
My simple belief system  

My simple belief system             

  1. There is ample evidence from the fascinating world around us that God exists.
  2. There is ample evidence that Jesus really existed, that he died, was buried, and yet rose again. He is not merely a legend.
  3. Jesus claimed to be both God and Messiah. Either He is truly the Lord God, or a liar, or a lunatic.
  4. His mighty deeds, especially His resurrection, testify to the Truth of what He said and that He is God.
  5. The Bible was faithfully and accurately handed down to us over the centuries. We have thousands of biblical manuscripts scattered all over the world that are remarkably consistent.
  6. The Bible contains numerous prophesies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the New Testament, especially in the person of Jesus. This is strong evidence that the Bible was indeed inspired by the Holy Spirit and is therefore an important guide for our lives.
  7. Jesus established the Catholic Church and promised His Holy Spirit would guide it to all Truth (Jn 14:26). I have confidence in this because I believe Jesus is God.
  8. The Catholic Church, under the guidance of His Holy Spirit, is the guardian of sacred Tradition (1 Tim 3:15), both oral and written (2 Thess 2:15). This Church determined what books were inspired and would comprise the Bible.
  9. The Bible is not always simple to interpret, but that’s why Jesus established the Catholic Church to guide us.
  10. I defer to the consistent teaching of the Catholic Church over time in matters of faith and morals because I trust the Holy Spirit’s guidance of the Church more than my own flawed judgements.

My simple belief system   Read More »

Miscellaneous Religious Topics

Miscellaneous Religious Topics

Cremation and the Catholic Church

  1. Catholic Burial and Cremation | Simply Catholic – unknown date. While the Church recognizes that cremation itself is not in direct opposition to Catholic teaching on the soul’s immortality or the hope of the resurrection of the dead, the practice happens today under a variety of pretenses that deny what the Church believes about death and resurrection of the dead.
  2. Cremation and Catholicism: What Are the Rules? – Christianity FAQ – 6/1/23 –Ashes are not to be scattered, divided, encased in jewelry, nor kept in private homes. Ashes must be laid to rest in a sacred place.
  3. Why did the Catholic rule on cremation change in 1963? – Catholic Philly – 2/11/22
  4. The Vatican softened its stance on what Catholics can do with a loved one’s ashes. But there are still rules – ABC News – 12/12/23
  5. Vatican: Small part of cremated ashes can be kept in personal place in certain cases | Catholic News Agency – 12/12/23
  6. Pope’s Doctrine Czar Stirs Controversy on Cremation ( – 12/13/23
  7. Water cremation not viable for Catholics, bishops say ( – 7/10/23


Afterlife; Near-Death Experiences; Hauntings

  1. Dead for 2 hours, man returns having seen ‘glorious white light’ ( – 11/9/22
  2. Near-Death Survivors Experience ‘Purposeful Life Review Without External Signs of Consciousness’: Study | The Epoch Times – 9/15/23
  3. Man died after car crash. Here’s what he saw ( – 3/14/24 – 77-minute video
    • May 30, 2017 head-on collision. 46-year-old man was trapped in car 2-1/2 hours.  ICU for 7 days; 7 operations.  Should not have survived. In agony for weeks, living second by second.
    • Loss of God worse than all the pain.
    • In a timeless place after being transported through a backwards tunnel
    • Infused knowledge of the World
    • God constantly holds our soul in His hand.


Aliens, Demons, UFOs

  1. The Rise of Witchcraft, Demons, and Sorcery in Our Modern Age ( – 7/29/23 – strong connection between the diabolical and leftist causes
  2. Demons and Angels – A Conversation with an Exorcist | The Lila Rose Podcast – YouTube – 8/17/23 – 88-minute video
  3. There are no aliens. – Daniel O’Connor’s Blog ( – 3/6/2021 – not convincing
  4. UFO and alien deception: a diabolical preparation for the Antichrist ( – Late Sept. 2022 – not convincing
  5. Are UFOs and Aliens Real? What we can know ( – 6/12/23 – not convincing
  6. Would Aliens Need Jesus? | Pints with Aquinas Blog
  7. UFOs and Catholic Cosmology – The Lepanto Institute – 6/7/23


Visions, Supernatural

  1. Blood of Saint Januarius Liquifies Every Year on his Feast Day – CatholicVote org – 9/19/23
  2. October 2023 Warning – The Now Word ( – 10/7/23
  3. Big prediction: God’s ‘3 days of darkness’ in 2024? ( – 12/13/22
  4. Wrestling with Angels & Fighting Idolatry: A Vision of Blessed Ann Catherine Emmerich – YouTube
  5. Amid increased risk of nuclear annihilation, the message of Our Lady of Akita looms large – – – 10/13/22
  6. Blessed Anna Maria Taigi: Housewife, Mother and Saint (
  7. America Needs Fatima – Incorruptible Anna Maria Taigi Predicts 3 Days of Darkness
  8. Meet the Texas Mission of Divine Mercy Nun Who Allegedly Received the Messages From Heaven ( – 4/17/24 – messages call Pope Francis a ‘Usurper’.
  9. Garabandal Prophecies



  1. Does the Bible Say Whether There are People in Hell? – St. Paul Center ( – 6/28/24
  2. What is hell like? Check out these visions received by Catholic saints | Catholic News Agency – 1/27/24
  3. What Is the Occupancy of Hell? – National Catholic Register ( – 1/16/24 – Ralph Martin (President of Renewal Ministries and the Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Detroit)
    • Dogma: a declaration of the Church concerning a truth revealed by God that is necessary for our salvation.
    • Heresy Universalism: most everyone will eventually end up in heaven.
    • Basing itself on sacred Scripture and sacred Tradition, the Catechism clearly teaches that anyone who dies unrepentant in mortal sin will go directly to hell (CCC 1033).
    • The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’ (CCC1035)
    • No one should be deemed ignorant of the natural law, that is, the common human perception that unjust killing, stealing, lying, cheating and committing adultery is wrong. All human beings have an obligation to seek the truth about God and can’t comfortably rest in their supposed ignorance (CCC 1791)
    • “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell” (Matthew 5:27-30).
    • Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few” (CCC 1036; see also 1734, 1428).
    • Ralph Martin: The reality is that hell exists, and the unmistakable thrust of Scripture and the traditional interpretation of such Scriptures by the Church’s greatest theologians is that it is very likely that many people go there.
    • Cardinal Avery Dulles, perhaps the leading American theologian of the 20th century, asserted in a 2003 essay for First Things that up until the middle of the 20th century, there was no significant challenge to the traditional two outcome views of the Catholic Church — and that the prevailing theological consensus interpretation of sacred Scripture was that more were lost than were saved.
    • In parable after parable, God revealed to us that there will be a final separation of the human race at the end of time. The weeds will be thrown into the fire and burned; the wheat brought into the barn (Matthew 13:36-43). The wise virgins will enter the wedding feast, while the foolish virgins won’t (25:1-13); the good fish will be kept and the bad thrown away (13:47-50); the sons of the devil will be excluded from the Kingdom, as the sons of God will enter (1 John 3:10); those who were sympathetic to Jesus and even ate and drank with him but who didn’t believe in him or obey him will be excluded from the Kingdom (Luke 13: 22-30); those who believed and obeyed will enter. Also John 3:36b: He who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him.
    • And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life’” (CCC 1038; Mt 25:46).
    • If we hold the belief that hell is mostly empty, there is a natural tendency for humanity to pay more attention to “improving the world” than to focus on the bold proclamation that the name of Jesus is the only name that can save anyone (Acts 4:12). Or that people need to “save themselves from this wicked generation” (Acts 2:40), through repentance, faith and baptism. Or that in order to escape the wrath that is coming (1 Thessalonians 1:10), they need to join themselves to Jesus and the Church and obey his commands.
    • WATCH: What is the Occupancy Rate of Hell? (


  1. Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada – – 5/29/24
  2. Brain Dead People May Not Be Dead–Here’s Why | The Epoch Times – 6/2/24
  3. S. Catholic Expert Rev. Gerald E. Murray Calls Archbishop Paglia to Recant His Support for Euthanasia – CatholicVote org – 4/25/23
  4. Recently revised ‘brain death’ guidelines are not backed by scientific evidence – – 4/23/24 – Euthanasia


Organ Donation

  1. Why I am not a registered Organ Donor: Lifesite News: I’m a doctor. Would I receive an organ transplant? – 5/24/23
    • “I recommend that no one be a registered organ or tissue donor.”
    • “Brain death” is a legal fiction, coined to facilitate organ donation from a living body.
    • Doctors begin harvest surgery within 75 seconds to 5 minutes after the heart stops beating. Every medical professional knows that people are routinely resuscitated after such a short period of cardiac arrest.
  2. Declared Brain Dead: The Dark Side of Organ Harvesting. 6/6/23 – Children’s Health Defense.  “Brain Death” is NOT DEAD. Dr. Paul Byrne interviewed by Stephanie Locricchio
  3. Brighteon – Hospitals in America Have Become Organ Harvesting Killing Fields – 9/16/21
  4. Hard to Believe | EpochTV ( – 1/15/24 – 55-minute documentary that examines the issue of forced live organ harvesting from Chinese prisoners of conscience, and the response—or lack of it—around the world.
  5. 2023-Summer-LifeLine-low-res.pdf ( – Article ‘Dead Enough’ – pushing back on the idea of Brain Death.
  6. Brain Death and ORGAN HARVESTING: What You NEED to Know – 7/16/24 – LifeSite News



  1. The High Price of IVF: Defending Life at Every Stage – 11/27/24 – the hidden moral, ethical, and practical costs of this practice.
  2. Fr. Ripperger – Many Problems Today are Due to No Fear of the Lord ( – 4/16/24 – 73-minute video.
  3. Pope Francis proposes to meet Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Moscow ( – 7/26/23
  4. God vs. Atheism: Which is More Rational? | PragerU – Peter Kreeft – 4/7/2014
  5. Archbishop Viganò suggests a cardinal has proof Francis’ election was corrupt and his ‘pontificate’ null – – 8/14/23
  6. Blog – Women of Grace – – Catholic Therapist quits Mindfulness – 1/11/2018
    • As I explain in my book, A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness, the practice of mindfulness is derived from Buddhism and is specific to the seventh step in the Buddha’s Eight-Fold Path to enlightenment. Called Samma Sati, or Right Mindfulness, it means controlling thoughts by maintaining awareness and focus on the present moment. The way one is trained in mindfulness is through a variety of Buddhist meditation techniques such as Breathing Space Meditation, Movement Meditation, Body Scan Meditation, and Expanding Awareness Meditation, all of which involve intense focus on the self in the present moment.
    • 2009 study that found a long list of psychological and physical side effects of mindfulness meditation such as depersonalization, psychosis, feelings of anxiety, disorganized speech and insomnia, to name a few.
    • With mindfulness-based interventions, the aim is not to change your thoughts, but your global beliefs about thoughts – essentially, you’re expected to stop believing that your thoughts are necessarily true or important. This is where the Buddhist philosophy really kicks in: your thoughts are mere ‘mental events’ – just thoughts, nothing more – and they don’t necessarily warrant any action. All you’re aiming to do is be aware.” The Christian, on the other hand, is taught not to dismiss their thoughts as mere “mental events” but to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor 10:5). In this way they “put on the mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:16) and make their thoughts holy and Christ-like.
  7. Mystery of Wizard Clip | Forward Boldly ( – 11/7/23 – It’s considered the most documented haunting in America — a terrifying 18th-century poltergeist that was cured only by a Catholic priest.
  8. Altar Serving is For Boys Because Saying Mass is a Man’s Job – The Catholic Gentleman – 9/20/23
  9. Sri Lankan cardinal bans female altar servers, citing damage to priestly vocations – 12/18/24.
  10. Every Catholic Dad Needs to Hear This – YouTube – 10/3/23
  11. What the Bible Teaches about Priesthood w/ Dr. John Bergsma – The Bible Timeline Show w/ Jeff Cavins – YouTube – 10/1/23
  12. Blood Clot Risk Rapidly Drops After Stopping Common Contraception: Study Finds | The Epoch Times – 11/10/23
  13. US depopulation plan hits new milestone | Frontline News – 12/24/23
  14. Top Catholic Group Calls for Biden’s Excommunication ( – 3/9/24
  15. WATCH: The Real Religion of the Left ( – 4/10/24
  16. Brandon-Biggs-eerily-accurate-prophecy-of-assassination-attempt-on-trump/– mid March 2024
  17. Survey of U.S. Catholic Laity on the Real Presence (– 7/20/24
  18. Separation of Church and State is Sinful – 7/22/24 – Life Site News Opinion
  19. Dare We Fear That Most Men Be Damned? – Crisis Magazine – 1/19/23
  20. The Uncaused First Cause – YouTube
  21. Pope Francis, End Times prophecy, warning, miracle: Here’s how it all lines up ( – 6/11/24
  22. Falun Gong Founder Mr. Li Hongzhi Publishes ‘How Humankind Came To Be’ ( – 1/21/23
  23. What Should Catholics Think About Transhumanism? – Pints with Aquinas – 12/16/22
  24. Live Action and Planned Parenthood: A New Test Case for Lying – St. Paul Center ( – Spring, 2012
  25. Your Parents Don’t Deserve This | PragerU – 11/13/23
  26. Everything you need to know about Catholic teaching on the Antichrist –– 4/15/24
  27. Father Jim Blount Meets the Antichrist – YouTube
  28. Flame of Love – of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  29. Shocking New Report Proves Most American Catholics Are Heretics – YouTube
  30. Homeschooling is necessary for the survival of the Catholic family ( – Mother Miriam 9/27/22
  31. Amid increased risk of nuclear annihilation, the message of Our Lady of Akita looms large – – – 10/13/22
  32. The Evils the Church Predicted ( – 12/5/23
  33. This program has changed the lives of 100,000 Catholic men ( – Exodus 90 Start Exodus 90 today!
  34. The Key to Happiness Explained in Under 5 Minutes | The Afterlife Coach ( – 1/11/24
  35. One of the Best Arguments for Why God Is Necessary | PragerU – starting at around 5-minute mark.
  36. Archeology appears to confirm biblical account of Sodom’s destruction – – 1/25/24
  37. What Is a Victim Soul? | Simply Catholic – 1/20/34
  38. The Beginning of Wisdom | PragerU – 2/12/24 – Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom (Pr. 9:10)
  39. Gen Z’s Gay Cultural Shift ( – 1/29/24
  40. Does God Exist? 4 New Arguments | PragerU – 2/17/14
  41. Justice for Cardinal Pell: The Truth About His Mysterious Passing is Coming – 7/4/24 – Anthony Stein.
  42. Catholic / Protestant Debate – Mr. Jimmy Akin and Dr. James White – Night 1 Sola Scriptura ( – May, 2024
  43. Disputed Questions on Papal Infallibility – Part 5 – OnePeterFive – 11/18/22 – Part1Part 2Part 3Part 4
  44. Artificial wombs are becoming a reality and not just science fiction – – – 12/13/22
  45. Repentant ex-fortune teller and New Age practitioner asks God to help those she may have put in spiritual danger ( – 12/28/22
  46. A Radical Proposal for the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival – Crisis Magazine – 1/9/23
  47. Prophecy: Death of Benedict XVI means a ‘new era’ with a possible ‘conditional chastisement’ from God – – 1/24/23
  48. What You Missed About the Fine-Tuning Argument | Catholic Answers – 1/16/23 – for the argument to be successful, we need to talk about fine-tuned constants in the laws of nature. The range of possible values for these constants is large and mostly life-prohibiting. The range for them being life-permitting is much, much smaller. Therefore, the fact that they are life-permitting is an example of fine-tuning.
  49. New documentary offers a path from porn addiction to freedom in Jesus Christ ( – 2/15/23
  50. CV Explainer: Dissent vs. Disagreement – CatholicVote org – 2/22/23
  51. Two Americas: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion – TFP Student Action – 1/24/24
  52. ​​Pew Research publishes statistics of self-identifying Catholics’ stances on abortion, politics, Biden – CatholicVote org– 4/16/24
  53. Priest decries abortion, transgender mutilations, pornography, drag shows as ‘demonic insanity’ – – 3/3/23
  54. The horrifying link between abortion and vaccine development – – 9/5/24
  55. All Senate Democrats vote against bill to criminalize infanticide – 1/23/25. Senate Democrats once again voted against providing legal protections for babies who survive abortion, citing their commitment to protect ‘access’ to abortion.
  56. Part I. How Pope Pius XI defended the history of Genesis, special creation of St. Adam – LifeSite – 1/30/25.
    1. Part II. Pope Pius XI refuted Darwinism 100 years ago, but his lessons have not been learned – LifeSite. 1/31/25.
  57. Cardinal Dolan falsely likens Ash Wednesday to ‘Catholic Ramadan’ – 2/28/25
  58. There Is No Manliness Without Risk – 1/20/25


Miscellaneous Religious Topics Read More »

American Bishops Fund Anti-Catholic Organizations

American Bishops Fund Anti-Catholic Organizations (12+ articles)

They have funded blatantly leftist, pro-abortion, pro-LBGT, and anti-Catholic organizations for years, a via the CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

  1. Catholic Bishops Fund Pro-Abortion Doulas for Third Consecutive Year, Despite 2020 Warning – The Lepanto Institute – 5/2/22
  2. Catholic Bishops’ Agency Admits to Deceptive Funding Scheme and grant fraud within the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) – 3/18/21 – Church Militant
  3. CCHD goes silent after its funding for pro-LGBT, pro-abortion orgs was exposed – – 7/24/23
  4. Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Grantee Collects Pornographic LGBTQ Books for Minors at Youth Center – The Lepanto Institute – 10/31/23
  5. Catholic Church Funds LGBT PORN Books For Kids! ( – 11/17/23 – 1st 12 minutes of video. President of the Lepanto Institute Michael Hichborn talks about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and how it’s funding organizations that want to get LGBTQ porn books into the hands of children.
  6. US bishops’ campaign gave money to pro-LGBT group that prays to demons – – 11/27/23 – The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) funds Planting Justice, an organization that openly engaged in demon worship, has an ongoing agenda to promote sexual perversion.  The CCHD’s claim that “Catholics can be confident that the [CCHD] does not fund organizations that violate the moral or social teaching of the Church” is completely false!
  7. US bishops do not end Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) despite years of funding anti-Catholic groups – – 6/18/24
  8. USCCB finally announces cuts to CCHD that gave money to left-wing causes – 7/1/24
  9. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Programs Present 5 Expressions of Grave Evildoing ( – 3/19/24
    • literature that targets children and adolescents promotes masturbation.
    • publicly endorses, refers to, and financially supports organizations that actively and very publicly promote direct abortion, contraception, and masturbation.
    • close working relationship with organizations that promote evil, posing substantial risk of grave scandal
    • undermines the credibility of the Church’s witness to the Gospel in Africa
    • misrepresentation of CRS as a Catholic organization to garner donations from the faithful Catholics at Mass
  10. Steven Mosher Dismantles Catholic Relief Services (CRS) – – 4/5/24
  11. Behind closed doors, overwhelming support for the bishops’ anti-poverty program CCHD | National Catholic Reporter ( – 6/14/24
  12. The Bishops, the Poor, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) | Jayd Henricks | First Things – 6/24/24
  13. US bishops’ charity arm CCHD gave funding to pro-LGBT, anti-police group backed by Tim Walz – 10/30/24


American Bishops Fund Anti-Catholic Organizations Read More »

Transgender LGBTQ+

Transgender / LGBTQ+  (65+ articles)

  1. Matt Walsh ‘What is a Woman’ documentary
  2. Rolling Stone’s hit piece on Matt Walsh only proves the success of ‘What is a Woman?’ – ( – 7/6/23The mainstream media in the United States has been bending over backwards to avoid covering the international pushback to the transgender agenda. An honest look at what Walsh is doing would note that health professionals in the U.K., Sweden, Norway, and Finland (among others) are on his side.
  3. What Is a Woman Changed My Life: Interview With Paula Scanlan – YouTube – 6/27/23
  4. “What Is a Man?” A Look at The Neuroscience ( – 1/12/24 – Dr. Greg Bottaro of the Catholic Psych Institute joins Mary on the EDIFY Podcast to unpack the neuroscience behind the “masculine genius” and how it relates to male and female complementarity.
  5. Meet Chloe Cole, the 18-year-old leading the fight to protect children from transgender surgeries | Catholic News Agency – 9/24/22
  6. Chloe Cole: Transition Surgery Was the Biggest Mistake of My Life | PragerU – 6/13/23 – Transgender
  7. Polls show Americans are overwhelmingly turning against radical transgender ideology – – 6/12/23
  8. ‘Small’ concessions to transgenderism are slowly reshaping our entire culture – – 7/21/22
  9. The Truth About Gender Clinics: Whistleblower Jamie Reed | EpochTV ( – 1/20/24 – 48-minute video
  10. ‘Small’ concessions to transgenderism are slowly reshaping our entire culture – – 7/21/22
  11. Fauci’s $478,188 Experiment to Turn Monkeys Transgender — and Other Ways the Government Wastes Your Money ( – 6/23/22
  12. The Transgender Threat – YouTube – 5/10/22
  13. Priest decries abortion, transgender mutilations, pornography, drag shows as ‘demonic insanity’ – – 3/3/23
  15. Merriam-Webster dictionary updates definition of ‘female’ to include ‘gender identity’ – – 7/20/22
  16. Leftist Woman Asks Ben Shapiro If He’s Transphobic – YouTube – 10/5/18
  17. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Refuses to Define Word ‘Woman’ (– 3/23/22
  18. Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities ( – 6/19/23
  19. Amazing Comeback to Men in Women’s Sports – YouTube – Riley Gaines – 6/22/23
  20. Sen. Hawley Shows Picture of Riley Gaines Being Assaulted by Protesters, Stunned by Her Story of Being Held for ‘Ransom’ ( – 6/26/23
  21. Drag queens parade around New York City chanting, ‘We’re coming for your children’ – – 6/27/23
  22. Virginia school board official sworn in on child pornography books | Frontline News – 12/24/23
  1. Philadelphia School Board President Takes Oath of Office with Hand on Sexually Explicit LGBTQ Books – CatholicVote org – 12/7/23
  2. Dad Ruthlessly Fact-Checks Woke School Board – YouTube – 7/3/23 – Transgender
  3. CDC Endorses ‘Trans’ Women ‘Chestfeeding’ Infants – CatholicVote org – 7/6/23 – Transgender
  4. New UN report suggests LGBT ideology should take precedence over religious freedom – ( – 7/6/23
  5. Biden health secretary vows to strip Medicaid funding from providers who refuse transgender surgeries – ( – 7/6/23
  6. Pro-LGBT Thug Threatens to Kill School Board Chief Over Parental Rights ( – 7/25/23
  7. Florida House Democrats Attempt to Prevent Rep. Cammack From Playing Video of Expert Interview on Gender Surgery, Stage Walkout ( – 7/25/23
  8. Detransitioner: “Please, Let Me Be Your Final Warning” – YouTube – 7/27/23
  9. ‘It’s Not Possible to Change Your Sex’: Rep. Hageman Drops Truth Bomb as Detransitioner Begs to Serve as ‘Final Warning’ ( – 7/28/23
  10. (48) Congressman Exposes the “Queer Surgeon” – YouTube – 7/30/23 – Transgender ‘Queer Surgeon’
  11. 2% of American Adults Claim LGBTQ Identities – CatholicVote org – 8/7/23 – Gen Z nearly 20%!
  12. The Rise of Antihumanism by Matthew B. Crawford | Articles | First Things – August 2023.
  13. Sex Is Binary | PragerU – 9/18/23
  14. IN-DEPTH: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition | The Epoch Times – 8/31/23
  15. DETRANS: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care | PragerU – 10/25/23 – 21 minutes.
  16. Media Outrage over DETRANS | PragerU
  17. The Truth about Gender-Affirming Care | PragerU – 12/19/22
  18. The Sexualization of Children | PragerU – 6/27/22
  19. Doctor says Biden admin is persecuting him for exposing transgender child mutilation in Texas – – 1/11/24
  20. S. Gender Dysphoria Cases Skyrocketed From 2018 to 2022 – CatholicVote org – 1/11/24
  21. How Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum push transhumanism – – 1/16/24
  22. American Academy of Pediatrics article calls banning trans ‘care’ for kids ‘medical neglect,’ ‘emotional abuse’ – – 1/12/24
  23. Catholic Convert Says Same-Sex Attracted People Need to Hear ‘The Hard Truth’ – CatholicVote org – 1/17/24 – “You have rejected the Bible, and you have rejected Christianity, and thus you have rejected the truth,” he continued. “No person who rejects the truth can thrive.”
  24. Hilarious video underscores how easy it could be to debunk transgender propaganda – – 2/5/24
  25. ‘Transgender’ male basketball player on girls’ team injures 3 players, causing opponent to forfeit – – 2/21/24
  26. INFOGRAPHIC: Mapping the quiet rise of homo-Marxist power within US conservatism ( – 2/29/24
  27. How the collapse of ‘cultural Christianity’ led to the dominance of LGBT ideology – – 2/28/24 – Jonathon Van Maren also explores statistics related to the American case, noting that only 11 percent of Christians have read the entire Bible at least once, that 40 percent of Americans believe the Bible is “ambiguous on abortion,” that 34 percent say abortion is “morally acceptable,” and 34 percent likewise reject the biblical definition of marriage. Catholics, meanwhile, are the American Christians most in favorof redefining marriage.
  28. The transgender movement has rendered our national institutions incompetent and untrustworthy – – 3/4/24 – Jonathon Van Maren – nothing has done more to undermine faith in institutions more than the rise of the gender movement – because the acceptance of this ideology has made so many once prestigious establishments appear so ridiculous to normal, common sense people who have never asked themselves what their gender might be.
  29. Catholic Senator Had Wanted Million-Dollar Earmark for LGBTQ Group Hosting Monthly ‘Kink’ Party – CatholicVote org – 3/5/24
  30. Leaked Files Expose Global Transgender Health Association for ‘Widespread Medical Malpractice on Children and Vulnerable Adults’ – CatholicVote org – 3/5/24 – Leaked internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) this week revealed members’ shocking disregard of medical ethics and the detrimental long-term effects of the hormone therapies and surgical interventions they recommend for children.
  31. Wisconsin teacher sues school that fired him for not using preferred pronouns – CatholicVote org – 8/9/24
  32. The Trans Kids Medical Scandal – 8/26/24 – Prager U
  33. Vermont Department of Health tells people not to use terms ‘daughter’ or ‘son’ – – 8/29/24
  34. Why Girls Become Boys | PragerU – 3/29/21
  35. Michigan middle school ‘socially transitioned’ girl for months without telling parents – 9/24/24
  36. Prager U: These countries have stopped medical treatment of teens whose bodies are 100% healthy: Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland.
  37. California is working hard to make life easier for child sex abusers – – 12/1/22
  38. It’s come to this: School girls labeled ‘transphobic’ for opposing boys in their locker rooms – – 9/4/24
  39. California takes custody of and attempts to ‘transition’ Christian widow’s child – CatholicVote org – 9/10/24
  40. What is Driving Gender Ideology in Schools – 5/21/24 – Govt money promoting LGBT ideology.  Govt > Grant Money > Hospital > LGBT Center > Schools
  41. The transgender movement will never give up: here’s why – 10/17/24. Despite increasing opposition, there are a lot of people who have already transitioned their own children and they can’t think about the possibility they were wrong..
  42. Parents outraged after ‘sex-ed’ program leader uses pedo-friendly language in school presentation – 10/24/24. “Minor Attracted Persons” is a phrase preferred by pedophiles, who believe that “MAP” is a destigmatizing term that assists in legitimizing their “identity” and promotes social acceptance of their sexual attractions.
  43. The LGBT movement never had any intention of promoting a ‘live and let live’ culture – 12/19/24.  That was never the goal; it was just the pitch, carefully curated for public consumption. The truth is that the LGBT movement sought – and seeks – cultural dominance.
  44. Preventable Tragedies: Why De-transitioners Are Suing Doctors – 10/14/24

Transgender LGBTQ+ Read More »

American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms

American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms (18+ articles)

  1. US bishops punt resolution encouraging Holy See to release McCarrick documents (
  2. The sexual harassment of seminarians continues – Former Cleveland sems allege sexual coercion, inadequate response (
  3. Nebraska AG Finds 258 Victims Abused by 57 Catholic Clergy – Complicit Clergy – 11/5/21
  4. The Elephant in the Room the Bishops Refuse to Address – Homosexuality in the Clergy – Complicit Clergy – 10/31/21
  5. RORATE CÆLI: The Catholic Cash Cow ( – 11/8/23
    • In 2018, Newsweek reported that the Catholic Church nationally had paid out over $4 Billion in settlements.  That is a 5-year-old number, and it is still staggering.  By comparison, The Catholic Church has paid out four times more than the USA school districts combined.  There are less than 30,000 Catholic priests in the USA and over 3.8 million teachers in our schools.  These are disparate numbers of an epic proportion.
    • Catholic priests are about half as likely to molest children as their Protestant clergy counterparts. They are around one third as likely to molest children as a male family member or friend.
  6. Albany, NY Catholic church settles Child Victims’ Act suit ( – 7/7/22 – Some 400 other alleged sexual abuse victims have cases pending against the Albany Diocese
  7. Former Baltimore priest sentenced to prison for sexual abuse of a minor ( – 5/12/22
  8. WATCH: Dozens of Northern CA Priests Facing Child Sex Abuse Claims for the First Time – Complicit Clergy – 6/24/22 – 7 minute video
  9. Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate – OnePeterFive – 7/18/22 – MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY. Catholic Hierarchy is not accountable to anyone.
  10. The Dallas Charter Needs a Redo After 20 Years| National Catholic Register ( – 7/19/22
  11. McCarrick case drags on a year after his arraignment in Massachusetts | Crux ( – 9/9/22
  12. Roman Catholic diocese in northern New York announces bankruptcy filing amid sexual abuse lawsuits – ABC News ( – 7/17/23
  13. Questions Abound in the Wake of Msgr. Burrill’s Return to Active Ministry| National Catholic Register ( – 7/1/22 – In appointing him to a parish, Bishop William Callahan of La Crosse, Wisconsin, disclosed little about the priest’s alleged use of the Grindr ‘hook-up’ app, what treatment he might have received or what safeguards have been put into place.
  14. Archdiocese Challenges Child Abuse Victims Act – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics – 1/13/24 – Cardinal Wilton Gregory – Now, the current Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, who was identifiedby the late clerical sex abuse expert Richard Sipe as a homosexual, is adding his name to the roster alongside Wuerl’s and McCarrick’s, seeking to protect the Archdiocese’s pocketbook instead of its children.
  15. LISTEN: Cardinal Gregory, Are You an Active Homosexual? ( – 1/9/24
  16. Diocese of Fresno to File for Bankruptcy Amid Sex Abuse Claims, Bishop Says| National Catholic Register ( – 5/29/24
  17. Sex Abuse Questions the Bishops Still Won’t Answer ( – 6/20/24
  18. Jaw-Dropping Vatican Financial and Sexual Corruption EXPOSED – Steven Brady investigates Corrupt Bishops sexual abuse scandal – 7/11/24
    • John-Henry Westen and Steven Brady discuss corruption and scandals in the Vatican and with clergy – including homosexuality and financial corruption.
    • In 2000, Brady exposed the “Saint Sebastian’s Angels” website, on which priests and bishops were sharing homosexual messages and images and spreading distortions of Catholic sexual ethics.
    • Brady also discusses the money laundering links with the Vatican, as well as threats issued to businessmen who have revealed it.
    • He shines a light on the complicity of bishops in covering up abuses and misconduct – particularly with Cardinal McCarrick, who was publicly denounced by now-excommunicated whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – when they knew about and overlooked McCarrick’s crimes for a long time.
    • He praises the late Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) for his efforts to address these issues, despite facing resistance from various quarters.
  19. Victims feel ‘betrayed’ as Vatican investigation of Rupnik hits one year with no answers – 10/27/24


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Pope Francis Homosexual Couples Blessing Fallout

Pope Francis Homosexual Couples Blessing Fallout (50+ articles)

Fiducia Supplicans – Blessings for Homosexual Unions – 12/18/23

  1. Pope Francis publishes norms for clergy to ‘bless’ homosexual unions ( – 12/18/23 – Fiducia Supplicans
  2. Pope Opens Possibility of Blessing ‘Same-Sex Couples,’ Those in ‘Irregular Situations’ – CatholicVote org – 12/18/23
  3. Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say ‘no’ to Francis’ ‘blessings’ of homosexual couples – – 12/18/23
  4. Archbishop Peta, Bishop Schneider ban ‘blessings’ of homosexual couples in Kazakhstan archdiocese – – 12/19/23 – CLIP: Bishop Schneider on blessing ‘same-sex unions’ ( – 12/19/23
  5. Former homosexual: Pope Francis is inviting humanity to join Satan in mocking Christ and His Church – – 12/19/23
  6. Homosexual Blessings: Austrian bishop says priests CAN’T refuse & Malawi bishops say NO WAY ( – 12/19/23
  7. Most American bishops are going along with Pope Francis’ ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples – – 12/19/23
  8. CLIP: Bishop Schneider on Pope Francis’ papacy ( – 12/20/23
  9. Bishop Schneider: Blessing of same-sex unions is ‘an abomination’ ( – 12/20/23
  10. Prominent canon lawyer Gerald Murray excoriates new Vatican doc endorsing ‘blessings’ of gay couples – – 12/20/23
  11. Two Commentaries by Two Prominent Priests on Fiducia Supplicans ( – 12/30/23 – Raymond J. De Souza, Fr. Gerald E. Murray: A disordered sexual relationship brought into being by self-indulgent shameless acts is not bless-able. FS is a scandal and a disaster for claiming it is.
  12. Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples show he is a ‘servant of Satan’ – – 12/21/23
  13. Blessing Same-Sex Couples: a CA Roundtable | Catholic Answers Magazine – 12/21/23 – Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF)
    1. Trent Horn – Given the practical difficulty involved in the wide variety of ministers giving and individuals seeking these “spontaneous blessings,” I would not have released the document—or at I least I would have included the reminder from the 2021 DDF ruling, still in force, that God “does not and cannot bless sin.”
    2. Karlo Broussard – the DDF is safe doctrinally but has failed (gravely?) in exercising pastoral prudence. The damage has been done. Confusion is setting in. Let’s implore God that he will bring order out of disorder and peace out of chaos.
    3. Cy Kellett – At every talk I give, I meet people who are at their wits‘ end with Francis and people who are at their wits‘ end with those who oppose Francis. Everybody seems on edge. This isn’t helping… Fiducia Supplicans, in my view, is basically correct in its approach to blessings—if what it’s saying is that Pope Francis wants people to receive the blessings of the Church without priests actually blessing sinful unions.
    4. Todd Aglialoro – Fiducia Supplicans suggests that it is not their false claim to legitimate conjugal union or the sinful sexual acts that accompany it, but rather “all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships”. This strikes me as, at best, an unrealistic view.  I fear that the result of this document will be to present confusion and scandal to the world… to dishearten and impede the efforts of faithful clerical and lay ministers currently resisting the tide of sexual libertinism…
    5. Joe Heschmeyer – So what has the DDF now added to the conversation? The idea that in certain contexts, a priest might give an informal blessing to a “same-sex couple.” It’s not true, therefore (as some have said), that the DDF is okaying the blessing of same-sex “unions.” But it’s also not true (as others have claimed) that this is nothing new, since it’s just about blessing same-sex-attracted individuals. It’s not about individuals or unions, but a third thing, seemingly in between the two: a “couple.”
    6. Tom Nash – nowhere does FS acknowledge and affirm chaste living, as do faithful apostolates that minister to persons with same-sex attraction. Consequently, whatever good intention he may have, a cleric who attempts to bless the relationship of a same-sex couple will do them a grave disservice.
    7. Christopher Check – within hours of the Dicastery’s publication of Fiducia Supplicans, media all over the globe reported that the Catholic Church had reversed its teaching of 2021 that homosexual couples and “irregular” heterosexual couples cannot be blessed. The Catechism tells us that “scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. why would Rome cause scandal? Did the DDF not know what consequences FS would produce? One telltale sign: the word repent is noticeably absent from the document.
  14. Cardinal Müller tells Pope Francis: Blessing homosexual couples is ‘impossible’ and ‘blasphemy’  – – 12/21//23
  15. Altier on Obedience of Faith – We Cannot and Will Not Bless Sin ( – 12/26/23
  16. On the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions | Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope ( – 12/28/23
  17. Bishops can opt diocese out of same-sex ‘blessings,’ Vatican says – Washington Times – 12/28/23
  18. 2023: The Fiducia Fiasco, Synodality, Fr Rupnik, and more ( – 12/29/23 – The Catholic Thing, Gerald Murray, Diane Montagna, Fr. Rupni, and Cardinal Becciu.
  19. Kirby – I Will Not Be Blessing Couples in Irregular Unions ( – 12/31/23. These ‘pastoral’ blessings do not require repentance and the desire to change like all other church blessings. These same-sex couples are in a state of sin. Conditions: no vestments, no formal prayers, not in civil union ceremony, must be spontaneous, not part of sacred liturgy. God & the Church cannot bless states of sin.
  20. ‘Same-Sex’ Blessings Doc Sparks Sustained Global Pushback: The Bishops and Dioceses Saying ‘No’ – CatholicVote org – 1/1/24
  21. Franciscan University professor calls for Pope Francis to resign following homosexual ‘blessings’ text – – 1/2/24
  22. The Remnant Newspaper – Fiducia Supplicans rollout… What are faithful Catholics to make of THIS? – 1/3/24
  23. ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ 2.0| National Catholic Register ( – 1/4/24
  24. The Hidden Agenda Behind Same-Sex Blessings ( – 1/4/24
  25. Lawler and Arroryo Discuss the Confusion Surrounding Fiducia Supplicans ( – 1/4/24 – 21 minute video.
  26. LGBT ‘Catholic’ groups celebrate Fiducia Supplicans as an endorsement of homosexual relationships – – 1/5/24
  27. Golden Opportunities Missed – The Catholic Thing – 1/5/24 – David Carlin
    1. The first thing we have to note is that most Americans who have heard of FS – whether Catholics or Protestants or non-Christians, and whether they be pro-SR or anti-SR – perceive FS as a significant victory for the LGBTQ+ movement, a movement which, as I see it, has as one of its aims to undermine and destroy the Christian ideal of sexual morality, hence Christianity itself.
    2. Most people see FS as the Catholic Church giving ground to the LGBTQ+ gang.  They see FS as a sign that Catholicism, like liberal Protestantism, will eventually remove homosexual practice from its list of serious sins.  Defenders of FS can tell people, all they want, that they are mistaken to see things that way; all the same, that’s how they see it.
    3. Second, the American Catholic bishops are once again offered a golden opportunity to put themselves at the head of the SR counter-revolution.  But to do this, they will have to do something that is almost a psychological impossibility for a Catholic bishop: they will have to make a public declaration of their disagreement with the pope.
  28. Catholic priest wearing rainbow stole gives ‘blessing’ to women civilly ‘married’ for 22 years – – 1/5/24
  29. Cardinal Müller: Global rejection of Fiducia Supplicans should give Vatican ‘food for thought’ – – 1/5/24
  30. Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis using ‘sleight of hand’ to undermine Catholic teaching – – 1/5/24
  31. ‘Lies, Compromise, and Confusion’: Cardinal Sarah Blasts Fiducia Supplicans – CatholicVote org – 1/8/24
  32. Scandalous book on orgasms surfaces from Cardinal Fernández – – 1/8/24
  33. Archbishop Viganò: Swiss guards should arrest Bergoglio and Fernandez, expel them from the Vatican – – 1/8/24 – ‘The Swiss Guards have sworn to defend the See of Peter, not the one who is systematically demolishing it. Let them therefore be faithful to their oath and arrest these heretical perverts!’
  34. ‘Evil & destructive’ — Bishop Strickland REACTS to Chris Christie’s LGBT stance citing Pope Francis ( – 1/9/24
  35. Cardinals vs Cardinals on the Vatican’s heretical blessing of homosexual couples ( – 1/9/24
  36. Cardinal Sarah accuses Pope Francis of HERESY over G*Y Blessings? ( – 1/10/24
  37. Vatican official says St. Peter’s Basilica will bless homosexual ‘couples’ – – 1/11/24
  38. ‘No Blessing for Homosexual Couples in the African Churches,’ African Bishops Conferences Announce – CatholicVote org – 1/11/24
  39. POWERFUL: Bishops REJECT Pope Francis’ latest document about blessing same-sex ‘couples’ ( – 1/11/24
  40. Murray condemns Fiducia Supplicans: ‘Pope Francis has not upheld the Catholic faith’ – – 1/12/24 – ‘There are heretical teachings contained in Fiducia Supplicans’.
  41. Pope Francis Knew His Doctrine Chief was an Erotic Author – OnePeterFive – 1/13/24
  42. Bishop Strickland calls on Pope Francis to ‘rethink’ Fiducia Supplicans – – 1/14/24
  43. Bishop Schneider strongly condemns Fiducia Supplicans: ‘We should never accept such deception’ – – 1/15/24
  44. Pope Francis accuses those rejecting Fiducia Supplicans of reaching ‘ugly conclusions’ – – 1/15/24
  45. Marking One Month of ‘Fiducia Supplicans’: Opposition Shows No Signs of Abating| National Catholic Register ( – 1/18/24
  46. Cardinal Zen warns of ‘error’ in Fiducia Supplicans, calls for Cdl. Fernández to resign – – 1/23/24
  47. JPII Academy Calls on Pope to Fire Doctrinal Chief ( – 1/24/24
  48. Pope Francis Says He Expects ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ to be Gradually Accepted Worldwide – CatholicVote org – 1/29/24
  49. Crisis Magazine Opinion: Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church – 2/2/24
  50. Cardinal Müller: Fiducia Supplicans ‘leads to heresy,’ Catholics cannot accept it – – 2/16/24
  51. Cardinal Müller calls Pope Francis’ homosexual ‘blessings’ an attack on marriage – – 3/26/24
  52. Priest defends Fr. Jesusmary for rebuking Francis, criticizes Pope for smearing Benedict XVI – – 4/19/24
  53. Pope Francis’ 60 Minutes interview is a classic exercise in Modernist deception – – 5/20/24
  54. Pope Francis says God loves homosexuals ‘as they are’ in new memoir – 1/14/25. Pope Francis defended the controversial 2023 text Fiducia Supplicans and appeared to suggest that there is no need for conversion away from the homosexual lifestyle.

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American Bishops Disappoint

American Bishops Disappoint

180+ articles. Note: Catholic Leadership Critique Rationale

Below is a list of articles that demonstrate why I am disappointed with the leadership of the American Bishops.

  1. They have failed to make any meaningful sexual abuse reforms (18+ articles)
  2. They have failed to discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic politicians (12+ articles)
  3. They often fail to defend the Faith and Faithful Priests (30+ articles)
  4. Their Dismal Response to COVID (20+ articles)
  5. They promote illegal immigration, thereby supporting human trafficking, while turning a mostly blind eye toward abortion. (60+ articles).
  6. They have funded blatantly leftist, pro-abortion, pro-LBGT, and anti-Catholic organizations for years, especially via the CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). (12+ articles)

General Failures of the US Bishops

  1. The Archdiocese of Chicago under Cdl. Cupich is in complete disarray –– 2/23/22
  2. The City of Big Shoulders — and Liturgical Confusion: Chicago Faithful Flummoxed by Inconsistent Liturgy Policy| National Catholic Register ( – 6/27/22
  3. Why the USCCB should be disbanded: $200M cost, less than zero benefits: (Church Militant, 11/23/21)
  4. The Sorry Situation of Catholic Schools | Mark Bauerlein | First Things – 5/9/22
  5. US priests are ‘flourishing’ – but they don’t trust their bishops ( – 10/19/22
  6. Cupich Fires Catholic School Principal Over Mask Mandate – Complicit Clergy– 2/18/22
  7. Queen of Martyrs principal ousted by Cupich over mask compliance – Chicago Sun-Times (– 2/16/22
  8. Pontifical Academy for Life Members’ Support for Assisted Suicide Draws Criticism (– 2/21/22
  9. Say what? Cardinal with strong Pope Francis ties says Catholic LGBTQ stance is wrong | Faith |– 2/23/22
  10. Kids aren’t protected from LGBT ideology just because they attend Catholic schools –– 2/15/22
  11. Joe Biden is the ‘product’ of weak bishops who don’t defend Church teaching: Catholic activist –
  12. Bishop Callahan of La Crosse cancelled Fr. James Altman but protects Mnsr. Burrill who was caught using a gay hookup app on his phone – 3/1/22 – Church Militant
  13. Largest ever survey of US Catholics shows faithful want an end to Communion in the hand – 10/15/24. Real Presence Coalition (RPC) released the results of its massive July 2024 survey seeking to identify causes of a lack of faith in the Eucharist among many self-professed Catholics in the United States.

Miscellaneous Items

  1. Washington bill endorsed by Catholic bishops could force priests to break Seal of Confession – – 2/19/24
  2. American bishops disappointed by Supreme Court’s climate regulation ruling | Catholic News Agency – 7/1/22 – Following Pope Francis, they would rather back Climate Change politics rather than focus on saving souls.
  3. RORATE CÆLI: Segregation is restored in the Diocese of Arlington ( – July 2022 – Suppression of the TLM
  4. Viganò: LifeSiteNews fights back against the errors and lies of the Deep State – LifeSite – 8/23/22 – also the Deep Church.
  5. Brave priest exposes heretical “Shadow Church,” Ready to die ( – 1/31/23
  6. Catholic filmmakers release second part of Latin Mass documentary, reveal origins of the New Mass – – 6/2/22
  7. USCCB in Baltimore; all Bishops wearing masks (Church Militant) – 11/17/21
  8. The State of Evil in the World – Courageous Clergy – Fr. Ripperger – 1/5/23
  9. The Homily by Fr. Kirby That Should Be Viewed by Every Bishop Worldwide ( – 3/26/24
  10. Archbishop Viganò Excoriates Wisconsin Bishop Incorporating Shaman Ritual into Chrism Mass ( – 3/23/24
  11. The Case of Bishop Stowe – Catholic World Report – 6/8/24
  12. The Silence of the Bishops in Response to the Persecution of Cardinal Zen ( – 9/23/22
  13. Bishop John Stowe Receives New Ways Ministry Award Offering Message of Resilience – 11/18/24. NOTE: New Ways Ministry has previously been denounced by both the U.S. bishops’ conference and the Vatican’s doctrinal office for causing confusion on sexual morality among the Catholic faithful.
  14. Bishop Stowe blesses 3 women in ceremony recognizing lay ministry roles – 12/16/24.
  15. US bishops should promote Eucharistic reverence instead of spending millions on big events – 1/21/25. The US bishops launching a multi-year, multi-million-dollar campaign based upon a dubious survey does not instill confidence among the laity.
  16. Joe Biden ‘conferred’ membership of the Freemasons in South Carolina – 1/25/25
  17. US bishops’ dependence on government funding is putting their integrity at stake – LifeSite – 2/14/25
  18. Where are the Bishops’ Priorities? – 2/28/25
  19. Heresy in High Places – Ralph Martin – 2/27/25. Ralph Martin asks how someone can be appointed Archbishop of Washington, DC, after expressing views contrary to the Catholic faith?

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American Bishops Failed to Discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians

American Bishops Failed to Discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians (15+ articles)

  1. A few are now speaking up, but they waited until AFTER the election, to their shame
  2. Canon 915: Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
  3. For the past 45 years, the bishops’ reluctance to enforce canon 915 has allowed grave scandal and contributed to the Culture of Death. We still await most American bishops to do the right thing.
  4. Cardinal Burke: USCCB Must Correct the Scandal of Catholic Politicians Who Promote Abortion – Complicit Clergy
  5. US Bishops Vote Betrays Body and Blood of Jesus – Complicit Clergy (11/17/21) quoting story at National Review
  6. Phil Lawler: Bishops’ Eucharistic Document “Worse Than Nothing” – Complicit Clergy (11/18/21) quoting EWTN story.
  7. Arizona Bishops Attempt to Cancel Pro-Life, Pro-Family Catholics ( – 11/2/22
  8. Cordileone should’ve banned Pelosi from Communion ten years earlier ( – 5/26/22
  9. DC archdiocese implies it will allow Nancy Pelosi to receive Holy Communion – – 5/24/22
  10. Joe Biden is the ‘product’ of weak bishops who don’t defend Church teaching: Catholic activist –
  11. US bishops’ pro-life chair condemns Biden’s abortion executive order, mum on denying him Communion – – 7/11/22
  12. Our Catholic President and the Most Pressing Moral Issue of Our Time – Word on Fire – 8/5/22
  13. PETITION: US bishops must excommunicate Biden after his shameful pro-abortion State of the Union address – – 3/8/24
  14. ‘Scandalous’: Catholics React to Biden’s State of the Union – CatholicVote org – 3/8/24
  15. EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller joins calls for US bishops to excommunicate Biden – – 3/28/24
  16. US bishops are lying when they say abortion is their ‘preeminent priority’ – 1/27/25. The average budget for the US bishops’ pro-life office is just around $2 million, compared to $134 million in 2023 for ‘migration and refugee services.’ Even worse, the USCCB is giving parishioners’ money to pro-abortion groups through its Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Relief Services.

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American Bishops Often Fail to Defend the Faith and Faithful Priests

American Bishops Often Fail to Defend the Faith and Faithful Priests (30+ articles)

They have failed to defend the perennial teachings of the Faith, reprimand liberal priests who promote sin and heresy, nor defend faithful priests.

  1. James Martin Set to Speak to School Children on Welcoming Homosexuality in Cardinal Dolan’s Archdiocese – Complicit Clergy
  2. Cardinal Gregory praises, celebrates Mass for Fr. James Martin’s heterodox LGBT event – LifeSite ( – 8/5/24
  3. Cardinal Dolan endorses Fr. James Martin’s new LGBT activism group – – 7/19/22
  4. The US Bishops Promote a Protégé to the Rapist Theodore McCarrick – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics – 11/26/22
  5. Kids aren’t protected from LGBT ideology just because they attend Catholic schools –– 2/15/22
  6. Viganò calls on bishops to defend marriage, oppose the errors of Amoris Laetitia – – 9/1/22
  7. California bishop blasts Cardinal-elect McElroy for thinking abortion ‘not wrong enough’ to discuss – – 6/15/22
  8. Joe Biden is the ‘product’ of weak bishops who don’t defend Church teaching: Catholic activist –
  9. Chicago Archdiocese: We don’t oppose pornographic “children’s books” in public libraries | Chicago City Wire – 6/26/22 – they even slammed Catholic Vote, an orthodox Catholic lay organization
  10. Catholic bishops drop opposition to lesbian becoming a foster parent – Baptist News Global – 6/27/22
  11. Cardinal Dolan praises priest who presided at ‘trans’ funeral in New York cathedral – – 2/19/24
  12. Louisiana bishops conference endorses emergency contraception in cases of rape – – 7/19/22
  13. Gregory restricts Latin Mass, bans traditional sacraments in ‘vindictive, heartless’ decree – – 7/22/22
  14. 84 Catholic dioceses partner with student evaluation firm pushing drag queen books, LGBT ideology – – 1/18/23
  15. These are the Bishops you need to be warned about ( – 8/9/23 – Pope Francis, Cardinal Cupich, Cardinal Gregory, Cardinal Tobin, Bishop John Stowe
  16. REPORT: Catholic Relief Services, Government Funding, and Contraception – The Lepanto Institute – 3/6/24
  17. USCCB-backed law could force religious employers to protect employee abortions, contraception – – 8/9/23
  18. Illinois bishops forbid promotion of petition seeking parental consent for minors’ abortions, ‘sex changes’ – – 1/11/24
  19. IN-DEPTH: Abortion, Transgender Services, Communion, and the ‘Transition’ of Catholic Church Leadership | The Epoch Times – 8/21/23
  20. Heretical AUSCP is not sanctioned.
  21. Bishop Strickland calls out US bishops for allowing ‘blasphemy’ and ‘heresy’ to go unanswered – – 4/24/24
  22. Wake Up Call: Democrats Have Declared A Spiritual Civil War On America (Part 1) ( – 2/4/24
  23. Bishop Stowe to receive award from heretical New Ways Ministry for ‘LGBTQ+ efforts’ – 9/20/24
  24. San Diego Diocese Bans Homeschooling Catholic Families from using Facilities – 9/26/24 – Cardinal McElroy of San Diego objects to Catholic families teaching Catholicism to their children on diocesan property.
  25. Viganò uses AI to show how Communion in the hand destroys belief in the Real Presence – 10/31/24. When he asked ChatGPT how a pope could undermine belief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist, the AI gave answers nearly identical to the Modernist reforms implemented after Vatican II.

Faithful Bishops and Priests are persecuted or cancelled and not defended.

  1. Bishop Callahan of La Crosse cancelled Fr. James Altman but protects Mnsr. Burrill who was caught using a gay hookup app on his phone – 3/1/22 – Church Militant
  2. Four Years Later the Lies Continue – 9/10/22 – Church Militant. Paul John Kalchik went into hiding after burning an LGBTQ Flag at his parish (Resurrection Parish) in Chicago and Cardinal Cupich attempted to banish him. The Chicago Police Department threatened to forcibly remove him from the parish. This threat was substantiated at the time by the parish’s vicar, Bp. Mark Bartosic.
  3. ‘Monsignor GRIDR’ Gets New Parish, Fr. Altman Remains Sidelined – Complicit Clergy – 6/12/22
  4. Another local Catholic priest Fr. Edward Meeks draws national criticism, this time for anti-vaccine remarks | Baltimore Brew – 11/30/21
  5. Priest canceled by Bishop for speaking out against the Church’s homosexual cabal – – 8/21/23
  6. S. Bishops Are Cowards ( – 11/16/23 – none of them defend Bishop Strickland.
  7. The Silence of the Bishops in Response to the Persecution of Cardinal Zen ( – 9/23/22
  8. Hilarious statement from the Archdiocese of Chicago about the suppression of the Institute of Christ the King | Fr. Z’s Blog ( – 8/4/22 – TLM prohibited.
  9. Archbishop Viganò: Biden Must be Excommunicated after ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ Declaration ( – 4/2/24
  10. Biden the Apostate – Crisis Magazine – 4/4/24
  11. Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Cordileone defend Harrison Butker amid onslaught of media attacks – – 5/17/24

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Pope Francis Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal

Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church (15+ articles)

Pope Francis has ignored credible charges made by Abp. Vigano that he was aware of high-level Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops involvement and cover-up of the sexual abuse scandal within the Church. He consistently protects accused priests and bishops while ignoring and even attacking sexual abuse victims. Supporting articles:

  1. Canon lawyer: Pope Francis ‘should resign’ if Viganò’s testimony is true
  2. The Viganò Tapes – Complicit Clergy
  3. Archbishop Viganò accuses Pope Francis of ‘the same abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick – – 5/29/24
  4. Long awaited McCarrick Report was a travesty. The 2-year wait simply gave temporary cover to the USCCB and bishops worldwide in hopes we would all forget.  Typical Pope Francis move.
  5. A Second Look into the McCarrick Report – The Catholic Thing
  6. Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate – OnePeterFive – 7/18/22 – MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY
  7. A Letter to Pope Francis ( – 8/25/22 – from abused and persecuted priest Fr. Paul Kalchik. “I can live as a victim of clerical sexual predation without a direct response by you as our Holy Father, but what I can no longer endure is the complacency of our bishops, who are charged with fixing the problem but do nothing more than pay it lip service while neglecting to act. Clerical sexual predation must be ended, once and for all.”
  8. Pope Protecting Predators? – Complicit Clergy – 9/9/18
  9. LISTEN: Is Pope Francis Protecting a Convicted Sex Abuser? – Complicit Clergy – 8/24/22
  10. Vatican sent bishop suspected of homosexuality to investigate abuse-ridden monastery –– 5/25/22
  11. Jesuits confirm disgraced priest was excommunicated, focus now turns to Pope’s alleged involvement – – 2/15/22 – The Jesuit Order has confirmed that a now disgraced member, Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, had indeed been excommunicated “two years” prior to the Vatican opening an investigation into further offenses, thus supporting claims that Pope Francis personally intervened in defense of Rupnik.
  12. Pope Protects Abuser Priest Rupnik, Now Returning to a Parish– 10/26/23
  13. Alleged abuser Fr. Marko Rupnik enjoys Pope Francis’ special protection ( – 3/12/24
  14. Catholic Media Complicity in Church Corruption – OnePeterFive – 9/26/22
  15. Pope Francis accused of opposing reforms to tackle clerical sexual abuse | Catholicism | The Guardian – 2/15/24
  16. Viganò Told: “Keep Your Mouth Shut” ( – 6/3/24 – Francis has also faced scrutiny for his close relationships with renowned homosexual Argentinian churchmen like Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, convicted predator Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, and convicted serial abuser Father Julio César Grassi; as well as with gay clerics like Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmeriowho attended a drug-fueled orgy inside the Vatican, and Monsignor Battista Riccawho is known for having had a live-in boyfriend and frequenting gay hangouts. An investigation could reveal whether any of these clerics were likewise groomed by or had sex with then-Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio and today are “passing the tradition on.” By advising Viganò to “keep your mouth shut,” some journalists in the Catholic media world may prefer not to know the answer.
  17. Vatican Admits the Unholy Reason They Don’t Punish Evil Priests – 1/28/25. Marko Rupnik, a Slovenian Catholic priest and Jesuit, has been accused of several crimes, including serial sexual, psychological, and spiritual abuse of at least nine women over several years, and possibly more than two decades. Rupnik was excommunicated for absolving an accomplice in confession of a sin against the 6th He also creates disgusting erotic artwork.  Jesuits expelled Rupnik but Pope Francis lifted Rupnik’s excommunication and reinstated his priesthood. He is currently serving priest without restrictions in Rome. Rupnik is currently facing multiple accusations of spiritual, psychological and sexual abuse, as well as abuse of conscience towards religious women under his spiritual direction.

No Justice for Sexual Abuse Victims

  1. Clerical sex abusers, not victims, receive ‘mercy’ from Pope Francis | Liz Yore ( – 11/15/23
  2. Four Years Later, STILL No Justice for McCarrick’s Victims – Complicit Clergy Eternal Retribution ( – 6/30/22
  3. FBI Opens Sweeping Probe of Clergy Sex Abuse in New Orleans – Complicit Clergy – 6/29/22
  4. Argentine abuse victim still waiting for justice from the Church | Crux ( – 7/4/22
  5. Roger Stone makes stunning Catholic confession, Pope Francis haunted by cardinal elector Danneels’ past ( – 3/27/24
  6. Francis Apologizes to Homosexuals in Record Time While Abuse Victims Are Still Waiting Decades Later ( – 5/29/24
  7. Here’s why the ‘zero tolerance’ policy is going nowhere – 11/20/24 – Catholic Culture. For all the talk, all the pledges, all the touted policies and programs, the Vatican still has not adopted a “zero tolerance” mentality regarding abuse.

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