Illegal Immigration & Child Sex Trafficking

Illegal Immigration & Child Sex Trafficking (60+ articles)

  1. Interviews with JJ Carrell and Christie Hutcherson on the Open Border – June/July 2024
  2. The Dark Truth About the Open Border ( – 4-minute video – 2/13/24 – Former Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan shares the dark and dangerous truth surrounding the present border crisis.
  3. Hijacking Christian Compassion: You Have Been Lied to About the Border ( – 12/11/23
    • Since Biden took office, we’ve seen over 8 million migrants from 180 countries around the world.
    • Ends (better life for migrants)
    • Do not justify means (violating law, subjecting migrates to grave risk, allowing drugs, criminals, and national security threats to enter country)
    • Tolerating and even encouraging illegal immigration causes our borders to be insecure, allowing drugs, criminals, and national security threats to enter the country.
    • Open borders are unchristian, inhumane, and deadly. Thousands of dead migrants; 30% of women making journey are sexually assaulted (according to Doctors without Borders); thousands more are sex-trafficked after entering the U.S.
    • Dangers that migrants face as they journey through the deadly Darien Gap – YouTube– 2020 – 11 minutes
  4. “This Is Not Friendly” – Bret Weinstein Shows Tucker Carlson How China & The UN Are Driving the Invasion of America | ZeroHedge – 2/2/24 – mass migration & invasion of USA via the Darien Gap in Panama. Nearly all migrants are robbed; women & girls raped.  These are not political refugees.  They are fleeing economic collapse and hoping for opportunity.  US and UN are facilitating this.  All countries in South America are waving the migrants through on their way to the US.  San Vicente camp is all Chinese migrants, mostly military-age males, few if any children, hostile to journalists.  They largely bypass Darien Gap because they have money.  The massive migration is hiding the invasion.   Possibility that the bioweapon (COVID-19 Vaccine) was intended to separate the population into those that took the mRNA vaccine and are susceptible to future bioweapons attack, and those that did not (e.g. China’s population did NOT take the mRNA Vaccine).
  5. False Compassion and Cartel Structure – Border 911 ( – 12/12/23 – AMAC’s Rebecca Weber interviews Border911’s Tom Homan and Jaeson Jones.
  6. Biden’s border policies violate Catholic social teaching: report | Politics ( – 9/4/24
  7. Another 1.3 million migrants enter US under 2 Biden-Harris parole programs – 9/17/24
  8. Protect the Vulnerable ( – CatholicVote – 3/7/24
  9. Fault Lines Across the Nation… ( – Bobbie Anne Cox – 1/28/24 – under Biden, the number of actual illegal crossings are approximately 9,700/day using December 2023 numbers. That’s about 10x the number that Obama considered a “crisis”. When people are saying that Texas is defying SCOTUS, they are incorrect. SCOTUS did not order Texas to do anything.
  10. Terrorists Mock America While Crossing The Border | Armstrong Economics – 1/25/24
  11. The Invasion Of Illegal Aliens – It’s Insane | Armstrong Economics – 2/5/24
    • Sources are saying that the majority of people flooding in through the Southern Border are now from Africa and the Middle East, with a lot of Chinese thrown in for good measure. They denied two of my employees from Europe who have UK and German passports and have been coming to the USA before to come in for the WEC last November. All of a sudden, there is discrimination going on, and it’s about if they are educated and skilled, they are denied. The Biden administration is completely out of control. We cannot afford another four years of this insanity.
    • The total “official” number of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total combined population of: Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming.
  12. The Real Coup By Illegal Aliens Storming Biden’s Open Gates | Armstrong Economics – 3/22/24 – Most states can’t even restrict voting. Illegal aliens are included in the census. That means the Electoral College votes are allocated by the census, and seats in the House of Representatives are also based on the census. If all Americans left California and they are all illegals, they still get the largest vote as illegals. If we look at the 2020 census, Texas has gained two more votes in Congress and the Electoral College for the next decade. Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon each gained one seat, based on the 2020 census. The seven states lost one vote each. They were California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
  13. United Nations Exposed for Facilitating Mass Migrant Trafficking Into the US | Live With Josh | EpochTV ( – 1/31/24
  14. ‘Cash in Envelopes’: How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis | The Epoch Times – 2/13/24
  15. Who’s Funding Illegal Immigration? You Are. ( – 2/13/24
  16. Congress Has Once Again Hands Money To Zelensky Keeps US Border Open | Armstrong Economics – 2/17/24
  17. Weapons of Mass Migration | NEW Documentary | EpochTV ( – 5/9/24
  18. Exposing the Ultimate Objective of the Push for Mass Migration: Alex Newman | EpochTV ( – 5/24/24
  19. A Hole in the System – The Border Crisis Exposed ( – 2/14/24
  20. Biden’s open border policies have outsourced immigration to violent cartels – – 2/16/24
  21. The Bombshell Letter Every American Must Read — Yore Children – 2/2/24 – Elizabeth Yore
    • The total number of got-a-ways in the last three years of the Biden Administration is 1.7 million. This is a staggering figure of unknown invaders, especially in light of the fact that there are only 461,657 active members in the U.S. Army.
    • letter from 10 former FBI execs – “It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi-division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent, or allegiance is completely unknown,
  22. Brighteon – Michael Yon joins Mike Adams IN STUDIO with bombshell revelations about NGOs orchestrating the MASS INVASION of America – 2/12/24
  23. Brighteon – Tucker Carlson on the illegal aliens sent to Martha’s Vineyard. 9/15/22
  24. Venezuela Empties Prisons and Sends Criminals to US Border: House Republicans ( – 9/23/22
  25. Record Amounts of Fentanyl Entering the U.S. Via Mexico, 323% Spike in one Border Region | Judicial Watch – 9/7/22
  26. Over 250,000 Dead Americans | Armstrong Economics – 11/3/23 – Fentanyl Smugglers can simply walk across the border and back, as we have absolutely zero national security. Where is the outrage? Over 1,500 Americans die each week because we have permitted out enemies to enter our border and destroy the nation from within.
  27. California AG Discusses Fentanyl Crisis In Press Release With No Mention Of Border Crisis | The Daily Wire – 10/12/22
  28. Federal Agency Waives 26 Laws to Allow Border Wall Construction | The Epoch Times – 10/4/23
    • A synthetic opioid, fentanyl can be 50 times stronger than heroin and was responsible for 70 percent of deaths by overdose or poisoning in 2022. Enough fentanyl has been trafficked into the United States through the southern border to kill every American citizen, with the Drug Enforcement Administration saying it has seized more than 387.9 million potentially lethal doses in 2022.
  29. President Biden laughs while mother weeps at teen deaths from illegal fentanyl from Mexico ( – 2/29/24
  30. Border Patrol Sector Chiefs Say Migrants Know They will be Released in U.S. Fueling Immigration Crisis | Judicial Watch – 12/11/23 – The Biden administration impedes Border Patrol agents from fulfilling their duty of securing the southwest border by prohibiting consequences for most individuals crossing into the United States illegally and instead practicing a mass release policy that encourages more illegal immigration. In fact, the expectation of “prompt release into the interior” has helped craft the nation’s historic border crisis, according to scathing material provided to a congressional panel by Border Patrol sector chiefs. In Arizona’s Yuma Sector alone, about 70% of illegal immigrants apprehended since Biden became president have been released inside the U.S.
  31. Secret Deal Between US, Mexico Led to an ‘Ant Operation’ of 70,000 Illegal Aliens (– 4/16/22
  32. “Mass Migration Blueprints” Reveal NGOs “Carefully Planned” US Migrant Invasion, Report Says | ZeroHedge – 12/25/23
  33. The Cost of Illegal Immigration | Armstrong Economics – 9/16/22
  34. Top ICE Official Admits Biden Administration Detaining, Removing Fewer Illegal Immigrants ( – 9/22/22
  35. Immigration Archives –
  36. How Florida Set the Standard for America: Interview with Senator Marco Rubio – Florida Senator Marco Rubio discusses Florida Vs. Disney, FBI infiltrating Catholic Churches, a Cuban-American’s perspective on immigration, and what to do about Tiktok.
  37. Brighteon – CPS Whistleblower Exposes Horror: It’s Real, Child Sex Trafficking, Torture, Abuse, Murder – 6/10/22
  38. HHS & Children Sex Trafficking? | Armstrong Economics – 12/3/22
  39. ‘New Era in Space Exploration’: Scientists React to New Webb Images (
  40. HHS Spent $13 Billion Sponsoring And Losing Migrant Kids ( – 6/5/23
  41. 71 Percent of Illegal Aliens Sent to ‘Republican Congressional Districts’: Study | Facts Matter ( – 6/28/23
  42. Border Deception: How the US and UN Are Quietly Running the Border Crisis ( – 9/29/22 – 40 minute video
  43. DHS Deputy: Biden’s Border Policy Expands Cartels’ Wealth and Reach ( – 7/25/23
  44. NYC Democrats Tell Biden City at ‘Breaking Point’ Over Illegal Aliens ( – 7/28/23
  45. Gotaways: The Hidden Border Crisis | Documentary ( – 7/28/23
  46. Justice Department scrubs child trafficking info | Frontline News – 8/3/23 – The Biden administration has also come under heavy criticism for fostering child sex trafficking by maintaining unofficial open border policies.
  47. Catholic Charities’ Years of Funding Illegal Immigration | The Vortex ( – 8/3/23
  48. More Taxpayer Funding for NGOs that Assist Illegal Aliens Amid Border Crisis | Federation for American Immigration Reform ( – 8/25/23
  49. IN-DEPTH: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition | The Epoch Times – 8/31/23
  50. Armstrong Economics – 9/16/23 – Are Social Justice Warriors willing to put their money where their mouth is?
  51. Staten Island Protesters Arrested After Blocking Bus Carrying Illegal Immigrants | The Epoch Times – 9/20/23
  52. Open Borders Boondoggle: Biden Sends Millions to NGOs who are aiding Illegals(– 9/28/23
  53. This Video Left Me Speechless (– Catholic Vote – The dark side of Illegal Immigration – 9/30/23 – Senator Katie Britt, R-AL
  54. Why ImmigrantsShould Love Columbus Day | PragerU– 10/2/23
  55. 2023 ICE Report Shows ‘Massive Humanitarian and Legal Crises’ – CatholicVote org – 1/9/24
  56. US Kids Forced Out Of School For Illegal Migrants | Armstrong Economics – 1/11/24
  57. CV Explainer: Why Sanctuary Cities Are Doomed – CatholicVote org – 2/22/24
    • New York City
    • Los Angeles
    • Chicago
    • Philadelphia
    • San Diego
    • San Jose
    • Colombus
    • San Francisco
    • Seattle
    • Denver
  58. Poverty And Migration Explained For Visual Learners (video) | Armstrong Economics – 2/25/24 – 6-minute video.
  59. How to Stop the Border Crisis | PragerU – 5/6/24
  60. Internal Emails Indicate ‘Deplorable’ Conditions at Catholic-Run Child Migrant Facility – CatholicVote org – 5/19/24
  61. Brighteon – 5/28/24 – Horrors of Illegal Immigration From a Legal Immigrant’s Perspective – Janet Perez Eckles
  62. Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West | ZeroHedge – 8/13/24
  63. Kamala Supports Trump Wall | Armstrong Economics – 8/29/24
  64. Venezuelan Gang Overruns Colorado Apartment Complex – 9/4/24
  65. Brighteon – COVID CAMPS & SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME, Warning the Global Community of the Satanic Depopulation Agenda – CURTIS COST With LAUREN WITZKE – 9/26/22 – Stew Peters Show – 18-minute video.
  66. Give Me A Reason To Stay – Please! | Armstrong Economics – 9/9/24

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