Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

  1. Kamala Harris in her own words– 7/27/24
  2. A New Way Forward – Kamala Harris for President: Official Campaign Website – 9/9/24
  3. Poll: 71% – 86% of Dems and Biden independents unaware of controversial Harris positions – CatholicVote org – 8/22/24
  4. California Dem recalls Kamala Harris cursing out, mistreating staff and interns – CatholicVote org– 8/2/24
  5. Kamala Harris would ‘eliminate religious freedom,’ has ‘extreme’ anti-Catholic agenda: Catholic leaders – Lifesitenews.com– 7/26/24
  6. Kamala Harris & Catholics: Senator Attacked Brian Buescher Nomination over Abortion & Knights of Columbus | National Review– 8/11/20 – In late 2018, while evaluating the nomination of Brian Buescher to serve as a district judge in Nebraska, Harris posed a series of questions insinuating that his involvement in the Knights of Columbus — a charitable Catholic fraternal organization — disqualified him from serving on the bench.
  7. Judge rips Harris’ office for hiding problems (sfgate.com)– Harris has been criticized for her office’s decision to withhold evidence that could have exonerated prisoners. In one notable case, a judge condemned her office for not disclosing information about a police lab technician who had been accused of intentionally sabotaging evidence​. This led to the dismissal of over 1,000 drug-related cases. Harris later claimed she was “unaware” of these actions, a statement that many found implausible given her position. So, she was either completely incompetent or lying.
  8. The Hypocrisy and Ineptitude of Kamala Harris: An Exposé (substack.com)– 7/28/24 – As California’s Attorney General, Harris’s office not only prosecuted low-level drug offenses but also blocked evidence that could have freed an innocent man (Kevin Cooper) from death row. This isn’t a minor oversight; it’s a blatant disregard for justice and human life. Harris oversaw the convictions of nearly 2,000 people for marijuana offenses, Bay Area News Group reported in 2020. She put more black men in jail for drug charges than any other prosecutor in California, and let’s not forget her infamous hyena laugh when asked if she had ever smoked marijuana herself.
  9. Tucker Carlson, others react to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech: ‘A liar on the deepest level’ – Lifesitenews.com – 8/23/24
    • She didn’t mention China, she didn’t mention fracking, she didn’t mention Energy, she didn’t mention, meaningfully, Russia and Ukraine, she didn’t mention the big subjects of the day, that are destroying our Country. There are 60 million people in poverty in the U.S., under their watch, and she doesn’t even talk about them!
    • She talks about Compassion, but doesn’t talk about all of the people she’s allowed into our Country, 43% INCREASE IN VIOLENT CRIME NATIONWIDE, 60% INCREASE IN RAPE, SINCE SHE’S BEEN BORDER CZAR.
    • She’s done nothing for three and a half years but talk
    • She talked about the Rule of Law but, as Border Czar, she allowed 20 Million people into our Country, many of them criminals
    • She just called to give all Illegals CITIZENSHIP, SAY GOODBYE TO THE U.S.A.! SHE IS A RADICAL MARXIST!
  10. Kamala Harris says she will sign law forcing abortion-on-demand nationwide if elected president – Lifesitenews.com– 7/25/24 – Harris herself has consistently refused in interviews to name any point at which she would no longer support legal abortion, maintained 100 percent pro-abortion voting records during her time in the U.S. Senate, and back when she was Attorney General of California prosecuted pro-life journalist David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s violation of laws pertaining to harvesting aborted baby parts rather than the abortion industry lawbreakers themselves. In March, she became the first vice president to personally tour an abortion facility, a Planned Parenthood in St. Paul, Minnesota.
  11. Kamala Harris’ refusal to condemn late-term abortion shows how extreme Democrats are – Lifesitenews.com– 9/13/23 – It is no surprise that Harris doesn’t want to get specific about abortion, because Democrats actually support abortion until birth — and letting babies die even after they’re born.
  12. Kamala Harris is pushing the most extreme abortion agenda in US history – 9/12/24
  13. Top pregnancy help association warns of Kamala Harris’s extremist abortion agenda – CatholicVote org– 7/26/24
  14. Harris campaign goes after Catholic leader Terry Schilling – CatholicVote org– 7/26/24
  15. Kamala Harris kicks off her presidential campaign on Ru Paul’s Drag Show – Lifesitenews.com– 7/25/24
  16. Kamala Harris is a sexual revolution radical, whether it be on abortion or the LGBT agenda – Lifesitenews.com– 7/26/24
  17. CatholicVote Launches Campaign Against Kamala Harris – Fox News
  18. Catholic analyst: why Kamala Harris is a ‘bigot’ – CatholicVote org – 8/14/24
  19. Kamala Harris: the Most Extreme Abortion Cultist Ever to Run for President – Life Legal Defense Foundation– 7/26/24
    • As California Attorney General, Harris labored with all her considerable chutzpah to harass pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).  She supported and tried to enforce AB 775, the Reproductive FACT Act, which sought to force pro-life centers to refer for abortions
    • As California AG, presented with the scandal of Planned Parenthood’s sickening and illegal practice of peddling baby body parts for “valuable consideration,” Harris declined to investigate Planned Parenthood.  Instead, she met secretly with officers of the nation’s premier baby body part peddler to strategize – then, two weeks later, raided the home of David Daleiden.  Instead of going after the miscreants, she went after the whistleblowers of the Center for Medical Progress….
    • She voted twice against S.311, which sought to ensure medical treatment for babies born alive during botched abortions.
    • Harris twice co-sponsored the deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which sought to mandate abortion, for any reason or none at all, through all nine months of pregnancy and in all 50 states.
    • In March of 2024, Harris became the first vice president to campaign at an abortion mill.  Her child murder center of choice was a Planned Parenthood operation in Minnesota, and her appearance was part of a much-touted “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour.
  20. JD Vance: ‘Weird’ that Democrats want ‘sexually explicit books in toddlers’ libraries’ – Lifesitenews.com – 8/6/24
  21. Walz The COVID Tyrant | Armstrong Economics – 8/9/24
  22. Planned Parenthood execs admit to selling baby parts in bombshell videos Kamala Harris may have played role in censoring – CatholicVote org – 8/8/24
  23. ‘Rip off a leg or two’: Undercover video exposes how Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs – Lifesitenews.com – 8/8/24
  24. Kamala Harris talks about ‘reducing population’ in resurfaced clip – CatholicVote org – 8/9/24
  25. Kamala Harris Supported Legislation That Threatened Religious Freedom – News – First Liberty – 8/16/24
  26. Poll: Most Americans Believe 2024 Election Will Have Major Impact on Supreme Court’s Future – News – First Liberty – 8/16/24 – It’s possible the outcome of the election could put the far Left and its politicians in a position of power. They could gain the votes needed to push through their radical changes such as expanding the size of the Court. “Court packing“ remains largely unpopular,” with 2/3 saying they’re against it.
  27. 45 Communist Goals from 58 Years Ago – Ethan Allen Institute
  28. ‘Party of death’: Democrats’ convention includes free abortions and vasectomies – Lifesitenews.com – 8/19/24
  29. Democratic Party reveals new platform, adopting controversial far-left positions – CatholicVote org – 8/19/24
    • Page 57 of the Democratic platform vows that the Party “will vigorously oppose state and federal bans on gender-affirming health care.”
  30. Clergy Sex-Abuse Victim Cries Foul Over How Kamala Harris Treated Him Two Decades Ago| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)– 7/30/24
  31. Kamala Now Supports Trump Wall | Armstrong Economics – 8/29/24
  32. What Happened To CNN? Actually Criticizing Kamala? | Armstrong Economics – 9/8/24 – 50 Harris tweets criticizing the border wall, and now she is in favor of it?
  33. CNN segment scrutinizes Harris’ past record on border, ‘transgender’ surgeries, while in Senate – CatholicVote org – 9/10/24 – she said she favored taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained illegal migrants.
  34. CatholicVote launches ads attacking Kamala Harris over taxpayer-funded sex changes for kids – 9/15/24

Tim Walz

  1. Walz The COVID Tyrant | Armstrong Economics – 8/9/24
  2. Ilhan Omar thanks Tim Walz for legalizing abortion up until birth in Minnesota – Lifesitenews.com – 8/8/24 – Walz supports abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and made his state a ‘trans refuge.’
  3. The media is lying: Tim Walz is a pro-socialist liberal, not a moderate Midwesterner – Lifesitenews.com – 8/7/24
  4. Tim Walz ran ‘snitch line’ to report church gatherings, other COVID lockdown violations – Lifesitenews.com – 8/7/24
  5. Tim Walz justified China’s horrific one-child policy and repealed a ban on forced abortion – Lifesitenews.com – 8/19/24 – Tim Walz as governor of Minnesota overturned a law that made it a crime to coerce women to get abortions. Harris & Walz support zero limits on abortion, hope to overturn pro-life laws in the states, increase funding for Planned Parenthood, and shut down crisis pregnancy clinics.
  6. Tim Walz – Incompetent for Any Position | Armstrong Economics – 8/11/24
  7. Tim Walz’s teacher licensing rules could force faithful Christians out of Minnesota public schools – Lifesitenews.com – 8/29/24
  8. In Tim Walz’s Minnesota, ‘transgender’ male pedophiles are being sent to women’s prisons – 9/12/24
  9. Megyn Kelly Epic Rant on Taylor Swift endorsing Harris/Walz – 9/13/24 – hear what Tim Walz has done in Minnesota.

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