General Voting Guide

General Voting Guide

Here are links to the major party platforms:

Below is my assessment of the key differences between the parties (discounting campaign rhetoric where politicians say anything to get elected):

Issue Democrats Republicans
1.    Economy 1.    Capitalism is flawed; we should move toward Socialism (eventually Communism?) and more regulations.

2.    Promote welfare for the poor and middle class over the wealthy.

3.    Expand government; spend more, tax more.  No intent to balance the budget; likely to continue massive deficit spending.  Eventually cancel the debt via a great reset.

4.    Shift more of the tax burden to the wealthy and corporations without regard to the resultant drag on the economy.

5.    Support Digital Currency and elimination of cash, despite hardship to the poor, the elderly and small business.

6.    Price controls are a viable option to contain inflation.

7.    Support tax on unrealized capital gains.

1.    Capitalism is good, having lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.  Link1  Link2

2.    Tariffs that protect American industry are OK, but generally leave capitalism alone with reasonable regulations.

3.    Limited government; spend less, tax less.  Little appetite for balancing budget; likely to continue deficit spending, but reduced.

4.    Stop outsourcing, reduce dependency on adversaries.

5.    More likely to contain or reduce taxes at all levels.  Recognize all taxes are a drag on the economy.  Overtaxing business will reduce investment and cost jobs.

6.    Keep US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Allow digital currencies, crypto currencies.

7.    Price controls have never worked.  They result in shortages, reduced quality, and underground economies.  Must reduce government spending to curb inflation.

8.    Tax on unrealized capital gains would be catastrophic to the economy and jobs.

Energy 1.    Emphasize consuming less energy vs. producing more.

2.    Emphasize wind and solar energy sources.

3.    Resist drilling, grudgingly tolerate fracking.

1.    Strive for Energy Independence as a nation.

2.    Wind & Solar OK but these cannot supply enough.

3.    Continue Drilling & Fracking to meet energy demands.

Climate Change 1.    Climate change is a major threat.

2.    Consider Carbon Dioxide to be a pollutant.

3.    Allocate massive funds to reduce carbon emissions and promote other globalist goals.

4.    Promote / mandate electric vehicles, ignoring the downsides to battery production and the associated environmental impact

1.    Climate changes naturally; man’s influence is overblown.  Link

2.    Carbon Dioxide is good for plants and not a pollutant.

3.    Cancel/avoid electronic vehicle mandates.

4.    Avoid costly, overly burdensome regulations.

Foreign Policy 1.    Move toward One World Government.

2.    Submit to World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO).

1.    America first.

2.    Reduce NATO funding.

3.    Do not give up U.S. sovereignty to WEF, WHO.

Immigration 1.    Open borders; maximize migration; diversity is a strength. Recent Flip?

2.    Emphasize compassion for the poor of other countries, even giving them preferential treatment over our domestic poor.   Link  Link2  Link3

3.    Turn a blind eye towards the increased risks of crime, terrorism, drug and human trafficking.

1.    Seal the border; stop the migration invasion. Link1

2.    Emphasize national security and reduce exposure to crime, terrorism, drug and human trafficking. Link2  Link3  Link4  Link5

3.    Deport illegals.

4.    Top issue in party platform.

Constitution 1.    Radically reform constitution; government may restrict free speech, religion, and keeping / bearing arms. Trend toward Totalitarianism.

2.    Partner with Big Tech to censor speech and promote government agenda.

3.    Pack supreme court so the party in power can get the decisions they want.

1.    Defend current constitution with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to keep and bear arms.

2.    Retain the Supreme Court as independent of the Executive and Legislative branches of government.

3.    The only exceptions to free speech should be restrictions on inciting to violence and pornography.

Law Enforcement 1.    OK to use Dept. of Justice, FBI, CIA and IRS to attack political opponents. Link

2.    Enforce laws against political enemies but not against own party.

3.    Encourage harassment of political opponents.

4.    Release criminals rather than risk violating their rights.  If you disagree, you are racist.

1.    Justice should be objectively applied to all.

2.    Stop weaponization of government agencies against political opponents.

3.    Enforce the law; stop letting criminals go free.

4.    Enforce the law; stop letting criminals go free.  It’s about justice and security, not race.

Military 1.    Inconsistent support for Israel, Hamas

2.    Support Ukraine without limits

3.    Oppose Russia at every opportunity

4.    War can be a means to achieve political ends.

1.    Support Israel.

2.    Support Ukraine up to a point.

3.    Avoid WW3 and entanglements that don’t support America’s interests.

4.    Strong military; peace through strength.

Abortion 1.    Radically pro-choice, even pro-abortion.

2.    OK up to 9 months and even beyond.   Link1  Link2  Link3

3.    Key plank of party platform.

1.    Varying degrees of pro-life.  A few are pro-choice.

2.    Most support banning abortion at several weeks.

3.    Not prominent in party platform.

LGBTQ+ 1.    Male/female differences are not significant and don’t matter.

2.    Biological males identifying as females may go into women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports.

3.    Drag queen story hours and pornographic books at public libraries are fine.

4.    Those who want to adopt children must accept LGBTQ+ ideology or be barred from adopting.

5.    OK to transition children to opposite gender without parental consent. Link  Link2  Link3

1.    Male and female humans have significant differences.

2.    Protect women from biological males; Do not allow biological males in women’s sports, locker rooms, restrooms, nor prisons. Link

3.    Disallow Drag Queen story hours and pornographic materials at public libraries, emphasize common sense, common decency.

4.    Criminalize gender transitions for minors without parental consent.

5.    The perceived needs of a tiny minority do not outweigh the needs of the many.

Education 1.    Promote Critical Race Theory, LBGTQ+ gender ideology, sex education and abortion, the younger the better.

2.    More centralized control via Federal Dept. of Education. Link

3.    Professional educators know how best to education children.  Resist parental control. Link

4.   People who have never been to college, or who went to college and paid off their loans, should pay the debts of students who still have college loans to pay off.

1.    Cut Federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, Radical Gender Ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.

2.    Reduce or eliminate Federal Dept. of Education in favor of individual states.

3.    Parents know what is best for their children.

Voting Laws 1.    Allow non-citizens to vote.

2.    Grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.

3.    Allow for early voting, mail-in voting, ballot harvesting.

4.    Resist Voter ID, proof of citizenship, cleaning up voter rolls.

5.    Downplay the extent of voter fraud.

6.    We should count non-citizens in the census which determines how many votes each state gets in Congress.

1.    Must better secure our elections to eliminate fraud.

2.    Strongly prefer in person voting.

3.    Some favor early voting; others same day voting.

4.    Paper ballots to preclude hacking voting machines.

5.    Voter ID and proof of citizenship required.

6.    No ballot harvesting, mail-in voting tolerated if tightly controlled.

7.    Clean up voter rolls to remove those who have deceased or moved.

My intent on the above comparison is to help you focus on the stark differences between the two parties.  This election should not be about choosing the most likable person, but rather choosing the ideology that will guide the country going forward.

Here is a comparison by First Liberty between the two presidential candidates: Trump vs. Harris: Their Record on Religious Freedom and Other Key Issues – News – First Liberty – 8/30/24.  First Liberty’s focus is primarily 1st Amendment rights.

If you vote in Kamala Harris and the Democrats, then this is what will likely be the result:

  1. Laws will be enacted that ensure the Democrats will never lose another election. Non-citizens and felons will be allowed to vote.  See link1, link2, link3.
  2. Free speech and other 1st amendment rights will be lost. See link, link2, link3.
  3. Government censorship and propaganda will be pervasive (link), and Government protests will be put down harshly.
  4. Political opponents will continue to be aggressively attacked and suppressed via weaponization of FBI, CIA, IRS, and the Department of Justice (link, link2). Enforcement of law will even more depend on the person’s political persuasion.
  5. Crime, drug and human sex trafficking will continue to escalate, fueled by an open border.  See link, link2, link3. Pedophilia will be tolerated and eventually decriminalized (link).
  6. Terrorists flooding across the border will eventually mobilize and strike (link).
  7. Supreme Court will be “packed”, or expanded so that the Democrats can appoint enough new justices to ensure the Court supports all Democrat party policies. See link1, link2, link3.
  8. More activist judge appointments will further erode the original intent of the Constitution.
  9. Government health insurance will replace all private health insurance.
  10. Government will control food and other commodities in short supply.
  11. Drag Queen story hours and pornographic materials for children at public schools and libraries will continue and proliferate (link).
  12. The country will devolve steadily into socialism and then communism or Totalitarianism.
  13. As the border becomes meaningless, USA sovereignty will give way to a global one world government and religion. See link, link2.

Some Relevant Links:

  1. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
  2. Election Fraud Articles and Videos
  3. Illegal Immigration and Child Sex Trafficking
  4. Transgender / LGBTQ
  5. State of Education in USA
  6. Democrats want to Pack the Supreme Court – add Justices while they are in power to shift the balance their way.

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