Media Bias

Jan 6 Non-mainstream Information

Jan 6 Information that the mainstream media did not report (45+ articles)

  1. America Was Misled on Jan. 6, New Congressional Investigation Finds | EpochTV ( – 3/15/24
  2. Evidence That Could Have Exonerated Trump Over Jan. 6 Was Suppressed | EpochTV ( – 3/12/24
  3. New Transcript Wrecks ‘Official’ Jan. 6 Witness Testimony | Facts Matter | EpochTV ( – 3/18/24
  4. The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary ( – 7/23/22
  5. The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road Home | Documentary | EpochTV ( – 1/6/24
  6. 200 Feds At the Capitol on Jan 6, According to Congressman – CatholicVote org – 1/9/24
  7. Tucker Carlson highlights new January 6 documentary: ‘Everything you have heard is a lie’ – – 1/17/24
  8. Exposing the Injustice of the Jan. 6 Prosecutions: Joe Hanneman | EpochTV ( – 1/5/24
  9. Pence’s Role in the Events of Jan. 6 Is Far More Significant Than Many Realize | Truth Over News | EpochTV ( – 12/1/23
  10. Kash Patel: Gov’t Docs Shatter ‘Insurrection’ Narrative; Why Did Pelosi, Bowser, and Capitol Police Decline National Guard Days Before Jan. 6? ( – 7/22/22
  11. Ashli Babbitt Was Murdered Under the Color of Authority on January 6: Use-of-Force Expert ( – 7/25/22
  12. Ashli Babbitt’s case shows how perverse the state of justice is in the age of Obama-Biden – – 2/12/24
  13. Patrick Byrne Reveals What Was Discussed in Secret White House Meeting in December, 2020 with Flynn, Powell, and Trump ( – 7/15/22
  14. Communists Pardoned; Free Speech Advocate Jailed ( – 6/24/22
  15. FBI Raids Home of Retired Texas Couple Who Attended Jan. 6 Capitol Rally ( – 6/25/22
  16. Trump Authorized National Guard for Jan. 6 but Congress, DC Didn’t Request Its Use, Former Aide Says ( – 7/25/22
  17. LIVE: Kash Patel on Jan. 6 Timeline: Trump Authorized 20,000 National Guard Two Days Before ( – 6/11/22
  18. Gohmert: ‘Violations of American Rights’ of Jan. 6 Prisoners ‘Mind Blowing’ ( – 7/8/22
  19. Steve Bannon convicted by federal jury for not complying with Democat-led Jan. 6 investigations –– 7/23/22
  20. Patrick Byrne Reveals What Was Discussed in Secret White House Meeting 12/18/20 with Flynn, Powell, and Trump ( – 7/15/22
    • Vote counting shut down in five cities in swing states is strong indicator of voter fraud. Rudy talked Trump out of plan to investigate 6 key counties for voter fraud prior to Jan. 6 and ask State Legislatures to recertify or pull back electoral votes by Jan. 13.
    • Discussion of Jan. 6 starts at around :43 minute mark.
  21. Police Report Proves Plainclothes Electronic Surveillance Unit Members Were Embedded Among Jan. 6 Protesters ( – 6/20/22
  22. Jordan Says House Jan. 6 Committee Altered Evidence, Showing Nothing New ( – 6/13/22
  23. Video Used to Charge Jan. 6 Defendant Exonerates Him on Charge of Assaulting Police, Attorney Says ( – 7/27/22
  24. Kash Patel: Liz Cheney Has Effectively Exonerated Trump for Charges of Insurrection ( – 7/29/22
  25. J6 Prisoners Experiencing Cruel and Unusual Punishment at Hands of Police, Prosecutors, Congress: Rep. Andy Biggs | Facts Matter ( – 8/31/22
  26. Letter from Trump to Jan. 6 Committee:  January-6th-committee-letter14446
  27. Kash’s Corner: How the Jan. 6 Committee Buried Crucial Evidence; Twitter Files Expose Extensive Government Censorship Pressure ( – 1/6/23
  28. FBI miscategorizing cases related to Jan 6 to bolster claims of domestic extremism crisis in US: Whistleblower | Fox News– 9/19/22
  29. FBI Paid Russian Source for Anti-Trump Disinfo; Whistleblower Points to Jan. 6 Security Failures ( – 9/20/22
  30. Tucker Carlson: Lies about Jan. 6 have been relentless – YouTube – 3/7/23
  31. New Jan. 6 Footage Shows Falsehoods in Mainstream Narrative; Trump Proposes Freedom Cities ( – 3/8/23
  32. Read Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Nathan DeGrave’s Horrifying Letter from D.C. Jail, Where Patriots Are Tortured – National File – 10/30/2021
  33. Exclusive Letter from a 6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown: ‘Light Brushfires of Liberty in the Souls of Men’ (– 4/26/22
  34. ‘No Valid Reason’ to Withhold More Than 14,000 Hours of 6 Video: Defense Attorney (
  35. DOJ Used Paid Informants and Edited, Chopped, Cropped, and Spliced Video to Indict 6er Jessica Watkins – Doug Billings – 6/26/23
  36. Ex-Capitol Police Chief exposes Pelosi, Gen. Milley for 6 ‘setup’ in interview with Tucker Carlson – – 8/11/23
  37. 6 Committee Failed to Preserve Documents, Didn’t Investigate Security Failures: Republican Lawmaker ( – 8/12/23
  38. Man who told LifeSite why he entered US Capitol on 6 sentenced to 2.5 years in prison – – 8/19/23
  39. Is Removing a Fence an Act of Terrorism? | EpochTV ( – 9/1/23 – 30-minute video on harsh punishment for Jan. 6 protestor
  40. Poll Finds 65 Percent of American Voters Believe Undercover Agents Helped Incite Jan. 6 Rioting | The Epoch Times – 4/25/23
  41. At Least 50 Undercover Officers and Informants Monitored Proud Boys, Jan. 6 Crowds, New Court Filing Says | The Epoch Times – 4/10/23
  42. Jan. 6 Prisoner of conscience punished with isolation after jailhouse interview – analysis | Frontline News – 9/19/23 – AFLDS Creative Director John Strand is currently serving 32 months in prison for securing the safety of organization founder Dr. Simone Gold during her five-minute medical freedom speech in the Capitol on Jan. 6.
  43. National Guard Refused Before Jan 6 Because ‘Pelosi Will Never Go for It’: Former Capitol Police Chief | The Epoch Times – 9/20/23
  44. US gov’t conducted ‘alarming’ bank record surveillance of Bible, sporting goods buyers after 6 – – 1/18/24
  45. The Jan 6th Pipe Bomb Cover Up? | Armstrong Economics – 1/20/24
  46. Government Monitored Purchases Tied to ‘MAGA,’ Religious Books, and Others for Extremism | Live With Josh | EpochTV ( – 1/19/24
  47. Steve Baker, on the Jan. 6 Front Lines and in the DOJ’s Crosshairs | The Epoch Times – 3/23/24

Jan 6 Non-mainstream Information Read More »

RFK Jr Book The Real Anthony Fauci


  1. ‘Damning’ Ivermectin tape exposes pressure by Big Pharma to suppress Ivermectin, RFK Jr.’s new book reveals – – 12/7/21
  2. Kennedy to Dore: How Fauci Turns Science Into Propaganda for Big Pharma ( – 1/20/22

My Highlights from the book:


  1. “The first step is to give up the illusion that the primary purpose of modern medical research is to improve Americans’ health most effectively and efficiently.  In our opinion, the primary purpose of commercially funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” – John Abramson, M.D., Harvard Medical School
  2. This book is a product of my own struggle to understand how the idealistic institutions our country built to safeguard both public health and democracy suddenly turned against our citizens and our values with such violence.
  3. … the corrupting mechanisms of “regulatory capture”, the process by which the regulator becomes beholden to the industry it is meant to regulate (pg xv).
    • CDC owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 of its $12 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) buying and distributing vaccines
    • NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates
    • High level officials, including Dr. Fauci, receive up to $150K in royalties on products they helped to develop and then usher through the approval process
    • FDA receives 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry
  4. Big Pharma has financial control over the media through advertising dollars
  5. During 2020, global lockdowns caused 10,000 children deaths/month, 228,000 children deaths in South Asia from disruption to health and nutrition services; hundreds of thousands died as a result of deferred medical treatments.  Suicide rates among children rose 50%.  Infants born during the quarantine were short, on average, 22 IQ points.  Millions of nursing home patients died alone.
  6. During 2020, workers lost $3.7 billion while billionaires gained $3.9 Trillion.
  7. Under Fauci’s leadership of NAIAD since 1984, allergic, autoimmune, and chronic illnesses have mushroomed to afflict 54% of children, up from 12.8%.  Autism exploded from 2-4 per 10,000 Americans to one in thirty-four today.
  8. Fauci has consistently prioritized pharma industry profits over public health.  He has routinely falsified science, deceived the public and physicians, and lied about safety and efficacy.
  9. Fauci has concealed widespread contamination in blood and vaccines, conducted vendettas against scientists who challenge the Pharma paradigm, and sabotaged patent-expired remedies against infectious diseases.

Chapter 1 – Mismanaging a Pandemic

  1. Fauci’s pandemic strategy:
    • Suppress viral spread via mandatory masking, social distancing and quarantining the healthy.
    • At Home Protocol: stay home, no treatment until breathing difficulties force hospitalization.
    • Hospital Protocol: administer remdesivir, if condition worsens, place on ventilator.  Other treatments not allowed.
  2. Little if any scientific studies justifying lockdowns and other policies
    • Admitted the fruitlessness of masking
    • Admitted the driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person (so why quarantine the healthy?)
    • Fauci’s switch to endorse masking and lockdowns at a time of increasing polarization resulted in mask-wearing becoming a virtue-signaling badge for the compliant, but to the resistant it was blind obedience to an undeserving authority.
  3. Relentlessly pushed vaccines, even for previously infected and recovered people, defying overwhelming scientific evidence
  4. Fauci looked the other way at these policy decisions by CDC:
    • selective protocol changes for completing death certificates so that death counts due to COVID were inflated, fueling the fear narrative
    • misuse of PCR tests such that CDC belatedly admitted in August 2021 that they were incapable of distinguishing COVID from other viral illnesses
    • skip autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines, allowing CDC to persistently claim that all deaths following vaccination were “unrelated to vaccination”.
  5. Rich incentives to inflate COVID victim counts, e.g. $39K per ventilator
  6. Fauci’s refusal to fix HHS’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), despite HHS’s own study indicating VAERS may be underreporting vaccine injuries by over 99%.
  7. Federal officials failed to age-stratify the risks of COVID and pursued a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccines.

RFK Jr Book The Real Anthony Fauci Read More »

Steve Kirsch Substack COVID Newsletter Archive

Archive – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter (

Top 25 (or so) Favorites:

  1. Why doctors aren’t speaking out – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter ( – 9/9/22
  2. Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up ( – 9/2/22
  3. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children ( – 6/17/22
  4. ABIM: “There shall be no public accountability on our decision to de-certify Dr. McCullough” ( – 6/22/22
  5. We now know why the CDC hasn’t found any safety signals in the VAERS system ( – 6/18/22 – they were not looking!
  6. Pfizer admits to fraud in court ( – 6/15/22
  7. My speech at “Defeat the Mandates” march today ( – 1/23/22
  8. 100 questions they don’t want to answer ( – 1/23/22
  9. The differences in censorship methods used in US today vs. China ( 1/2/22
  10. How Google manipulated “Mass formation psychosis” search results after the Malone interview ( 1/2/22
  11. How Elsevier manipulates peer-reviewed science to match the narrative ( 1/2/22
    • The suppressed truth: myocarditis is caused by the vaccines, it isn’t rare, and it doesn’t just affect kids.
  12. Dr. Robert Malone hits it out of the park on Joe Rogan today ( 1/1/22
  13. New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths) ( 1/9/22
  14. Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine ( 12/28/21
  15. New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently ( 12/24/21
  16. Very clear thinking from an RCMP officer who is now on unpaid leave ( – 1/11/22 – Global death rate from all causes remains steady at 0.76% for 2018 – 2019 – 2020.
  17. New ages 5- to 11-year-old CDC study: Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times ( 12/31/21
  18. How we can allow doctors to speak freely about what is really going on ( 12/30/21
    • An estimated 100X elevation in rate of myocarditis, but nobody will learn of it since cardiologists aren’t going to speak out for fear of retribution
  19. How the game is really played – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter ( 12/29/21
    • This is just my educated guess on what Fauci probably told world leaders about how to deal with the COVID pandemic. A lot of people have told me this is the best piece I’ve ever written.
  20. How to tell who is telling you the truth ( – Steve Kirsh, 8/22/22
  21. What really happened at Simpsonwood and why it matters today ( 12/27/21
  22. America’s doctors and nurses should be allowed to share their experiences without censorship or intimidation, right? ( 12/27/21
  23. How an experienced medical professional deals with evidence that goes against his belief system ( – 12/26/21
  24. NIH is still unsure whether fluvoxamine should be used to treat COVID ( 12/22/21
  25. How RFK Jr. went from “a good guy” to an “anti-vaxxer” ( 12/22/21
  26. Proof that the CDC, FDA, and NIH are corrupt and/or incompetent ( 12/21/21
  27. A peek inside my inbox – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter ( 12/19/21
  28. Twitter says ivermectin can’t work no matter how many studies say it does ( 12/18/21
  29. Pope Francis calls for widespread vaccination ( – 1/11/22
  30. How Wikipedia transformed Steve Kirsch into an evil person in just 4 days ( 12/17/21
  31. IQ drop of 22 points caused by our pandemic response ( 12/14/21
  32. Why are vaccinations required to attend school? ( – 9/7/22


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Why I am not getting the COVID-19 “Vaccine”

Why I am not getting the COVID-19 “vaccine”.

  1. It is not a vaccine in the traditional sense of the word.  It is gene therapy, and I consider it to be very dangerous.  See this research page.
  2. It is not necessary.
    • The survival rate is greater than 99.5% even for people in my age group (> 65).  Even though you could argue the excessive false positives skew this statistic upward, other factors skew it the other direction.  The deaths attributed to COVID are also overstated, and more importantly, upwards of 80% of the reported deaths were likely unnecessary because early treatments were not used / suppressed.
    • I have already contracted COVID-19 and recovered, so I have natural immunity.  Natural immunity beats the waning effectiveness of these “vaccines” (see #4 below), according to many highly qualified doctors and scientists, and also this recent article.
    • Many doctors have had great success with early treatments.  This fact is suppressed so that the government and medical establishment could proceed with pushing the “vaccines”.
  3. It is not safe.  See these 330+ articles on safety concerns.
  4. It is not effective.  It does not even claim to prevent infection or stop transmission.  It may have been effective in the beginning, but since then the virus has mutated so effectiveness has waned.  See these 90+  articles on its lack of effectiveness.
  5. According to many expert doctors, this gene therapy “vaccine” will weaken my natural immune system, increasing the risk of contracting other diseases.  For example, I have stage two kidney disease. I believe I am at higher risk from the “vaccines” than from the virus itself, especially with the available early treatments.  For  example, see: Spike protein in COVID virus and shots weakens immune system, may be linked with cancer: Swedish study – (12/3/21)
  6. I have come to distrust these institutions which are relentlessly pushing the COVID-19 “vaccines”, lying about safety and efficacy, suppressing treatment options, censoring dissent, and stifling debate:
  7. These “vaccines” were either developed or tested using aborted fetal tissue and taking them is therefore immoral. This is a personal belief, and the fact that a leftist Pope with leftist Bishops have a different view makes no difference.  They have long ago forfeited the moral high ground that their predecessors once held.
  8. Vaccine mandates and passports are always immoral.  They assume the government owns us.  The fact that most Americans have become accustomed to vaccinations does not make mandates acceptable.
    • There is also no precept in medical ethics that obliges someone to undergo a risky procedure or intervention to provide a possible health benefit to another person. No one should be forced to insert something into his body — particularly something that doesn’t even stop the spread of disease and that could injure or kill him.
  9. I refuse to submit to medical tyranny.  Our freedoms are steadily being eroded.  The time to stand up against this is NOW.

Why I am not getting the COVID-19 “Vaccine” Read More »

The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax

Fake news article picked up by biased news outlets who did no fact checking.  Multiple sources covering this:

  1. The great Ivermectin deworming hoax – The Burning Platform
  2. The great Ivermectin deworming hoax | Columnists |
  3. Rolling Stone BUSTED with hoax story claiming Oklahoma hospitals are filled with ivermectin-damaged patients –
  4. The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals –  9/6/21
  5. Mainstream media reports about ivermectin hospitalizations found to be fake news – LifeSite (  9/7/21

Here are a few of the screaming headlines from multiple news outlets who ran with the fake news:

This is yet another example of the mainstream media lazily circulating a narrative that flatters the worldview of the liberal audience, without bothering to check on any of the details.

The Associated Press also recently reported that 70 percent of calls to Mississippi’s poison hotline were from people who had taken ivermectin. This was an error: The actual figure was 2 percent.

Some time later: Joe Rogan Forces Truth Out of Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Ivermectin is NOT Veterinary Medicine | Armstrong Economics

The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax Read More »

Reuters shows bias Attacking Ivermectin

  • Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa (“antifascists”) for their “militant activism” against the “extremist right” in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than “vaccines” to their Covid-19 patients.
  • No less than 10 articles about ivermectin currently litter the Reuters website, nearly all of them containing blatant misinformation about how the FDA-approved drug is “dangerous” for treating the Chinese Flu.
  • “The company said its analysis of existing and emerging studies of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 found no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus,” Reuters reported back in February.
  • In another propaganda piece, Reuters falsely called ivermectin an “animal drug,” the suggestion being that it is only administered to cattle. Truth be told, ivermectin was developed as a drug for humans long before it was discovered that it also worked in animals.
  • Back in May, Reuters railed on India for widely distributing ivermectin to its population. They cited the World Health Organization (WHO), that says using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 is not backed by “current evidence.”

Facts ignored by Reuters:

  1. The Drug that Cracked COVID | Mountain Home Magazine
    • An over-the-counter medicine in France, Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and “one of the safest drugs ever given to humanity,” Dr. Marik said, with “3.7 billion doses administered in forty years, that’s B for billion, and only extremely rare serious side effects.”
  2. Medical journal calls for Ivermectin to be ‘globally & systematically deployed’
  3. Ivermectin works – it’s that simple
  4. Mounting Evidence Supports Use of Ivermectin (

Reuters shows bias Attacking Ivermectin Read More »

Media attacks early treatment promoters


Key points:

Globally it is well known that early treatment works but this truth continues to be frantically suppressed by the dishonest American media… the mainstream media failed to report >300 studies showing early treatment works, including the American Journal of Medicine and the American Journal of Therapeutics and the treatment algorithm posted by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. The Wall Street Journal did attempt to shame the FDA for trying to block people’s access to the Nobel Prize winning drug.

AFLDS has been maliciously attacked as part of an ongoing, orchestrated effort by media outlets who are making billions from Big Pharma and pandemic-related government advertising. The CDC’s own data debunks the government and pharmaceutical industry’s narrative that only vaccines can save us from from Covid-19. In fact, the CDC’s own numbers reveal the truth… even without treatment, the survival rate is 99.98% under age 50 and almost 95% over age 70. Both numbers approach 100% with early treatment.

The vaccines will not protect you from delta and future variants, and have serious side effects, including death (>13,000 in the CDC database VAERS). Doctors have always known that natural immunity is far superior (more robust, longer lasting) to vaccine immunity, and the data is now accumulating that the vaccines are failing with vaccinated people being 13x more likely than unvaccinated to be diagnosed and 27x more likely to become sick. The latest research portends great harm from the vaccines. A recent study of healthcare workers in Vietnam showed that the vaccinated group had 251x the viral load of the unvaccinated group. This is consistent with ADE (antibody dependent enhancement), about which AFLDS warned the world in November, 2020.

AFLDS continues to encourage the public to remain calm. The delta variant is very contagious but clinically milder than the original Wuhan variant. Covid-19 has a very high survivability rate and with an increased effort to protect physician independence and patient choice, we will save even more lives.

Media attacks early treatment promoters Read More »

Media, Big Pharma attack Doctors

  1. Dr. Paul Marik on why doctors aren’t speaking out ( – 9/25/22
  2. AFLDS: Media, Big Pharma attacking doctors who promote effective COVID-19 drugs – LifeSite ( – 8/30/21
    • America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement in response to inaccurate and slanderous reporting by both Time Magazine and NBC News.
    • When Covid-19 hit in March 2020, the formal recommendation from the United States government was to lock down and only come to the hospital if you could not breathe.
    • Never before in the history of our nation has this been medical advice. Over the past 18 months, the government has contended that there is nothing that can be done other than masking to protect individuals from Covid-19. The human cost of that reckless and unscientific prescription has been massive. This has been attested to by thousands of doctors worldwide including several testifying before Congress.
    • A small number of courageous physicians in the U.S. and around the world put their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor on the line, and started treating Covid patients early to prevent hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and death…
    • Globally, it is well known that early treatment works, but this truth continues to be frantically suppressed by the dishonest American media and the medical establishment.



Media, Big Pharma attack Doctors Read More »

Why distrust the mainstream media

Examples of why not to trust the Mainstream Media (140+ examples)

See also these Censorship and Propaganda (an additional 90+ articles)

  1. Lying Liars | PragerU – 3/13/23 – Great examples of blatant lies by the mainstream media
  2. Networks: 87% of GOP coverage is ‘negative,’ 100% for Kari Lake | Washington Examiner – 11/1/22
  3. New Jan. 6 Footage Shows Falsehoods in Mainstream Narrative; Trump Proposes Freedom Cities ( – 3/8/23
  4. Proof: The mainstream media is being paid to ignore vaccine injuries/deaths ( – 8/18/22
  5. The federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines – TheBlaze – 3/3/22
  6. Kash’s Corner: Twitter, the FBI, and the Legacy Media’s Deafening Silence ( – 12/16/22
  7. Twitter Suppressed Early COVID-19 Treatment Information and Vaccine Safety Concerns: Cardiologist ( – 12/17/22
  8. YouTube Links CatholicVote Pro-Life Video to Pro-Abortion Biden Admin Pages – CatholicVote org – 10/7/22
  9. Mainstream media plays semantic games in trying to ‘fact-check‘ gene-altering nature of COVID shots – – 8/22/23
    • Mainstream media continue to state that mRNA COVID shots “are distinct from gene therapy.”
    • But even their “fact checking” is laughable, as it tries to use semantics to explain away the shots’ gene therapy connections.
    • In an article by “Reuters Fact Check,” it’s argued that mRNA COVID-19 shots are not gene therapy but instead are “genetic-based therapy.”
    • Media outlets also suggest COVID-19 shots aren’t gene therapy because they don’t change the body’s genetic makeup, but this is only part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s definition of gene therapy.
    • The FDA’s full definition also includes the words “or to alter the biological properties of living cells,” which is precisely what the COVID-19 shots do.
  10. New York Times’ Disgraceful and Deceitful Attack on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (– 3/3/22
  11. How an Occupied Twitter Ruined Countless Lives (– 12/29/22
  12. Twitter locks GOP congresswoman’s personal account for defending biological integrity of women’s sports –– 3/4/2
  13. Twitter Bans Ads That ‘Contradict the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change’ (– 4/23/22
  14. Audit Reveals Half of Biden’s Twitter Followers Are Fake as Musk Pauses Purchase: Newsweek ( – 5/18/22 – according to an audit conducted by Newsweek.
  15. Twitter will pay $150 million fine over deceptively using data – The Washington Post – 5/25/22 – one of the largest privacy settlements federal regulators have reached with a tech giant. The Twitter fine is significantly smaller than the $5 billion finethat the FTC slapped Facebookwith in 2019, but is slightly higher than the 2018 settlement that states reached with Uber over a 2016 data breach. The fine amounts to about 13 percent of Twitter’s revenue in the first quarter of 2022. Democrats and critics of the tech industry have warned that such fines are toothless against some of the most well-resourced companies in the world.
  16. Americans’ Trust in Media Dips to Second Lowest on Record ( – 10/7/21
  17. US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in media, Reuters Institute report finds – Poynter – 6/24/21
  18. Elon Musk: Media Crime Reports are ‘Racist Against Asians and Whites’ – CatholicVote org – 3/13/24
  19. 15 Reasons Why You Can Never Trust the Mainstream Media – Quertime – 8/1/18
  20. Some Attacks Don’t Matter: Nets Give 11x Coverage to Pelosi Over Kavanaugh | Newsbusters – 11/3/22
  21. US officials admit routinely spreading false information about Russia-Ukraine war – – 5/2/22
  22. DNA found in coronavirus was patented by Moderna 3 years before the pandemic –– 2/25/22
    • ‘one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.’
    • While independent media outlets, including LifeSiteNews, consistently held the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic initiated from a lab, it was not until mid-2021 that mainstream media outlets began to acknowledgeit as a possibility.
  23. Megyn Kelly says even ‘leftists’ now realize the truth about COVID lockdowns, masks, infections –
    • Sirius XM talk show host Megyn Kelly took leftists to task in a searing monologue Monday, pointing out that left-wing media personalities and Democrat politicians are finally acknowledging crucial realities of the COVID-19 pandemic which conservatives have long known but have been censored and mocked for saying.
  24. The differences in censorship methods used in US today vs. China (– 1/2/22
  25. Google Is Influencing Elections by Flipping Votes on ‘Massive Scale’: Researcher (– 11/7/22
  26. How Google manipulated “Mass formation psychosis” search results after the Malone interview ( 1/2/22
  27. Google bans Joe Rogan podcast with mRNA pioneer Robert Malone comparing ‘illegal’ jab mandates to Nazi Germany –
  28. Yes, Virginia, Google News Is Biased ( (12/16/21)
  29. Google manipulates search results to censor information and swing elections – – 5/24/22 – Mercola
  30. Google Maps Hid DC Pro-Life Pregnancy Center ( – 11/28/23
  31. CNN tries to control narrative on dossier detailing fraud of Trump-Russia ‘collusion’ – – 12/20/23
  32. How Google Brainwashes Kids, Controls Public Policy and Swings Elections – – 5/11/22
    • Google uses ephemeral methods that leave no paper trail, making it difficult to prove the tech giant is manipulating us in ways that we can’t counteract, said Robert Epstein, Ph.D., senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology.
    • Research by Epstein and colleagues has found that biased search results can change people’s opinions and voting preferences, shifting opinions in undecided voters by 20% to 80% in certain demographic groups.
    • Google’s “autocomplete” feature on its search engine can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into nearly a 90/10 split — all without people realizing they’re being manipulated.
  33. Google bribed “Conservative” think tanks and magazines – – 9/6/21
    • Guilty of accepting Google cash to bury conservative viewpoints and Google’s bias are: American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Cato Institute, CPAC, the Weekly Standardand the National Review. If you remember, AEI was one of the big organizations that took money from Monsanto to cover up their crimes of promoting glyphosate and GMO-everything as safe and healthy.
    • Wiredmagazine ran a bombshell of a story about the same leaked Google audio recording, revealing how Google executives tried to stop (or at least delay and water down) US policy and legislation inhibiting sex trafficking on their platforms. Google also tried to shield internet companies from liability. This Big Tech Exec recording is where AEI, CEI and National Review were named. Why is Google trying to block sex trafficking legislation?
  34. GOP lawmakers demand Google stop censoring Live Action’s abortion pill reversal ads – (12/6/21)
  35. CBS Insider Brett Mauser EXPOSES Internal Training ‘Stop Thinking in Terms of Objective Journalism’ – YouTube (11/16/21)
    • “I challenge you [journalists] to stop thinking in terms of objective journalism. We’ll discuss why that’s not really feasible anymore.”
    • “… if journalism is not objective, it’s not journalism — it’s propaganda.”
  36. Film Shreds ‘Safe and Effective’ Mantra, Unmasks Pharma ‘Lies’ on COVID Shots • – 5/24/24
  37. Forbes cancels contributor for writing about Fauci family finances –– 2/24/22
  38. The Libs of TikTok Story Is a Damning Story, All Right—Damning to Journalism ( – 4/22/22
  39. Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis (– 1/19/22
  40. Pro-vax Catholic media being paid by Soros and Gates – Daily Compass ( – 1/12/22
  41. TUCKER & DHILLON: DOJ blew ‘fed. law, constitution, and civil rights’ ‘Deepest level of corruption’ – YouTube (11/11/21)
  42. CNN Director: We Worked to Oust Trump, We Create ‘Propaganda,’ Use ‘Fear’ To Pass Climate Agenda | The Daily Wire(4/13/21)
  43. Bill Maher criticizes liberal media over COVID-19 reporting ( – 9/17/2021
  44. 10 times the media declared the discredited Steele dossier was not ‘disproven’ | Fox News – 11/11/21
  45. Newsmax under fire for COVID policy, silencing reporter who warned about ‘satanic’ jab ingredients –
  46. How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more (– 47 steps! (8/27/21)
  47. The Media Is Creating a False Perception of Rising Racism. My New Study Proves It – (4/13/21)
  48. Joe Rogan Forces Truth Out of Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Ivermectin is NOT Veterinary Medicine | Armstrong Economics (7/20/21)
  49. Wikipedia Co-Founder Urges Public Not to Trust the Website“You can trust it to give an establishment view,” Sanger admitted.
  50. Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger claims site is influenced by FBI and CIA, ‘obviously biased’ toward the left – – 8/3/23
  51. Wikipedia flags article detailing mass killings under communist regimes for possible removal – (11/30/21)
  52. How Wikipedia transformed Steve Kirsch into an evil person in just 4 days ( 12/17/21
  53. Fact-Checkers Are Used to Confuse the Public: Sharyl Attkisson ( – 1/23/22
    • In 2016 Attkisson heard former President Barack Obama say news needed to be curated, after which mainstream media outlets started to consistently use the term fake news to describe mostly conservative news stories that they deemed untrue.
  54. Reuters show bias Attacking Ivermectin
  55. Conflict of Interest: Reuters ‘Fact Checks’ COVID-Related Social Media Posts, But Fails to Disclose Ties to Pfizer, World Economic Forum ( (8/8/21)
  56. ‘Unbiased’ news source? Reuters chairman is top investor and board member of Pfizer –
    • Pfizer also has significant conflicts of interest with Reuters. Reuters chairman (and former CEO) James Smith is both a top investor and board member of Pfizer. Might he have a vested interest in keeping Pfizer’s media record clear of incriminating details?
    • What gives Smith’s conflict of interest even greater weight is Reuters’ self-appointed role as “fact checker” of news. A surveyof Reuters’ more recent fact checks shows the majority are dedicated to defending COVID-19 shots against questioning of their safety or efficacy, or of the motives behind their production and promotion.
    • One recent “fact check” claimsthat “there is no evidence currently that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to an increase in sportspeople collapsing or dying due to heart issues such as myocarditis.” It made this claim despite its acknowledgement that “several studies do indeed suggest a link between myocarditis and the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.”
  57. The Ridiculous Reuters Fact Check About COVID Gene Therapy Vaccines ( – 8/22/23
  58. org: Twitter partners with Associated Press and Reuters to elevate more credible info
  59. Pfizer sponsors the “news,” which is why you rarely hear anything bad about its covid “vaccine” – (10/21/21)
  60. College freshman calls out CNN’s Brian Stelter for network’s role in spreading disinformation –– 4/8/22
    • CNN’s Brian Stelter, “Reliable Sources” host, who has accusedconservative media of “obsession” with the Russian collusion hoax despite making the investigation a hobbyhorse in his own reporting, downplayed Phillips’ comments as a “popular right-wing narrative.”
    • Stelter did not offer to explain why CNN incorrectly insistedthat President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election, promoted Smollett’s fake hate crime, spotlighted groundless accusations that Justice Brett Kavanaugh raped women during college, inaccurately dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian disinformation,” and maligned Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann.
  61. Feds Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots (– 3/9/22
    • The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets to deploy a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage, according to documents obtained by The Blaze.
  62. DuckDuckGo announces it will ‘down-rank’ links with Russian misinformation in search results –– 3/11/22
  63. DuckDuckGo Has Been Compromised | Armstrong Economics – 3/15/22
  64. DuckDuckGo denies rumors about ‘purging’ independent media outlets from search results – – 4/19/22
    • “Search ranking and censorship are entirely different things.”
    • In March, DuckDuckGo caused many to question whether it would continue to be billed as a neutral search engine after it announced it would “downrank” websites connected to Russian disinformation in its search results.  “Unlike independent media, Russian state-sponsored media is highly censored and violations are punishable by jail time or worse.”
    • Mainstream tech companies Google and Microsoft and social media giants Twitter and Facebook in March, 2020, billed themselves as the sole judges of what is deemed to be “authoritative content” regarding COVID-19 in a joint statement they released.
  65. YouTube axes more LifeSiteNews content – LifeSite– 3/14/22
  1. Censorship of Science, with Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Scott Atlas, and Jay Bhattacharya (– 3/17/22
  2. Laura Dodsworth: How Government Weaponized Fear and Human Psychology During the Pandemic (– 3/19/22
  3. New York Times censors Ad for book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ (– 3/18/22
  4. Statement on Together Trial – WSJ Article Mar 18 DRAFT v3.docx (– 3/18/22
    • Trials of generic medicines that are funded and influenced by profit-driven pharmaceutical companies will always fail. We need to create an independent, well-funded government body dedicated to conducting well-designed trials and transparent research studies of repurposed generic treatments
  5. Elon Musk Could Takeover Twitter | Armstrong Economics– 4/17/22 – Tucker Carlson
  6. YouTube censors Tucker Carlson interview with ‘detransitioned’ woman exposing dangers of trans lifestyle –– 4/20/22
  7. Ashley Rindsberg on Media Malfeasance, New York Times Misreporting, and the Coverup of the COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory ( (12/28/21) – book: The Gray Lady Winked (Amazon Link)
  8. Leftist reporters openly celebrate LA Times columnist who hates balanced news coverage – (11/8/21)
  9. Fox News propagates highly questionable “study” examining Covid re-infection rates for the non-vaccinated after hospitalizations from “flu-like symptoms” – (11/7/21)
  10. Poll-of-swing-state-biden-voters-shows-widespread-media-manipulation-in-2020-election
    • One of every six Biden voters we surveyed (17%) said they would have abandoned the Democratic candidate had they known the facts about one or more of these news stories. A shift why-i-do-not-trust-the-mainstream-media of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden, and Donald Trump would have comfortably won a second term as president.
  11. Misinformation About Kyle Rittenhouse Case Floods Social Media, TV Networks ( (11/22/21)
  12. CNN proves Nick Sandmann’s Point on Media Bias
    • Media coverage put Sandmann front and center as the smirking face of ‘white privilege’, prompting a barrage of defamation suits. He has so far settled with CNN and the Washington Post for undisclosed amounts.
  13. Forbes deletes article on psychological damage of masking children –
  14. Media attacks Doctors who promote early treatment of COVID-19, despite 300+ studies showing success
  15. Media suppresses Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine early treatment success stories – In this 17-minute video, Ivory Hecker interviews Dr. Joseph Varon from Houston, the “COVID Hunter”.  Dr. Varon explains that he has been interviewed about his success in treating COVID-19 hundreds of times, but the importance of early treatment and Ivermectin to his success is ALWAYS excluded from the report when it airs.  Any mention of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine are systematically eliminated by all major news networks.  This is a must-see video in order to understand what is going on.
  16. Biased Media attempts to claim Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are abortion-tainted just like COVID jabs  ( (10/15/21)
  17. Big Tech censored anyone who predicted a Biden vaccine mandate… now the “censored” have all been proven correct –
  18. The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax
  19. YouTube banned and deleted Dr. Mercola’s channel, and the channels of several others, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for violating the community guidelines they implemented that same morning, with no warning.  This is a blatant illustration of how government, technocrat-led nongovernmental organizations, social media platforms and media collude and coordinate attacks to censor people and organizations with whom they do not agree, or who pose a threat to their propaganda narrative.  (9/29/2021
  20. YouTube Removes Dislike Count to Protect White House | Armstrong Economics– 11/13/21
  21. Health care workers being BRIBED to post scripted, word-for-word copycat warnings over “delta” variant (
  22. RFK Jr. calls out mainstream media on vaccines
  23. CBSN Reporter: They only doctored the evidence a little bit
  24. Time Magazine details ‘Shadow Campaign’ against Trump
  25. 60-minutes-caught-engaging-in-fake-news-to-steer-the-country-left/
  26. Twitter suspends conservative blogger Matt Walsh for saying that men are men – – 1/10/22
  27. Twitter banned Trump but takes no action vs. LeBron James Tweet– 4/23/21
  28. Twitter labels obituary ‘misleading’ for saying Christian mom of 2 died from COVID shot –
  29. Facebook deletes Hunter Biden critic– 8/14/21
  30. Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions ( – 4/23/22
  31. Facebook is notorious for their false banners declaring the “vaccines” as safe. On the contrary, the long term trials of these COVID shots were waived and the injections were authorized for “emergency use” by governments, even before clinical trials had been completed or peer-reviewed, and thus the long term side effects are unknown. It is precisely these concerns that renowned scientists all over the world have raised — and Facebook has frequently censored. Hear their warnings in the documentary Following the Science?and hear/see actual testimonies of injuries, etc. at the uncensored MeWe Group: “COVID Vaccine Adverse Reactions Testimonies“.  [From Mark Mallett article Top 10 Pandemic Lies on 8/13/21]
    • 3/15/20: Zuckerberg emails Fauci suggesting they partner on a COVID-19 information hub; makes additional offer that is redacted.
    • 4/16/20: Facebook posts steps it is taking to “…combat COVID-19 related misinformation”
    • 2/8/21: Facebook announces it will be “Removing more false claims about COVID-19 and vaccines”
    • 5/25/21: Fauci admits to “Modest collaboration” with Wuhan Lab of Virology; says COVID-19 may not have occurred naturally after all
    • 5/26/21: Facebook announces it “will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured from our apps”
  32. Facebook Whistleblowers Expose Leaked Internal Docs Detailing New Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on a Global Scale | Project Veritas– 5/24/21
  33. Facebook Continues to Mute the Truth | Armstrong Economics– 1/23/22
  34. Facebook took down my ministries’ pages that helped people struggling with LGBT lifestyle –– 2/4/22
  35. XCheck: Inside Facebook’s Secret Society of VIP Users ( (9/21/21) where VIPs are exempt from the rules applied to everyone else
  36. Federal Judge: Democrats Close to Controlling All Major News Outlets
  37. fake-news-industry-is-still-gaslighting-america-with-phony-polls – LifeSite news quoting American Thinker
  38. Newly unredacted documents show Google shared location data despite location settings set to off – AZ Mirror
  39. News Outlets Issue Major Corrections After Botching Reports On December Phone Call Between Trump, GA Election Investigator | The Daily Wire – The Wall Street Journal published audio last week of a December 23 phone call between Trump and Frances Watson, the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. The audio recording debunked multiple news reports that attributed fake quotes to Trump.
  40. Media Bias: USA Today snubs Winsome Sears, Jason Miyares from report on ‘candidates of color’ who won historic elections | Fox News– 11/3/21
  41. People Storm the London Press over Fake News | Armstrong Economics – a warning to journalists: you must choose between your editorial management who has been bought off, or the people.
  42. Media Bias: Media ignore evidence pointing to massive failure of COVID lockdowns, researcher says –– 11/9/21
  43. ‘Vaccinated’ people hold strong, one-sided prejudice against ‘unvaccinated,’ study finds –– 2/23/22 – According to the study, the vaccinated harbor significant feelings of prejudice against the unvaccinated, while those who haven’t taken the shot harbor no antipathy toward people who did. <Mainstream media and government conditioning?>
  44. How Advertisers’ ‘Invisible Strings’ Control What You Read and Watch • – 5/31/22 – research reveals corporate media has spent decades burying stories in deference to big-money advertisers.
  45. CBS Broadcast Associate Reveals “Cheap” Way of ‘Fact Checking’ Their Network’s Own Reporting – YouTube – 6/7/22
  46. How the Pandemic Response Changed My Thinking ( – 6/7/22
  47. Left-wing NBC News admits ex-reporter plagiarized 11 articles, initially doesn’t say which ones – – 5/4/22
  48. Polls showing strong public support for Roe v. Wade are misleading: here’s why – – 5/11/22
  49. Section 230: everything you need to know about the law protecting internet speech – The Verge – 12/29/2020
  50. Mainstream media continues to ignore the reason behind mass flight cancellations: COVID jab policies – – 7/4/22
  51. How CIA and Other Global Intelligence Agencies Use Media to Promote ‘The Great Reset’ • – 7/12/22
  52. New York Times attacks ‘anti-vaccine’ Dr. Mercola for COVID ‘disinformation’ – – 6/15/22
  53. Study exposes how liberal media uses biased research to legitimize abortion – – 6/17/22
  54. USA Today forced to delete 23 articles after finding out a reporter fabricated sources – – 6/20/22
  55. White House Health Official Makes False Claim About COVID-19 Vaccines ( – 6/20/22
  56. Twitter reinstates prominent journalist Alex Berenson suspended for questioning COVID jabs – – 7/20/22
  57. Gallup: Only 11% Have ‘Great Deal’ of Confidence in TV News, only 16% in Newspapers | CNSNews – 7/27/22
  58. Gallup: New low in media ‘trust’ | Washington Examiner – 10/18/22 – Just 7% of Americans have ‘a great deal’ of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have ‘a fair amount; Overall, the 34% who say that they trust the media to “fully, accurately and fairly” report the news is the second-lowest ever. Americans’ trust in the media remains sharply polarized along partisan lines, with 70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents saying they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence.
  59. Ministry of Truth: Wikipedia Editors Feverishly Change Article on Recessions to Match Biden Talking Points ( – 7/29/22
  60. Twitter Censors All Content From The Epoch Times – 7/29/22
  61. Twitter Stops Censoring Epoch Times Content After Outcry ( – 7/30/22
  62. ‘Explosive’ Documents Reveal How CDC, Social Media Giants Colluded to Suppress Free Speech • – 7/28/22
  63. Too Little Too Late: WSJ Tries to Save Face on Failed COVID Policies • – 8/23/22
  64. Poll: 74 Percent Say FBI Misled Public About Hunter Biden’s Laptop ( – 8/26/22
  65. Over 50 Biden Administration Employees, 12 US Agencies Involved in Social Media Censorship Push: Documents ( – 9/1/22
  66. Media Confidence Ratings at Record Lows ( – 7/18/22
  1. Biggest Mainstream Media Lies:
    • Russia Hoax / Made Up Dossier
    • Impeachment with no crime
    • Hunter Biden Laptop & Business Deals
    • Origins & Treatment of COVID-19
    • Armed Insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021
  2. CBS Partially Retracts Ukraine Documentary Alleging Missing US Weapons ( – 8/8/22
  3. YouTube announces new ‘misinformation’ measures for midterm elections – – 9/6/22
  4. Big Tech Censors Vid Showing Parents Obscene LGBTQ School Materials – CatholicVote org – 9/13/22
  5. Congressional Hearings About Team Biden Die in Liberal Media Darkness ( – 3/7/23
  6. Reports: AP Funded by Far-Left Groups – CatholicVote org – 8/29/23
  7. ‘Heartless’: New York Times Sinks to ‘New Low,’ Suggests 24-Year-Old’s Myocarditis Death Not Caused by Vaccine • – 12/14/23
  8. Wave of Hit Pieces Reveals Why Establishment Is Terrified of This Defiant Newspaper | The Epoch Times – 1/16/24
  9. Mainstream News Is Committing Suicide | Armstrong Economics – 3/15/24
  10. New York Times, After Years of Appeasing CCP, Now Plans Attack on Shen Yun | The Epoch Times – 3/18/24 – With a long record of downplaying or ignoring serious human rights abuses in China, The New York Times is now targeting Chinese dissidents in the United States.
  11. NY Times reporter admits Jan 6 riots exaggerated; FBI involved – 3/10/22
  12. CBS edits Mike Johnson’s criticism of Biden-Harris on Helene response, migrants voting – 10/15/24
  13. Free Press and others call for transcript of CBS Harris interview, alleging journalistic malpractice – 10/15/24
  14. Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ and Legacy Media’s Failure to Report on Them – 10/21/24. Naomi Wolf, journalist and CEO of Daily Clout, details the serious vaccine-related injuries that Pfizer and the FDA knew of by early 2021, but tried to hide from the public.
  15. The Shocking Truth About Pharma Ads on TV – 11/16/24. RFK Jr. was told by a network executive that “during non-election years, during some months, up to 70% of his news division revenues are coming from pharma.” This is why they suppress any viewpoint or story that criticizes Big Pharma.

Why distrust the mainstream media Read More »

RFK calls out mainstream media on Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. called on mainstream media to investigate and report on the many issues central to the COVID crisis that have been mischaracterized or suppressed.  An abridged version of what Kennedy said follows:

Viable and readily available treatments for COVID have been withheld so that vaccines could get Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

We are now approaching a time when the injuries and deaths from COVID vaccines will likely surpass those from the virus.  Between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 13, 2021, a total of 595,622 total adverse events were reported to the government-run Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

Yet the media maintains a blackout on the topic. By comparison, when it became known that an estimated 50 people died after receiving the swine flu shot in 1976, that vaccination campaign was immediately shut down.

The COVID vaccine does not prevent transmission.  Shaming the unvaccinated for new COVID cases is baseless and dangerously divisive.

Children are at extremely low risk of death or hospitalization from COVID and there is no justification for recommending this vaccine to kids. The COVID survival rate across all age groups is 98.23%. In children it is even higher, at 99.985%.

These statistics call into question the need for widespread COVID vaccination of any age group, but especially children who are at such minimal risk from COVID.

COVID vaccines are not helping society reach herd immunity. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the vaccinated are spreading the virus just as easily as the unvaccinated.

And while the vaccinated are still getting COVID, they will become sentenced to a lifetime of booster shots that will continue to cause injuries and deaths like those already reported to VAERS.

Yet the media perpetuates the falsehood that more boosters are the way out of the epidemic — especially now that it’s becoming apparent that the original COVID vaccines are failing.

The origins of COVID-19 remain shrouded in secrecy by the media.

For full article see: RFK, Jr. to Journalists: Report the Truth About COVID Vaccine Risks, Injuries and Deaths (

DOE Finds COVID Likely Emerged From Wuhan Lab, Sparks Congressional Investigation ( – 2/28/23

RFK calls out mainstream media on Vaccines Read More »