My simple belief system  

My simple belief system             

  1. There is ample evidence from the fascinating world around us that God exists.
  2. There is ample evidence that Jesus really existed, that he died, was buried, and yet rose again. He is not merely a legend.
  3. Jesus claimed to be both God and Messiah. Either He is truly the Lord God, or a liar, or a lunatic.
  4. His mighty deeds, especially His resurrection, testify to the Truth of what He said and that He is God.
  5. The Bible was faithfully and accurately handed down to us over the centuries. We have thousands of biblical manuscripts scattered all over the world that are remarkably consistent.
  6. The Bible contains numerous prophesies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the New Testament, especially in the person of Jesus. This is strong evidence that the Bible was indeed inspired by the Holy Spirit and is therefore an important guide for our lives.
  7. Jesus established the Catholic Church and promised His Holy Spirit would guide it to all Truth (Jn 14:26). I have confidence in this because I believe Jesus is God.
  8. The Catholic Church, under the guidance of His Holy Spirit, is the guardian of sacred Tradition (1 Tim 3:15), both oral and written (2 Thess 2:15). This Church determined what books were inspired and would comprise the Bible.
  9. The Bible is not always simple to interpret, but that’s why Jesus established the Catholic Church to guide us.
  10. I defer to the consistent teaching of the Catholic Church over time in matters of faith and morals because I trust the Holy Spirit’s guidance of the Church more than my own flawed judgements.

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