  17. CDC finds masks, indoor dining bans do little to stop virus, but media ignores – – 3/26/21
  18. Researcher debunks every falsehood about COVID masking policies –  (9/27/21)
    • accuses the CDC, the WHO, and Big Tech of being responsible for ‘countless deaths.’
  19. Washington Post: everyone wore masks during 1918 flu pandemic they were useless/
  20. Tucker Carlson: Science shows there is no reason to wear’ a mask (
  21. Mask mandates are counterproductive — How much more data do we need?
  22. An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful– MeehanMD
    • Wearing a mask may increase the severity of Covid-19
    • Cloth masks may increase the risk of contracting Covid-19 and other respiratory infections
    • Wearing a mask makes exhaled air go into the eyes, which causes dry eyes, and increases the likelihood that you touch your eyes / face with your hands
  23. Masks ‘a possible risk’ for spreading COVID, ‘predisposing’ people to infections: study
  24. Masks & Oral Health (
  25. It’s Been Nearly A Month Since Texas Governor Lifted Mask Mandate And COVID Cases Continue To Fall | The Daily Wire
  26. Mask police are segregating Americans, harming our children, and endangering our freedoms – – 1/26/22
  27. How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You • – 7/15/22
  28.  Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer | Daily Mail Online – 8/27/23
  29. Fauci Couldn’t Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19: Lawyers ( – 11/28/22
  30. Fauci Touts Face Masks While Admitting to Ineffectiveness | The Epoch Times – 9/4/23
  31. The Truth About Mask Efficacy–An Analysis of the Studies | Truth Over News | EpochTV (– 9/6/23


  1. No Relationship Between School Masking and COVID-19 Cases: Study ( – 5/28/22
  2. Speech Therapist: 364% Surge in Baby and Toddler Referrals Thanks to Mask Wearing ( – 1/26/22
  3. Instead of Admitting Mask Mandates Harm Kids, CDC Lowers Expectations for Speech Development ( – 3/7/22
  4. Proof: Major damage to kids from masks: Intentional physical and psychological destruction ( – 2/8/22
  5. Masking children: tragic, unscientific, and damaging | LifeSite News (4/28/21)
  6. The Effects of Masks on Children | Armstrong Economics – 2/8/22
  7. Pro-mask pediatricians denied scrubbing flyer on babies’ need to see faces from website. Months later, it’s still not there – – 12/6/21
  8. Speech therapist blames face masks for massive spike in children with speech delays – – 1/17/22
  9. Study shows how masks are harming children – LifeSite News
    • Data from the first registry to record children’s experiences with masks show physical, psychological and behavioral issues including irritability, difficulty concentrating and impaired learning
    • Since school shutdowns in spring 2020, an increasing number of parents are seeking drug treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for their children
    • Evidence from the U.K. shows schools are not the super spreaders health officials said they were; measured rates of infection in schools were the same as the community, not higher
    • A large randomized controlled trial showed wearing masks does not reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2
  10. The Harms of Masking Young Students Are Real Children’s Health Defense (
    • 9/7/21 – The potential educational harms of mandatory-masking policies are much more firmly established, at least at this point, than their possible benefits in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in schools.
  11. American Academy of Pediatrics falsely claims ‘no evidence’ of masks harming speech development – – 8/31/22

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  1. Pingback: Summary of COVID-19 research – Dare to Seek the Truth

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