
My Political Views

My Political Views – Quick Summary

  1. America’s interests take precedence over global concerns
  2. Limited Government
    • Reduce spending, taxation and regulation
    • Support balanced budget amendment to U.S. Constitution
    • Follow the U.S. and South Carolina Constitutions
    • Government should not regulate religious institutions, even in emergencies
    • Support 2nd amendment to U.S. Constitution: right to keep and bear arms
    • Support 1st amendment to U.S. Constitution: freedom of speech, religion, assembly, the press.
    • Exceptions to free speech: inciting violence and pornography.
  3. Enforce immigration laws
  4. Oppose Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies
  5. Parents have the right to direct the education of their children
  6. Oppose indoctrinating students in Critical Race Theory (CRT) or any political ideology
  7. Favor eliminating pornography in public schools and libraries, or at least restricting access to adults
  8. Right to Life is paramount
  9. Marriage is between one man and one woman
  10. There are only two genders. Oppose any form of gender reassignment.
  11. Competition in physical sports based on biological gender
  12. Oppose vaccine mandates and lockdowns
  13. Election integrity must be ensured
    • Only US. citizens may vote
    • Photo ID required to vote
    • Favor elimination of electronic voting machines to reduce risk of fraud
    • Only voters registered to a political party can choose the candidates for that political party. Either have closed primaries or move to a convention system
  14. SC State House Republican Rules
    • Oppose rules which favor incumbents retaining power and stifling debate (Loyalty Pledge)
    • Favor Freedom Caucus
    • Oppose rules which concentrate power in a select few individuals


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Miscellaneous Politics

Top Misc. Items

  1. Climate Change – 65+ articles
  2. Destruction of the Boy Scouts – 1/6/2025. 2015: Eliminated ban on openly gay scoutmasters.  Then Trans Scouts.  2019: Girls admitted. Boy scouts successfully emasculated.  Original values: Honesty, Hardiness, Self-Reliance; heroism, chivalry, outdoors.  Positive Male Characters much less common now in movies & TV.  Feminism championed females partly by tearing down males.  ‘Toxic Masculinity’
  3. War on Boys – 5/19/2014. Girl behavior is gold standard in grade schools; boys are treated like defective girls.  Boys expected to be interested in what girls like.  See GuysRead.com for books in which boys would have interest.
  4. A Tale of Men and Masculinity – 11/7/2018
  5. RFK Jr. drops out, endorses Trump: FULL SPEECH (youtube.com) – 8/23/24 – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the presidential race on Friday. In a wide-ranging address Kennedy criticized Democrats, the medical establishment, and the media, while throwing his support behind former president Donald Trump.
  6. The Trump Verdict: Unmasking Government Corruption and the Battle for the Republic (substack.com) – 6/2/24
  7. It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog – 6/8/24
  8. Former Democrat Comes Out Against the Democratic Agenda | Armstrong Economics – 4/21/24
  9. Obamas’ Netflix movie preps nation for massive, incapacitating cyberattack, societal breakdown – Lifesitenews.com
  10. Alex Jones rips mask off New World Order’s ‘designed global collapse’ on Tucker Carlson’s show – Lifesitenews.com – 12/7/23
  11. For Those, who Want to Map a Nuclear Explosion in a Town Near You – Try This Site
  12. THE GREAT AWAKENING (2023) Full Documentary – YouTube
  13. List Of Over 188 Deep Underground Military Bases Situated Under Most Major Cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, Underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS Control Centers – American Media Group (amg-news.com) – 8/11/23
  14. 4 Deep Underground and Secret US Military Bases | SOFREP – 8/18/21
  15. NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Fortress Is Back | COVID-19 Pandemic (popularmechanics.com) – 5/6/2020
  16. Brighteon – 8/25/23 – Interview with Wil Spencer starting at 1:18:43 – Naturopath & Researcher
  17. The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves and Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization – 11/10/23
  18. The creepiest places in all 50 states | CNN
  19. Watch free: Take Back Your Power, an award-winning documentary by Josh del Sol
  20. Is the BLOOD SUPPLY SAFE? – YouTube – 12/6/23
    1. Autologous and Directed Donations (redcrossblood.org)
  21. How to stop digital banking from controlling everything you own – Lifesitenews.com – 1/9/24
    • David Webb, a former hedge fund investor, has written a book called “The Great Taking,” as well as filmed a documentary by the same name. His book and film detail how the Federal Reserve influences financial markets, and how its money creation has outpaced economic growth of the U.S., which is a huge red flag indicating that the velocity of money is collapsing.
    • Central bankers and other globalists have carefully planned the coordinated takedown of the financial system using highly sophisticated strategies, including the manipulation of derivative markets. Whatever securities you believe you may own, you’re not the actual owner of, and when the derivative markets collapse, everything can be taken from you.
    • While Webb’s work raises serious concerns, there are other more pressing issues that need our attention. Priority No. 1 is ensuring we have control over our financial transactions. We need to help state legislators to protect financial transaction freedom.
    • North Dakota has a sovereign state bank, and the Florida State Legislature is getting ready to introduce legislation for state banking in the state of Florida. All states need to do this, as it’s one of the primary ways to protect the financial freedom of all citizens.
    • Priority No. 2 is building and securing food freedom, and No. 3 is transparency and education. We need to educate people about the severity of what’s coming, so that we can, en masse, begin to make different choices.
  22. Our Country Is On Life Support (substack.com) – 1/21/24 – Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox
  23. The Constitution: The Limited Powers of Congress – 9/17/22
  24. The Constitution: Presidential Powers – 10/17/22
  25. The Constitution: Why a Republic? – 7/18/22
  26. A Biblical Inferno Signals That We Have Hit Rock Bottom – Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox on the California fires – 1/12/25. Adding to the lack of a robust stormwater recapture infrastructure program, Newsom also blocked a project to bring water from northern California to southern California where water is scarcer.  Five years ago, he rejected President Trump’s plan for California which would have channeled more water from the north to the farms and communities in the south. In fact, Newsom sued the Trump administration over said plan, citing concerns that diverting the water would negatively impact the state’s smelt and salmon populations. Putting fish before humans, yet again.
  27. The Meaning of the California Inferno – Jeffrey Tucker – 1/14/25
    • Fire control officials and leadership were mostly incompetent DEI hires
    • There is a huge shortage of actual fire control workers, mostly due to vaccine mandates that caused thousands of people to leave the profession entirely.
    • The empty fire hydrants and water shortages were due to the governor dismantling dams to benefit fish. Rainfall had been at normal or above normal. Meanwhile, mission-critical reservoirs were drained for maintenance, closed for the season of high winds when the water is most needed.
    • Officials in California have long restricted controlled burning, which is absolutely essential for fire control.
    • Fire insurance premiums had been price controlled, driving out many insurance companies.
  28. Brighteon – The “Digital Asset” question on IRS Form 1040: should you answer “YES” or “NO”? Neither: 98% need not file IRS Form 1040.
  29. Kash Patel with Glen Beck – The DEEP STATE – Exposed – 1/18/25
  30. Bird Flu Déjà Vu from the COVID Playbook – 2/28/25
  31. Biden admin ordered slaughter of 150 million chickens, Musk reports – 3/6/25


  1. James Lindsay at European Parliament – Woke Conference. May, 2023.  Equity = Socialism.  Woke = Identity-based Marxism.
  2. 10 Shocking Examples of Wokeism in the U.S. Military (amac.us) – 8/2/23
  3. Conservative Boycotts Have Exposed How ESG Extortion Works: James Lindsay (theepochtimes.com) – 7/1/23 – ESG, Woke – James Lindsay, host of New Discourses
  4. How woke ideology serves as a substitute religion for many Westerners – (lifesitenews.com) – 7/5/23
  5. Leaked video of woke Disney exec shows you how INSANE company has become (rumble.com)– 3/30/22
  6. Woke Disney Crowd Sizes ‘Shockingly Low’ Amid Backlash (theepochtimes.com) – 7/11/23
  7. Disney ‘diversity’ managers required employees to keep ‘virtue diaries’, says report | Frontline News – 8/7/23 – these diaries … “determine whether or not they receive bonuses, raises or even continue their employment”. Disney’s totalitarian diversity culture was in large part created by former Disney Chief Diversity Officer Latondra Newton, who left the company in June. During her six-year tenure, Newton created the Reimagine Tomorrow initiative which made DEI a factor in the company’s hiring processes. Newton is also believed to have been a driving force in the company’s same-sex programming for children. In 2020, Newton further mandated DEI by tying it to employee compensation.
  8. New Disney show ‘Pauline’ features teenage girl who gets pregnant after one-night stand with Satan – Lifesitenews.com
  9. Brighteon – Why Disney tanked in 2023.
  10. ‘The real deal’: Anti-woke Black woman running for US Senate takes Pennsylvania by storm (lifesitenews.com)
  11. Luke Rosiak: Schools Use Woke Ideology to Hide Dismal Teacher Performance, Harming Minorities the Most (theepochtimes.com)– 4/16/22
  12. Airlines’ woke policies, relaxed standards threaten your safety and the very future of air travel – lifesitenews.com – 2/23/23
  13. John Rich: How Wokeness Killed Country Music | PragerU – 9/13/22
  14. How To End White Privilege | PragerU – 1/20/2020 – ‘White Privilege’ is an attempt by the Left to divide America by race.
  15. The Whiteness of Wokeness | PragerU – 4/11/22
  16. Are We Living on Stolen Land? | PragerU – 7/17/23
  17. What I Can Teach You About Racism | PragerU – 1/11/21
  18. Tucker Carlson calls out ‘lie’ of George Floyd’s death after release of new evidence – Lifesitenews.com – 10/26/23
  19. WATCH: George Floyd, Pope Francis, and the Fall of Law and Order (complicitclergy.com) – 1/18/24 – Michael Matt and The Remnant. Since the riots of 2020 Minneapolis has lost 380 of 892 police officers. From Documentary: The Fall of Minneapolis (Alpha News 2023).  Full video:
  20. Why I Don’t Want and Don’t Deserve Reparations | PragerU – 9/30/19
  21. On Reparations: John F. Kennedy vs. Robert F. Kennedy | CLIP | Larry Elder (ganjingworld.com) – 11/21/21 – woke politics
  22. Who Are the Racists? | PragerU – 4/29/19 – It’s the LEFT that are the real racists.
  23. How to End Systemic Racism | PragerU – 2/28/22 – It’s the LEFT that promotes systemic racism.
  24. Democratic Party Big Gov’t Machine – Explained in Flow Charts – 10/21/24.

Local Communities

  1. Make Americans Free Again | The New Normal: Citizens In Charge



  1. 7 Surprising Facts About the American Founding – CatholicVote org – 7/2/23


Nuclear War Risk

  1. Blog – Socrates (ask-socrates.com) – Russia demands the West stop arming Ukraine or else – 2/27/23
  2. Putin Signs Bill to Suspend Last Nuclear Arms Treaty With US (theepochtimes.com) – 3/1/23
  3. Colonel Douglas Macgregor on the Ukrainian War | Armstrong Economics – 8/21/23
  4. Do Not Fear Nuclear War – You Can Survive! | Armstrong Economics – 3/1/23
  5. For Those, who Want to Map a Nuclear Explosion in a Town Near You – Try This Site
  6. Prophecy: War will break out in Europe after Pope visits Moscow (lifesitenews.com)Garabandal prophesies


Maui Fire

  1. Armstrong Economics – 9/4/23 – Maui fires Very suspicious.  Why do cars and house melt while leaves on nearby trees remain intact?  Direct Energy (microwave) weapons from satellites?
  2. Brighteon – 8/21/23 – Report from Maui: Police prevented people from fleeing fire as many burned alive
    1. Live Report from Maui on Police Stopping Citizens From Fleeing Fire As Many Burned Alive (rumble.com)
  3. Maui Fire Survivors Say Authorities Blocked Only Paved Road Out Of Lahaina As Town Burned: Report | The Daily Wire – 8/24/23
  4. 33yr Fire Captain shares insights into Maui fire and something else ALL Americans Should Know! – YouTube – 9/5/23 – suspicious fire looks like result of Directed Energy Weapon. Trees burned from the inside out.  Leaves left intact.
    1. Part II – 33yr Fire Captain Shares Insights About Freedom and Fires (rumble.com) – uncensored version
  5. LAHAINA FIRE — JUST RELEASED FOOTAGE STUNNING!! Side by Side Comparison – YouTube – 9/20/23
  6. Hawai’i Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster – YouTube – 11/7/23
  7. MAUI FIRES (One Year Later…) (rumble.com) – 8/14/24


Sound of Freedom movie

  1. ‘Sound of Freedom’ overcomes media opposition to a staggering $40 million opening week – lifesitenews.com – 7/10/23
  2. Why Hollywood (and Media) Elites Don’t Want ‘Sound of Freedom’ to Succeed | Facts Matter (theepochtimes.com) – 7/20/23
  3. Critic Dismisses ‘Sound of Freedom’ for Being Unrealistic, But Advocates for Pedophilia – CatholicVote org – 7/17/23
  4. Justice Department scrubs child trafficking info | Frontline News – 8/3/23 – The Biden administration has also come under heavy criticism for fostering child sex trafficking by maintaining unofficial open border policies.
  5. Media falsely claims QAnon link led US military base to cancel ‘Sound of Freedom’ showings – Lifesitenews.com – 9/7/23 – Military Times, NPR, The Guardian, The Washington Post and CNN attempted to taint the movie, but an email from the U.S. military encouraged personnel and their families to see the film in nearby theaters.

Absurd Times We Live In

  1. The Age of the Absurd (theepochtimes.com) – Dennis Prager – 5/5/22
  2. Trudeau gov’t mandates menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms at federal workplaces – Lifesitenews.com – 12/12/23
  3. Human breath fueling ‘climate change,’ warns new study | Frontline News – 12/19/23

California & NY Madness

  1. Tara Thornton on Instagram: “#AB665 passed Senate Judiciary Committee on 6/20 and can be heard on Senate floor on Mondays or Thursdays. Call Democrat Senators now with…” – 6/26/23
  2. NYC Pride Marchers Chant: ‘We’re Coming for Your Children’ – CatholicVote org – 6/26/23
  3. California Lawmaker Delivers Brutal Fact Check of Newsom’s claims Following the Newsom – DeSantis Debate – YouTube – 2/1/23 – 30-minute video – Kevin Kiley (R-CA)

Biden & Democratic Party Failures

  1. Five Reasons to Impeach Joe Biden – American Thinker – 6/22/22
    • Biden’s corrupt activities constitute treason.
    • Biden’s violation of U.S. immigration law constitutes treason.
    • Biden is waging war on the energy sector to deliberately destroy the American economy.
    • Biden is directing the enforcement branches of the federal government against his political enemies.
    • Biden is violating the equal protection clause by promoting Critical Race Theory.
  2. Two more reasons to be mad as hell at Joe Biden – American Thinker – 7/8/22
    • Biden is selling our petroleum reserves to China.
    • Biden is forcing Critical Race Theory on state education systems.
  3. Biden’s Selling of Oil from Reserve to Hunter Biden-Tied Chinese Firm ‘Impeachable’: Republicans (theepochtimes.com) – 7/8/22
  4. Mark Alexander: The Biden/Demo Top Ten List of Failures | The Patriot Post – 7/20/22
    • As Biden took office, there was record-low unemployment for Black and Hispanic Americans and a 50-year low for women; median household income was at a record high, while poverty was at a record low; inflation was at 1.4%, and our nation was energy independent; our borders were more secure than in decades; our international superpower standing had been restored, and our nation’s most dangerous foreign enemies were keeping their heads down, fearful of Trump.
    • Inflation surge, Crime surge, illegal immigration surge, drug overdose surge, Afghanistan retreat, Ukrainian war escalation, energy cost surge, loss of energy independence, undermining of faith and family
    • Notably, only one percent of Americans rate climate change as a top concern.
    • Even though his White House press corps’ Democrat-to-Republican ratio is 12 to 1, Biden and company have been unable to move the public opinion needle back in their direction. CNBC’s All-America Economic Surveyhas Biden at a record low of 30% approval on his handling of the economy. That finding is mirrored by CNN’s latest polling.
    • And the final entry of top ten failures— Kamala Harris’spolling is even lower than Biden’s.
  5. House Dems Block Resolution Condemning Violence at Churches (breitbart.com) – 7/19/22
  6. Confidence in US Media, Government, and Justice System Collapsing: Poll (theepochtimes.com) – 7/11/22
  7. Low Poll Joe | Armstrong Economics – 7/12/22 – President Joe Biden’s approval rating is at its lowest level – 29%. A majority of Americans, 58%, flat out disapprove of Biden’s work. Unsurprisingly, only 2% of Republicans approve of Joe, with 97% stating disapproval. Only 19% of Independent voters approve, while 68% do not. Democrats are still trying to justify their vote as 64% still support Joe, despite everything he has done to harm the nation.
  8. Why are Democrats so adamant in wanting kids to attend drag shows? – Lifesitenews.com – 6/17/22 – From Kamala Harris to local politicians, the Democrats are doing their best to persuade voters that they’re groomers.
  9. Leftists openly attempt to incite violence in wake of leaked Supreme Court Roe opinion (lifesitenews.com) – 5/5/22
  10. Nearly two-thirds of Americans agree Biden ‘likely’ to be ‘compromised’ by China dealings: poll – lifesitenews.com– 4/22/22
  11. Biden Family’s Many Suspicious Financial Transactions Are Being Protected by Treasury Department | Truth Over News (theepochtimes.com) – 7/14/22
  12. The White House Changed the Definition of a Recession | Armstrong Economics – 7/26/22
  13. Do You Feel Safe in America? | Armstrong Economics – 9/26/22
  14. Average American Lost Over $4200 Under Biden | Armstrong Economics – 9/26/22
  15. ‘New Regime’ Is ‘Deliberately Causing Recessions,’ Warns BlackRock; Digital Currency Agenda Accelerates (theepochtimes.com) – 12/14/22
  16. Biden Administration Releases Over 1,300 Criminal Illegal Immigrants in 1 Month (theepochtimes.com) – 1/28/23
  17. ‘Urban Hellscape’: Seneca Scott Breaks Down How Elites in America Are Systematically Destroying Cities | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 1/13/24
    • “They want systemic lawlessness. They want high retail theft,“ says Seneca Scott, founder of Neighbors Together Oakland. It’s ”managed decline from eviction moratoriums, managed decline from defunding police, managed decline from $950 you can steal from stores, not being able to catch people.”
    • “Mega billionaires are giving money to defend the police movements. The same individuals are the largest investors in AI autonomous security,” Mr. Scott said.
    • He has been documenting how Oakland, California became, as he describes it, an “urban hellscape.”
    • Once a progressive Democrat and labor organizer who represented thousands of union workers in California, he says woke ideology took over the labor movement and it stopped representing the actual needs of workers.
    • “That’s when I saw that we were being used by the mega-billionaire class as very useful idiots for a very nefarious agenda of control,” Mr. Scott said. He argues the elites are pitting the upper middle class against the lower class and promoting class warfare.
  18. Eric Adams Says New York City Is Handcuffed By Sanctuary City Laws Amid Migrant Crisis | The Daily Wire – 2/14/24
  19. Denver Mayor Defunds Police in Order to Give Millions to City’s Migrants – CatholicVote org– 4/17/24


The Great Reset

  1. The Great Reset | COVID-19 BEAST System Explained: A.I., Nano-Tech, Brain-Chips & 24/7 Surveillance (rumble.com) – 4/20/22
  2. Brighteon – Dems Introduce Bill to put Americans in Quarantine Camps – mid May 2022. Connects the dots between patents, COVID-19, and the Great Reset.
  3. ‘New Regime’ Is ‘Deliberately Causing Recessions,’ Warns BlackRock; Digital Currency Agenda Accelerates (theepochtimes.com) – 12/14/22
  4. Brighteon – COVID CAMPS & SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME, Warning the Global Community of The Satanic Depopulation Agenda – CURTIS COST With LAUREN WITZKE – Sept. 2022
  5. Brighteon – Mercola & Mike Adams on UNLOAD on the censorship regime, depopulation, plandemics and globalist tyranny – 8/18/23
  6. UN Pandemic Declaration is just the tip of the iceberg of global tyranny, depopulation efforts – Lifesitenews.com – 9/19/23
  7. How to stop digital banking from controlling everything you own – Lifesitenews.com – 1/9/24
    • David Webb, a former hedge fund investor, has written a book called “The Great Taking,” as well as filmed a documentary by the same name. His book and film detail how the Federal Reserve influences financial markets, and how its money creation has outpaced economic growth of the U.S., which is a huge red flag indicating that the velocity of money is collapsing.
    • Central bankers and other globalists have carefully planned the coordinated takedown of the financial system using highly sophisticated strategies, including the manipulation of derivative markets. Whatever securities you believe you may own, you’re not the actual owner of, and when the derivative markets collapse, everything can be taken from you.
    • While Webb’s work raises serious concerns, there are other more pressing issues that need our attention. Priority No. 1 is ensuring we have control over our financial transactions. We need to help state legislators to protect financial transaction freedom.
    • North Dakota has a sovereign state bank, and the Florida State Legislature is getting ready to introduce legislation for state banking in the state of Florida. All states need to do this, as it’s one of the primary ways to protect the financial freedom of all citizens.
    • Priority No. 2 is building and securing food freedom, and No. 3 is transparency and education. We need to educate people about the severity of what’s coming, so that we can, en masse, begin to make different choices.
  8. Inversen Interviews Webb | Armstrong Economics – 1/8/24
  9. WHO vs First Amendment; White House to decide by May on ceding authority to global body | Frontline News – 1/8/24

East Palestine Ohio Train Wreck & Controlled Burn

  1. An Act of Terror Against the American People (rumble.com) – 2/22/23
  2. Brighteon – 2/24/23 – POISON PAPERS EXPOSED: Monsanto, BASF, Bayer and Dow all knew about DEADLY DIOXINS in the 1950s
    1. Dioxins are slow acting, impact DNA, highly deadly and will cause birth defects and cancer over time
    2. EPA denies that toxic ash found just 1.4 miles from East Palestine train ignition site
    3. “Dioxin: most toxic substance ever created”.
    4. Small disaster made a billion times worse when set to burn. Far worse than Chernobyl.
  3. Toxic Ohio Train Derailment (mercola.com) – 2/24/23
    1. February 3, 2023, a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio
    2. Five of the cars that derailed were carrying vinyl chloride, a flammable gas that can lead to life-threatening respiratory issues and an increased risk of cancer.
    3. Other toxic chemicals on the derailed train cars include butyl acrylate, which can cause breathing difficulties, and ethylene glycol monobutyl, linked to chronic health effects, including liver toxicity.
    4. Residents have reported fish, hens and roosters dying, along with persistent coughs, sore throats, burning eyes and a lingering odor in the air, even as officials claim there’s no risk.
    5. Every day, about 12,000 rail cars transporting toxic chemicals travel through cities across the U.S.; another disaster is imminent, according to railroad workers, due to cutbacks in staffing, scheduling designed to maximize profits and lack of maintenance to cars, locomotives and tracks.
  4. Brighteon – New research: Best ways to DETOX from DIOXIN exposure
  5. East Palestine Residents Could See Long-Term Health Concerns From Toxic Chemicals: Researchers (theepochtimes.com) – 2/24/23
  6. Brighteon – 2/28/23 – Mysterious illnesses BREAKING OUT as people return to East Palestine; Eight alarming cover-ups and contradictions in the East Palestine train wreck chemical nightmare.
  7. Ohio Residents Report Unusual Illnesses After Toxic Train Crash (theepochtimes.com) – 2/28/23
  8. JPMorgan Chase debanks Dr. Mercola’s business, including employees and their family members – Lifesitenews.com – 7/26/23 – JPMorgan Chase Bank has canceled the bank accounts of Dr. Joseph Mercola’s business, some of its employees, and their relatives.
  9. 15 State Officials Warn Bank of America About ‘De-Banking’ of Christians | The Epoch Times – 4/21/24
  10. Bank refuses to open account for parental rights group opposing ‘trans’ surgeries for kids: report – Lifesitenews.com – 7/6/23

 Miscellaneous Articles

  1. Left vs. Right: Education | PragerU – 12/5/23
  2. Left vs. Right: Business & Regulation | PragerU – 12/5/23
  3. Left vs. Right: Healthcare | PragerU – 12/5/23
  4. Left vs. Right: Freedom | PragerU – 12/5/23
  5. Left vs. Right: Taxes | PragerU – 12/5/23
  6. Andy Harris, Former Johns Hopkins Doctor: DEI: The New Racism in Medicine | ATL:NOW | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 1/17/24
  7. Why I Changed My Mind About Gun Control (youtube.com) – 2/20/24 – only 1% of gun deaths are mass shootings. 54% are suicides.
  8. Gun Control Groups Got CDC To Scrub ‘Good Guys with Guns’ Study, Emails Show | The Daily Wire – 1/2/23 – A key federal agency worked with gun control advocates to bury a study that showed law-abiding firearms owners use them to protect themselves millions of times per year.
  9. They Would Like for Us to Forget! But We Will Not! (rumble.com) – 12/15/23 Pam Popper. Start at 2:30 mark; 12 minutes.  NY Times admits Lockdown Consequences: (1) This generation has such a significant education gap that they will experience diminished lifetime earnings creating a significant drag on the economy.  (2) Chronic absenteeism, child abuse, obesity, drug overdoses, emergency room visits, suicide all increased dramatically.  Teen girl emergency room visits rose 51% in 2021.  69% of parents said the school closures were the worst thing that ever happened to their children.  9% of high school students attempted suicide; 55% of kids reported abuse from an adult in the house.  85% of children in Maryland could not do math.  Zoom from home ineffective.  Sheltering at home made people sicker due to their immune systems being weakened.
  10. The Real Reason Schools Were Closed During Covid – huge financial incentives from the Federal Government. 1/9/23
  11. Trump pledges to ‘never allow’ a central bank digital currency if re-elected president – Lifesitenews.com – 1/18/24
  12. Political Corruption – House of Cards| Armstrong Economics– 4/3/22
  13. Presentism | Armstrong Economics – 9/25/22 – judging the past by what we know now or how we feel in the present.
  14. Glenn Greenwald Excoriates the Left: ‘Democratic Politics Is About Criminalizing Opposition’ | The Daily Wire – 9/26/22
  15. Politicians Behind COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Should Be Brought to Justice: Maryland AG Candidate (theepochtimes.com) – 9/27/22
  16. American Express slapped with lawsuit alleging discrimination against White employees | Fox Business – 8/24/22
  17. Dems’ “Defund the Police” only gets 17% support — among black voters – HotAir– 10/31/22
  18. A quick case.science update – by Phil Harper – The Digger (substack.com) – 7/20/23 – You can post a case with your supporting arguments
  19. Leaked Documents Reveal Homeland Security’s ‘Expansive’ Influence Over Social Media Censorship • childrenshealthdefense.org– 11/2/22
  20. Twitter Blows Up at Professor After Demanding ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ in Atlantic Op-Ed | The Daily Wire – 10/31/22 – NO AMNESTY for bad COVID policies
  21. California is working hard to make life easier for child sex abusers – lifesitenews.com – 12/1/22
  22. We Are Being Gaslighted – Courageous Clergy
  23. Striking findings from 2022 | Pew Research Center – 12/13/22
  24. Twitter Exposing the Real Threat – Leftist Revolution | Armstrong Economics – 12/15/22
  25. The Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That were True in 2022 | Armstrong Economics
  26. Practical Steps to *Actually* Reduce Gun Violence | The EDIFY Podcast (youtube.com) – 1/26/24
  27. 2 Men Arrested In Washington State Power Substation Attacks | The Daily Wire – 1/4/23
  28. 2 in 5 Kids Have Multiple Food Allergies — and It’s Taking a Toll on Their Mental and Physical Health • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 1/6/22
  29. An Independent Journalist on the Ground in Ukraine | Armstrong Economics – 1/8/23
  30. Brighteon – Jan 13, 2023 – No trains, no planes, no automobiles and NO GAS – Welcome to the DE-CIVILIZATION Democrat utopia – NY State to outlaw gas stoves by 2030 – junk science alarmism.  They are opposed to all forms of combustion.
    • Democrats are pushing civilization backwards by banning stoves, cars, gas, water and more.
    • America will be divided into two tiers: Democrat-run collapsed “Mad Max” vs. free, modern states.
    • More Americans will FLEE collapsing blue states as DE-CIVILIZATION accelerates.
  31. FEMA Camp Locations – Google My Maps
  32. Brighteon – Humor That Exposes the Truth Is What Globalist Hate the Most
  33. Truckers Lane: What Happened to the Diesel Shortage? Plus Updates on California’s AB5 Law – coreysdigs.com – 1/18/23
  34. Gas Stove Ban Narrative Ties to Deeper Agenda; How the FAA Failed (theepochtimes.com) – 1/17/23
  35. Tucker Carlson: Biden is done – YouTube – 1/20/23
  36. Massive liberal charities steered millions to Chinese groups tied to its government | Washington Examiner – 1/23/23
  37. Attacks against Catholic churches approach 300 incidents since May 2020: report | Fox News – 1/23/23
  38. ‘The anti-vaxxers won’: Dilbert cartoonist admits he was wrong about COVID jabs – Lifesitenews.com – 1/23/23
  39. Judge Jeanine destroys Newsom over 2nd Amendment diss – YouTube – 1/25/23
  40. Feds using new AI tools to ‘manage misinformation’ online, including ‘vaccine skepticism’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/31/23
  41. What BLM Gets Wrong – YouTube – Deacon Harold Burkee-Sivers – We are not BORN racist.
  42. A Catholic Response to Racism (buzzsprout.com) – Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers – 2/3/23
  43. The Truth about Critical Race Theory (buzzsprout.com) – 2/10/23
  44. Catholic school students kicked out of Smithsonian museum in DC over pro-life beanies | Fox News – 2/1/23
  45. WATCH: Grandma of sex-trafficked teen gives gut-wrenching testimony on authorities ‘blinded’ by trans ideology – Lifesitenews.com – 2/1/23
  46. A Newbie in Congress from My District | Armstrong Economics – Rep. Anna Paulina Luna from Florida – outstanding
  47. Is America Racist? | PragerU – 1/18/16
  48. I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent | PragerU – Nestride Yumga, a Black woman who immigrated from Cameroon, Africa, and defends America against Black Lives Matter protestors.
  49. Swimmer: “The Integrity of Women’s Sports is Lost” – YouTube – 2/6/23
  50. What Feminism Gets Wrong – YouTube – Edify – 3/7/23
  51. Fossil Fuels: The Big Picture | PragerU – 4/17/23
  52. Are Pipelines Safe? | PragerU – 4/17/23
  53. Xaviaer DuRousseau: How I Accidentally Red-Pilled Myself | PragerU – 4/18/23 – from BLM activist to Black Conservative.
  54. A Moral Case for Capitalism | PragerU – 3/4/24
  55. Is Communism Moral? | PragerU – 4/12/21
  56. Seven Economic Truths | PragerU – 5/2/22
  57. Milton Friedman: No Free Lunch | PragerU – 6/20/22
  58. Sage Brooks: Why I No Longer Feel Like a Victim | PragerU – 4/9/24
  59. Armstrong Economics – 4/26/23 – New FHFA Rule results in Middle Class subsidizing high risk low income borrowers in buying homes.
  60. CEO Survey Ranks Texas #1 State for Business, California #50 – 9 of 10 Worst Have Dem Governors | MRCTV – 5/4/23
  61. Armstrong Economics – Medical Schools Eliminate MCAT test in the name of Diversity – 5/11/23
  62. Woman Slams Academic DEI Programs – YouTube – hiring or admitting medical personnel on the basis of race, gender fluidity, etc. is wrong
  63. America’s Dad-Shaped Hole – YouTube – 6/13/23 – The only solution to Fatherlessness is Fathers
  64. We Bring You the Real Story Behind the Stunning IRS Whistleblower Revelations | Truth Over News (theepochtimes.com) – 6/28/23 – Proof of Biden Corruption
  65. The Unsettling Rise of Microwave Syndrome (theepochtimes.com) – 7/22/23
  66. Control the Words, Control the Culture | PragerU – 4/29/2018
  67. Big Tech Is Big Brother | PragerU – 6/3/2019
  68. Why Has the West Been So Successful? | PragerU – Ben Shapiro – 4/8/19
  69. Myths, Lies, and Capitalism | PragerU – 1/19/15 – Arthur Brooks
  70. Income Inequality is Good | PragerU – 9/5/16
  71. The Promise of Free Enterprise | PragerU – 6/8/2014 – happiness -earned success – Arthur Brooks
  72. Capitalism Wins | PragerU – 2/8/2021 – Nikki Haley
  73. Small Business Is America | PragerU – 7/4/2022 – Carol Roth
  74. Ami Presents: Communist Manifesto or Democratic Party Platform? | PragerU – 2/16/2018
  75. Judicial Watch: New FDA Records Show Purchases of Fetal Organs, Heads and Tissue for ‘Humanized Mice’ Project | Judicial Watch – 9/14/21
  76. Christians Barred From Fostering Children In Massachusetts | Armstrong Economics – 8/15/23 – Woke
  77. ‘We are winning’: The populist revolt against the global elite’s depopulation agenda – lifesitenews.com – 8/17/23
  78. Critical Race Theory’s 3 Biggest Flaws – YouTube – 8/22/23
  79. Who Does a $15 Minimum Wage Help? | PragerU – 8/21/17
  80. Title IX: When a Good Law Turns Bad | PragerU – 10/9/23
  81. Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump | The Epoch Times – 10/20/23
  82. [LIVE NOW] Criminals Getting Away With Murder as US Law Enforcement Struggles | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 11/28/23
  83. New ‘Window to the Womb’ interactive app shows reality of preborn babies’ development – Lifesitenews.com – 12/15/23
  84. MIA: Masculinity in America | PragerU – 12/19/23 – 17 minutes
  85. Jalsevac: Leftists in the Church and the world are ramping up efforts to shut down conservatives – Lifesitenews.com – 12/20/23
  86. 6 reasons Gaza’s ‘innocent’ civilians may not be so innocent | Frontline News – 12/24/23
  87. Current States Which Agree Constitutional Carry is the Law of the Land – National Association for Gun Rights (nationalgunrights.org)
  88. No More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 1/18/24
  89. The Real Victims of Affirmative Action | PragerU – Racial Discrimination – 2/5/24
  90. Not All Our Problems Can Be Solved With Lawsuits (substack.com) – Bobbie Anne Cox – 2/11/24
  91. Kuzzat Altay: The Country I Was Born in Wants to Kill Me | PragerU – 2/27/24 – China
  92. Rubio to Biden: Condemn ‘Dramatic Increase’ in Anti-Catholic Violence – CatholicVote org – 3/6/24
  93. CatholicVote on X: “🚨SHOCKING report reveals Joe Biden is COVERING for anti-Christian hate groups who attacked OVER 200 Catholic churches since 2020: “We can expect more attacks on Catholic Churches… We have not seen a SINGLE federal prosecution of these attacks” https://t.co/oAYRUu0Qax” / X (twitter.com) – 3/4/24
  94. Neocons Destroying America | Armstrong Economics – RFK Jr. – 3/9/24
  95. Tucker Carlson: Biden operatives are ‘going to steal the election,’ prioritize ‘abortion, war, castration’ – Lifesitenews.com – 3/8/24
  96. ‘Scandalous’: Catholics React to Biden’s State of the Union – CatholicVote org – 3/8/24
  97. Jonathan Isaac: Why I Refused to Kneel for the National Anthem | PragerU – 10/11/22
  98. Would You Rather Be Colonized by Aztecs or Christians? | PragerU – 4/22/24
  99. Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry | NEW Documentary | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 3/8/24
  100. Bill Maher reveals the grim truth of what pro-abortion leftists really think – Lifesitenews.com– 4/15/24
  101. NPR CEO said truth is a ‘distraction,’ First Amendment a ‘challenge’ in unearthed comments – Lifesitenews.com– 4/17/24
  102. NPR tries to punish senior editor who wrote about biased reporting and trust, he resigns before NPR can – CatholicVote org– 4/17/24
  103. LGBT ‘Pride Month’ is not about celebrating, it’s about asserting dominance over the culture – Lifesitenews.com – 6/12/24
  104. Leaked footage shows Trump questioning childhood vaccines in phone call with RFK Jr. – Lifesitenews.com– 7/17/24
  105. Planned Parenthood execs admit to selling baby parts in bombshell videos Kamala Harris may have played role in censoring – CatholicVote org – 8/8/24
  106. ‘Rip off a leg or two’: Undercover video exposes how Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs – Lifesitenews.com – 8/8/24
  107. Why Americans Are Buying Guns | PragerU – 9/5/22
  108. Control the Words, Control the Culture | PragerU – 4/29/18
  109. When Immoral Is Moral And Evil Is Good | Armstrong Economics – 8/11/24
  110. DEVASTATING unknown effects of the pill (lifesitenews.com) – 9/5/24
  111. While Everyone Is Talking About Twitter, Musk Released the Most Disruptive Technology Ever Created (theepochtimes.com)
  112. 17 Short Videos – Facts Matter 2/22/23 – https://www.theepochtimes.com/17-videos-that-perfectly-summarize-the-craziness-of-the-past-22-days-facts-matter_5074040.html
  113. Danielle D’Souza Gill and Dinesh D’Souza Discuss What Happened in the Midterms (theepochtimes.com) – 11/18/22
  114. Survivor of the Cambodian Genocide Nal Oum: A Heartfelt Warning to the West (theepochtimes.com) – 5/14/22
  115. Residents of Nevada Town Score Temporary Win in Battle Against Verizon 5G Towers – 12/16/24.
  116. Malone: Trump’s enthusiasm for AI-driven cancer vaccine development is dangerously naïve – 1/23/25.
  117. Trump admin ends harassment of schools that remove obscene books – 1/29/25. President Donald Trump’s Department of Education has returned local control over books, ending investigations into schools that protect children from sexually explicit content.
  118. Trump issues executive order to end gender ‘indoctrination,’ critical race theory in K-12 schools – LifeSite – 1/30/25
  119. Trump signs executive order protecting children from chemical and surgical gender mutilation – LifeSite – 1/28/25
  120. USAID Has Always Been About Population Control – 3/5/25. No population control => no aid.



Miscellaneous Politics Read More »

American Bishops Fund Anti-Catholic Organizations

American Bishops Fund Anti-Catholic Organizations (12+ articles)

They have funded blatantly leftist, pro-abortion, pro-LBGT, and anti-Catholic organizations for years, a via the CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

  1. Catholic Bishops Fund Pro-Abortion Doulas for Third Consecutive Year, Despite 2020 Warning – The Lepanto Institute – 5/2/22
  2. Catholic Bishops’ Agency Admits to Deceptive Funding Scheme and grant fraud within the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) – 3/18/21 – Church Militant
  3. CCHD goes silent after its funding for pro-LGBT, pro-abortion orgs was exposed – lifesitenews.com – 7/24/23
  4. Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Grantee Collects Pornographic LGBTQ Books for Minors at Youth Center – The Lepanto Institute – 10/31/23
  5. Catholic Church Funds LGBT PORN Books For Kids! (rumble.com) – 11/17/23 – 1st 12 minutes of video. President of the Lepanto Institute Michael Hichborn talks about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and how it’s funding organizations that want to get LGBTQ porn books into the hands of children.
  6. US bishops’ campaign gave money to pro-LGBT group that prays to demons – Lifesitenews.com – 11/27/23 – The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) funds Planting Justice, an organization that openly engaged in demon worship, has an ongoing agenda to promote sexual perversion.  The CCHD’s claim that “Catholics can be confident that the [CCHD] does not fund organizations that violate the moral or social teaching of the Church” is completely false!
  7. US bishops do not end Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) despite years of funding anti-Catholic groups – Lifesitenews.com – 6/18/24
  8. USCCB finally announces cuts to CCHD that gave money to left-wing causes – 7/1/24
  9. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Programs Present 5 Expressions of Grave Evildoing (pop.org) – 3/19/24
    • literature that targets children and adolescents promotes masturbation.
    • publicly endorses, refers to, and financially supports organizations that actively and very publicly promote direct abortion, contraception, and masturbation.
    • close working relationship with organizations that promote evil, posing substantial risk of grave scandal
    • undermines the credibility of the Church’s witness to the Gospel in Africa
    • misrepresentation of CRS as a Catholic organization to garner donations from the faithful Catholics at Mass
  10. Steven Mosher Dismantles Catholic Relief Services (CRS) – complicitclergy.com – 4/5/24
  11. Behind closed doors, overwhelming support for the bishops’ anti-poverty program CCHD | National Catholic Reporter (ncronline.org) – 6/14/24
  12. The Bishops, the Poor, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) | Jayd Henricks | First Things – 6/24/24
  13. US bishops’ charity arm CCHD gave funding to pro-LGBT, anti-police group backed by Tim Walz – 10/30/24


American Bishops Fund Anti-Catholic Organizations Read More »

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

  1. Kamala Harris in her own words– 7/27/24
  2. A New Way Forward – Kamala Harris for President: Official Campaign Website – 9/9/24
  3. Poll: 71% – 86% of Dems and Biden independents unaware of controversial Harris positions – CatholicVote org – 8/22/24
  4. California Dem recalls Kamala Harris cursing out, mistreating staff and interns – CatholicVote org– 8/2/24
  5. Kamala Harris would ‘eliminate religious freedom,’ has ‘extreme’ anti-Catholic agenda: Catholic leaders – Lifesitenews.com– 7/26/24
  6. Kamala Harris & Catholics: Senator Attacked Brian Buescher Nomination over Abortion & Knights of Columbus | National Review– 8/11/20 – In late 2018, while evaluating the nomination of Brian Buescher to serve as a district judge in Nebraska, Harris posed a series of questions insinuating that his involvement in the Knights of Columbus — a charitable Catholic fraternal organization — disqualified him from serving on the bench.
  7. Judge rips Harris’ office for hiding problems (sfgate.com)– Harris has been criticized for her office’s decision to withhold evidence that could have exonerated prisoners. In one notable case, a judge condemned her office for not disclosing information about a police lab technician who had been accused of intentionally sabotaging evidence​. This led to the dismissal of over 1,000 drug-related cases. Harris later claimed she was “unaware” of these actions, a statement that many found implausible given her position. So, she was either completely incompetent or lying.
  8. The Hypocrisy and Ineptitude of Kamala Harris: An Exposé (substack.com)– 7/28/24 – As California’s Attorney General, Harris’s office not only prosecuted low-level drug offenses but also blocked evidence that could have freed an innocent man (Kevin Cooper) from death row. This isn’t a minor oversight; it’s a blatant disregard for justice and human life. Harris oversaw the convictions of nearly 2,000 people for marijuana offenses, Bay Area News Group reported in 2020. She put more black men in jail for drug charges than any other prosecutor in California, and let’s not forget her infamous hyena laugh when asked if she had ever smoked marijuana herself.
  9. Tucker Carlson, others react to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech: ‘A liar on the deepest level’ – Lifesitenews.com – 8/23/24
    • She didn’t mention China, she didn’t mention fracking, she didn’t mention Energy, she didn’t mention, meaningfully, Russia and Ukraine, she didn’t mention the big subjects of the day, that are destroying our Country. There are 60 million people in poverty in the U.S., under their watch, and she doesn’t even talk about them!
    • She talks about Compassion, but doesn’t talk about all of the people she’s allowed into our Country, 43% INCREASE IN VIOLENT CRIME NATIONWIDE, 60% INCREASE IN RAPE, SINCE SHE’S BEEN BORDER CZAR.
    • She’s done nothing for three and a half years but talk
    • She talked about the Rule of Law but, as Border Czar, she allowed 20 Million people into our Country, many of them criminals
    • She just called to give all Illegals CITIZENSHIP, SAY GOODBYE TO THE U.S.A.! SHE IS A RADICAL MARXIST!
  10. Kamala Harris says she will sign law forcing abortion-on-demand nationwide if elected president – Lifesitenews.com– 7/25/24 – Harris herself has consistently refused in interviews to name any point at which she would no longer support legal abortion, maintained 100 percent pro-abortion voting records during her time in the U.S. Senate, and back when she was Attorney General of California prosecuted pro-life journalist David Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s violation of laws pertaining to harvesting aborted baby parts rather than the abortion industry lawbreakers themselves. In March, she became the first vice president to personally tour an abortion facility, a Planned Parenthood in St. Paul, Minnesota.
  11. Kamala Harris’ refusal to condemn late-term abortion shows how extreme Democrats are – Lifesitenews.com– 9/13/23 – It is no surprise that Harris doesn’t want to get specific about abortion, because Democrats actually support abortion until birth — and letting babies die even after they’re born.
  12. Kamala Harris is pushing the most extreme abortion agenda in US history – 9/12/24
  13. Top pregnancy help association warns of Kamala Harris’s extremist abortion agenda – CatholicVote org– 7/26/24
  14. Harris campaign goes after Catholic leader Terry Schilling – CatholicVote org– 7/26/24
  15. Kamala Harris kicks off her presidential campaign on Ru Paul’s Drag Show – Lifesitenews.com– 7/25/24
  16. Kamala Harris is a sexual revolution radical, whether it be on abortion or the LGBT agenda – Lifesitenews.com– 7/26/24
  17. CatholicVote Launches Campaign Against Kamala Harris – Fox News
  18. Catholic analyst: why Kamala Harris is a ‘bigot’ – CatholicVote org – 8/14/24
  19. Kamala Harris: the Most Extreme Abortion Cultist Ever to Run for President – Life Legal Defense Foundation– 7/26/24
    • As California Attorney General, Harris labored with all her considerable chutzpah to harass pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).  She supported and tried to enforce AB 775, the Reproductive FACT Act, which sought to force pro-life centers to refer for abortions
    • As California AG, presented with the scandal of Planned Parenthood’s sickening and illegal practice of peddling baby body parts for “valuable consideration,” Harris declined to investigate Planned Parenthood.  Instead, she met secretly with officers of the nation’s premier baby body part peddler to strategize – then, two weeks later, raided the home of David Daleiden.  Instead of going after the miscreants, she went after the whistleblowers of the Center for Medical Progress….
    • She voted twice against S.311, which sought to ensure medical treatment for babies born alive during botched abortions.
    • Harris twice co-sponsored the deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which sought to mandate abortion, for any reason or none at all, through all nine months of pregnancy and in all 50 states.
    • In March of 2024, Harris became the first vice president to campaign at an abortion mill.  Her child murder center of choice was a Planned Parenthood operation in Minnesota, and her appearance was part of a much-touted “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour.
  20. JD Vance: ‘Weird’ that Democrats want ‘sexually explicit books in toddlers’ libraries’ – Lifesitenews.com – 8/6/24
  21. Walz The COVID Tyrant | Armstrong Economics – 8/9/24
  22. Planned Parenthood execs admit to selling baby parts in bombshell videos Kamala Harris may have played role in censoring – CatholicVote org – 8/8/24
  23. ‘Rip off a leg or two’: Undercover video exposes how Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs – Lifesitenews.com – 8/8/24
  24. Kamala Harris talks about ‘reducing population’ in resurfaced clip – CatholicVote org – 8/9/24
  25. Kamala Harris Supported Legislation That Threatened Religious Freedom – News – First Liberty – 8/16/24
  26. Poll: Most Americans Believe 2024 Election Will Have Major Impact on Supreme Court’s Future – News – First Liberty – 8/16/24 – It’s possible the outcome of the election could put the far Left and its politicians in a position of power. They could gain the votes needed to push through their radical changes such as expanding the size of the Court. “Court packing“ remains largely unpopular,” with 2/3 saying they’re against it.
  27. 45 Communist Goals from 58 Years Ago – Ethan Allen Institute
  28. ‘Party of death’: Democrats’ convention includes free abortions and vasectomies – Lifesitenews.com – 8/19/24
  29. Democratic Party reveals new platform, adopting controversial far-left positions – CatholicVote org – 8/19/24
    • Page 57 of the Democratic platform vows that the Party “will vigorously oppose state and federal bans on gender-affirming health care.”
  30. Clergy Sex-Abuse Victim Cries Foul Over How Kamala Harris Treated Him Two Decades Ago| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)– 7/30/24
  31. Kamala Now Supports Trump Wall | Armstrong Economics – 8/29/24
  32. What Happened To CNN? Actually Criticizing Kamala? | Armstrong Economics – 9/8/24 – 50 Harris tweets criticizing the border wall, and now she is in favor of it?
  33. CNN segment scrutinizes Harris’ past record on border, ‘transgender’ surgeries, while in Senate – CatholicVote org – 9/10/24 – she said she favored taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained illegal migrants.
  34. CatholicVote launches ads attacking Kamala Harris over taxpayer-funded sex changes for kids – 9/15/24

Tim Walz

  1. Walz The COVID Tyrant | Armstrong Economics – 8/9/24
  2. Ilhan Omar thanks Tim Walz for legalizing abortion up until birth in Minnesota – Lifesitenews.com – 8/8/24 – Walz supports abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and made his state a ‘trans refuge.’
  3. The media is lying: Tim Walz is a pro-socialist liberal, not a moderate Midwesterner – Lifesitenews.com – 8/7/24
  4. Tim Walz ran ‘snitch line’ to report church gatherings, other COVID lockdown violations – Lifesitenews.com – 8/7/24
  5. Tim Walz justified China’s horrific one-child policy and repealed a ban on forced abortion – Lifesitenews.com – 8/19/24 – Tim Walz as governor of Minnesota overturned a law that made it a crime to coerce women to get abortions. Harris & Walz support zero limits on abortion, hope to overturn pro-life laws in the states, increase funding for Planned Parenthood, and shut down crisis pregnancy clinics.
  6. Tim Walz – Incompetent for Any Position | Armstrong Economics – 8/11/24
  7. Tim Walz’s teacher licensing rules could force faithful Christians out of Minnesota public schools – Lifesitenews.com – 8/29/24
  8. In Tim Walz’s Minnesota, ‘transgender’ male pedophiles are being sent to women’s prisons – 9/12/24
  9. Megyn Kelly Epic Rant on Taylor Swift endorsing Harris/Walz – 9/13/24 – hear what Tim Walz has done in Minnesota.
  10. Walz Fails First Amendment 101 in Debate with Vance – 10/5/24 – Matt Christiansen. 14-minute video

Kamala Harris Read More »

State of Education in USA

State of Education in USA (30+ articles)

  1. For Teachers Unions, Parents and Children Come Last (dailysignal.com) – 12/28/22
    • See the American Federation of Teachers web site, the nation’s second-largest teachers union. It is an unapologetic megaphone for America’s Left.
    • The teachers union believes women have a right to abort their child, but parents have no right to know what their child is taught in school.
    • The PAC political contributions of the AFT were 16th-highest in spending in the nation in the 2021-2022 cycle, making $2,150,500 in campaign contributions to candidates. Percentage of contributions to Democrats 100%, Republicans 0%.
  2. How Schools Are Teaching Children to Hate Their Country, Their Neighbors, Themselves: Kimberly Fletcher | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 11/4/23
    • “If you can’t show it on TV and you can’t air it on the radio, then you can’t have it in the classroom. So, that’s a pretty simple standard. It’s already a standard that’s set by the FCC [Federal Communications Commission]. You can go to fcc.com, and you can see what is the standard. We have parental guidance, we have ratings on movies, we have literature that says, ‘Okay, this is for this age. This is for that age.’ Why don’t we have that in schools? Why is parental guidance in schools taboo?”
    • Gender Transformation – Untold Realities (documentary)
  3. The Most Notorious Grassroots Movement In America: Moms For Liberty w/ Tiffany Justice (youtube.com) – 1/23/24 – Tiffany Justice is an activist on behalf of children and families.
    • 00:00 Getting Involved at Local Level
    • 09:41Teachers’ Unions
    • 15:14 So-Called “Book Bans”
    • 19:53 Queer Theory
    • 30:10 Is There Hope?
  4. Math and reading test scores among US 13-year-olds declined significantlysince 2019.  Observers claim pandemic school closures likely accelerated what was already a decadelong downward trend in basic academic benchmarks.
    • The test was administered to a representative sampling of roughly 8,700 students from 460 schools between October and December of last year. Average decline in scores was consistent across race, gender, and income level—averaging a nine-point drop in math and four-point drop in reading. The test is scored out of 500 points, with experts describing a change of 10 points as equal to a year of learning lost or gained. Researchers also noted student absenteeismas a contributing factor, which has doubled since 2020.
    • The latest report confirms similar resultsfrom other nationwide assessments of fourth and eighth graders over the last year. See the latest report card here.
  5. What is Driving Gender Ideology in Schools – 5/21/24 – Govt money promoting LGBT ideology. Govt > Grant Money > Hospital > LGBT Center > Schools
  6. The Truth about America’s Department of Education with Former Ed. Secretary Betsy DeVos | PragerU– 9/6/23
  7. Library Bans Mom for Hiding Pornographic Books from Her Children – CatholicVote org – 7/20/23
  8. ‘HiTOPS’ Org Sneaks Sexual & LGBTQ+ Curriculum into Schools, Goal to Strip Parental Opt-Out Rights – YouTube – Project Veritas – 9/13/23
  9. Former L.A. County Superintendent on Why America’s Education Is Tanking | PragerU – 9/20/23
  10. New Jersey Teachers Union Calls For End Of Basic Skills Test For Teachers | The Daily Wire – 11/17/23
  11. Our Public Schools Are a National Disaster | The Epoch Times – 10/16/23
  12. Globalists panic as homeschooling explodes across US | Frontline News – 11/5/23
  13. Chinese Company Buys Control of US Schools | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 11/3/23
  14. Left vs. Right: Education | PragerU – 12/5/23
  15. Virginia school board official sworn in on child pornography books | Frontline News – 12/24/23
  16. Philadelphia School Board President Takes Oath of Office with Hand on Sexually Explicit LGBTQ Books – CatholicVote org – 12/7/23
  17. Senate Hearing: Sen. Kennedy Reads Disturbing Content from Banned Books, Asking Who Decides on Appropriate School Books | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 9/12/23
  18. Annabella Rockwell: I Entered College Happy. I Left Angry. | PragerU – 8/22/23
  19. Avoid ‘Civilizational Collapse’ by Fixing America’s Schools | Facts Matter Exclusive | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 10/26/22 – 27-minute video
  20. Are Universities Doomed? (theepochtimes.com) – 12/22/22
  21. Why I Stopped Teaching | PragerU – 5/16/23
  22. What Are Your Kids Learning in School? | PragerU – 2/22/21
  23. College campuses have become fascism incubators, labs for testing extreme COVID surveillance schemes – NaturalNews.com
  24. The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam | PragerU – 8/8/2022
  25. What the Shocking Nation’s Report Card Scores Reveal About Catholic Schools – Doug Billings – 6/26/23
  26. How the Education System Is Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Alex Newman | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 2/19/24
  27. Montana State Library Commission Breaks Ties with American Library Association Over New President – CatholicVote org – 7/11/23 – New ALA president is a self-described Marxist lesbian.
  28. PA Superintendent Scorches Critics Over Pride – YouTube – 7/1/23
  29. Israel resumes school closures | Frontline News – 9/11/23 – Studies performed as early as 2021 concluded that strictly virtual learning is significantly detrimental to children’s mental health, while others found that in-person learning did not contribute to overall transmission risks.

State of Education in USA Read More »

Transgender LGBTQ+

Transgender / LGBTQ+  (65+ articles)

  1. Matt Walsh ‘What is a Woman’ documentary
  2. Rolling Stone’s hit piece on Matt Walsh only proves the success of ‘What is a Woman?’ – (lifesitenews.com) – 7/6/23The mainstream media in the United States has been bending over backwards to avoid covering the international pushback to the transgender agenda. An honest look at what Walsh is doing would note that health professionals in the U.K., Sweden, Norway, and Finland (among others) are on his side.
  3. What Is a Woman Changed My Life: Interview With Paula Scanlan – YouTube – 6/27/23
  4. “What Is a Man?” A Look at The Neuroscience (youtube.com) – 1/12/24 – Dr. Greg Bottaro of the Catholic Psych Institute joins Mary on the EDIFY Podcast to unpack the neuroscience behind the “masculine genius” and how it relates to male and female complementarity.
  5. Meet Chloe Cole, the 18-year-old leading the fight to protect children from transgender surgeries | Catholic News Agency – 9/24/22
  6. Chloe Cole: Transition Surgery Was the Biggest Mistake of My Life | PragerU – 6/13/23 – Transgender
  7. Polls show Americans are overwhelmingly turning against radical transgender ideology – Lifesitenews.com – 6/12/23
  8. ‘Small’ concessions to transgenderism are slowly reshaping our entire culture – lifesitenews.com – 7/21/22
  9. The Truth About Gender Clinics: Whistleblower Jamie Reed | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 1/20/24 – 48-minute video
  10. ‘Small’ concessions to transgenderism are slowly reshaping our entire culture – lifesitenews.com – 7/21/22
  11. Fauci’s $478,188 Experiment to Turn Monkeys Transgender — and Other Ways the Government Wastes Your Money (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/23/22
  12. The Transgender Threat – YouTube – 5/10/22
  13. Priest decries abortion, transgender mutilations, pornography, drag shows as ‘demonic insanity’ – Lifesitenews.com – 3/3/23
  15. Merriam-Webster dictionary updates definition of ‘female’ to include ‘gender identity’ – lifesitenews.com – 7/20/22
  16. Leftist Woman Asks Ben Shapiro If He’s Transphobic – YouTube – 10/5/18
  17. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Refuses to Define Word ‘Woman’ (theepochtimes.com)– 3/23/22
  18. Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities (theepochtimes.com) – 6/19/23
  19. Amazing Comeback to Men in Women’s Sports – YouTube – Riley Gaines – 6/22/23
  20. Sen. Hawley Shows Picture of Riley Gaines Being Assaulted by Protesters, Stunned by Her Story of Being Held for ‘Ransom’ (theepochtimes.com) – 6/26/23
  21. Drag queens parade around New York City chanting, ‘We’re coming for your children’ – Lifesitenews.com – 6/27/23
  22. Virginia school board official sworn in on child pornography books | Frontline News – 12/24/23
  1. Philadelphia School Board President Takes Oath of Office with Hand on Sexually Explicit LGBTQ Books – CatholicVote org – 12/7/23
  2. Dad Ruthlessly Fact-Checks Woke School Board – YouTube – 7/3/23 – Transgender
  3. CDC Endorses ‘Trans’ Women ‘Chestfeeding’ Infants – CatholicVote org – 7/6/23 – Transgender
  4. New UN report suggests LGBT ideology should take precedence over religious freedom – (lifesitenews.com) – 7/6/23
  5. Biden health secretary vows to strip Medicaid funding from providers who refuse transgender surgeries – (lifesitenews.com) – 7/6/23
  6. Pro-LGBT Thug Threatens to Kill School Board Chief Over Parental Rights (dailysignal.com) – 7/25/23
  7. Florida House Democrats Attempt to Prevent Rep. Cammack From Playing Video of Expert Interview on Gender Surgery, Stage Walkout (theepochtimes.com) – 7/25/23
  8. Detransitioner: “Please, Let Me Be Your Final Warning” – YouTube – 7/27/23
  9. ‘It’s Not Possible to Change Your Sex’: Rep. Hageman Drops Truth Bomb as Detransitioner Begs to Serve as ‘Final Warning’ (theepochtimes.com) – 7/28/23
  10. (48) Congressman Exposes the “Queer Surgeon” – YouTube – 7/30/23 – Transgender ‘Queer Surgeon’
  11. 2% of American Adults Claim LGBTQ Identities – CatholicVote org – 8/7/23 – Gen Z nearly 20%!
  12. The Rise of Antihumanism by Matthew B. Crawford | Articles | First Things – August 2023.
  13. Sex Is Binary | PragerU – 9/18/23
  14. IN-DEPTH: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition | The Epoch Times – 8/31/23
  15. DETRANS: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care | PragerU – 10/25/23 – 21 minutes.
  16. Media Outrage over DETRANS | PragerU
  17. The Truth about Gender-Affirming Care | PragerU – 12/19/22
  18. The Sexualization of Children | PragerU – 6/27/22
  19. Doctor says Biden admin is persecuting him for exposing transgender child mutilation in Texas – Lifesitenews.com – 1/11/24
  20. S. Gender Dysphoria Cases Skyrocketed From 2018 to 2022 – CatholicVote org – 1/11/24
  21. How Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum push transhumanism – Lifesitenews.com – 1/16/24
  22. American Academy of Pediatrics article calls banning trans ‘care’ for kids ‘medical neglect,’ ‘emotional abuse’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/12/24
  23. Catholic Convert Says Same-Sex Attracted People Need to Hear ‘The Hard Truth’ – CatholicVote org – 1/17/24 – “You have rejected the Bible, and you have rejected Christianity, and thus you have rejected the truth,” he continued. “No person who rejects the truth can thrive.”
  24. Hilarious video underscores how easy it could be to debunk transgender propaganda – Lifesitenews.com – 2/5/24
  25. ‘Transgender’ male basketball player on girls’ team injures 3 players, causing opponent to forfeit – Lifesitenews.com – 2/21/24
  26. INFOGRAPHIC: Mapping the quiet rise of homo-Marxist power within US conservatism (lifesitenews.com) – 2/29/24
  27. How the collapse of ‘cultural Christianity’ led to the dominance of LGBT ideology – Lifesitenews.com – 2/28/24 – Jonathon Van Maren also explores statistics related to the American case, noting that only 11 percent of Christians have read the entire Bible at least once, that 40 percent of Americans believe the Bible is “ambiguous on abortion,” that 34 percent say abortion is “morally acceptable,” and 34 percent likewise reject the biblical definition of marriage. Catholics, meanwhile, are the American Christians most in favorof redefining marriage.
  28. The transgender movement has rendered our national institutions incompetent and untrustworthy – Lifesitenews.com – 3/4/24 – Jonathon Van Maren – nothing has done more to undermine faith in institutions more than the rise of the gender movement – because the acceptance of this ideology has made so many once prestigious establishments appear so ridiculous to normal, common sense people who have never asked themselves what their gender might be.
  29. Catholic Senator Had Wanted Million-Dollar Earmark for LGBTQ Group Hosting Monthly ‘Kink’ Party – CatholicVote org – 3/5/24
  30. Leaked Files Expose Global Transgender Health Association for ‘Widespread Medical Malpractice on Children and Vulnerable Adults’ – CatholicVote org – 3/5/24 – Leaked internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) this week revealed members’ shocking disregard of medical ethics and the detrimental long-term effects of the hormone therapies and surgical interventions they recommend for children.
  31. Wisconsin teacher sues school that fired him for not using preferred pronouns – CatholicVote org – 8/9/24
  32. The Trans Kids Medical Scandal – 8/26/24 – Prager U
  33. Vermont Department of Health tells people not to use terms ‘daughter’ or ‘son’ – Lifesitenews.com – 8/29/24
  34. Why Girls Become Boys | PragerU – 3/29/21
  35. Michigan middle school ‘socially transitioned’ girl for months without telling parents – 9/24/24
  36. Prager U: These countries have stopped medical treatment of teens whose bodies are 100% healthy: Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland.
  37. California is working hard to make life easier for child sex abusers – lifesitenews.com – 12/1/22
  38. It’s come to this: School girls labeled ‘transphobic’ for opposing boys in their locker rooms – Lifesitenews.com – 9/4/24
  39. California takes custody of and attempts to ‘transition’ Christian widow’s child – CatholicVote org – 9/10/24
  40. What is Driving Gender Ideology in Schools – 5/21/24 – Govt money promoting LGBT ideology.  Govt > Grant Money > Hospital > LGBT Center > Schools
  41. The transgender movement will never give up: here’s why – 10/17/24. Despite increasing opposition, there are a lot of people who have already transitioned their own children and they can’t think about the possibility they were wrong..
  42. Parents outraged after ‘sex-ed’ program leader uses pedo-friendly language in school presentation – 10/24/24. “Minor Attracted Persons” is a phrase preferred by pedophiles, who believe that “MAP” is a destigmatizing term that assists in legitimizing their “identity” and promotes social acceptance of their sexual attractions.
  43. The LGBT movement never had any intention of promoting a ‘live and let live’ culture – 12/19/24.  That was never the goal; it was just the pitch, carefully curated for public consumption. The truth is that the LGBT movement sought – and seeks – cultural dominance.
  44. Preventable Tragedies: Why De-transitioners Are Suing Doctors – 10/14/24

Transgender LGBTQ+ Read More »

General Voting Guide

General Voting Guide                                                    <My political views>

Here are links to the major party platforms:

Below is my assessment of the key differences between the parties (discounting campaign rhetoric where politicians say anything to get elected):

Issue Democrats Republicans
1.    Economy 1.    Capitalism is flawed; we should move toward Socialism (eventually Communism?) and more regulations.

2.    Promote welfare for the poor and middle class over the wealthy.

3.    Expand government; spend more, tax more.  No intent to balance the budget; likely to continue massive deficit spending.  Eventually cancel the debt via a great reset.

4.    Shift more of the tax burden to the wealthy and corporations without regard to the resultant drag on the economy.

5.    Support Digital Currency and elimination of cash, despite hardship to the poor, the elderly and small business.

6.    Price controls are a viable option to contain inflation.

7.    Support tax on unrealized capital gains.

1.    Capitalism is good, having lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.  Link1  Link2

2.    Limited Tariffs that protect American industry are acceptable but generally leave capitalism alone with reasonable regulations.

3.    Limited government; spend less, tax less.  Little appetite for balancing budget; likely to continue deficit spending but at reduced level.

4.    Stop outsourcing, reduce dependency on adversaries.

5.    More likely to contain or reduce taxes at all levels.  Recognize all taxes are a drag on the economy.  Overtaxing business will reduce investment and cost jobs.

6.    Keep US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Allow digital currencies, crypto currencies.

7.    Price controls have never worked.  They result in shortages, reduced quality, and underground economies.  Must reduce government spending to curb inflation.

8.    Tax on unrealized capital gains would be catastrophic to the economy and jobs.

Immigration 1.    Open borders; maximize migration; diversity is a strength. Recent Flip?

2.    Emphasize compassion for the poor of other countries, even giving them preferential treatment over our domestic poor. Link  Link2  Link3

3.    Turn a blind eye towards the increased risks of crime, terrorism, drug and human trafficking.

4.    There is no conflict between having tight security at airports but little or no security at the border.

1.    Seal the border; stop the migration invasion. Link1

2.    Emphasize national security and reduce exposure to crime, terrorism, drug and human trafficking. Link2  Link3  Link4  Link5

3.    Deport illegals.

4.    Top issue in party platform.

Energy 1.    Emphasize consuming less energy vs. producing more.

2.    Emphasize wind and solar energy sources.

3.    Resist drilling, grudgingly tolerate fracking.

1.    Strive for Energy Independence as a nation.

2.    Wind & Solar OK but these cannot supply enough.

3.    Continue Drilling & Fracking to meet energy demands.

Climate Change 1.    Climate change is a major threat.

2.    Consider Carbon Dioxide to be a pollutant.

3.    Allocate massive funds to reduce carbon emissions and promote other globalist goals.

4.    Promote / mandate electric vehicles, ignoring the downsides to battery production and the associated environmental impact

1.    Climate changes naturally; humanity’s influence is overblown.  Link

2.    Carbon Dioxide is good for plants and not a pollutant.

3.    Cancel/avoid electronic vehicle mandates.

4.    Electric vehicles have downsides. link

5.    Avoid costly, overly burdensome regulations.

Foreign Policy 1.    Move toward One World Government.

2.    Submit to World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO). link, link2

1.    America first.

2.    Reduce NATO funding.

3.    Do not give up U.S. sovereignty to WEF, WHO.

Constitution 1.    Radically reform constitution; government may restrict free speech, religion, and keeping / bearing arms. link, link2, link3, Totalitarianism.

2.    Partner with Big Tech to censor speech and promote government agenda.

3.    Pack supreme court so the party in power can get the decisions they want.

1.    Defend current constitution with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to keep and bear arms.

2.    Retain the Supreme Court as independent of the Executive and Legislative branches of government.

3.    The only exceptions to free speech should be restrictions on inciting to violence and pornography.

Law Enforcement 1.    OK to use Dept. of Justice, FBI, CIA and IRS to attack political opponents. Link

2.    Enforce laws against political enemies but not against own party.

3.    Encourage harassment of political opponents. Link

4.    Release criminals rather than risk violating their rights. If you disagree, you are racist.

1.    Justice should be objectively applied to all.

2.    Stop weaponization of government agencies against political opponents.

3.    Enforce the law; stop letting criminals go free.  It’s about justice and security, not race.

Military 1.    Inconsistent support for Israel, Hamas

2.    Support Ukraine without limits

3.    Oppose Russia at every opportunity

4.    War can be a means to achieve political ends.

1.    Support Israel.

2.    Support Ukraine up to a point.

3.    Avoid WW3 and entanglements that don’t support America’s interests.

4.    Strong military; peace through strength.

Abortion 1.    Radically pro-choice, even pro-abortion.

2.    OK up to 9 months and even beyond. Link Link2 Link3  Link4

3.    Key plank of party platform.

1.    Varying degrees of pro-life.  A few are pro-choice.

2.    Most support banning abortion at several weeks.

3.    Not prominent in party platform.

LGBTQ+ 1.    Male/female differences are not significant and don’t matter.

2.    Biological males identifying as females may go into women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports.

3.    Drag queen story hours and pornographic books at public libraries are fine.

4.    Those who want to adopt children must accept LGBTQ+ ideology or be barred from adopting.

5.    OK to transition children to opposite gender without parental consent. Link  Link2  Link3  Link4

1.    Male and female humans have significant differences.

2.    Protect women from biological males; Do not allow biological males in women’s sports, locker rooms, restrooms, nor prisons. Link

3.    Disallow Drag Queen story hours and pornographic materials at public libraries, emphasize common sense, common decency.

4.    Criminalize gender transitions for minors without parental consent.

5.    The perceived needs of a tiny minority do not outweigh the needs of the many.

Education 1.    Promote Critical Race Theory, LBGTQ+ gender ideology, sex education and abortion, the younger the better.

2.    More centralized control via Federal Dept. of Education. Link

3.    Professional educators know how best to education children.  Resist parental control. Link

4.    People who have never been to college, or who went to college and paid off their loans, should pay the debts of students who still have college loans to pay off.

1.    Cut Federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, Radical Gender Ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.

2.    Reduce or eliminate Federal Dept. of Education in favor of individual states.

3.    Parents know what is best for their children.

Voting Laws 1.    Allow non-citizens to vote. link1, link2.

2.    Grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.

3.    Allow for early voting, mail-in voting, ballot harvesting.

4.    Resist Voter ID, proof of citizenship, cleaning up voter rolls.

5.    Downplay the extent of voter fraud.

6.    We should count non-citizens in the census which determines how many votes each state gets in Congress.

1.    Must better secure our elections to eliminate fraud.

2.    Strongly prefer in person voting.

3.    Some favor early voting; others same day voting.

4.    Paper ballots to preclude hacking voting machines.

5.    Voter ID and proof of citizenship required.

6.    No ballot harvesting, mail-in voting tolerated if tightly controlled.

7.    Clean up voter rolls to remove those who have deceased or moved.

8.    Census for voting should count only citizens.

My intent on the above comparison is to help you focus on the stark differences between the two parties.  This election should not be about choosing the most likable person, but rather choosing the ideology that will guide the country going forward.

Here is a comparison by First Liberty between the two presidential candidates: Trump vs. Harris: Their Record on Religious Freedom and Other Key Issues – News – First Liberty – 8/30/24.  First Liberty’s focus is primarily 1st Amendment rights.

If you vote in Kamala Harris and the Democrats, then this is what will likely be the result:

  1. Laws will be enacted that ensure the Democrats will never lose another election. Non-citizens and felons will be allowed to vote.  See link1, link2, link3.
  2. Free speech and other 1st amendment rights will be lost. See link, link2, link3.
  3. Government censorship and propaganda will be pervasive (link), and Government protests will be put down harshly.
  4. Political opponents will continue to be aggressively attacked and suppressed via weaponization of FBI, CIA, IRS, and the Department of Justice (link, link2). Enforcement of law will even more depend on the person’s political persuasion.
  5. Crime, drug and human sex trafficking will continue to escalate, fueled by an open border. See link, link2, link3. Pedophilia will be tolerated and eventually decriminalized (link).
  6. Terrorists flooding across the border will eventually mobilize and strike (link).
  7. Supreme Court will be “packed”, or expanded so that the Democrats can appoint enough new justices to ensure the Court supports all Democrat party policies. See link1, link2, link3.
  8. More activist judge appointments will further erode the original intent of the Constitution.
  9. Government health insurance will replace all private health insurance.
  10. Government will control food and other commodities in short supply.
  11. Drag Queen story hours and pornographic materials for children at public schools and libraries will continue and proliferate (link).
  12. The country will devolve steadily into socialism and then communism or Totalitarianism.
  13. As the border becomes meaningless, USA sovereignty will give way to a global one world government and religion. See link, link2.

Some additional relevant links:

  1. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
  2. Election Fraud Articles and Videos
  3. Illegal Immigration and Child Sex Trafficking
  4. Transgender / LGBTQ
  5. State of Education in USA
  6. Kamala Harris Would Overhaul Supreme Court – including expansive “court packing”.

General Voting Guide Read More »

American Bishops Support of Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking

American Bishops Support of Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking (100+ articles)

(see Catholic Leadership Critique Rationale, Code of Cannon Law 212)

Below is a list of articles showing how the American Bishops and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) support illegal immigration and therefore human trafficking.

  1. Hijacking Christian Compassion: You Have Been Lied to About the Border (youtube.com) – 12/11/23.
    • Since Biden took office, we’ve seen over 8 million migrants from 180 countries around the world.
    • Ends (better life for migrants) Do not justify means (violating law, subjecting migrates to grave risk, allowing drugs, criminals, and national security threats to enter country)
    • Tolerating and even encouraging illegal immigration causes our borders to be insecure, allowing drugs, criminals, and national security threats to enter the country.
    • Open borders are unchristian, inhumane, and deadly. Thousands of dead migrants; 30% of women making journey are sexually assaulted (according to Doctors without Borders); thousands more are sex-trafficked after entering the U.S.
  2. The Catholic Cartel – Complicit Clergy – 2/3/22 – powerful 17-minute video summary
  3. America’s Catholic Bishops Get Rich Off Our Broken Borders – The Stream – 6/12/23
  4. Why are Catholic Bishops Defending Illegal Immigration? They’re Bought? | Intellectual Takeout– 6/20/18
    • Our government doles out billions of dollars to organizations and charities that settle refugees and aid illegal immigrants. If our illegal immigration problem suddenly went away, then there would be no reason to fund groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, BCFS Health and Human Services (a Baptist group), Catholic Charities, or Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service.
  5. Could This Be Why Bishops Appear to Hate Trump And Love Biden? (complicitclergy.com) – 2/2/24
    • While Trump cut USCCB grants by 50% during his first administration, Biden increased USCCB funding by over 150% during the two years of his administration.
  6. WATCH: Catholic Charities Trafficking Children? (complicitclergy.com) – 6-minute video plus 48 links
  7. WATCH: Catholic NGOs’ Role in Illegal Immigration (complicitclergy.com) – 1/13/24 – 3-minute video plus 48 links
  8. WATCH: Catholic Charities of San Diego Operating Secret Hotel for Illegal Aliens? (complicitclergy.com) – 4-minute video plus 48 links
  9. Feds Gave Catholic Charities $769 Million since 2021 that Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities (breitbart.com) – 8/21/24
  10. Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012 – Washington Times– 9/24/15
  11. Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration | National | thecentersquare.com – 10/27/23 – greater than the individual populations of 41 states.
  12. The Bishops’ Misapplication of Catholic Charity on Our Southern Border (thefederalist.com) – 9/24/21
    • More than any other religious group, it is America’s Catholic bishops who lend moral support and cover to the current border situation.  How? Through their promotion to open borders — a strict adherence that warps God’s call to love our neighbors and misunderstands the criminal situation at the border.  Any step the United States might take to enforce its immigration laws, the bishops oppose it — loudly and swiftly.
    • “The [USCCB] collected $50 million for migration and refugee services for the year 2020, most of which came from the federal government,” Lepanto Institute President Michael Hichborn told the news site Church Militant. “During that same period,” he added,” the U.S. bishops collected a meager $777,000 for pro-life activities.”
    • While we have an ordered call to charity, we don’t have a religious duty to have no nations, no laws, and no order.
    • God does not call us to violate just laws for charity, understanding we cannot extend good deeds to everyone on earth… no single teaching obscures the others to the detriment of the good; justice, charity, and mercy all must be weighed.  The Bishops have not paid proper heed to the harmful effects this charity without justice has had on the lives of the vulnerable.
    • The results of these mistakes are painful, are deadly, and are on our border every day and night. On this, there can be no confusion; it’s time for our church to recognize it.
  13. Catholic Bishops Complicit In The Chaos At The Southern Border – YouTube – 1/6/22
  14. Refusing to Address the Border Crisis is Immoral | Opinion (newsweek.com) – 1/25/23
  15. How the Left Will Repay the Catholic Church on Immigration – American Thinker– 6/24/14
  16. Extensive Analysis Reveals Bishops Bank Billions in Federal Immigration Funding (complicitclergy.com) – 1/4/23
  17. Catholic bishops oppose new Iowa immigration law – CatholicVote org – 5/13/24
  18. ‘Catholic Charities Has Engaged in Criminal Activity’ — Stew Peters | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com)– 10/23/23
  19. “Midnight At The Border” | Running on Truth | Episode 2 – YouTube– August, 2023 RFK Jr.
  20. Cities Face Bankruptcy as Sanctuary Policies Trigger States of Emergency | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com)– 10/24/23 – NY, LA, Chicago, Wash. DC
  21. Human Traffickers Posing as Catholic Charities (churchmilitant.com) – 10/19/23
  22. Bishop blasts ‘false narrative’ behind Texas anti-immigrant policy | Crux (cruxnow.com) – 10/31/23
  23. Congress to Investigate Catholic Charities? (churchmilitant.com) – 10/19/23
  24. ‘Catholic Charities Has Engaged in Criminal Activity’ — Stew Peters | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com) – 10/23/23
  25. Watchdogs demand info from DHS, HHS on NGOs working along Texas border to aid illegal immigrants | Fox News– 2/9/22
  26. Catholic Charities’ Role in the Border Crisis – Catholic Journal– July, 2021
  27. Catholic Charities, Texas diocese under fire for transporting illegal migrants with Biden admin – lifesitenews.com– 2/18/22
  28. The Catholic Church and Illegal Immigration | Intellectual Takeout– 1/30/20
  29. The Catholic Church and Immigration (churchmilitant.com) – Church Militant interviews Michelle Malkin
  30. 50 Catholic Groups Lobby Congress to Oppose Proposed Limits on Illegal Immigration (complicitclergy.com) – 1/9/24
  31. Illegal Immigrant Caravans and Criminal Catholics (townhall.com)– Michelle Malkin
    • Make no mistake: These are not desperate people suddenly seeking refuge from violence and harm. They are low-wage workers, pew-fillers and future ethnic-bloc voters being exploited by Big Business, the Vatican and the Democrat Party.
    • Pope Francis donated $500,000 nine months ago from his Peter’s Pence fund to assist illegal immigrant caravan participants. The subsidies cover “27 projects in 16 dioceses and Mexican religious congregations” for “housing, food and basic necessities,” as well as “migrant” assistance programs “run by seven dioceses and three religious congregations: the Scalabrinians, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the Hermanas Josefinas,” according to the Catholic News Service.
  32. Catholic Charities Enabling Illegal Immigration in Texas – Complicit Clergy– 11/18/21
  33. The Catholic Cartel – Bishops Making Millions in Trafficking Illegal Aliens – Complicit Clergy– 10/30/21
  34. Immigration Cash Cow (churchmilitant.com)
  35. Extensive Analysis Reveals Bishops Bank Billions In Federal Immigration Funding (complicitclergy.com) – 1/4/23
  36. Catholic NGOs Receive Billions in Government Funding to Provide Illegals Housing, Food, Healthcare, Financial Assistance and More (complicitclergy.com) – 12/31/22
  37. Catholic NGOs Continue to Cash In (churchmilitant.com) – 8/28/23
  38. Report: NGOs Nonprofits Making Bank off of Vulnerable Migrants – CatholicVote org – 5/13/24
  39. Catholic groups fund illegals hopping the border: A travesty (wnd.com)– 2/11/22
  40. Congress Must Defund Nonprofits Aiding Biden’s Open-Border Operations (dailysignal.com) – 5/2/23
  41. Nun spearheading illegal alien invasion is really a dedicated revolutionary with elitist ties – World Tribune– 2/22/22
  42. Taxpayer Money Facilitating Mass Migration (cis.org)– 2/24/22
  43. Catholic Bishops Urge Biden: Hurry on Those Afghan Refugees – PJ Media – 8/18/21
  44. Watch — Catholic Charities Coordinates Migrant Arrivals: They ‘Need Help’ (breitbart.com) – 4/18/22
  45. Catholic Charities Enabling the Illegal Invasion of our Nation (complicitclergy.com)
  46. Illegal immigration is a sin (chastitysf.com) – 1/14/24
  47. Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone (dailysignal.com) – 12/7/22
  48. How feds use charities to hide the true cost of the US border crisis (nypost.com) – 12/21/22
  49. Are U.S. Bishops Complicit in the Trafficking and Exploitation of Migrant Children? (complicitclergy.com) – 12/8/22
  50. Liz Yore Calls Upon U.S. Bishops To Get Out of the Business of Trafficking Illegal Aliens (complicitclergy.com) – 12/10/22 – see numerous related posts
  51. Is Catholic Charities Helping Turn America Blue? (complicitclergy.com) – 12/10/22 – The Heritage Foundation recently issued a shocking reporttracking cell phone data originating from non-governmental agencies helping to relocate illegal immigrates to various locations across our nation.
  52. Michael Hichborn on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell – 17 November 2023 | Listen Notes – 11/16/23
  53. Government hides money for illegal immigration in charities (nypost.com) – 7/22/22
  54. Secular Media Stepping up to Expose the Corrupt Bishops (churchmilitant.com) – 8/22/23
  55. They have failed to stop “Catholic” charitable organizations from funding organizations which are blatantly anti-Catholic.
  56. The Case Against Catholic Relief Services – YouTube– 2/18/22
  57. Catholic Relief Services Documents Promote Condom Use in Africa – The Lepanto Institute– 3/2/20
  58. Michael Hichborn: What’s Going on with the USCCB? – YouTube– 6/27/17
  59. Catholic Charities Scam | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com)– 2/15/22
  60. Lepanto Institute Responds to Bishop Chairman of Catholic Relief Services– 3/28/21
  61. Heretical Association of Catholic Priests Supports Pro-LGBT Adoption Legislation– 4/15/21
  62. Catholic-Funded Organizations and Networks Financially Tied to Massive Pro-Abortion Initiative – The Lepanto Institute (11/14/21)
  63. Biden Admin Turns Blind Eye to Exploitive Migrant Child Labor – CatholicVote org – 3/7/23
  64. More Taxpayer Funding for NGOs that Assist Illegal Aliens Amid Border Crisis | Federation for American Immigration Reform (fairus.org) – 8/25/23
  65. The US Bishops’ Migrant Wealth Makes Boys and Girls Victims | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com) – 9/14/23
  66. Catholic Charities Maine Touts Taxpayer-Funded Migrant Resettlement Plans – The Maine Wire – 12/15/23
  67. S. bishops weigh in on border deal negotiations | Catholic News Agency – 12/16/23 – “deeply concerned” about the “real-life impact” of a crackdown at the border.
  68. A Reporter’s Searing Challenge of Episcopal Corruption | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com) – 9/15/23 – World Tribune article: Leftist Catholic NGO fueling illegal alien invasion. Anti-globalist weekly articles by Joe Schaeffer. Catholic Charities funded primarily by the US Government.
  69. Bishops Bank Millions in U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Aiding in the Illegal Invasion of our Nation (complicitclergy.com) – 12/31/23
  70. Cardinal Dolan: Illegal Immigration “Helps Our Church” | The Wanderer Newspaper (thewandererpress.com) – 1/5/24
  71. Cardinal Dolan Lectures Catholics on Illegal Immigration (complicitclergy.com) – 12/30/23
  72. Archbishop Timothy Dolan: Catholics Are Rebelling Against Church’s Pro-Migration Policies (breitbart.com) – 12/30/23
  73. Are the US Bishops Covering Up Child Exploitation Again? | The Christian Review – 9/9/23 – The USCCB must urgently re-assess its border policy and its denial of a link between open borders and child exploitation.
    • The Bishops objected to “initiatives [such as] . . . tripling of Border Patrol agents, especially at ports of entry, and the use of sophisticated technology such as ground sensors, surveillance cameras, heat-detecting scopes, and reinforced fencing.”
  74. Senators share grisly details from recent border trip | Washington Examiner – 7/20/22
  75. Louisiana governor explains why he cut money to Catholic Charities: money is going to illegal immigrants – CatholicVote org – 6/27/24
  76. FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor – 6/28/24
  77. Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion (dailywire.com) – 6/4/24
  78. FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants – 6/28/24 – Catholic Charities received a whopping $1.4 BILLION from the federal government in 2021. In summary, billions of dollars are being siphoned from legal citizens to bring in a new class of citizen that the government will paternalize in order to get the votes they desire. Pseudo-religious organizations will collude and extort taxpayer money from the federal government in order to make your communities less safe, your food is more expensive, and price you into a renter class as they grow government endlessly. All of this has accelerated under the Biden administration since 2020. Government subsidies for private corporations are often lamented. The question becomes, which charitable donation is worse? Corporate or religious?
  79. Poll: Catholics Reject Church’s Pro-Migration Policies – 7/12/24
  80. How Texas Bishop Michael Olson is Helping the Biden/Harris Administration Transform America Using Your Tax Dollars – 9/9/24 – A Fort Worth, Texas church has been given control of nearly a billion dollars of taxpayer funds to dole out cash to border crossers and has given tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to Soros-funded organizations.
  81. Catholic Charities Partnering with Supporters of Terrorism? – 9/29/24 –  Catholic Charities of Forth Worth got nearly a billion dollars from Biden-Harristo give to illegal aliens.
  82. Government Reports Reveal the Terrible Consequences of U.S. Bishops’ Role in Enabling Illegal Immigration – 9/30/24
  83. Texas AG says Catholic charity is smuggling migrants into US, running a ‘stash house’ – 11/3/24
  84. USCCB Distorts Church Teachings To Cajole Catholics Into Voting For Open Borders – 11/5/24.
    • USCCB: “The Gospel mandate to “welcome the stranger” requires Catholics to care for and stand with newcomers, authorized and unauthorized, including unaccompanied immigrant children, refugees and asylum-seekers, those unnecessarily detained, and victims of human trafficking.”
    • There is nothing Christian about facilitating the erosion of national identity. Nowhere is it written that God promised any people the right to gate crash another country and demand social services.
    • The human right to emigrate — leave one’s homeland — entails no right to enter — immigrate to — whichever country the emigrant chooses. To insist otherwise is to rob natal citizens of the fruits of their own labor. It cheats them, too, of the continuity of the social and historic dimensions of their own culture.
  85. US Bishops Denounce Trump’s Immigration Plan – The American Spectator – 1/11/25.
    • The Catholic Church has very clear teachings on immigration and border control, but Cupich, McElroy, and their episcopal brethren are seemingly content to ignore and even denigrate these teachings. Why? Because the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) profitsfrom the ongoing immigration crisis.
    • US bishops stand to lose lots of money from mass deportations.
    • Trump’s incoming “border czar,” Tom Homan described to Tucker Carlson why he came out of retirement for a second time to join Trump’s administration. “When you lose the border, trafficking and sex trafficking’s going to skyrocket, child deaths will skyrocket, migrant deaths will skyrocket, American deaths will skyrocket.”
    • Homan lamented the more-than-300,000 migrant children who have gone missing at the border since President Joe Biden took office four years ago.
    • The approach of the U.S. bishops — that of facilitating the wanton violation of America’s laws, of encouraging the invasion of the nation by a host of criminals, of turning a blind eye to the horrific abuses that Homan plans to end — is not a compassionate one.
  86. JD Vance slams USCCB for open borders hypocrisy during CBS interview – 1/27/25
  87. JD Vance Knows That Catholic Charities Has Lost Its Soul – The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics – 2/1/25
  88. Religious NGOs Draw Scrutiny Over Facilitating Illegal Immigration – 2/3/25
  89. Trump border chief blasts Pope Francis’ hypocrisy on illegal immigration – 1/27/25. ‘He can protect the Vatican where he lives. He can build a wall where he lives. The American people are not allowed that?’ Tom Homan, a lifelong Catholic, said. ‘He ought to stick to the Catholic Church and fix that. That’s a mess.’
  90. USCCB & Catholic Charities Received $449 Million to Exploit Migrant Children – Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace – 2/4/25
  91. DEBUNKING the Deceptive Immigration Talking Points of our Bishops – 2/4/25
  92. Billions in Blood Money – Crisis Magazine – 2/4/25. It is well-documented that illegal immigration is responsible for various forms of human suffering and degradation. Murder, gang violence, human trafficking, sex trafficking, narcotics trafficking, theft, terrorism, organized crime, torture, rape, assault, kidnapping, corruption, money laundering, various forms of fraud, and environmental crime all result from illegal immigration.  The Biden administration funneling billions of taxpayer money to NGOs to facilitate their open border policies was done for two reasons: 1.) The federal agencies involved did not have the capacity to provide the logistics necessary for such a massive influx of people. 2.) Primarily because of issues of venue, jurisdiction, and NGO non-accountability, the federal money flow was not transparent. I believe it was intentional. The taxpayer money was effectively laundered in order to advance the Biden administration’s open border policies.
  93. WATCH: Moral Theologian Fr. Kirby Explains Why JD Vance Was Right About Immigration – 2/4/25 – 60-minute video.
  94. Pope pens surprise letter to US bishops criticizing Trump’s immigration initiatives – 2/11/25. “The rightly formed conscience cannot fail to make a critical judgment and express its disagreement with any measure that tacitly or explicitly identifies the illegal status of some migrants with criminality.”
  95. BREAKING | Pope Francis declares war on Trump’s immigration crackdown – 2/11/25
  96. WHAT TO KNOW | Why Pope Francis is attacking Trump’s policy – 2/11/25
  97. US Bishops Panic As Funding Dries Up And Laity Turn Against Them – 2/11/25
  98. The Vatican Vs the United States: Francis Takes Heat For Major Blunder – 2/14/25
  99. Bishop Strickland Letter in Response to Pope Francis’s Letter to U.S. Bishops on Immigration – 2/13/25
  100. Who is the Final Judge of the Temporal Order? Clerics or Lay Rulers? It is Lay Rulers.
    • Immigration policy is a political issue, decided by politicians, and no cleric is permitted to be a politician (outside the sovereign nation of the Vatican City, of course). Thus, Mr. Vance, and all Catholic politicians, are bound to give deference to the Holy Father (and all clerics’) political opinions, but they must also know that it is they, not the clerics, who make the final decision about the temporal order.
    • The clerics provide lay people with principles of Catholic government. The lay people alone have the authority to apply those principles to laws and policies. Only in the case of manifestly grave sin can a cleric intervene to “depose” or “excommunicate” a lay ruler. This is the doctrine of the Two Swords, which even Vatican II confirmed(again).
  101. Can J.D. Vance Help Save the Catholic Church? – 2/14/25. from Complicit Clergyby Mike McCormick. See  book An Almost Insurmountable Evil: How Obama’s Deep State Defiled the Catholic Church and Executed the Wuhan Plandemic.
  102. Viganò Responds to Francis’ Declaration of War on Immigration – 2/11/25
  103. Archbishop Viganò: US bishops attack Trump after losing government cash – 2/19/25
  104. Deep state vs. the Church, Bannon, Westen & Yore break it down – 2/17/25. Need to defund all NGO grants. McCarrick’s involvement in illegal immigration & child trafficking. Did Obama pressure Pope Benedict to step down?
  105. Bishops Burning Bridges – 2/18/25
    • Remember in 2018 when the USCCB decided to take no action on McCarrick because the pope encouraged them to wait, and then nothing ever came of it? The uproar receded, McCarrick was safely tucked away in a remote country refuge, and no one ever took action, confirming the impression that the bishops protect predators in their ranks, no matter how nightmarish.
    • After the uncountable abuses and cover-ups, the financial scandals in the Vatican, the promotion of clerics who are demonstrably anti-Catholic and the scuttling of those who proclaim Christ, after paying off accusers with little to no investigation and ruining the lives of innocent priests while failing to do a bloomin’ thing about those who patronize gay sex apps for meetups and text their lovers late at night…the bishops will have few left to support them if law enforcement arrives to investigate malfeasance.
    • As a layperson wounded by the bishops, over and over, I lament the hard-heartedness with which I now regard them. The only bishops I perceive to be interested in the spiritual well-being of their people have allowed themselves to be bound and gagged in the aftermath of Bishop Joseph Strickland’s unjust removal from his diocese. The Vatican chill factor has worked well on the rest of the U.S. episcopacy.

See also: Catholic Social Teaching on Immigration and the Movement of Peoples | USCCB.  Key Principles:

  1. People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families.
  2. A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration.
  3. A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.
    • The Catholic Church teaches that every person has basic human rights and is entitled to have basic human needs met—food, shelter, clothing, education, and health care. (Freely offered or by mandate?  What limits?  What about the existing poor already in the country?)
    • Current immigration policy that criminalizes the mere attempt to immigrate and imprisons immigrants who have committed no crime or who have already served a just sentence for a crime is immoral.  (So, is it acceptable to break the laws associated with principle #2? Can we choose to break other laws?)
    • It is the position of the Catholic Church that pastoral, educational, medical, and social services provided by the Church are never conditioned on legal status. All persons are invited to participate in our parishes, attend our schools, and receive other services offered by our institutions and programs. (That’s all fine but what about the collateral damage caused by human trafficking, a direct result of the Catholic Church encouraging illegal immigration?  And does this policy justify the Bishops aiding and abetting those breaking the law?)

American Bishops Support of Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking Read More »

Censorship and Propaganda

Censorship & Propaganda (90+ examples)

  1. RFK Jr. drops out, endorses Trump: FULL SPEECH (youtube.com) – 8/23/24, 48-minute video. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drops out of the presidential race. In a wide-ranging address Kennedy criticized Democrats, the medical establishment, and the media, while throwing his support behind former president Donald Trump.
  2. RFK, Jr. ‘Astonished’ After Documents Reveal How Biden Administration and Big Tech Colluded to Censor COVID ‘Misinformation’ • childrenshealthdefense.org – 9/6/22 – “shocking” that a U.S. president would involve the FBI and Homeland Security in efforts to pressure publishers to censor the president’s critics.
  3. Over 50 Biden Administration Employees, 12 US Agencies Involved in Social Media Censorship Push: Documents (theepochtimes.com) – 9/1/22
  4. Zuckerberg Says He Regrets Demoting COVID-19 Content due to Biden Admin Pressure | The Epoch Times – 8/27/24
  5. What’s Wrong with Censorship? | PragerU – 2/26/24 – 5-minute video.
  6. NewsGuard: Fact-Checkers with Too Much Power | PragerU – 10/23/23 – 5-minute video
  7. Big Tech Is Big Brother | PragerU – 6/3/19
  8. Does Free Speech Offend You? | PragerU – 8/30/15
  9. What Happens When Google Disagrees with You? | PragerU – 11/8/17
  10. PragerU v. YouTube | PragerU – 8/19/19
  11. Who funds the fake fact checkers?
  1. Trusted News Initiative – Mainstream Monopoly for Fake News | Armstrong Economics – 2/6/23
    • TNI includes companies such as Google, Facebook, BBC, YouTube, Twitter, the New York Times, Microsoft, and Reuters. It also includes all the companies owned by these companies, and therefore, it has destroyed independent journalism no different than the Stalin control of media in Communist Russia. To this group, freedom of speech means they have the freedom to censor whatever they disagree with. So, tell your children to forget journalism as a career. They will be reduced to a mindless propaganda machine.
    • ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, and Fox News
    • USA Today, the Washington Post, and even the Kansas City Star.
    • Of all the countless mainstream television channels in the USA, they are ALL owned by only SIX companies! Time Warner, Viacom, CBS, Disney, National Amusements, and News Corp.
    • Armstrong Economics – RFK Media Censorship; Trusted News Initiative – 7/16/23
  2. Pharma-Funded Fact Checkers like NewsGuard Control the Internet (mercola.com) – 11/8/23
  3. Pentagon-funded company NewsGuard is on a mission to suffocate what’s left of the free press – lifesitenews.com – 8/25/23
  4. How NewsGuard Became the Establishment Guard Against Independent Media (theepochtimes.com) – 8/16/23
  5. Censorship Industrial Complex — CHD Legal Panel | Childrens Health Defense – 7/21/23 – 54-minute video. At about the 17-minute point, RFK Jr: “If a government can censor its critics… it is the beginning of totalitarianism.” Need to eliminate discrimination based on political viewpoint (e.g. de-Banking, de-Platforming).
  6. Here We Go Again! Twitter and Facebook to Censor Speech in Leadup to Midterm Elections | Newsbusters – 8/17/22
  7. Google’s AI – Not Really AI | Armstrong Economics – totally biased to the Left. 4/28/24
  8. Hatred for unvaccinated driven by fear, study finds | Frontline News– 5/19/22 – “The fact is that ‘anti-vaxxers’ are one of the only groups that people are now allowed, even encouraged, to hate openly,” writes Guetzkow in a recent Substack article. “This was true before COVID and has only worsened in the last year, as politicians, gov’t officials and journalists ramped up incitement against ‘anti-vaxxers’.”
  9. Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience (mercola.com) – 11/1/23
  10. Judge Delivers Major Blow to Biden Admin in Social Media Censorship Case (theepochtimes.com) – 7/4/23 – Preliminary Injunction: Govt cannot influence Social Media to censor free speech.
  11. New York Gov. Hochul announces plan to train schoolchildren on what media sources to trust – Lifesitenews.com – 11/27/23
  12. INFOGRAPHIC: Key Revelations of the ‘Twitter Files’ (theepochtimes.com) – 1/18/23
  13. Russian Collusion and the Death of Journalism | PragerU – 5-minute video – 6/19/23
  14. Biden Adopts the Same Strategy as Hitler to Cancel Free Speech | Armstrong Economics – 5/5/22
  15. Big Tech met regularly with Biden officials to discuss what to censor: court documents – lifesitenews.com– 9/2/22
  16. Emails: Judicial Watch YouTube Video Censored at Request of California Government Officials | Judicial Watch – 7/1/22
  17. What Do They Mean When They Say it’s ‘Disinformation’ (theepochtimes.com) – 4/26/22
  18. Twitter announces new policy to suppress content deemed ‘misinformation’ – Lifesitenews.com – 5/20/22
  19. CHD Attorneys Argue Against Motion to Dismiss Facebook Censorship Lawsuit (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 5/18/22
  20. Media – Tulsi Gabbard: The AP has become ‘Associated Propaganda,’ is ‘completely aligned’ with the Democrat elite – Lifesitenews.com – 9/4/23
  21. Corruption in Law Enforcement; Censorship – Brighteon– 9/6/23 – Interview with Dr. Shiva beginning at 58-minute mark. The legal system is totally corrupt.  Dr. Shiva exposes a Censorship Infrastructure – collusion between the Federal Government (all three branches) and Big Tech.
  22. Disinformation Governance Board puts our freedoms of religion and speech in peril – Lifesitenews.com – 5/5/22
  23. Biden’s Disinfo Board 2.0 Spawns Global Censorship (conservativehq.org) – 6/29/22 (later disbanded)
  24. I’m a doctor and a Democrat, and I won’t let the mob force me to choose between the two | Fox News – 5/20/22
  25. Federal employees across 15 agencies helped censor COVID ‘misinformation’ online – lifesitenews.com– 9/22/22
  26. RNC Sues Google Over Email Censorship – The Stream – 11/2/22
  27. Groundbreaking: Study Details How Media, Big Tech Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 11/3/22
  28. Censoring Social Media to Prevent Bank Runs | Armstrong Economics– 3/15/23
  29. CNN Boss Ordered Staff Not to Chase Down COVID Lab Leak Theory + More • childrenshealthdefense.org– 3/6/23
  30. Pfizer Caught Funneling $12 Million to Anderson Cooper to Promote mRNA Jabs to Americans – The People’s Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv) – 6/5/23
  31. Brighteon – Corporate media defends Child Sex Trafficking by attacking blockbuster “Sound of Freedom” – 7/11/23 – Rolling Stone, Washington Post, The Guardian.
  32. Media falsely claims QAnon link led US military base to cancel ‘Sound of Freedom‘ showings – Lifesitenews.com – 9/7/23 – Military Times, NPR, The Guardian, The Washington Post and CNN attempted to taint the movie, but an email from the U.S. military encouraged personnel and their families to see the film in nearby theaters.
  33. Secret Twitter Video Reveals “Communist” Company Culture, Censorship of Conservatives (theepochtimes.com) – Undercover video that was just released shows a senior engineer at Twitter telling the undercover journalist that, for one, Twitter does not believe in free speech; secondly, many of the employees are left of center, socialist, and even communist; and thirdly, that many of them hate Elon Musk’s capitalist takeover of the company.
  34. 5 Major Changes for Twitter After Board “Unanimously Approves” Musk to Buy Company for $44B (theepochtimes.com) – 4/26/22
  35. Elon Musk Drops Vaccine Bombshell Personal Story | Facts Matter | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com)
  36. Elon Musk Unveils Twitter Censorship Machine in 2020 (theepochtimes.com)– 12/3/22
  37. Elon Musk releases ‘Twitter files’ confirming employees were censoring for Dems in 2020 – lifesitenews.com– 12/5/22
  38. Conservatives celebrate Elon Musk‘s purchase of Twitter by gleefully posting censored truths – Lifesitenews.com – 4/26/22
  39. Elon Musk Exposes the Censorship Establishment; Abortionists Launch Campaign of Rage (theepochtimes.com) – 5/8/22
  40. Elon Musk promotes video montage exposing false media narratives about COVID vaccines – Lifesitenews.com – 9/26/23
  41. Kash’s Corner: Twitter, the FBI, and the Legacy Media’s Deafening Silence regarding the Twitter files revealed by Elon Musk (theepochtimes.com) – 12/16/22
  42. 6 bombshell facts from Elon Musk‘s Twitter Files you need to know – lifesitenews.com – 4/5/23
  43. Biden admin gives millions to journalists creating software to ‘correct misinformation’ – lifesitenews.com– 12/7/22
  44. Documents Reveal Secret Twitter Portal US Government Used to Censor COVID-19 Content (theepochtimes.com) – 12/15/22
  45. Kulldorff ‘Not Surprised’ About Being Censored by Twitter, Says Trust in Science Has Been Undermined (theepochtimes.com) – 12/27/22
  46. S. Government Demanded Twitter Suspend 250,000 accounts, Including Journalists (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 1/4/23
  47. Twitter Files: Deep State Used Media to Manipulate Twitter (breitbart.com) – 1/4/23
  48. White House Colluded with Twitter to Censor RFK, Jr., Emails Reveal (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 1/9/23
  49. Armstrong Economics – CIA paid to mislead public on COVID Origins – 9/24/23
  50. Every Facet of Government Is in the Censorship Business (mercola.com) – 1/17/23 – Discovery documents from a lawsuit against the White House filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana show at least 67 federal employees across more than a dozen agencies are also engaged in illegal censorship activities. This includes aides to President Biden, who pressured social media companies to change their policies to fit White House demands for censorship
  51. Gas Stove Ban Narrative Ties to Deeper Agenda; How the FAA Failed (theepochtimes.com) – 1/17/23
  52. Jay Bhattacharya: The Deadly Consequences of Censorship and the Need for COVID Commissions (theepochtimes.com) – 2/25/23
  53. How the Virality Project Threatens Our Freedom (mercola.com) – 3/29/23
    • We now have proof that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) partnered with a censorship consortium called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) to illegally censor Americans.
    • In the last three years, the U.S. government has granted more than 500 contracts and/or grants aimed at tackling “misinformation”.
    • We now have proof that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) partnered with a censorship consortium called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) to illegally censor Americans
  54. Bipartisan bill to ban TikTok would give federal government ‘terrifying’ new power over free speech – Lifesitenews.com – 3/29/23
  55. Tucker Carlson: This is the most shocking attack on free speech in our lifetimes – YouTube – 4/1/23
  56. Inside Youtube’s Re-Education Program (substack.com) – Peggy Hall 12/9/23
  57. YouTube censors conservatives for ‘hate speech’ but allows left-wing calls for violence – lifesitenews.com – 4/12/23
  58. Emails: Judicial Watch YouTube Video Censored at Request of California Government Officials | Judicial Watch – 7/1/22
  59. Armstrong Economics – 4/24/23 – Former CIA Director Admits Biden Created the Russian Disinformation Hoax to deflect Hunter Biden’s laptop story
  60. The Crime of “Talking to Tucker Carlson” (substack.com) – Naomi Wolf – 4/28/23
  61. Lawsuit Louisiana & Missori vs Biden: US Govt colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech. 5/31/23 – Epoch Times – 15-minute video
  62. How Do We End Government-Sponsored Censorship? (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/26/23
  63. House Hearing: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fires Back at Del. Plaskett for Accusations About His COVID Vaccine Views (theepochtimes.com) – 7/20/23
  64. IMF Disinvites Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Who Denied ‘Climate Crisis’ – CatholicVote org – 7/25/23
  65. Interesting Times | Armstrong Economics – 8/12/23 – Censorship by Big Tech
  66. Big Tech met regularly with Biden officials to discuss what to censor: court documents – lifesitenews.com– 9/2/22
  67. What Do They Mean When They Say It’s ‘Disinformation’ (theepochtimes.com) – 4/26/22
  68. Twitter announces new policy to suppress content deemed ‘misinformation’ – Lifesitenews.com – 5/20/22
  69. Propaganda – Tracy Beth Hoeg: 10 Types of Misinformation in Peer-Reviewed COVID-19 Paper Decrying Misinformation | ATL:NOW | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 9/4/23
    • Inaccurate count of COVID-19 deaths – they are grossly overstated.
    • Long COVID: They cite studies which do not compare prevalence of these same symptoms in uninfected controls.
    • Death rates among unvaccinated are skewed by including those that are partially vaccinated / not fully boosted.
    • COVID Vaccine ineffectiveness claim attacked, but not convincingly.
    • Claiming myocarditis risks don’t exceed vaccine risks (nonsense statement)
    • Claiming that vax deaths only attributed to J&J vaccine.
    • Disputing mask-wearing effectiveness
    • Denying the lab origins of COVID-19 when there is ample evidence of that fact.
    • Denying that natural immunity is at least as good as vaccine based immunity, as has been shown repeatedly.
    • Denying the Government colluded with Big Tech to censor non-government narratives.
  70. ‘Crisis of Trust’: Journalist Unravels Government’s Secret Campaign to Censor Critics on Social Media • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 2/22/24
  71. Dr. Malone: Congress uncovers massive taxpayer-funded scheme to censor online speech – Lifesitenews.com – 3/6/24
  72. The National Security State Is the Main Driver of Censorship in the US (mercola.com) – 3/16/24 – Tucker Carlson & Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online)
  73. What’s Wrong with Censorship? | PragerU – 2/26/24
  74. The Weekly Report: Physician Groups Support Censorship, The Measles “Epidemic” and More! (rumble.com) – 3/28/24
  75. How the White House Got Amazon to Censor Books for Promoting ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 5/6/24
  76. In Win Against Censorship, Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Doctors Who Allege Medical Boards Violated First Amendment • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 6/10/24
  77. ‘Unprecedented Censorship’: Autopsy Study Linking COVID Shots to Deaths Finally Published, After Lancet Removed It • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 6/25/24
  78. Legal Standing… The Myth, The Legend, The Lie – 6/30/24 – Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox
  79. Twitter Suppressed Early COVID-19 Treatment Information and Vaccine Safety Concerns: Cardiologist (theepochtimes.com) – 12/17/22
  80. Nearly half of US adults OK with censorship (!) – 8/20/21. They must not know their history.
  81. Hillary Clinton suggests ‘criminally’ charging Americans who spread election ‘propaganda’ – 9/19/24
  82. NYTimes, other outlets criticized for lopsided coverage of storms under GOP and Dem admins – 10/9/24
  83. Hillary Clinton believes that free speech is a severe threat to the establishment’s control – 10/10/24. Harris and Walz agree.
  84. Walz Fails First Amendment 101 in Debate with Vance – 10/5/24 – Matt Christiansen. 14-minute video
  85. Meta scraps fact-checking program, brings back political content – 1/7/25. Zuckerberg said the third-party fact-checkers have been “too politically biased” and have “destroyed more trust than they’ve created, especially in the U.S.”


Censorship and Propaganda Read More »

Climate Change

Climate Change (65+ articles)

  1. The climate cult is slowly revealing its intent to depopulate the world – Lifesitenews.com – 3/12/24 – Corbett Report
  2. How ‘Climate Change’ Is a Lie, Hiding an Agenda for Social Control: Gregory Wrightstone (theepochtimes.com) – 10/13/22 – 37-minute video
  3. Climate Alarmists Battle to Censor Film Exposing ‘Climate Crisis Scam’ | The Epoch Times – 3/31/24
  4. ‘Nitrogen Crisis’ Is Just a Pretext to Steal Farmers’ Land, Implement Globalist Agenda | Facts Matter | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 4/20/24
  5. WEF Proposes Ban on Gardening? | Armstrong Economics – 2/12/24 – The elites want complete control over our food supply. They have already implemented numerous regulations to prevent people from hunting and fishing. Biden tried to prevent schools from teaching students how to hunt or fish, which went to the Supreme Court. Now, these climate change zealots are demanding that we peasants cease gardening at home and use studies like this to support their agenda.
  6. Carbon Dioxide – The Gas of Life (mercola.com) – 1/27/24 – CO2 is an essential gas necessary for life. Moreover, its impact on Earth’s temperatures is negligible
  7. No one can figure out why the Atlantic Ocean is cooling at record speed (bgr.com) – 8/21/24
  8. Climate scientists baffled as to why Antarctica has not warmed in 70 years despite rising CO2 levels – lifesitenews.com – 1/31/23
  9. ‘There’s Been No Increase’ Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes | The Epoch Times – 3/20/24
  10. INFOGRAPHIC: Climate Scientists’ Credibility Hurt | The Epoch Times – 12/26/23 – failed forecasts of doom.
  11. ANALYSIS: What You’re Not Being Told About the Electric Vehicle Revolution (theepochtimes.com) – 4/19/23 – Climate / environment benefit claims don’t hold water
    • Electric vehicles are portrayed as a transition from dirty, gasoline-fueled vehicles to non-polluting, electric vehicles. Looking at the whole picture, it is more accurate to say that EVs exchange high-density liquid fuel for low-density mineral-based energy in the form of batteries, which are extracted and mined using fossil fuels, then charged with electricity generated at least in part by fossil fuels.
    • North American Electricity Reliability Corp. (NERC) says the U.S. electricity grid is designed to handle peak demand in summer when Americans runs air conditioning units, but that “one electric vehicle charger is equivalent to about two-and-a-half normal-sized air conditioners.” While many areas of America’s grid are expected to meet demand, several areas are at “high risk” of falling short.
  12. The Dark Secret Behind the Drive for Electric Vehicles – CatholicVote org – 4/21/23 – Tens of thousands of children, along with hundreds of thousands of “artisanal workers” – who are not officially employed by a company – work for a pittance in dangerous, inhumane conditions, mining the minerals and metals required for EV production.
  13. Study: Electric Vehicle Industry Linked to Child Labor in Africa – CatholicVote org – 12/12/23
  14. Electric Vehicle Skeptic Toyota Chairman Says People Are ‘Finally’ Waking Up to Reality of Electric Vehicles | The Epoch Times – 10/27/23
  15. ‘Global warming would save lives’ | Gregory Wrightstone (lifesitenews.com) – 12/13/23
  16. Journalist Alex Newman Challenges Climate Hysteria | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com) – 11/16/23
  17. Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data from Nonexistent Temperature Stations | The Epoch Times – 4/10/24 – “NOAA fabricates temperature data for more than 30 percent of the 1,218 USHCN reporting stations that no longer exist.”
  18. Prager U short videos: Confessions of an Environmentalist | PragerU – 1/9/23
  19. How Dangerous Is Nuclear Waste? | PragerU – 7/24/23
  20. Fossil Fuels: The Big Picture | PragerU – 4/17/23
  21. Is There Really a Climate Emergency? | PragerU – 10/25/21
  22. How Much Energy Will the World Need? | PragerU – 3/28/22
  23. Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel | PragerU – 4/20/15
  24. Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree? | PragerU – 7/11/16
  25. Are Pipelines Safe? | PragerU – 12/13/21
  26. The Real Climate Crisis | PragerU – 2/27/23
  27. The Good News about Climate Change | PragerU – 4/15/24
  28. Judith Curry: Climate Scientists Can’t Intimidate Me | PragerU – 4/30/24
  29. Matthew Wielicki: I Refuse to Stay Silent about Climate Change | PragerU – 12/26/23, 8-minute video
  30. Winter Woes – Green New Deal Turns Deadly | Armstrong Economics – 1/17/24
  31. ‘Dead Robots’: Chicago-Area Electric Vehicles Inoperable in Cold Weather – CatholicVote org – 1/16/24
  32. Massive Dark Hole Opens in The Sun – We Are In A Solar MINIMUM   | Armstrong Economics – 12/26/23
  33. Most climate change is caused by the sun, not CO2, astrophysicist tells Tucker Carlson – Lifesitenews.com – 1/18/24
  34. Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say | The Epoch Times – 1/29/24
  35. Yellen Eyes $3 TRILLION ANNUALLY For Climate Change Initiatives | Armstrong Economics– 7/30/24
  36. Armstrong Economics – Yellen admits truth behind Inflation Reduction Act – 4/11/23 – it was “about turning the climate crisis into an economic opportunity.”
  37. Climate Scientists Say We Should Embrace Higher CO2 Levels | The Epoch Times – 12/30/23
  38. Human breath fueling ‘climate change,’ warns new study | Frontline News – 12/19/23
  39. Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False | Facts Matter (theepochtimes.com) – 3/30/23
  40. 97 Percent of Scientists Don’t Agree About Humans’ Role in ‘Climate Change’: Truth Behind the Stats | Facts Matter (theepochtimes.com) – 9/23/22
  41. ‘Scam’: Former climate change alarmist says agenda has ‘no foundation’ – lifesitenews.com– 10/20/22
  42. Environmental alarmism is nothing but a big lie from the ‘climate industrial complex’ – lifesitenews.com– 10/20/22
  43. 400 Private Jets Arrived for COP27 Climate Change Summit | Armstrong Economics – 11/16/22
  44. Here’s what climate activists don’t want you to know: the science – lifesitenews.com – 12/1/22
  45. Climate analysts try to hide inconvenient data showing weather-related deaths down 98% – lifesitenews.com – 4/21/23
  46. Slim majority of Americans now doubt that humans are responsible for climate change: poll – lifesitenews.com – 4/27/23
  47. Earth Day: Scientist Shares Inconvenient Facts about the Climate (theepochtimes.com) – 4/22/23
    • Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition. The group provides science and research that counter the indoctrination in the American education system. Wrightstone disputes the left’s climate alarmist philosophy by discussing global warming, natural disasters, the attempt to ban gas stoves, and more.
    • He explains how students are taught propaganda instead of learning the scientific process and obtaining critical thinking skills. Although the CO2 Coalition battles Big Tech censorship, it is also creating and providing resources that equip teachers, homeschool educators, and everyday Americans with the facts and refute the woke climate change narrative.
  48. Why Climate Change Policies Could Be Even Worse Than the COVID Lockdowns: Andrew Montford (theepochtimes.com) – 7/25/23
  49. Converting El Niño into Climate Change to Further The Agenda 2030 | Armstrong Economics – 7/31/23
  50. ‘We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience’: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist on Climate Agenda | The Epoch Times – 7/29/23
  51. Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’ (theepochtimes.com) – 8/14/23
  52. Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration | The Epoch Times – 8/29/23
  53. Nobel Laureate John Clauser: There Is No Climate Emergency; Climate Models Miss One Key Variable | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – clouds. 9/5/23
  54. Researchers knowingly submit misleading papers to journals, says scientist | Frontline News – 9/11/23 – science journal editors “have made it abundantly clear” that “they want climate papers that support certain preapproved narratives.
  55. Realities Behind the Whole-of-Society Push for Electric Vehicles: David Blackmon | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 10/7/23
  56. Here’s the Climate Dissent You’re Not Hearing About Because It’s Muffled by Society’s Top Institutions | The Epoch Times– 9/26/23
  57. Gas Stove Ban Narrative Ties to Deeper Agenda; How the FAA Failed (theepochtimes.com) – 1/17/23
  58. Destroying Farmland to Reduce Population | Armstrong Economics – 12/19/23
  59. ‘Pure Junk Science’: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation | The Epoch Times – 2/19/24
  60. What Pope Francis gets dangerously wrong in his new climate manifesto ‘Laudate Deum’ – Lifesitenews.com – 10/10/23
    • Pope Francis is proposing a new system of global governance to supervise and control our access to and use of energy (global tyranny)
    • The climate models do not properly account for the impact of the oceans as a carbon sink and thecooling effect of clouds.
    • Why would the Pope feel compelled to venture into areas in which he has absolutely no competence, and then make such strong statements?
    • The same Pope who apparently believes that Hell may be empty says that it will be hell on earth if we don’t have global energy equity… As for me, I vastly prefer warnings about hellfire and brimstone – which is real – to overblown predictions of global warming and rising sea levels that may never materialize.
  61. 7 reasons why Christians have no reason to worry about the climate – Lifesitenews.com – 5/22/24
  62. Climate The Movie (youtube.com)
  63. Armstrong Research on Climate Change as of Sept 2024
  64. Lithium Fields: Another Dark Side to the Electrical Vehicle Industry – 10/1824.  Lithium miningis hugely toxic and poses a significant danger to the environment, particularly in South America.  Should we continue to destroy the earth for lithium in the race to electrify?
  65. Climate Change is Always Blamed – 1/20/25
  66. Is There Really a Climate Emergency? – 10/25/21

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