State of Education in USA

State of Education in USA (30+ articles)

  1. The Truth about America’s Department of Education with Former Ed. Secretary Betsy DeVos | PragerU– 9/6/23
  2. Library Bans Mom for Hiding Pornographic Books from Her Children – CatholicVote org – 7/20/23
  3. ‘HiTOPS’ Org Sneaks Sexual & LGBTQ+ Curriculum into Schools, Goal to Strip Parental Opt-Out Rights – YouTube – Project Veritas – 9/13/23
  4. Former L.A. County Superintendent on Why America’s Education Is Tanking | PragerU – 9/20/23
  5. Our Public Schools Are a National Disaster | The Epoch Times – 10/16/23
  6. Globalists panic as homeschooling explodes across US | Frontline News – 11/5/23
  7. Chinese Company Buys Control of US Schools | EpochTV ( – 11/3/23
  8. New Jersey Teachers Union Calls For End Of Basic Skills Test For Teachers | The Daily Wire – 11/17/23
  9. Left vs. Right: Education | PragerU – 12/5/23
  10. Left vs. Right: Business & Regulation | PragerU – 12/5/23
  11. Left vs. Right: Healthcare | PragerU – 12/5/23
  12. Left vs. Right: Freedom | PragerU – 12/5/23
  13. Left vs. Right: Taxes | PragerU – 12/5/23
  14. Virginia school board official sworn in on child pornography books | Frontline News – 12/24/23
  15. Philadelphia School Board President Takes Oath of Office with Hand on Sexually Explicit LGBTQ Books – CatholicVote org – 12/7/23
  16. Annabella Rockwell: I Entered College Happy. I Left Angry. | PragerU – 8/22/23
  17. Avoid ‘Civilizational Collapse’ by Fixing America’s Schools | Facts Matter Exclusive | EpochTV ( – 10/26/22 – 27-minute video
  18. Are Universities Doomed? ( – 12/22/22
  19. Why I Stopped Teaching | PragerU – 5/16/23
  20. What Are Your Kids Learning in School? | PragerU – 2/22/21
  21. College campuses have become fascism incubators, labs for testing extreme COVID surveillance schemes –
  22. The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam | PragerU – 8/8/2022
  23. What the Shocking Nation’s Report Card Scores Reveal About Catholic Schools – Doug Billings – 6/26/23
  24. How the Education System Is Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Alex Newman | EpochTV ( – 2/19/24
  25. Montana State Library Commission Breaks Ties with American Library Association Over New President – CatholicVote org – 7/11/23 – New ALA president is a self-described Marxist lesbian.
  26. PA Superintendent Scorches Critics Over Pride – YouTube – 7/1/23
  27. Israel resumes school closures | Frontline News – 9/11/23 – Studies performed as early as 2021 concluded that strictly virtual learning is significantly detrimental to children’s mental health, while others found that in-person learning did not contribute to overall transmission risks.
  28. Senate Hearing: Sen. Kennedy Reads Disturbing Content From Banned Books, Asking Who Decides on Appropriate School Books | EpochTV ( – 9/12/23
  29. How Schools Are Teaching Children to Hate Their Country, Their Neighbors, Themselves: Kimberly Fletcher | EpochTV ( – 11/4/23
    • “If you can’t show it on TV and you can’t air it on the radio, then you can’t have it in the classroom. So, that’s a pretty simple standard. It’s already a standard that’s set by the FCC [Federal Communications Commission]. You can go to, and you can see what is the standard. We have parental guidance, we have ratings on movies, we have literature that says, ‘Okay, this is for this age. This is for that age.’ Why don’t we have that in schools? Why is parental guidance in schools taboo?”
    • Gender Transformation – Untold Realities (documentary)
  30. The Most Notorious Grassroots Movement In America: Moms For Liberty w/ Tiffany Justice ( – 1/23/24 – Tiffany Justice is an activist on behalf of children and families.
    • 00:00 Getting Involved at Local Level
    • 09:41Teachers’ Unions
    • 15:14 So-Called “Book Bans”
    • 19:53 Queer Theory
    • 30:10 Is There Hope?
  31. Math and reading test scores among US 13-year-olds declined significantly since 2019. Observers claim pandemic school closures likely accelerated what was already a decadelong downward trend in basic academic benchmarks.
    • The test was administered to a representative sampling of roughly 8,700 students from 460 schools between October and December of last year. Average decline in scores was consistent across race, gender, and income level—averaging a nine-point drop in math and four-point drop in reading. The test is scored out of 500 points, with experts describing a change of 10 points as equal to a year of learning lost or gained. Researchers also noted student absenteeism as a contributing factor, which has doubled since 2020.
    • The latest report confirms similar results from other nationwide assessments of fourth and eighth graders over the last year. See the latest report card here.

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