
COVID-19 Research Detail   

COVID-19 Research Detail                       (back to summary)

  1. The virus causing Covid-19 is real. It is highly contagious, but statistically speaking, not that deadly, unless you are in a high-risk group. The risk to the general population was and is greatly exaggerated, so that the government can more easily seize extra power from a population in fear.
  2. SARS-COV-2 was created in a lab and may have been released intentionally. A strong reason for believing this: A patent for SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, was filed in the US in the early 2000’s along with detection (PCR test) and treatments. Ponder that.  Watch the David Martin Interviews and talks for an in-depth analysis from this bioweapons and chemical warfare expert.
  3. The public was misled to believe that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 was significant.  This fed the narrative to frighten the public into compliance.
  4. Even if you got sick with Covid-19, there were and are effective early treatments.
  5. Successful early treatment options for Covid-19 were aggressively censored and suppressed. Why?  Because if a treatment existed, and there were 80% or 90% fewer deaths, there would be no need for a vaccine (follow the money).
  6. For the unvaccinated who recovered from COVID-19, the likelihood of reinfection is extremely low.
  7. Masks are useless against airborne illnesses such as COVID-19, and, and even harmful (40+ articles) There is no scientific basis for wearing a mask to protect against a respiratory virus. Wearing a mask is merely virtue signaling, a badge of honor for those who implicitly trust the government and the medical establishment.
  8. The COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective beyond (maybe) reducing the severity of symptoms.  They prevent neither infection NOR transmission. There is therefore no justification for vaccine mandates. 330+ articles on safety; 90+ articles on effectiveness, plus another 30+ general interest articles about the Covid-19 Vaccines.
  9. I do not trust the Government, the media nor mainstream medicine because they all conspire to suppress treatment options, push vaccines, censor dissent, and stifle debate.  They appear to be heavily influenced, if not controlled, by the pharmaceutical industry.
  1. Why billions swallowed the COVID-19 Hoax.  Professor Piers Robinson, Ph.D. 1/9/23
    • COVID-19 is the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history. Psychological techniques were extensively used during 2020 to incite fear and panic in the population.
    • Propaganda strategies were also used to get people to support and defend irrational COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates.
    • What made the COVID propaganda so much more effective than any previous propaganda operation is the fact that a virus is the perfect enemy. It’s invisible, could be carried by anyone, including those you love the most, and could “get” you anywhere.
    • Classical rhetoric is about persuasion through argument. It appeals to logic. Propaganda, on the other hand, is a kind of sub rational manipulation that appeals to our most basic instincts, such as fear. An informal definition of propaganda is “an organized attempt to get people to think or do something — or not think or do something”.
    • The Great Lie is possible because the more divorced a lie is from reality, the more likely it is to succeed, as most people are reluctant to think that authority figures would lie and completely ignore reality.

Additional supporting data:

    1. COVID-19 is not as dangerous as previously thought. Fatality rate was only 0.27%.
    2. Early medical treatment works.
    3. PCR Positive Test does not mean contagious.
    4. Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
    5. Lockdowns are ineffective and costly.
    6. Vaccine Passports are unscientific and unethical.
    7. Mask Mandates are unscientific and unethical. Masks | America’s Frontline Doctors ( – Masks do not prevent virus respiratory illness.
    8. Kids are paying a disproportionately high price for the Covid response.
    9. The COVID vaccines are far more dangerous than we were led to believe.
    10. The COVID vaccines are ineffective at preventing infection and transmission.

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Pope Francis Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Pope Francis Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates (24+ articles)

  1. No act of charity: A personal reflection on the Vatican’s promotion of COVID-19 vaccination – – 4/4/23
    • Pope Francis: “Being vaccinated with vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love. Contributing to ensure the-majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love. Love for oneself, love for one’s family and friends, love for all people”. (Pope Francis – Vaccines are an act of love to save us – Vatican News August 2022)
    • Churches closed. Priests masked. The faithful were locked down, confined to “participating” in religious services via live streams. Those who were dying in hospital – from what in many cases now looks increasingly like wrong medical treatment – were denied the sacraments.
    • That the leadership of the Catholic Church had blindly taken such a public position backing experimental mRNA gene therapies “as safe” and encouraging the faithful under the banner of “vaccinate for love of thy neighbor” was a source of grave concern. For the Successor of Peter, who is not a competent immunologist, to promote these pharmaceutical interventions for which no long-term safety test data existed seemed nothing short of misguidedness. The Vatican had even signed a contract with Pfizer to provide mRNA Covid-19 injections for members of the curia, religious, staff and their families. Coming off three bruising decades from the tragic saga of clerical sex abuse, I could already see the writing of another sad chapter on the wall.
  2. Vatican’s vaccine mandate violates code of bioethics and must end now, COVID-19 expert says –– 2/15/22
  3. Pope Francis calls for widespread vaccination (– 1/11/22
  4. White House: Pope Francis Has Said There’s a ‘Moral Obligation’ to Get Vaccinated| National Catholic Register (– 4/7/21
  5. At his General Audience 1/12/22, Pope Francis calls for a moment of silence for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID. Meanwhile, the Vatican stops paying employeeswho refuse the abortion-tainted experimental gene therapy.
  6. Archbishop Viganò reacts to Pope Francis saying all must take the COVID vaccine – 1/15/21
  7. Why Churchmen Who Demand the Vaccine Are Literally ‘Tyrants.’ The Ultimate Resource | The Stream– 9/30/21
  8. The Fake Theology Behind Vaccine Mandates (Janet Smith –– 9/27/21
  9. Without the Right of Conscience, There Is No Common Good (– 9/28/21
  10. Mark Mallett‘s Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops– 9/27/21
  11. Epoch Times Facts Matter (10/22/21): Audio Leaked from White House Shows DOJ Acknowledge Pro-Life Exemptions to Mandate
  12. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’ – (10/26/21)
    • The presence of graphene in the doses that have been administered, reported by numerous laboratories that have analyzed its content,[23]suggests that the forced use of so-called vaccines – together with the systematic boycott of existing treatments of proven effectiveness[24] – serves the purpose of contact-tracing all vaccinated human beings throughout the world, who will be or already are connected to the Internet of Things[25] [26]. As proof that this information is not the fruit of the fantasies of some conspiracy theorist, you should know that the European Union has chosen two projects dedicated to technological innovation as the winners of a competition: “The Human Brain” and “Graphene.” These two projects will receive one billion euro each in funding over the next ten years.[27]
  13. Hershey fires unvaxxed workers after interrogating them, cites Pope Francis’ support for the shots – – 2/8/22
  14. Another local Catholic priest draws national criticism, this time for anti-vaccine remarks | Baltimore Brew – 11/30/21
  15. Top COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘Vatican Must Answer for Vax Deaths’ – Complicit Clergy– 2/18/22
  16. Top COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough: Vatican Violating Code of Bioethics, Must End Vaccine Mandate Now – Edward Pentin– 2/15/22
  17. Catholics have been betrayed by the Vatican’s allegiance to secular COVID authorities –– 8/30/22
  18. Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video –– 8/13/22
  19. Vatican Refuses Entry to Unvaxxed Cardinal ( – 4/18/22
  20. Bishop removed by Pope Francis after opposing vaccine mandates tells scandalized Catholics to ‘pray and trust’ – – 3/17/23
  21. Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the ‘disastrous’ COVID shots –– 10/21/22
  22. Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted ‘lethal’ COVID jabs must answer to God –– 10/23/23
  23. Pope Francis denounces ‘anti-vaxxers,’ calls COVID jab refusal an ‘almost suicidal act of denial’ – – 3/19/24
  24. Have You No Decency, Holy Father? – Crisis Magazine – 3/20/24


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American Bishops Dismal Response to COVID

American Bishops Dismal Response to COVID (25+ articles)

(For those uncomfortable with criticizing the Catholic Church hierarchy, see Catholic Leadership Critique Rationale)

Below is a summary of what I have come to believe about the American Bishops and their dismal handling of the COVID so-called “pandemic”.

  1. The American Bishops buckled under political pressure and closed churches in most dioceses during Lent & Holy Week 2020; in many cases withheld sacramental confession and even baptism and last rites for several weeks.
  2. Cardinal Gerhard Müller Calls COVID-Related Sacrament Restrictions ‘Grave Sin’| National Catholic Register ( (12/2/21)
  3. Cupich Fires Catholic School Principal Over Mask Mandate – Complicit Clergy– 2/18/22
  4. Queen of Martyrs principal ousted by Cupich over mask compliance – Chicago Sun-Times (– 2/16/22
  5. Bishops should’ve followed the example of St. Charles Borromeo in dealing with a pandemic ( – 6/9/22 – Cardinal Burk: No Pope, Bishop or Priest has the authority to close the churches and deprive the faithful of the sacraments
  6. Another local Catholic priest draws national criticism, this time for anti-vaccine remarks | Baltimore Brew – 11/30/21
  7. Queen of Martyrs principal ousted by Cupich over mask compliance – Chicago Sun-Times (– 2/16/22
  8. Letter to the American Church – Feb. 2024 Documentary by Eric Metaxas
  9. Pam Popper Weekly Report – 2/15/24 ( – 2/15/24 – Government/Public Health Corruption of Religion; plus an Inspiration from George Washington. Start at 2-minute point.  How pastors of many churches supported the Government in their tyrannical COVID response, especially the vaccine mandates.  Francis Collins’ despicable tactics to enlist support of the clergy for “safe and effective” vaccines.
  10. Bishop Strickland apologizes for closing churches during COVID: ‘I was duped’ – LifeSite ( – 9/9/24

Catholic Accountability Project

  1. Introduction to Covid and the Catholic Church ( – 10/24/23 – Catholic Vote
  2. Part 1 | COVID and the Catholic Church – CatholicVote org – Part I of V – 10/17/23
  3. Part 2 | COVID and the Catholic Church – CatholicVote org – 10/18/23
  4. EPISODE 3: Catholic Schools and the Covid Crisis ( – 11/3/23

Many Bishops pushed the faithful to get the abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines, and going along with the tyrannical government to close churches and limit sacraments.

  1. Without the Right of Conscience, There Is No Common Good (
  2. Mark Mallet‘s Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops
  3. Why Churchmen Who Demand the Vaccine Are Literally ‘Tyrants.’ The Ultimate Resource | The Stream
  4. The Fake Theology Behind Vaccine Mandates (Janet Smith –
  5. Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted ‘lethal’ COVID jabs must answer to God –– 10/23/23
  6. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’ – (10/26/21) – The presence of graphene in the doses that have been administered, reported by numerous laboratories that have analyzed its content,[23]suggests that the forced use of so-called vaccines – together with the systematic boycott of existing treatments of proven effectiveness[24] – serves the purpose of contact-tracing all vaccinated human beings throughout the world, who will be or already are connected to the Internet of Things[25] [26]. As proof that this information is not the fruit of the fantasies of some conspiracy theorist, you should know that the European Union has chosen two projects dedicated to technological innovation as the winners of a competition: “The Human Brain” and “Graphene.” These two projects will receive one billion euro each in funding over the next ten years.[27]
  7. REAL COVID CRISIS: Church Silent While Unvaxed Persecuted – Courageous Clergy – 1/10/22, 17 minutes
  8. Cardinal Gregory, why must children take abortion-tainted jabs to get a Catholic education in DC? – – 1/16/24
  9. The Vaccine Mandates Are a Line in the Sand ( – 1/11/22 – Consider the examples of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher and the events preceding their martyrdom in England in the early 1500s.
  10. Catholic mother arrested for praying, protesting outside diocese’s COVID vaccine clinic: (– 3/8/22
  11. Vermont bishop dismisses parish priest for resisting COVID-19 mandates –– 3/9/22
  12. COVID Amnesty for Bishops? – The Catholic Thing – 11/22/22 – Nobody has taken responsibility for Catholics being:
    • deprived of the last sacraments as they died.
    • denied Mass for months.
    • refused family weddings and funerals because of arbitrary attendance rules.
    • offered invalid sacraments while bishops saidmedical personnel could do the actual anointing of a sick person while the priest stood behind the door praying.
    • given invalid Confirmation by the use of Q-tips. (I would maintain longstanding sacramental theology holds that it isinvalid).
    • given any accounting for these practices.  Without accounting, we cannot even begin to talk about “amnesty” or pardon.
  13. Healing from the wounds of the Church hierarchy’s betrayal during COVID – – 2/22/24
  14. Roger Stone reveals he was kicked out of Catholic parish over opposition to COVID restrictions – – 3/25/24

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Pilots at risk from COVID Vaccines

Pilots at risk from COVID Vaccines (16 articles)

  1. Heart Failure Among Pilots Up 1000% In 2022 | Armstrong Economics – 12/6/23
  2. Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’ ( – 5/8/22
  3. More Vaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out as Groups Pressure Airlines, Regulators to End Mandates ( – 6/17/22
  4. US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are “Dropping Like Flies with Crushing Chest Pain” Post-Covid-19 Vaccination – The Expose – Nota Akhir Zaman – early January 2022
  5. ‘God Has Called Me to Stand Up’: USAF Pilot Facing Discharge for Rejecting COVID Vaccine ( – 6/24/22
  6. Navy officer used COVID vaccine facts to beat discharge for resisting Biden mandate – – 6/14/22
    • “successfully argued that the order for military members to receive the experimental COVID 19 injection was not a lawful order” and that “the military has not made the FDA-approved version of the vaccine available to military members,” according to a press release.
  7. 30 percent of pilots may be unfit to fly due to COVID jab injuries, Dr. Peter McCullough warns – – 4/25/22
  8. American Airlines pilot speaks out against COVID jab mandates after suffering heart attack post-flight – – 4/26/22
  9. Brighteon – Vaxxed Pilot suffers cardiac arrest after flight – 5/20/22
  10. 18 Major Airlines, FAA, and DOT to Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates ( – 5/25/22
  11. Mid-Flight Heart Attack Kills Pilot After COVID Jab | The Truth About Vaccines (11/10/21)
    • There is a systematic effort going on right now to prevent the public from knowing about pilots getting very ill or very dead in the air. The airlines don’t want to lose money, and the administration doesn’t want the public to know the true dangers of the vaccine. I know for fact that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg ordered the airlines to classify incidents involving pilot deaths.”
    • The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has recorded 18,078 deaths following the COVID shots as of October 29th, about 67% of all vaccine-related deaths reported since 1990.  It’s estimated that fewer than 1% 0f vaccine adverse events are ever reported.
  12. FAA Change to Heart-Test Limit Triggers Worries Over Pilot Health, Public Safety – 1/25/23
  13. Why Are the EKGs of Pilots No Longer Normal? ( – 1/25/23
    • October 24, 2022, the FAA changed the EKG requirements necessary for pilots to fly — but not to make them safer.
    • With no public announcement or explanation, the agency expanded the allowable range for PR, a measure of heart function.
    • Widening this parameter means those with potential heart damage are now allowed to fly commercial aircraft, potentially putting passengers at risk, should they suffer a heart attack or other event while in the air.
    • Evidence suggests that pilots’ worsening heart health is due to adverse effects of COVID-19 shots.
    • An estimated 20% of pilots screened may have suffered heart damage due to COVID-19 shots, and the FAA may have been forced to widen the EKG parameters so pilots could continue to fly.
  14. Pilot ‘dies suddenly’ mid-flight after two pilot casualties in one month | Frontline News – 8/17/23
  15. Three pilots ‘die suddenly’ in one week | Frontline News – 8/22/23
  16. Helicopter Pilot Forced to Get COVID Vaccine Grounded After Experiencing Rare Strokes ( – 8/24/23

Pilots at risk from COVID Vaccines Read More »

Sudden Deaths Spike Since Vaccine Rollout

Sudden Deaths Spike Since Vaccine Rollout (15+ articles)

  1. “Deadly Quiet” – The FLCCC Alliance ( – 4/23/24 – Includes 15-minute video featuring a professional embalmer.
  2. Are Athletes Dropping Dead from the COVID Jab? ( – 1/16/23
  3. 84% increase in sudden cardiac death after mRNA vaccination says Florida State Surgeon General ( – 10/7/22
  4. Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021 ( – 1/6/22 – Steve Kirsh‘s interesting analysis of leading causes of death for both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated.
  5. The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know ( – Steve Kirsch – 10/18/23 – only 0.1% of those who died suddenly were unvaxxed, despite 25% of the U.S. being unvaxxed.
  6. Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine ( – 9/26/23 – Steve Kirsch.
  7. Sudden death epidemic: Excess mortality among young, middle-aged Americans skyrockets – – 12/13/22
  8. ‘Sudden deaths’ in Germany sharply increased after COVID jab rollout: insurance data – – 1/16/23 – While there were between 13 and 17 reported cases of sudden or unspecified deaths per day between 2016 and 2020, that number increased dramatically to around 100 per day. – 10/13/23
  9. Former NFL linebacker dies suddenly at 25, no cause of death given – – 1/31/23
  10. Former star athletes ‘die suddenly’ | Frontline News – 8/17/23
  11. Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest Child and puppet convinced children there’s ‘no choice’ about jabs, quarantines, masks, distancing, tests : r/indianews ( – 10/7/23
  12. Popular bodybuilder mom ‘dies suddenly’ | Frontline News – 10/24/23
  13. Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths ( – 12/11/22 – former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd
    • In 2020, the general U.S. population had higher excess mortality than group life holders, but in 2021, that flipped. Ages 25 through 64 of the group life policyholders suddenly experienced 40% excess mortality, compared to 32% in the general population. In short, a far healthier subset of the population suddenly died at a higher rate than the general population.
    • In the five years before COVID, there were 29-30 million disabled Americans.  After the COVID jabs, starting in May 2021, the disability trend changed dramatically. As of September 2022, there were 33.2 million disabled Americans. That’s an extra 3.2 – 4.2 million people becoming disabled. That’s a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021.
    • In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was nearly 79 years. By the end of 2021, life expectancy had dropped to 76 — a loss of nearly three years. Typically, a drop in life expectancy by a mere month or two is a big deal, so a three-year loss is a sign that something catastrophic has occurred.
    • It’s also rather incriminating that The New York Times article that reported this historical decline in life expectancy was quickly deleted, as were all reposts. To me, the decrease in life expectancy is, on its face, evidence that the COVID shots are a dangerous fraud. Probably, the article was scrubbed to protect the pro-jab narrative.
    • If 2020 was so exciting to the media and the health officials that counted all the deaths with such glee, why are they not talking about the excessive death rates we’re now seeing globally, especially amongst the younger age working folks and the employed folks?
  14. #DiedSuddenly Hurts When It Hits Home ( – 12/15/23 – Todd didn’t want to get vaccinated, she explained. The nursing home where his mother had lain dying demanded it… To be fair, we don’t know for certain that Todd’s death was caused by the vaccine. But we don’t know that it unequivocally wasn’t, either — and we never will.
  15. White fibrous clots and sudden death especially among the young ( – 2/10/24.  Never before mid-2021.  This funeral director is convinced these deaths were caused by the vaccine.  Even now, 25% of sudden deaths have these tough, rubbery, white fibrous clots in the arteries (primarily) and veins. 100% were vaccinated.  60-70 other funeral directors have told him they are seeing the same thing, but they are fearful of speaking out publicly.  The cover-up in England is astonishing.

Sudden Deaths Spike Since Vaccine Rollout Read More »

Top Articles and Videos

Top Articles and Videos – these are my favorites on this site, updated on occasion.

  1. Why I am not a registered Organ Donor: Lifesite News: I’m a doctor. Would I receive an organ transplant? – 5/24/23
  2. The Crime of “Talking to Tucker Carlson” ( – Naomi Wolf – 4/28/23
  3. Lawsuit Louisiana & Missori vs Biden: US Govt colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech. 5/31/23 – Epoch Times – 15-minute video
  4. The Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That were True in 2022 | Armstrong Economics – 10-minute video
  5. Heartbreaking: The Cost of Gender Ideology – YouTube – 2/3/23 – corrupt teachers, counselors, doctors, and lawyers enable the worst child abuse imaginable
  6. Matt Walsh ‘What is a Woman’ documentary
  7. A Letter to Andrew Hill | Oracle Films – 3/4/22 – Tess Lawrie – how researcher Andrew Hill was apparently influenced to recommend against Ivermectin despite the data which supported an entirely different conclusion in early 2021, greatly impacting the COVID response by the medical establishment and paving the way for the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization for the COVID Vaccines).
  8. Frontline Nurse Nicole Sirotek’s Testimony On the Abuse Of Patients ( – 8-minute video – 2/8/2022
  9. UNVAXXED Patient: How I Was Rescued from Hospital Death ( – 11/22/22
  10. Miscarriages Among Vaccinated Women | Armstrong Economics– 47-second clip – 75% Of Vaccinated Women Have Miscarriages in the First Trimester in Fertility clinics
  11. They Knew. They Lied. – Free Now Foundation – Both Pfizer and the FDA knew that the mRNA COVID vaccine caused dire fetal and infant harms, including death. And, literally, five days later, they began an aggressive campaign to get pregnant women vaccinated anyway.”
  12. New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths) ( – 1/9/22 – Africa Has 17.46% of World’s Population, only 3% of World’s COVID Deaths. The low numbers of COVID-19 in the sub-Saharan African population continue despite a less than 6% vaccination rate.
  13. Brighteon – Steve Kirsch: Doctors Are Coerced and Bribed into Vaccinating Your Kids – 6/9/23 – No Autism in Amish Communities that avoid childhood vaccinations – 4-minute video
  14. Jay Bhattacharya: The Catastrophic Failure of Lockdowns, the ‘Single Biggest Driver of Inequality’ in the Last Half Century (
  15. Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths ( – 12/11/22 – former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd
  16. Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Industry Wide Among Working People: “Just unheard of” | Facts Matter ( – 6/29/22
  17. Plandemic 3–The Great Awakening ( – 6/12/23 – article plus 100-minute video

Top Health Care Articles

  1. A Letter to Andrew Hill | Oracle Films – 3/4/22 – Tess Lawrie – how researcher Andrew Hill was apparently influenced to recommend against Ivermectin despite the data which supported an entirely different conclusion in early 2021, greatly impacting the COVID response by the medical establishment and paving the way for the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization for the COVID Vaccines).
  2. Frontline Nurse Nicole Sirotek’s Testimony On the Abuse Of Patients ( – 8-minute video – 2/8/2022
  3. UNVAXXED Patient: How I Was Rescued from Hospital Death ( – 11/22/22
  4. Miscarriages Among Vaccinated Women | Armstrong Economics– 47-second clip – 75% Of Vaccinated Women Have Miscarriages in the First Trimester in Fertility clinics
  5. Brighteon – Steve Kirsch: Doctors Are Coerced and Bribed into Vaccinating Your Kids – 6/9/23 – No Autism in Amish Communities that avoid childhood vaccinations – 4-minute video
  6. Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths ( – 12/11/22 – former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd
  7. Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Industry Wide Among Working People: “Just unheard of” | Facts Matter ( – 6/29/22
  8. Six doctors and scientists at the NIH hold the patents for mRNA technology, and therefore benefit from every mRNA vaccine distributed.
  9. The Extraordinary Story of How Governments Suppressed Effective COVID Treatments and Targeted Physicians Who Prescribed Them –– 2/23/22
  10. 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects – – 7/23/21
  11. Speech Therapist: 364% Surge in Baby and Toddler Referrals Thanks to Mask Wearing ( – 1/26/22
  12. NY Times: CDC admits to concealing adverse vaccine data (– 2/21/22
  13. How CDC hides Cancer Deaths from the COVID Jabs ( – 10/14/22 – The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you’re hearing nothing about it. Why is that? 
  14. A staggering 45% of the entire FDA‘s $5.9 billion budget and 65% of the funding for human drug regulatory activitiesare funded by Big Pharma: Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates? (
  15. FDA OKs Updated Boosters for Babies with Zero Data ( – 12/20/22
  16. How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created – 47 steps involving the FDA and other parties. (5/26/21)

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Covid-19 Vaccine Round Table 2022-12-07

COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries | Childrens Health Defense ( – 12/7/22 round table hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) – 3 hours – Senate Roundtable, part I – by Josh Mitteldorf (

0:10:00 Liz Wilner – web developer – creator of Open VAERS – VAERS shows safety signals, but they are being ignored. 18% of U.S. deaths in VAERS occur in days 0, 1 & 2

0:12:45 Aaron Siri, ESQ – medical freedom attorney discusses V-Safe system – CDC’s premier system for tracking COVID vaccine events – 10 million participants.  Data comes from vaccinated people directly, not filtered by Big Pharma.  Collects information on symptoms and levels of medical care needed.  7.7% of participants needed some kind of medical care. An additional 25% missed some school or work. (See V-safe Chart)

0:21:30 Edward Dowd – former Investment Analyst – excess mortality revealed in Life Insurance actuarial data; US Bureau of Labor Statistics: 1.2 million people got disabled in 2021. (See UK Chart)

0:24:45 Josh Stirling – Wall Street Analyst – Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives – organization of Actuaries – excess mortality is continuing. Those ‘under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate,’ and individuals who received just one dose of the shots, ‘have an approximately 145% worse mortality rate… That ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States.’

0:30:00 Lt. Col. Theresa Long – Army Doc – military whistleblower (see DOD chart).  Jan. 2021: vaccine began to be introduced into the military.  Safety signals ignored by the military.

0:33:00 Dr. Ryan Cole – discusses viruses, COVID causes inflammation in the lungs and blood clots. Corona viruses always mutate ahead of vaccines.

0:39:40 Dr. Harvey Risch – Epidemiologist, Yale School of Public Health

0:43:00 Dr. Paul Marik & Dr. Pierre Kory – the importance of early treatment and repurposed drugs.  We know in March, 2020 about effective early interventions. This would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.  40% of drugs used in hospitals are “off label” repurposed drugs.  The Government / FDA / CDC recommends using Remdesivir, which is very expensive and even toxic.  It increases risk of kidney failure 20-fold, death 4%.  Yet, hospitals get 20% bonus for using it.

0:51:30 Dr. Peter McCullough – Internist, Cardiologist, Epidemiologist, most published in COVID-19

0:56:00 Dr. Paul Alexander – expert in evidence-based medicine. Countries who are mass-vaccinated have elevated COVID infections, hospitalizations and deaths across all age groups.  The rapid rollout of vaccines in the US during the pandemic (rather than before) will stimulate more variants continually.

1:01:00 Dr. Robert Malone – mRNA technology pioneer

1:06:50 Dr. Jancie Lindsay – 30 years in Toxicology, Toxicogenomics, and Forensic Toxicology. These gene therapies show up in ovaries and testes and therefore may likely be passed on to future generations.  It is absolutes irresponsible to use these gene therapies in those of reproductive age or earlier.

1:11:45 Dr. David Wiseman – former J&J Research Fellow. FDA Gene Therapy checklist not being used.  FDA using Vaccine checklist, not Gene Therapy checklist, even though the Covid-19 Vaccine injections clearly fit the definition of Gene Therapy.

1:14:00 Dr. Ryan Cole – CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to include the gene therapy mRNA injections.

1:16:00 Dr. Peter McCullough – leads discussion on how the COVID-19 vaccines work.

1:18:30 Dr. David Wiseman – the mRNA gene therapy injections cause your body to generate the spike protein to trigger an immune response.

1:24:00 Dr. Robert Malone – natural immunity produces broad-based immune response vs. mRNA injection causing a very narrow immune response to the spike protein, to which the COVID-19 virus can rapidly evolve to escape.  This is why the mRNA injections are becoming less effective.

Additional testimonies:

  1. ‘We should not mandate harm’: Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan warns COVID shots linked to myocarditis in boys – LifeSite ( – 12/9/22

Covid-19 Vaccine Round Table 2022-12-07 Read More »

Blood Clotting linked to COVID-19 Vaccines

Blood Clotting linked to COVID-19 Vaccines (9+ articles)

Below are articles and videos discussing the link between blood clotting problems and the COVID-19 vaccine injections.

  1. ‘Died Suddenly’: Documentary shining light on fibrous clots goes viral – – 11/22/22
  2. Mystery Clots Appear in 50–70 Percent of Deceased: Funeral Director | EpochTV ( – 9/6/22
  3. CDC Confirmed Post-Vaccination Death from Blood Clotting Two Weeks Before Alerting Public: Emails ( – 6/25/22
  4. Dr. Ryan Cole: From ‘Wildfire Cancers’ to Foot-Long Clots – the Dangers of the Spike Protein ( – 10/22/22
  5. How Spike Proteins Cause Massive ‘Twisted’ Blood Clots, as Well as 200 Related Symptoms: An Analysis | Facts Matter ( – 11/9/22
  6. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Mad Cow Disease, and Bizarre Blood Clots Raise Questions About Vaccines ( – 6/21/22
  7. Funeral Business Booming Since Vaccine Rollout – five articles/videos
  8. The disappearance of the safe and effective AstraZeneca vaccine in UK ( – 1/30/24 – because it was linked to blood clotting.  The narrative went from ‘Safe and Effective’ to ‘Extremely Safe and Effective’ to the vaccine quietly taken off the market with no explanation.
  9. COVID shots have 200-times higher risk of brain clots than other jabs: new report – – 6/19/24 – A new review by Dr. Peter McCullough and other medical experts found 5,137 cases of cerebral thromboembolism since the COVID-19 shots have been available, compared to less than 400 for the previous three decades.

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Cancer & Cardiac Problem Uptick Since COVID Vaccine Rollout

Cancer & Cardiac Problem Uptick Since COVID Vaccine Rollout (35+ articles)

Below are articles and videos about the significant uptick in cancers and severe cardiac problems since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine injections.

Cancer (13+ articles):

  1. Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’ – – 5/14/24 – “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts.
  2. ‘Probably the Most Important Topic of Our Time’: DNA Contaminants in COVID Shots Can Trigger Cancer, Alter Human Genome ( – 10/11/23
  3. Dr. Ryan Cole: Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response ( – 2/1/22 – 63-minute video
  4. Dr. Ryan Cole reports a ‘20 times increase’ of Cancer in vaccinated patients – 9/13/22
  5. Doctors Find Link Between Covid Vaccine and Cancer ( – 1/24/22
  6. COVID Boosters Trigger Cancer Metastasis ( – 1/5/23
    • Rapidly spreading cancers in patients who were in stable remission for years before receiving their COVID boosters.
    • Research shows SARS-CoV-2 spike protein obliterates 90% of the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells that help your body fight infection and chronic disease, including cancer.
  7. Brighteon – 25-minute video – Ben Armstrong Show – Doctors Say COVID Vaccines Are Causing Cancer and AIDS.  Also 3 Whistleblowers Have DOD Data – Jan. 2022
  8. Brighteon – Cancer Exploding in the Boosted – Feb. 2022
  9. Dr Jane Ruby: Cancer exploding in the boosted ( – 2/12/22
  10. mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein, Likely Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, Cancers: Dr. Ryan Cole ( – 4/18/22
  11. Thousands report developing abnormal tumors following COVID shots – (11/1/21)
  12. ‘Extreme Events’: US Cancer Deaths Spiked in 2021 and 2022 According to CDC Data | Facts Matter | EpochTV ( – 3/21/24
  13. COVID & Cancer: HHR June 16, 2024 – The FLCCC Alliance ( – 6/16/24

Cardiac (22+ articles):

  1. Dr. McCullough Drops Truth Bombs In Exclusive SHOT DEAD Interview [VIDEOS] – RVM News – 11/25/23 – COVID19 causes heart issues but the COVID19 Vaccines cause much more.
  2. Facts Matter: Study Shows Heart Issues in 69% of Children Detected Months After Vaccination ( – 4/19/22 – 8-minute video
  3. The stunning increase in myocarditis rates after the vaccines rolled out ( – 1/14/22
  4. Pro-Vaccine Cardiologist Now Calls for Immediate End to COVID Vaccines ( – 9/26/22
  5. Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra: How the COVID-19 Vaccines Impact the Heart ( – 12/17/22
    • “Roughly 15 percent of people who have taken the vaccines are damaged by them,” says McCullough, one of the most published cardiologists in America and the Chief Scientific Officer of The Wellness Company.
  6. Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study ( – 4/22/22
  7. 7-Year-Old Died of Cardiac Arrest 13 Days After Pfizer Shot, VAERS Data Show • – 3/11/22
  8. Young men 44 times more likely to develop heart inflammation following COVID jab: study – – 6/30/22
  9. Study finds heart inflammation risk 133x greater for teenage boys after Pfizer’s COVID shot – – 2/18/22
  10. COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs – 2/1/22
  11. Doug Billings Show – Expert Testimony from Dr. Bryan Ardis on the COVID mRNA vaccines ( – 1/24/22
    • Cardiac publication Circulation published a warning on the mRNA vaccines that they cause Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle, a condition that is statistically 50% fatal within 5 years
    • An abnormally high number of young male athletes are dying of heart attacks globally.
    • 1st time in history that people are considered unvaccinated for 14 days beyond when they were fully vaccinated (2nd shot of Pfizer & Moderna; 1st shot of J&J).  80% of the deaths in VAERS occur within 7 days of the shot; 50% within 48 hours. This policy is therefore hiding vaccine-related deaths and injuries and counting them as unvaccinated COVID events.
  12. Study of 23 Million People Shows small Risk of Myocarditis After COVID Vaccines – – 5/3/22 – how a safety risk once labeled “misinformation” becomes news that can no longer be dismissed. among young men receiving two doses of the same vaccine, between four and seven excess myocarditis and pericarditis events occurred in 28 days per 100,000 vaccinees after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and between nine and 28 excess myocarditis and pericarditis events occurred per 100,000 vaccinees after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine.
  13.  17% of teens had heart symptoms after second Pfizer COVID jab: new study – – 1/12/23
  14. 30 More Ways to Die From a Heart Attack According to “Experts” and “Media” – – 2/2/23
  15. VAERS heart data – by OUTRAGED HUMAN ( – 6/21/23
  16. 28-Year-Old Pro Basketball Player Dies of Heart Attack — Less Than 2 Years After Telling Fans Pfizer Shots Led Him to Develop Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis ( – 6/26/23
  17. US Military Confirms Myocarditis Spike After COVID Vaccine Introduction ( – 7/20/23
  18. 8th Shot of mRNA Vaccine, and the Coming ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’ | Facts Matter | EpochTV ( – 1/9/24
  19. CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It | The Epoch Times – 1/21/24
  20. Email Reveals Why CDC Didn’t Issue Alert on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis | The Epoch Times – 1/25/24 – They were worried about causing panic.
  21. (2) Largest Vaccine Study Ever Reveals What the “Conspiracy Theorists” Have Said All Along ( – 2/23/24
  22. Study Finds 9.6% Fatality Rate Among People Who Reported Myocarditis or Pericarditis After an mRNA COVID Vaccine • Children’s Health Defense ( – 8/30/24 – Study Finds 9.6% Fatality Rate Among People Who Reported Myocarditis or Pericarditis After an mRNA COVID Vaccine. “A 9.6% case fatality rate for a vaccine side effect largely in young healthy men is astronomical and clinically unacceptable.”
  23. Pfizer, Moderna mRNA COVID Shots Linked to Higher Risk of Acute Heart Disease – 10/28/24
  24. Mounting Evidence Suggests CDC Hid Data on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis – 11/27/24.  Israel’s Ministry of Health contacted U.S. public health officials as early as Feb. 28, 2021, about data showing a strong link between COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis.

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Fertility Problems Since COVID Vaccine Rollout

Fertility Problems Since COVID Vaccine Rollout (30+ articles)

Below is a collection of videos and articles about the impact of the COVID vaccine injections on fertility.

  1. Why Pfizer Stopped COVID Vax Trial on Pregnant Women ( – 7/11/23
    • In February 2021, Pfizer launched a randomized, placebo-controlled, observer-blind study to evaluate the safety of its COVID-19 shot — BNT162b2 — in healthy pregnant women.
    • The injections were set to take place between 24 and 34 weeks’ gestation, with participants randomized 1-to-1 to receive a COVID-19 shot or placebo.
    • The study was initially set to enroll 4,000 women, but Pfizer only signed up 349, then stopped enrollment entirely.
    • The CDC’s widespread endorsement of COVID-19 shots for pregnant women before the study was completed may have negated the need for the trial.
    • Pfizer stated that because so many pregnant women had already gone ahead and gotten the shot, due to the government’s endorsement, enrollment dropped and there was no reason to move ahead with the study.
  2. Dr. Trozzi attributes Ontario’s spike in reproductive diseases to COVID jab rollout – – 5/7/24
  3. FDA Study finds COVID Vaccine causes spontaneous abortions’ – 5/1/23 – Armstrong Economics
  4. COVID Vax May Affect Female Fertility, Pfizer Official Admits In New Project Veritas Sting | The Daily Wire – 2/3/23
  5. Brighteon – Ben Armstrong Show – 24-minute video – The New American: 75% Of Vaccinated Women Have Miscarriages in the First Trimester in Fertility clinics (normal is 13%)
  6. Maternal Death Rates in U.S. Rose Sharply in 2021 — CDC Should Make It a Priority to Find Out Why – – 4/12/23
  7. 3,816 Babies Died After Their Mothers Were Vaccinated – Report – DailyClout – 6/8/22
  8. Nurse blows whistle on alarming increase in fetal deaths after COVID jab rollout – – 12/6/22
  9. Fertility Clinic Data Shows 75% Of Vaccinated Women Have Miscarriages in the First Trimester ( – 4/8/22 – first 3 minutes of video
  10. Brighteon – Est. 400,000 excess miscarriages: Military Data Confirms 300% Increase in miscarriages – 10/27/22
  11. ‘What I’ve Seen in the Last 2 Years Is Unprecedented’: Physician on COVID Vaccine Side Effects on Pregnant Women ( – 4/27/22
  12. 30,000+ Women in UK Report Menstrual Problems After COVID Shots, But Menstrual Issues Not Listed as Side Effect  ( (9/21/21)
  13. Can COVID Vaccines Cause Temporary Menstrual Changes? : NPR
    • Two researchers have collected more than 140,000 reports from people who say they’ve noticed a change in their periods after vaccination; Lee and Clancy are formally documenting those cases in an open-ended study.
  14. 8 of 10 women pregnant in 1st two trimesters lost baby by miscarriage after being vaccinated (Armstrong Economics 9/24/21)
  15. Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada in Fully Vaxxed Mothers – Dr. Daniel Nagase – Easton Spectator (11/23/21)
    • 86 stillbirths in 6 months, when normal rate is 1 or 2 per month.  All 86 were fully vaccinated.
  16. COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Change in Menstrual Cycles: Study ( – 1/7/21
  17. Menstrual Irregularities, Uterus Shedding Cases Spike After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Peer-Reviewed Study ( – 6/3/22
  18. Women Said COVID Shots Affect Periods. A New Study Shows They’re Right. + More • Children’s Health Defense ( – 9/27/22
  19. Experimental, never before Tested Novel Genetic Therapy Pushed in Pregnancy. The Most Egregious Violation of Ethics in the History of Medicine by James A Thorp, MD. ( – 11/11/22 – Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
  20. COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis ( – 7/1/22
  21. Naomi Wolf argues COVID shots are causing excess deaths among newborns and unborn babies – – 6/2/22 – Left-wing feminist writer Naomi Wolf stated that women have been ‘assured that the vaccines were safe and effective’ based on faulty science, leading to excess deaths of unborn and newborn babies.
  22. COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs – 2/1/22
  23. More Than Half of Babies, Toddlers Surveyed Had ‘Systemic Reaction’ After COVID-19 Vaccine ( – 9/4/22
  24. Evidence of the devastating effects COVID jabs have on male and female fertility – – 7/25/22
  25. Male Fertility Impacted by COVID Vaccines
  26. WHO database reports over 2 million potential COVID jab injuries in 2021, vast majority in women – (10/7/21)
  27. Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’ ( – 7/28/23
  28. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer docs show the COVID jab ‘murders babies in the womb’ – – 8/18/23
  29. British MP says midwives see ‘more dead babies than alive babies’ some days after COVID shot rollout – – 2/22/24
  30. Dr. Peter McCullough: “Pregnant American Mothers Are Now Dying at Alarming Rates” ( – 3/24/24
    • According to a CDC report: “The maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a rate of 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019.”  That’s a 38.2% increase compared to 2020 and a 63.7% increase from 2019.
  31. New Study Links Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women to Preterm Births • – 5/1/24
  32. Infertility After Vaccination? Dr. Kimberly Biss Explains the Data | EpochTV ( – 5/21/24 – 2020 was normal; for 2021, the year the COVID-19 injections were rolled out, “I noticed that my miscarriage rate from year to year had gone up by 100 percent… Now that people are getting the documents from the trials, there were bad outcomes in there. The miscarriage rate was 80 percent in the Pfizer trials. They knew that,” she says.
  33. Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ & Media Reporting Failures – 10/30/24
    • Report 69: Pfizer and FDA knew in early 2021 that the Pfizer mRNA Covid Vaccine caused dire fetal and infant risks, including death.  They began an aggressive campaign to vaccinate pregnant women anyway.
    • Report 38: Women have 2-1/2 times higher risk of adverse events from the Covid Vaccine vs. men. Risk to female reproductive functions is higher still.

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