
Campaign against Ivermectin

  1. India’s Ivermectin Success Blackout by CDC, NIH, media, Wikipedia | ZeroHedge  (8/13/21)
    • See article for graph showing the dramatic improvement in COVID-19 cases and deaths after Ivermectin was distributed in the Uttar Pradesh province of India, April-July 2021.
    • There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India.  Ask yourself why India’s success against the Delta variant with Ivermectin is such a closely guarded secret by the NIH and CDC. Second, ask yourself why no major media outlets reported this fact, but instead, tried to confuse you with false information by saying the deaths in India are 10 times greater than official reports.
    • Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.   Nor is Wikipedia is allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill, nor say anything concerning www.ivmmeta.com which shows the 63 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal an average of 86% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.
    • MSN Showcases the Amazing Uttar Pradesh Turnaround—The Ivermectin-based Home Medicine Kits (trialsitenews.com)  (9/19/21)
      • MSN appears to be the first mainstream news source to recognize the amazing feat accomplished by the health agencies in India’s most populous state. The state experienced a massive spike in infections by April, but just two months later, the turnaround was well on its way, and what ensued should have been the story of the year
      • The WHO praised the effort but omitted the use of Ivermectin and early treatment
      • The WHO went on the offense once India established Ivermectin on its national protocol. WHO’s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan tweeted that Ivermectin should not be used, referencing Merck’s warning about the drug. See TrialSite’s entry on the Merck-Ivermectin warning topic. Of course, this tweet triggered the Indian bar association lawsuit against WHO. Indirectly including Merck in her tweet, WHO’s Dr. Swaminathan insulted not only millions of people but also evidenced her true naivety… Merck has a huge conflict of interest in that they have a competing COVID-19 therapeutic—Molnupiravir.  Most certainly, that’s why over the past few months, an intense and particularly vile smear campaign emerged in mainstream media [against Ivermectin].
  2. Dr. Pierre Kory presents the evidence base supporting the efficacy of Ivermectin in prevention and treatment of COVID-19 to an audience of medical and other leaders in Sri Lanka (odysee.com)  and discusses the corruption of the medical establishment in suppressing Ivermectin (39-minute video plus 11 minutes of Q&A, 10/5/21)
  3. EXPOSED! FDA, CDC, NIH & WHO is hiding this from you? | Dr Paul Marik FLCCC – Vijaya Viswanathan – YouTube   9/6/21 (44 minutes at normal playback speed)
    • Ivermectin is cheap, safe, and effective against COVID-19 if used in combination with other drugs.
    • 3.7 billion people have been treated safely with Ivermectin
    • Physician reluctance to prescribe it due to intimidation by FDA and Hospital management (16:21)
    • Hospitals, FDA, CDC, NIH and WHO, the media, New England Journal of Medicine, and The Lancet medical journal are are all heavily funded and/or heavily influenced by Big Pharma
    • The NIH owns part of many patents and makes a lot of money from patented drugs and vaccines (conflict of interest).  And they can’t make any money off of cheap, repurposed drugs like Ivermectin.
    • For my detailed notes by minute/second marks, see Dr. Paul Marik on Suppressing Ivermectin
  4. Is Ivermectin Being Discredited To Pave Way For Big Pharma’s New Version Of Same Drug? (redvoicemedia.com)
    • The Armageddon that was unleashed this past week, in every form of media, from nighttime talk show hosts to every newspaper, to CNN to television, screaming about how this is a horse drug, and that people are dying from taking animal forms, you will understand why that was unleashed. <Big Pharma needs> to get rid of Ivermectin.
  5. The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax
  6.  SC Senate – Medical Affairs Subcommittee Testimony of Dr. Robert Jackson – YouTube  (9/22/21,  33 minutes but you can watch at 1.5x speed)
    • Excellent example of a Physician in the trenches vs. politicians and hospital administrators who would prefer to “follow established protocols” and avoid Ivermectin
    • Dr. Jackson related how his job at Spartanburg Regional is at risk for prescribing Ivermectin
    • Dr. Jackson mentioned Dr. Kory’s testimony on Ivermectin; also the excellent results in Peru, Argentina, India, and Mexico City.
    • Ivermectin is safe: 1 death/year vs. 500 deaths per year by Tylenol.
  7. Reuters show bias Attacking Ivermectin
  8. Military Doctor SUSPENDED For Writing Exemptions, Ivermectin Scripts – Oct 19 2021 (bitchute.com)
  9. Why all the fuss about Ivermectin and why is the establishment attacking it? – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
    • When FDA-approved medications are used in appropriate doses for appropriate patients, prescribed by competent physicians, the risks tend to be low, and any benefit should be celebrated. Instead, the medical establishment, media, and regulatory authorities are taking the opposite approach.
    • A study published several months ago in the American Journal of Therapeutics concluded Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery… and significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular [prophylactic] use of ivermectin.
    • Highly unvaccinated India had a surge in COVID cases earlier this year which abruptly ended following the widespread use of ivermectin, over the objections and criticism of the WHO. In the one state, Tamil Nadu, that did not use ivermectin, cases tripled instead of dropping by 97 percent as in the rest of the country.
    • The Japanese Medical Association recently endorsed ivermectin for COVID. The U.S. CDC cautioned against it.
    • Medical treatment involves balancing risks and benefits. When FDA-approved medications are used in appropriate doses for appropriate patients, prescribed by competent physicians, the risks tend to be low, and any benefit should be celebrated. Instead, the medical establishment, media, and regulatory authorities are taking the opposite approach. One has to wonder why. 

Conclusion of many: the use of cheap, effective treatments is not in the best interest of Big Pharma and Governments who wish to keep the people in a state of fear and compliance so they take the vaccine.


Campaign against Ivermectin Read More »

How Jesus Fulfilled Prophesy

How Jesus Fulfilled Prophesy Read More »

The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax

Fake news article picked up by biased news outlets who did no fact checking.  Multiple sources covering this:

  1. The great Ivermectin deworming hoax – The Burning Platform
  2. The great Ivermectin deworming hoax | Columnists | thedesertreview.com
  3. Rolling Stone BUSTED with hoax story claiming Oklahoma hospitals are filled with ivermectin-damaged patients – NaturalNews.com
  4. The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals – Reason.com  9/6/21
  5. Mainstream media reports about ivermectin hospitalizations found to be fake news – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)  9/7/21

Here are a few of the screaming headlines from multiple news outlets who ran with the fake news:

This is yet another example of the mainstream media lazily circulating a narrative that flatters the worldview of the liberal audience, without bothering to check on any of the details.

The Associated Press also recently reported that 70 percent of calls to Mississippi’s poison hotline were from people who had taken ivermectin. This was an error: The actual figure was 2 percent.

Some time later: Joe Rogan Forces Truth Out of Dr. Sanjay Gupta – Ivermectin is NOT Veterinary Medicine | Armstrong Economics

The Great Ivermectin Deworming Hoax Read More »

Reuters shows bias Attacking Ivermectin

  • Reuters published a bizarre piece the other day glorifying the rag-tag bunch of pasty-white domestic terrorists known as Antifa (“antifascists”) for their “militant activism” against the “extremist right” in America. At the very same time, Reuters continues to attack and vilify doctors who prescribe healing ivermectin rather than “vaccines” to their Covid-19 patients.
  • No less than 10 articles about ivermectin currently litter the Reuters website, nearly all of them containing blatant misinformation about how the FDA-approved drug is “dangerous” for treating the Chinese Flu.
  • “The company said its analysis of existing and emerging studies of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 found no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus,” Reuters reported back in February.
  • In another propaganda piece, Reuters falsely called ivermectin an “animal drug,” the suggestion being that it is only administered to cattle. Truth be told, ivermectin was developed as a drug for humans long before it was discovered that it also worked in animals.
  • Back in May, Reuters railed on India for widely distributing ivermectin to its population. They cited the World Health Organization (WHO), that says using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 is not backed by “current evidence.”

Facts ignored by Reuters:

  1. The Drug that Cracked COVID | Mountain Home Magazine
    • An over-the-counter medicine in France, Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and “one of the safest drugs ever given to humanity,” Dr. Marik said, with “3.7 billion doses administered in forty years, that’s B for billion, and only extremely rare serious side effects.”
  2. Medical journal calls for Ivermectin to be ‘globally & systematically deployed’
  3. Ivermectin works – it’s that simple
  4. Mounting Evidence Supports Use of Ivermectin (theepochtimes.com)

Reuters shows bias Attacking Ivermectin Read More »

Why distrust the WHO

Why You Should Not Trust the World Health Organization [WHO] (25+ articles)

  1. How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created – 47 steps involving the WHO and other parties.
  2. Key definition changes by the WHO to make pandemic a more urgent crisis:
    • Pandemic: Disease spreading worldwide.  Dropped from definition: (1) abnormally high number of sick people, and (2) abnormally high number of deaths.
    • Herd Immunity: Can only be achieved via vaccination.  Previous definition: achieved from a majority of people getting infected and recovering + vaccination.
    • Why Did the WHO Alter Its Definition of “Herd Immunity?”
    • Highly unvaccinated India had a surge in COVID cases earlier this year which abruptly ended following the widespread use of ivermectin, over the objections and criticism of the WHO. In the one state, Tamil Nadu, that did not use ivermectin, cases tripled instead of dropping by 97 percent as in the rest of the country.
  3. The WHO pressured governments and professional societies to stop doctors prescribing hydroxychloroquine.  (Reuters, 5/26/21)
  4. Documentary Exposes WHO’s ‘Diabolical’ Plan to Use Vaccines to Reduce Global Population • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 7/11/22 – “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s.
  5. Corruption of the WHO and Bill Gates (28-minute video: GAVI is an NGO that pays no taxes yet has complete criminal immunity.
  6. ‘They Lied to Us About the Origin of this Virus’ — Tedros Backpedals on Lab-Leak Theory (rumble.com) – 7/16/22
  7. Two GOP senators demand Biden withdraw US from ‘corrupt and inept’ World Health Organization – lifesitenews.com – 5/23/22
  8. Documentary on WHOExposes Widespread Corruption, Massive Funding by Bill Gates – childrenshealthdefense.org – 9/7/21 – Story-at-a-glance:
    • “Trust WHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences that are controlling the World Health Organization, to the peril of public health.
    • Bill Gates is WHO’s No. 1 funder, contributing more to WHO’s $4.84 billion biennial budget than any member-state government.
    • Pharmaceutical companies previously influenced WHO’s 2009 pandemic declaration —  experts later called swine flu a “false pandemic” that was driven by Big Pharma, which then cashed in on the health scare.
    • WHO has strong allegiance to China, and its investigation into COVID-19’s origin was a “fake” investigation from the start.
    • Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemicWHO released a statement that it had been in discussions with Facebook to “ensure people can access authoritative information on vaccines and reduce the spread of inaccuracies.”
    • WHO’s history clearly illustrates its allegiance to Big Pharma and other industries, including downplaying the health effects caused by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster and collaborating with opioid giant Purdue.
    • Given the strong and ongoing evidence that WHO is heavily conflicted and controlled by industry, its usefulness as a guardian of public health needs to be seriously reevaluated.
  9. Whistleblower claims WHO requested he alter report about Italy’s COVID response – Frontline News
  10. How the Pandemic Led to Corruption at World Health Organization (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 5/31/22
  11. WHO Waited Two Years to Admit COVID-19 Is Airborne — But Why? (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 4/29/22 – Dr. Joseph Mercola
  12. MSN Showcases the Amazing Uttar Pradesh Turnaround—The Ivermectin-based Home Medicine Kits (trialsitenews.com) (9/19/21)
    • MSN appears to be the first mainstream news source to recognize the amazing feat accomplished by the health agencies in India’s most populous state. The state experienced a massive spike in infections by April, but just two months later, the turnaround was well on its way, and what ensued should have been the story of the year.
    • The WHO praised the effort but omitted the use of Ivermectin.
    • The WHO went on the offense once India established Ivermectin on its national protocol. WHO’s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan tweeted that Ivermectin should not be used, referencing Merck’s warning about the drug. See TrialSite’s entry on the Merck-Ivermectin warning topic. Of course, this tweet triggered the Indian bar association lawsuit against WHO. Indirectly including Merck in her tweet, WHO’s  Swaminathan insulted not only millions of people but also evidenced her true naivety… Merck has a huge conflict of interest in that they have a competing COVID-19 therapeutic—Molnupiravir.  Most certainly, that’s why over the past few months, an intense and particularly vile smear campaign emerged in mainstream media [against Ivermectin].
  13. Breaking: WHO Behind FDA Scheme to Skip All Future Clinical Trials for COVID Vaccines • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 6/27/22
  14. WHO Recommends New Gates-Funded Polio Vaccine to Address Vaccine-Derived Polio Outbreak in U.K. • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 6/27/22
  15. More Pandemic Corruption: Refusal to Fully Recognize Natural Immunity (trialsitenews.com)
    • Natural Antibodies Persist for More Than a Year After Infection: New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds (theepochtimes.com) (10/4/21)
    • (6/1/21)  A recent study from the Cleveland Clinic found that individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection and have natural immunity are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccines can be safely prioritized to those who have not been infected before.
    • One study, published in The Lancet’s journal EClinical Medicine, examined data from antibodies in 39,086 individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 from March 2020 and January 2021. It found an “encouraging timeline for the development and sustainability of antibodies up to ten months from natural infection.” This latest study adds to a growing body of scientific evidence indicating that natural immunity is long-lasting even without vaccination.
    • Another study, in Nature, found that COVID-19 infection “induces a robust antigen-specific, long-lived humoral immune response in humans,” with antibodies “remaining detectable at least 11 months after infection.” Another, published at BioRxiv, found that even without vaccination, antibodies in the infected “remain relatively stable from 6 to 12 months,” while “B cell clones expressing broad and potent antibodies are selectively retained in the repertoire over time and expand dramatically after vaccination.” Another study from Israel found that natural immunity was slightly more effective against reinfection than the Pfizer vaccine, at 94.8% versus 92.8%.
  16. WHO changing direction on guidance?
  17. NIH Guidelines committee created for Covid treatment recommendations, in which 16 members have or had financial entanglements with Gilead, maker of Remdesivir. The members were appointed by the Co-Chairs. Two of the three Co-Chairs are themselves financially entangled with Gilead. Are you surprised that their guidelines recommend specifically against the use of hydroxychloroquine and in favor of Remdesivir, despite a Chinese Phase III study showing no benefit, which was mistakenly posted on the WHO website, then taken down?
  18. Biden surrendering US sovereignty to World Health Organization (lifesitenews.com) – 5/23/22
  19. WHO and Lancet Commission Chiefs Come Out in Support of Lab Leak Theory (theepochtimes.com) – 6/21/22
  20. Virologist Ian Lipkin Who Tried to Discredit COVID Lab-Leak Theory Hid Ties to Wuhan Lab • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 7/8/22
  21. ‘They Lied to Us About the Origin of this Virus’ — Tedros Backpedals on Lab-Leak Theory (rumble.com) – 7/16/22
  22. The World Health Organization has a peculiar history with vaccines aimed at reducing fertility – lifesitenews.com – 7/11/22
  23. New Documentary Exposes WHO’s ‘Diabolical’ Plan to Use Vaccines to Reduce Global Population • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 7/11/22
  24. Brighteon – Uncensored: Maria Zee interviews Dr. Victory – Overwhelming Evidence of Global Depopulation plan – 8/11/22
  25. Why Has COVID Spared Africa? (mercola.com) – 1/12/23
  26. Bill Gates Global Takeover Is Official (mercola.com) – 12/26/22 – weaponization of the WHO
    • The WHO will form the foundation for a one world government, under the auspice of coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity. This becomes evident when you review the proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty
    • The proposed IHR amendments will erase the concepts of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms from the equation. The first principle in Article 3 of the 2005 IHR states that health regulations shall be implemented “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” The amendment strikes that sentence!
  27. WHO appoints ‘transgender’ activists to panel governing healthcare for children – Lifesitenews.com – 1/17/24
  28. The Weekly Report: What You Need to Know About the WHO (rumble.com) – 2/8/24 – starting at the 1:30 point. WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty signed by 190+ nations. WHO does NOT have any real power over the States.  The States imposed mandates and lockdowns on their own.  We need to resist Gov’t mandates.  Resist and do not comply.  Promote a parallel society that is for freedom.

Why distrust the WHO Read More »

Why you should not trust the FDA

Why you should not trust the FDA (50+ articles)

  1. Think the FDA Is Looking Out for Your Health? History Tells a Different Story. (childrenshealthdefense.org)– 10/6/21
  2. A staggering 45% of the entire FDA‘s $5.9 billion budget and 65% of the funding for human drug regulatory activitiesare funded by Big Pharma: Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates? (theconversation.com).
  3. They Knew. They Lied. – Free Now Foundation – Both Pfizer and the FDA knew that the mRNA COVID vaccine caused dire fetal and infant harms, including death. And, literally, five days later, they began an aggressive campaign to get pregnant women vaccinated anyway.”
  4. ‘Blood on Its Hands’: FDA Will Remove Anti-ivermectin Social Media, Website Posts Under Lawsuit Settlement Agreement • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 3/22/24
  1. Outrageous! FDA Backtracks During Trial and Now Claims ‘Not Taking Ivermectin for COVID-19’ was Merely a Recommendation – Survival Magazine & News – Bushcraft Prepper Offgrid SHTF Blog & Conservative News – 11/20/22
  2. FDA Makes It Official: Informed Consent Not Required for ‘Minimal Risk’ Studies • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 1/30/24
    • Brighteon – Naomi Wolf: The FDA “Changed the Definition Of Informed Consent So That They Will Be In The Clear”.  This is a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.
  1. Experts ‘Astounded’ After FDA Rejects Request to Add Health Risks to COVID Vaccine Labels (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/12/23
  2. FDA Makes Unexpected Ivermectin Announcement | Facts Matter (theepochtimes.com) – 6/5/23 – 12-minute video– FDA disparages Ivermectin but links to a group of studies that say it is effective against Covid-19.
  3. FDA Admits It Had No Authority To Ban Ivermectin | Armstrong Economics – 8/17/23
  4. Years After Smug Anti-Ivermectin Post, FDA Admits in Court That Doctors Should Be Allowed to Prescribe It (westernjournal.com) – 8/12/23
  5. FDA Refuses to Change Anti-Ivermectin Statements After Court Ruling | The Epoch Times – 9/16/23
  6. Shocking Truth Behind the FDA’s Ivermectin Crackdown | Facts Matter (theepochtimes.com) – 6/22/23
  7. FDA Is Not a Physician’: Appeals Court Sides with Doctors on Ivermectin for COVID-19 (theepochtimes.com) – 9/2/23
  8. FDA Study finds COVID Vaccine causes spontaneous abortions’ – 5/1/23 – Armstrong Economics
  9. FDA Refuses to Provide COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data to US Senator | The Epoch Times – 9/7/23
  10. FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated: Documents | The Epoch Times – 9/5/23
  11. FDA exposed as a criminal body parts cartel involved in routine harvesting of organs from LIVING human babies – NaturalNews.com (2/11/21)
  12. FDA Risk-Benefit Analysis Hides ‘Bad Data’ on Moderna Shots for Kids (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/13/22
  13. FDA Uses Unreliable Data to Justify COVID Shots for Infants and Toddlers (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/13/22
  14. 4 Times FDA Was Dead Wrong About an ‘Approved’ Drug (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/17/22
  15. FDA Panel Votes to Waive Clinical Trials for New COVID Boosters (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/29/22
  16. FDA Colluded with Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 7/12/22
  17. Remdesivir Stopped Kidney Function in COVID Patients — So Why Did FDA Approve It for Kidney Patients? (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 8/18/23
  18. FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies – YouTube– 2/16/22
  19. FDA Official Says US Government Plans to Push Annual COVID-19 Shots (theepochtimes.com)– 2/17/22
  20. Veritas Exposes FDA | Armstrong Economics– 2/16/22 – We have to end the corruption of private organizations donating ANY money to the FDANIH, or CDC. We cannot trust ANYTHING these people now approve as long as they are taking money from the very companies that benefit from these approvals.
  21. FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data (theepochtimes.com)– 11/18/21)
  22. Final Batch of Pfizer Documents Released by FDA 800 Days After COVID Vaccine Approval | The Epoch Times – 12/13/23
  23. FDA rubber-stamps Remdesivir for infants without evidence of safety, efficacy – lifesitenews.com) – 4/28/22
  24. Children’s Health Defense demands FDA withdraw its approval of Remdesivir for infants and children, citing 72% adverse events rate – lifesitenews.com – 5/2/22
  25. FDA OKs Updated Boosters for Babies with Zero Data (mercola.com) – 12/20/22
    • In mid-June 2022, the United States became the first country in the world to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. December 8, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the updated bivalent COVID boosters for this age group as well.
    • The reformulated bivalent shots were authorized for adults, based on antibody levels in mice, just three months earlier. The FDA has zero data on its use in babies. Initial data is not expected until January 2023, yet they authorized the shot for babies anyway.
    • The COVID shots are the most dangerous medical intervention ever released. CDC data show nearly 30% of V-Safe participants aged 12 to 17 were unable to perform daily activities after the second dose, and nearly 20% were unable to attend school or work after the booster.
    • How can the FDA rationalize a bivalent booster for babies based on data showing 2 out of 10 tweens and teens get so incapacitated they cannot attend school?
  26. Data Show FDA Process for Emergency Authorization of Pfizer, Merck COVID Pills Not Based on Science (childrenshealthdefense.org)– 3/7/22
    • A comparison of the Pfizer and Merck COVID-19 antiviral pills with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine raises questions about why the FDA did not give Emergency Use Authorization to safer, more effective alternatives.
    • Note: federal law stipulates that an EUA cannot be granted unless: “There is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”  So, EUA should never have been granted to the COVID vaccines.
  27. FDA Refuses to Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses (theepochtimes.com) – 9/10/22
  28. FDA refuses to release autopsy reports that could shed light on COVID vaccine victims – lifesitenews.com– 10/4/22
  29. FDA finally releases data used to greenlight Pfizer jabs after trying to stall in court – lifesitenews.com– 3/3/22
  30. How Big Pharma won its war against cheap, effective Ivermectin – lifesitenews.com– 3/7/22 – FDA study pressured conclusions were key.
  31. FLCCC Weekly Update March 9, 2022: Andrew Hill and Ivermectin (odysee.com)– 3/9/22
  32. FDA is ‘purposely hiding facts’ about COVID jab safety ‘problems’ from public, says former official – lifesitenews.com– 4/7/22 – Dr. Pierre Kory discusses with independent journalist Phil Harper, the research paper on Ivermectin in early 2020.  Authored by Andrew Hill, the conclusions were altered at the last minute to avoid recommending Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, despite the compelling positive case.
  33. Judge Orders FDA to Accelerate Release of COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data to Just 2 Years (theepochtimes.com) – 5/13/23
  34. Oracle Films | What the Media Isn’t Showing You | United Kingdom– Dr Tess Lawrie’s letter to Andrew Hill (19 min) including their recorded zoom call from early 2021.  For a transcript of the recorded zoom call, see this link: The ‘very unusual paper.’ Part 1 – by Phil Harper (substack.com)
  35. A letter to Dr Andrew Hill – by Phil Harper (substack.com)– 3/6/22
  36. Pfizer, FDA Documents Contradict Official COVID Vaccine Safety Narrative — Is This Fraud? (childrenshealthdefense.org)3/15/22
    • The evidence laid out in official, legal documents used to issue an Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, and a license for Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, clearly contradicts safety information provided to the public.
    • What the FDA said when it issued both the EUA and the license for Pfizer’s vaccines was very different from what you heard from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the mediaand other sources.
  37. ‘Like a Horror Movie’: Top Scientists Alarmed and Embarrassed by Agencies’ Failure to Follow Science on COVID • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 7/18/22 – “I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” said one senior official with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”
  38. Former BlackRock Advisor Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘FDA Is in on the Cover-Up’ – childrenshealthdefense.org– 3/18/22 – “The FDA is in on the cover-up, something went down. The other tip for me was in November of last year, a friend of mine from the biotech industry discovered that Pfizer had failed their all-cause mortality endpoint. And that was not available to us when this fanfare occurred in November of 2020, when they all got excited about 95% efficacy.”
  39. FDA: Americans Should Treat COVID-19 Like the Flu (theepochtimes.com) – 5/8/22 – “Widespread vaccine- and infection-induced immunity, combined with the availability of effective therapeutics, could blunt the effects of future outbreaks,” the officials said… “Nonetheless, it is time to accept that the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is the new normal.” The virus “will likely circulate globally for the foreseeable future, taking its place alongside other common respiratory viruses such as influenza. And it likely will require similar annual consideration for vaccine composition updates in consultation with the [FDA],” they continued.
  40. Revolving doors of FDA and Big Pharma – Nexus Newsfeed
  41. FDAused ‘critically flawed’ risk-benefit analysis to ‘justify’ COVID vaccines for children – Lifesitenews.com– 2/4/22
  42. FDAExec on Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy “Biden Wants to Inoculate as Many People as Possible” – YouTube– 2/15/22
  43. More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot • Children’s Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)– 9/24/21)
  44. FDAsays natural immunity against COVID doesn’t exist, discounts the entire existence of antibodies – NaturalNews.com – 5/26/21
  45. Natural Antibodies Persist for More Than a Year After Infection: New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds (theepochtimes.com)– 10/4/21)
  46. How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created – 47 steps involving the FDA and other parties. (5/26/21)
  47. The biggest crime committed during the vaccine heist is the censorship of Ivermectin – Lifesitenews.com
  48. FDAstill drags its feet on Ivermectin – Ivermectin’s success in battling COVID-19 – America’s Frontline Doctors (americasfrontlinedoctors.org)– While these (60+) studies suggested that Ivermectin was indeed a safe, cheap, and effective treatment for COVID-19, many public health policy makers refused to permit its use to treat and prevent COVID-19. The FDA in it’s statement said that the “FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19” later explaining that “The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19”.  I wonder why not?
  49. Del Bigtree: The Vaccine Placebos Lie, the COVID ‘Cash Cow,’ and Taking Regulatory Agencies to Court (theepochtimes.com) – 8/3/23 – ‘Take the vaccine to protect your neighbor’ argument to weaponize compassion begins at around 32-minute mark.  Wrap up starting at the 48-minute mark: CDC, FDA & Biden all said the vaccine would stop transmission and we now know the pharmaceutical companies never even tested that.  They all lied.
  50. Pfizer, FDA know the COVID vaccine is dangerous, but they push it anyway – NaturalNews.com(12/7/21)
    • The approval comes as studiesshow the efficacy of vaccines in preventing the CCP virus infection is waning. That prompted a host of officials, including the FDA’s Woodcock, to announce last week that they plan, starting next month, on recommending booster shots, pending FDA
  51. The FDA approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Aug. 23, 2021.


Why you should not trust the FDA Read More »

Why you should not trust the CDC

Why you should not trust the CDC (125+ Articles)

  1. CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths | The Epoch Times – 5/1/24
  2. ‘Staggering’ Arrogance: Experts Rip CDC for Redacting All 148 Pages of Information on Myocarditis After COVID Shots • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 3/20/24
  3. CDC Caught Manipulating Data | Armstrong Economics – 11/30/22
  4. Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative (theepochtimes.com) – 8/21/23
  5. Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time to Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID-19 Vaccines | The Epoch Times – 5/20/24
  6. FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated: Documents | The Epoch Times – 9/5/23
  7. Email Reveals Why CDC Didn’t Issue Alert on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis | The Epoch Times – 1/25/24 – They were worried about causing panic.
  8. Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines: How the CDC Missed a Safety Signal and Hid a Warning | The Epoch Times – 9/17/23
  9. CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation | The Epoch Times – 9/23/23
  10. CDC hid V-Safe data showing serious dangers associated with COVID jabs: report – lifesitenews.com – 10/19/22 – 7.7 percent required medical care after getting the shot.  Death after the shot meets all safety signal criteria, yet CDC took no action.
  11. Inside the Study that Shook the CDC | The Epoch Times – 5/12/24 – Two teenagers died shortly after COVID-19 vaccination, experts reported in a study published Feb. 14, 2022. Within hours, federal officials scrambled to respond, worried the paper would harm their efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccines, internal emails show.
  12. Data from CDC’s COVID tracking app V-Safe show agency ignored signs of heart injury from jabs – lifesitenews.com – 12/2/22
  13. ‘This is corruption’: Dr. Robert Malone blasts CDC vote to add COVID shots to child vaccine schedule – lifesitenews.com – 10/20/22
  14. COVID Scam & The Lack of Journalism | Armstrong Economics – 3/2/23 – CDC has lost all credibility.
  15. Evidence: How CDC Buried Vaccine Death Data | EpochTV (theepochtimes.com) – 1/27/24 – CDC altered data.
  16. Pfizer, CDC Withheld Evidence of Myocarditis After COVID Shots, New Documents Reveal • childrenshealthdefense.org – 3/17/23
  17. Exposed: CDC Made Up Social Distancing Rules – YouTube – 9/16/22
  18. Excess Mortality Doubled for Americans Aged 35 to 44: Edward Dowd on New Society of Actuaries Data (theepochtimes.com) – 9/6/22
  19. How CDC Blatantly Uses Weekly Reports to Spread COVID Disinformation: Three Examples (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 7/19/22
  20. ‘Like a Horror Movie’: Top Scientists Alarmed and Embarrassed by Agencies’ Failure to Follow Science on COVID (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 7/18/22
  21. NY Times: CDC admits to concealing adverse vaccine data (substack.com) – 2/21/22
  22. History Repeats Itself (rumble.com) – 11/2/23 – Pam Popper – CDC hides data from public to push Swine Flu Vaccine for a fake pandemic in 2009; same with COVID in 2019-2023.
  23. CDC Officials Admit Agency Has Withheld Critical Covid Information from the Public, Including Data About Breakthrough Infections, Over Fears of “Vaccine Hesitancy” (thegatewaypundit.com) – 2/20/22
  24. CDC finally admits COVID can be treated like the flu – Lifesitenews.com – 3/6/24
  25. Dr. Robert Malone: CDC Got Caught Hiding Data, Vaccination Might Increase Risk of Omicron Infection (theepochtimes.com) – 3/4/22
  26. Scientific integrity is dead. Here’s the proof. (substack.com) – Steve Kirsh – 3/8/22 – CDC withholds data
  27. CDC V-safe Data: Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Sought Medical Care After COVID Vaccination (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 10/4/22
  28. Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough Accuse CDC of Scientific Fraud (rumble.com) – 3/4/22
  29. Despite CDC denials: new study shows vaccine converts to DNA | America’s Frontline Doctors (americasfrontlinedoctors.org) – 3/2/22
  30. CDC-Funded Study Concludes Most COVID Vaccine Reactions ‘Mild’ Yet VAERS Data Show Thousands of Deaths, Hospitalizations (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 3/9/22
  31. CDC Quietly Removes ‘Claim’ That Spike Protein Doesn’t ‘Last Long’ in Body After COVID Vaccine • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 8/16/22
  32. Three Sinister Public Health Mistakes handling COVID-19 pandemic – YouTube – 10/18/22
  33. CDC Admits to Botched COVID Response, Announces Overhaul — Critics Say Plan Doesn’t Address ‘Unholy Alliance’ With Pharma • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 8/18/22
  34. Hold On! CDC Says COVID No Longer Needs to Disrupt Our Daily Lives … But What Really Changed? (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 8/15/22
  35. CDC job posting reveals they lied, the vaccines are unsafe, and Pfizer lied too! (substack.com) – 7/21/22
  36. CDC Gave Facebook Misinformation About COVID Vaccines + More (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 9/6/22
  37. How the CDC hides Cancer Deaths from the COVID Jabs (theepochtimes.com) – 10/14/22 – The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you’re hearing nothing about it. Why is that? 
    • Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the CDC has been filtering and redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths since April 2021 to eliminate the cancer signal.
    • Before it was manipulated to eliminate the safety signal, data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families tripled after the rollout of the shots.
    • Brighteon – Dr. Jane Ruby: Cancer Rates EXPLODE: CDC Covers Up the Truth About Their Jabs – 10/24/22.
  38. CDC now lists vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated (9/15/2021)
  39. CDC Director Walensky Struggles to Cover Sotomayor’s Lies | Armstrong Economics – 1/11/22
  40. CDC Changes Definition of Vaccine So It Can’t Be ‘Interpreted to Mean That Vaccines Are 100% Effective’ (theepochtimes.com) (9/10/21)
  41. CDC Changes Rules for Counting Breakthrough Cases, as More Fully Vaccinated People Test Positive
  42. CDC in recent months has started compromising mortality statistics. They’re supposedly upgrading servers and reloading all-cause mortality data, and now tens of thousands of death reports are missing.
  43. Study: CDC Illegally Inflated COVID-19 Deaths
    • Oregon Senators File Grand Jury Petition For CDC Investigation (standforhealthfreedom.com)  (9/16/21)
    • Two Oregon state senators jointly filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the CDC’s and FDA’s reporting on COVID deaths.
    • “The CDC’s unlawful and questionable changes to death certificates related to COVID, the use of false-positive PCR tests and their callous indifference to individual rights—or science, for that matter—led to fraudulent data that was used to justify sweeping policy changes, not only in Oregon, but across the country.”
  44. CDC Admits Hospital Incentives Drove Up COVID-19 Deaths
  45. CDC Admits Post-‘Vaccine’ Myocarditis Risks Labeled Misinformation Are Legitimate – enVolve (en-volve.com) – 9/13/22
  46. Rep. Thomas Massie (R- Ky.) tweets how the CDC has changed the definition of a Vaccine over time:
  47. Drop in flu deaths may indicate that most at risk died from COVID-19 (nypost.com)
  48. CDC Hired Ad Firm to Write ‘News’ Articles Promoting Flu Shots for Kids, Elderly, Documents Reveal • childrenshealthdefense.org – 4/14/23
  49. CDC releases ‘highly concerning’ COVID jab data, meanwhile FDA advisors ‘angry’ with lack of transparency – lifesitenews.com – 1/14/23
  50. CDC Aware of Reports of ‘Debilitating Illnesses’ After COVID-19 Vaccination: Official (theepochtimes.com) – 2/1/23
  51. New Lawsuit Docs Reveal Hidden Twitter Portal That CDC Used to Censor Content, Backchannels at Facebook | Facts Matter (theepochtimes.com) – 12/16/22 – It turns out that the United States government had access to a secret Twitter portal, which they used to censor COVID-related content that contradicted the government’s narrative. These “Twitter Files” also reveal how closely these government officials were working alongside Facebook in order to basically do the very same thing there.
  52. Prominent CNN Doctor Concedes US Has Been ‘Overcounting’ COVID-19 Deaths (theepochtimes.com) – 1/18/23
  53. The CDC Lied to Us at the Sept 1 Meeting — Meryl Nass, M.D. (odysee.com)
  54. New CDC COVID guidelines throw out quarantine, allow for benefits of natural immunity – lifesitenews.com – 8/12/22 – also acknowledges that testing everyone is not a good strategy.
  55. Dr. Redfield’s Bombshell Testimony (theepochtimes.com) – 3/10/23
  56. Meryl Nass on Vaccines (odysee.com) – Corruption of CDC and Big Pharma
  57. Instead of Admitting Mask Mandates Harm Kids, CDC Lowers Expectations for Speech Development (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 3/7/22
  58. Health Officials Relied Too Heavily on Vaccines as ‘Cure-All,’ CDC Director Says (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 3/7/22
  59. US senator accuses CDC of refusing to answer questions about safety, efficacy of COVID jabs – lifesitenews.com – 3/7/22
  60. CDC promotes online LGBTQ youth chat designed to be easily hidden from parents – Lifesitenews.com – 7/26/22
  61. CDC Official Used Flawed Data to Justify COVID Shots for Infants and Children, Analysis Shows • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 7/27/22
  62. CDC Admits It Gave False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance (theepochtimes.com) – 8/11/22
  63. CDC Drops COVID-19 Health Warning for Cruise Ships (theepochtimes.com) – 4/3/22
  64. The CDC changed its COVID risk formula. The results are stunning | The Maine Wire – 3/7/22
  65. CDC Guidance: 98% of U.S. Population Can Drop Masks Indoors | Health News | US News – 3/11/22
  66. COVID-19 by County | CDC – 3/11/22
  67. Pfizer, FDA Documents Contradict Official COVID Vaccine Safety Narrative — Is This Fraud? (childrenshealthdefense.org) 3/15/22
  68. The evidence laid out in official, legal documents used to issue an Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, and a license for Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, clearly contradicts safety information provided to the public by the CDC, the media and other sources.
  69. CDC Removes 24 Percent of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Thousands of Others (theepochtimes.com) – 3/18/22
  70. Some of the deaths listed by the CDC appear unrelated to COVID-19. For instance, several deaths have drowning as a cause of death; several others were listed as being from a gun discharge, according to an Epoch Times review of the death codes.
  71. CDC, Other Health Agencies Won’t Provide Employee Vaccination Data From 2022 (theepochtimes.com) – 3/26/22
  72. CDC Says It Performed Vaccine Safety Data Mining After Saying It Didn’t (theepochtimes.com) – 7/23/22
  73. Fauci Flagged Article Saying 6-Foot Social Distancing in Schools ‘Not Supported by Science:’ Email (theepochtimes.com) – 3/28/22
  74. The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just in Time (theepochtimes.com) – 2/28/22
    • One day I’m reading an internal memo commissioned by the Democratic Party to provide advice to dealing with Covid policy. The next day I’m reading headlines about how the CDC has drastically altered its advice on how to deal with Covid.
    • This memo is not epidemiology but politics, most strongly illustrated by the idea that polling should make the difference as to whether a pathogen is pandemic or endemic.
    • Covid is here to stay and “most people in the US will eventually get COVID-19” (thereby hinting at the reality that vaccines are not effective in the way that Biden/Fauci/Walensky promised).
  75. Politics, Not Science? CDC Takes Radical U-Turn on Pandemic Narrative (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 1/19/22. In recent days, the pandemic narrative has undergone a remarkable number of U-turns.
    • Jan. 9 CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky sent out a tweet saying “We must protect people with comorbidities from severe COVID-19,” in other words, focused protection, which is what tens of thousands of doctors have been calling for since the creation of The Great Barrington Declaration in early October 2020.
    • Jan. 10 Walensky admitted that the COVID shots cannot prevent transmission.
    • The CDC is now saying you should not retest once you’ve recovered from COVID, as the PCR can provide false positives for up to 12 weeks after the infection has been resolved. They’re also cutting the isolation requirement from 10 to just five days — probably because the failing economy is hurting Biden’s approval rating so they need people to work.
    • The narrative is also changing on what makes for a COVID case and how deaths are counted. Walensky recently admitted about 40% of “COVID patients” tested positive but do not have symptoms and are hospitalized for something else. She has also promised to deliver data on how many people have actually died “from” COVID and how many died “with” it.
  76. Report: CDC Has Withheld COVID Data from Americans to ‘Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy’ – Anti 5g and EMF – 2/23/22
  77. 27-page rebuttal letter from 8 industrial hygienists complaining about flawed CDC mask guidance (substack.com) – 2/23/22
  78. The misinformation from the CDC keep on coming (substack.com) 1/2/22
    • This paper is contrived to mislead the public into believing vaccination provides better protection than natural infection. It doesn’t.
  79. FAKE CDC Study: Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection | CDC  – Dr. Steve Czys analysis 11/2/21
    • NOT a peer-reviewed paper. The CDC contracted a private company – Regenstrief Institute, to conduct this study.
    • The study was methodologically flawed, with conclusions so absurdly and obviously biased and unsupported by any honest interpretation of the data
    • The FACT is that the VALID science overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that natural immunity is at least as good as, but almost certainly superior to, vaccine-induced immunity.  This study provides zero valid evidence to refute this and provides clear evidence of the unscrupulous lengths public health authorities are willing to go to in order to push the vaccines
  80. CDC Not Investigating Myocarditis Death of 13-Year-Old Days After Pfizer Shot, Emails Reveal (childrenshealthdefense.org) (1/6/22)
  81. The CDC is Finally Being Called Out for Covid-19 ‘Statistical Manipulation’ as Lawmakers Press for Grand Jury Investigation (trendingpolitics.com)  (10/11/21)
  82. After dismissing natural immunity, CDC now abandons the entire concept of herd immunity, too – NaturalNews.com  (11/17/21)
  83. CDC admits it has no evidence that people with natural immunity spread COVID – lifesitenews.com – 11/12/21
  84. How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created – 47 steps involving the CDC and other parties.
  85. The biggest crime committed during the vaccine heist is the censorship of Ivermectin – lifesitenews.com
  86. CDC: 10 Percent Chance for Genomic Sequencing of COVID-19 PCR Nasal Swab (theepochtimes.com) – 2/19/22
  87. January 2022 survey from NBC News found that just 44% of Americans trust what the CDC has to say—a decrease from 69% in April 2020.
  88. Fox News propagates highly questionable “study” examining Covid re-infection rates for the non-vaccinated after hospitalizations from “flu-like symptoms” – NaturalNews.com  (11/7/21)
  89. CDC’s Walensky Defends Overruling Vaccine Advisory Panel on Boosters (theepochtimes.com)  (9/24/21)
  90. The CDC estimates it would take boosting 481 seniors to prevent a single hospitalization but boosting 8,738 people between 18 and 29 to prevent a single hospitalization.
    • Walensky and other government health officials have struggled to explain why boosters are needed for those under 65.
  91. Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
  92. It’s Been 10 Years Since a Whistleblower Exposed the CDC’s Cover-up of the Link Between Vaccines and Autism. The Agency Has Done Nothing. • Children’s Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 8/28/24
  93. What CDC says vs. Some Doctors and Scientists
  94. Teachers unions influenced last-minute CDC school guidance, received copies before public release, emails show | Fox News
  95. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Wednesday (10/20/21) that children should continue to wear face masks in school even after they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. The American Academy of Pediatrics found that childhood COVID-19 cases resulted in death in between 0% and .03% of infected children across 45 states with data current to October 18. “At this time, it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is uncommon among children,” the AAP noted.  READ
  96. See information on the PCR Test and how it is used to fraudulently manipulate the COVID-19 case numbers.
  97. CDC Using PCR Tests for Genomic Sequencing | Armstrong Economics – 2/25/22
    • Consent was not provided to the CDC to use personal information in this manner. This should be illegal.
  98. Newsweek Publishes Op-Eds Criticizing CDC Response to COVID • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 6/13/22
  99. CDC Confirmed Post-Vaccination Death From Blood Clotting Two Weeks Before Alerting Public: Emails (theepochtimes.com) – 6/25/22
  100. Dangers of COVID shots ‘deleted’ as thousands of injury, death reports go missing: Data analyst – lifesitenews.com – 6/9/22
  101. CDC Admits It Never Monitored VAERS for COVID Vaccine Safety Signals (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/21/22
  102. CDC Wants Its COVID Regime Made Permanent (theepochtimes.com) – 6/10/22
  103. Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study (theepochtimes.com) – 5/11/22
  104. 72% of U.S. Adults Say ‘NO’ to CDC’s Recommended Vaccine Schedule – Dr. Andrew Wakefield (rumble.com) – 6/6/22
  105. CDC: No Documents Supporting Claim Vaccines Don’t Cause Variants (theepochtimes.com) 5/13/22
  1. 10,000 Reports of Death, Serious Injury After COVID Vaccines Deleted From VAERS • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 5/23/22
  2. Controversial Disinformation Governance Board on Hold, Indiana AG Calls Out CDC Over COVID Misinformation (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 5/19/22
  3. CDC Bought Cell Phone Data to Track Americans During Lockdowns (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 6/3/22
  4. COVID Vaccines Provide Meager Benefit to Young Kids, CDC Report Shows — Media Get It Wrong Again – childrenshealthdefense.org – 4/22/22. Key takeaways:
    • The vaccine offered no protection in preventing severe disease.
    • Risk of hospitalization from COVID is exceedingly low.
    • Protection from hospitalization barely meets minimum EUA requirements.
    • Risk of vaccination continues to be ignored.
    • Although mainstream media promoted the CDC report as justification to compel parents to vaccinate their children, this MMWR is actually confirmation these products have very little benefit with a risk that remains unknown and unacknowledged by the authors.
  5. Emails Confirm Why CDC Changed Definitions of Vaccine, Vaccinated (theepochtimes.com) – 7/11/22 – “Vaccine” was defined since at least 2011by the CDC as a product that triggers immunity, while “vaccination” was described as an injection that prevents a disease, according to archived versions of the page.
  6. CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, the Occult (breitbart.com) – 7/14/22
  7. ‘They Lied to Us About the Origin of this Virus’ — Tedros Backpedals on Lab-Leak Theory (rumble.com) – 7/16/22
  8. CDC Reveals Details of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring Teams (theepochtimes.com)– 9/21/22
  9. Del Bigtree: The Vaccine Placebos Lie, the COVID ‘Cash Cow,’ and Taking Regulatory Agencies to Court (theepochtimes.com) – 8/3/23 – ‘Take the vaccine to protect your neighbor’ argument to weaponize compassion begins at around 32-minute mark.  Wrap up starting at the 48-minute mark: CDC, FDA & Biden all said the vaccine would stop transmission and we now know the pharmaceutical companies never even tested that.  They all lied.
  10. OB/GYN claims CDC bribed health providers to push COVID jabs despite known dangers – Lifesitenews.com – 8/16/23
  11. What CDC says vs. Some Doctors and Scientists
  12. PCR Test for COVID-19 – 20+ articles on how the test is unreliable, and in some cases fraudulent.
  13. CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for COVID — But Agency Recommended Them Anyway • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 2/9/24
  14. Multiple Deaths, Thousands of Cardiac Injuries Reported to V-safe, Latest Data Dump Reveals • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 4/3/24 – The court-ordered release represents only a portion of the 7.8 million “free-text” entries the CDC must release by Jan. 15, 2025.
  15. CDC Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports | The Epoch Times – 4/5/24
  16. CDC discloses 780,000 new reports of serious side effects after COVID-19 vaccination – Lifesitenews.com – 4/5/24
  17. CDC Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports | The Epoch Times – 4/5/24 – The agency was forced by a federal judge to disclose the reports.
  18. CDC Hid Finding of Possible Link Between COVID Vaccines and Tinnitus | The Epoch Times – 4/9/24 – The agency never informed the public about the findings made while analyzing data from its Vaccine Safety Datalink system.
  19. CDC Stonewalls Requests for COVID Vaccine Safety Monitoring Documents • Childrenshealthdefense.org – 5/6/24
  20. Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared from VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports • Children’s Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org) – 9/11/24. After a group of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine asked the FDA for an external audit of VAERS, they never heard from the agency again. Now they’re developing a system to audit vaccine injury reports in a continuing struggle to hold public health officials accountable.
  21. CDC Changes Child Developmental Milestone Guidelines – 9/23/24 – Why are children developing slower than previous generations? Rather than addressing the root cause, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has drastically lowered the guidelines for developmental 216 milestones.
  22. Majority of Americans Will NOT Take Updated COVID Vax – 12/4/24.  A new poll by Pew Research Center:
    • 61% not likely to take any more Covid vaccines; 24% likely to take it; 15% already have.
    • House Select Subcommittee Report: COVID-19 “most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.”
    • “Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy, but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative effect on younger citizens.”
    • COVID vaccine manufacturers still have not released the ingredients in the actual vaccine.
    • Will those who demanded lockdowns, masking, and distancing without evidence face their day in court?
    • The majority of people have lost all trust in “the science” and are beginning to think independently.

Why you should not trust the CDC Read More »

CDC Lists Vaxxed Deaths as Unvaxxed

TOTAL FRAUD: CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated deaths” – NaturalNews.com

In addition this was covered by Mercola.com. Rather than point to a Mercola.com link which is to be taken down after 48 hours, I will reproduce the key points of the article.

9/15/21  Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

  • According to the CDC, you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until a full 14 days have passed since your second injection in the case of Pfizer or Moderna, or 14 days after your first dose of Janssen, despite the fact that over 80% of deaths after the vaccines occur in this window. How convenient.
  • Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection is counted as an unvaccinated death. Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks.
  • The CDC also has two different sets of testing guidelines — one for vaccinated patients and another for the unvaccinated. If you’re unvaccinated, CDC guidance says to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40, known to result in false positives. If you’re vaccinated, they recommend using a CT of 28 or less, which minimizes the risk of false positives.
  • The CDC also hides vaccine failures and props up the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” narrative by only counting breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death.
  • Hospitals are still also reporting non-COVID related illnesses as COVID-19.


CDC Lists Vaxxed Deaths as Unvaxxed Read More »

COVID-19 a Bioweapon?

  1. Dr. Carrie Madej
    • Human 2.0 – Transhumanism: Wake up call to the World (21 minutes, August, 2020)
    • Interviewed by Stew Peters – exposes the final plan of the globalists, mind and memory manipulation, the ability to “download” data to and from the brain.  Enables Human body connectivity to computers.  Stimulates immune system with no OFF button.  (22 minutes, 6/16/2021)
    • Interviewed by Alex Newman – she speaks on the nano-technology in the CV19 vaccines and the transhumanist agenda, based on her scientific and business meetings in the mid 2000’s and recent research into the COVID-19 vaccines.  (53 minutes; 8/18/2021)
  2. Dr. David Martin
  3. Karen Kingston – Dare to Seek the Truth (dareseektruth.com)
  4.  Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?: A Scientific and Forensic investigation (Children’s Health Defense): Fleming, Dr. Richard M.: 9781510770195: Amazon.com: Books
    • Evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created over the past two decades
    • Once you conclude that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, then so are the COVID shots (“vaccine” injections)
    • The same people involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the development of these COVID shots
    • Health care workers are injecting people with something they cannot possibly give informed consent for, which means health care workers are violating their Hippocratic Oath
    • Health care workers who give these COVID shots are also violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and other legal statutes
    • “You see real efforts to produce viruses, coronaviruses, in particular.  Spike proteins of coronaviruses to be even more specific, as I show in the book, paid for by the federal government by people who say they were not involved in gain-of-function research.
    • Well, their fingerprints are on the documents, or on the published papers or on the grants or on the patents. You can’t say that you’re not involved in things when the documents show differently. They show the work and the money that came out of the federal government that went to Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, that went to Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other places.


COVID-19 a Bioweapon? Read More »

Minnesota Nurses Town Hall

Townhall meeting of nurses in Minnesota who have been ordered to take the vaccination as a condition of their continuing employment by a deadline and they are refusing because of all the side effects that they have seen and including mortality associated with the jab which is not being reported by the media.
Minnesota nurses town hall hosted by Rep. Erik Mortensen 8/27/2021.  It starts around the 18 minute mark and goes for a little over an hour.  My notes:
  1. Medical facilities are “full” because of lack of staff, not from a large number of patients.
  2. The numbers indicating COVID-19 is on the increase with the Delta variant are lies. The case numbers are driven by positive tests regardless of whether they are symptomatic.  The same person is tested multiple times, each positive test is counted as a case. If someone is in the hospital for 30 days, they are tested every 3 days and if positive, that becomes 10 cases.
  3. Nurses bullied by arrogant doctors who berate them for questioning authority.  Most doctors just want to do what the government tells them.
  4. They stopped counting COVID-19 cases of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.  Clearly the vaccine is not working and they don’t want evidence that discourages getting the vaccine.
  5. ER Nurse not getting vaccinated: she has seen the spike in heart attacks and strokes related to the vaccines.
  6. A lot more nurses are refusing the vaccine than the public is led to believe.
  7. IT guy: the authorities paint a false picture by cherry-picking the data and lying with statistics.  He who controls the vocabulary controls the debate.
  8. Hospitals are positioning to disallow exemptions to the vaccine mandates.
  9. Informed consent is supposed to allow any patient to refuse any treatment.
  10. Media suppresses the negative side effects from the vaccine.
  11. “Undetermined cause of death” for a healthy 25-year-old who died right after getting the COVID-19 vaccination.
  12. One nurse about the MN Board of Nursing: “they are killing patients if they don’t get this vaccine…  ‘they are just ignorant, we don’t want nurses like them…we need to make the exemption process as hard as we can for them… good luck finding a new career’ “
  13. One nurse brilliantly summarized the entire issue: starting at approximately the 1:05:25 point.  According to her training and as documented in the Nurse’s manual on intentional crimes and torts: it is assault/battery to inject someone against their will and you can lose your nursing license if you do it.
  14. Nursing staff shortage is already here.  Is not an unvaccinated nurse better than no nurse?
  15. Nurse’s story: how the CDC lost her trust.  Their statements do not match the science.

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