
Pope Francis Support for Pro-Abortion politics

Pope Francis Support for pro-abortion politics (15+ articles)

  1. Vatican puts brakes on US bishops confronting problem of pro-abortion Biden receiving Holy Communion
  2. Pelosi ‘Pleased’ by Vatican Statement on Communion for Pro-Abort Politicians-CatholicVote org
  3. Hails pro-abortion Irish president as a ‘wise man of today’ – lifesitenews.com
  4. Concelebrates Mass with Slovakian bishop who Pope Benedict deposed – lifesitenews.com
  5. Pope praises pro-abortion UN agency UNESCO, highlights ‘privileged relationship’ with Church – lifesitenews.com– 11/12/21
  6. Vatican Chief Praises Italy’s Law Legalizing Abortion as a ‘Pillar of Society’ (complicitclergy.com) – 8/29/22
  7. Pope Francis EXPOSED – Part 2: Italian abortionist praised by Francis & praise for pro-LGBT cardinal (lifesitenews.com) – Dec. 2022
  8. Praised the radically pro-abortion President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins.
  9. Backed communion for pro-abortion politicians and his endorsement ofhomosexual civil unions.
  10. In 2016, Called abortionist Emma Bonino one of the Italy’s “forgotten greats,” who was infamously pictured performing an illegal abortion during her early days of campaigning for abortion, after having had an illegal abortion herself at the age of 27.
  11. Dissident nun says Pope’s support for her ministry shows pro-LGBT ‘new era’ in Catholic Church – lifesitenews.com – 1/13/22
  12. 10/12/21: Grants Nancy Pelosi a 20-minute audience and photo op – Grave Papal Sin | The Vortex (churchmilitant.com)
  13. 10/25/21: Joe Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis will show abortion isn’t an important issue for the Vatican (lifesitenews.com)
  14. 10/29/21: Biden Says Pope Told Him He’s a ‘Good Catholic’ and Should Continue to Receive Communion – Complicit Clergy
    • The Pope and the President – The Catholic Thing (11/3/21, Robert Royal) – I’ve been critical– on this page and via the Papal Posse at EWTN, among other venues – of many things Pope Francis has said and done. With a proper respect, I believe. But more than everything else – more than the indirect infidelities in Amoris Laetitia; the cringe-making chumminess with McCarrick, Zanchetta, Battista Ricca, and many other abusers; the harsh measures against the TLM; even the outrage of Pachamama – he’s done nothing more outrageous than telling Joe Biden – if the story’s true – that he’s a “good Catholic” and should “continue receiving Communion.”
  15. Praises pro-abortion President and backs communion for pro-abort politicians – lifesitenews.com– 9/21/21
  16. Pope Francis to meet with pro-abortion comedians Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon – Lifesitenews.com – 6/10/24

Pope Francis Support for Pro-Abortion politics Read More »

Pope Francis Acceptance of Homosexuality

Pope Francis Acceptance of Homosexuality (70+ articles)

Fallout from Fiducia Supplicans – Blessings for Homosexual Unions – 12/18/23 (50+ articles)

An additional 20+ articles:

  1. Apparently Supports same-sex civil unions in ‘apocalyptically scandalous’ interview – lifesitenews.com– 9/17/21
  2. Praises James Martin’s pro-LGBT conference as promoting ‘the culture of encounter’ – lifesitenews.com– 8/2/22
  3. Pontifical Academy for Life ‘likes’ James Martin’s latest Twitter post pushing LGBT agenda – lifesitenews.com – 9/7/22
  4. Pope Francis antagonizes orthodox Catholics in answers to James Martin’s pro-LGBT questions (lifesitenews.com) – 5/11/22
  5. Pope Francis praises James Martin‘s pro-LGBT advocacy yet again in handwritten letter – Lifesitenews.com – 6/14/23
  6. Gerald Murray slams Pope Francis’ comments on homosexuality, African bishops – lifesitenews.com – 1/31/23
  7. Gerald Murray: Pope Francis’ new doctrine chief ‘must be resisted’ if he pushes homosexuality – Lifesitenews.com – 7/17/23
  8. Whoopi Goldberg meets with Pope Francis, champions his acceptance of homosexuality – Lifesitenews.com – 10/12/23
  9. Cardinals Burke, Müller condemn Pope Francis’ support for same-sex ‘blessings,’ Communion for adulterers – Lifesitenews.com– 10/6/23
  10. Priest to Pope Francis: ‘You are hurting my parish’ by promoting homosexuality
 – Lifesitenews.com – 10/9/23
  11. Cardinal Müller: Belgian bishops’ homosexual ‘blessings’ are ‘heresy and schism’ – Lifesitenews.com – 10/21/22
  12. Bishop Schneider: Blessing of same-sex unions is ‘an abomination’ (lifesitenews.com) – 11/9/23
  13. Pope Francis to clergy: Decide for yourselves whether to ‘bless’ homosexual unions – Lifesitenews.com – 10/2/23
  14. Cardinals Burke, Müller condemn Pope Francis’ support for same-sex ‘blessings,’ Communion for adulterers – Lifesitenews.com – 10/6/23
  15. Pope Francis: Same-Gender Couples “Live the Gift of Love” and Deserve Protection – New Ways Ministry – 3/15/24
  16. Pope Francis again welcomes group of ‘transgender’ males, homosexuals at Vatican audience – Lifesitenews.com – 6/5/24
  17. Pope Francis writes preface to pro-LGBT Fr. James Martin’s latest book – Lifesitenews.com – 6/3/24
  18. Pope Urges Expelled Homosexual Seminarian to Pursue Vocation (soulsandliberty.com) – 6/3/24
  19. Pope Francis Names 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office (breitbart.com) – 6/2/24
  20. Pope Francis meets with Fr. James Martin, reportedly affirms his LGBT activism – Lifesitenews.com – 6/12/24


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Synod on Synodality

Synod on Synodality Read More »

Pope Francis Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Pope Francis Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates (24+ articles)

  1. No act of charity: A personal reflection on the Vatican’s promotion of COVID-19 vaccination – lifesitenews.com – 4/4/23
    • Pope Francis: “Being vaccinated with vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love. Contributing to ensure the-majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love. Love for oneself, love for one’s family and friends, love for all people”. (Pope Francis – Vaccines are an act of love to save us – Vatican News August 2022)
    • Churches closed. Priests masked. The faithful were locked down, confined to “participating” in religious services via live streams. Those who were dying in hospital – from what in many cases now looks increasingly like wrong medical treatment – were denied the sacraments.
    • That the leadership of the Catholic Church had blindly taken such a public position backing experimental mRNA gene therapies “as safe” and encouraging the faithful under the banner of “vaccinate for love of thy neighbor” was a source of grave concern. For the Successor of Peter, who is not a competent immunologist, to promote these pharmaceutical interventions for which no long-term safety test data existed seemed nothing short of misguidedness. The Vatican had even signed a contract with Pfizer to provide mRNA Covid-19 injections for members of the curia, religious, staff and their families. Coming off three bruising decades from the tragic saga of clerical sex abuse, I could already see the writing of another sad chapter on the wall.
  2. Vatican’s vaccine mandate violates code of bioethics and must end now, COVID-19 expert says – lifesitenews.com– 2/15/22
  3. Pope Francis calls for widespread vaccination (substack.com)– 1/11/22
  4. White House: Pope Francis Has Said There’s a ‘Moral Obligation’ to Get Vaccinated| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)– 4/7/21
  5. At his General Audience 1/12/22, Pope Francis calls for a moment of silence for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID. Meanwhile, the Vatican stops paying employeeswho refuse the abortion-tainted experimental gene therapy.
  6. Archbishop Viganò reacts to Pope Francis saying all must take the COVID vaccine – 1/15/21
  7. Why Churchmen Who Demand the Vaccine Are Literally ‘Tyrants.’ The Ultimate Resource | The Stream– 9/30/21
  8. The Fake Theology Behind Vaccine Mandates (Janet Smith – crisismagazine.com)– 9/27/21
  9. Without the Right of Conscience, There Is No Common Good (crisismagazine.com)– 9/28/21
  10. Mark Mallett‘s Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops– 9/27/21
  11. Epoch Times Facts Matter (10/22/21): Audio Leaked from White House Shows DOJ Acknowledge Pro-Life Exemptions to Mandate
  12. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’ – lifesitenews.com (10/26/21)
    • The presence of graphene in the doses that have been administered, reported by numerous laboratories that have analyzed its content,[23]suggests that the forced use of so-called vaccines – together with the systematic boycott of existing treatments of proven effectiveness[24] – serves the purpose of contact-tracing all vaccinated human beings throughout the world, who will be or already are connected to the Internet of Things[25] [26]. As proof that this information is not the fruit of the fantasies of some conspiracy theorist, you should know that the European Union has chosen two projects dedicated to technological innovation as the winners of a competition: “The Human Brain” and “Graphene.” These two projects will receive one billion euro each in funding over the next ten years.[27]
  13. Hershey fires unvaxxed workers after interrogating them, cites Pope Francis’ support for the shots – lifesitenews.com – 2/8/22
  14. Another local Catholic priest draws national criticism, this time for anti-vaccine remarks | Baltimore Brew – 11/30/21
  15. Top COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘Vatican Must Answer for Vax Deaths’ – Complicit Clergy– 2/18/22
  16. Top COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough: Vatican Violating Code of Bioethics, Must End Vaccine Mandate Now – Edward Pentin– 2/15/22
  17. Catholics have been betrayed by the Vatican’s allegiance to secular COVID authorities – lifesitenews.com– 8/30/22
  18. Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video – lifesitenews.com– 8/13/22
  19. Vatican Refuses Entry to Unvaxxed Cardinal (churchmilitant.com) – 4/18/22
  20. Bishop removed by Pope Francis after opposing vaccine mandates tells scandalized Catholics to ‘pray and trust’ – Lifesitenews.com – 3/17/23
  21. Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the ‘disastrous’ COVID shots – lifesitenews.com– 10/21/22
  22. Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted ‘lethal’ COVID jabs must answer to God – Lifesitenews.com– 10/23/23
  23. Pope Francis denounces ‘anti-vaxxers,’ calls COVID jab refusal an ‘almost suicidal act of denial’ – Lifesitenews.com – 3/19/24
  24. Have You No Decency, Holy Father? – Crisis Magazine – 3/20/24


Pope Francis Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Read More »

Pope Francis Promotes Globalism and One World Government

Pope Francis Promotes Globalism and One World Government (30+ articles)

He is a zealous cheerleader of The Great Reset and World Economic Forum.

  1. Pope Francis calls for ‘global governance’ and ‘universal vaccines’ in letter to globalist financial summit
    • His letter is the latest in a series of recent acts in which Francis has aligned himself with global corporations committed to anti-Catholic agendas.
    • Francis called on a system of global government which would implement a new societal order upon the world, based upon climate change policies and universal vaccination.
  2. Pope calls for ‘new world order,’ says ‘wasting’ COVID crisis would be worse than pandemic
  3. Vatican put its logo on much that wasn’t Catholic at Vatican Health Conference – 5/11/21
  4. Bergoglio prefers dialogue with globalists and communists than with Catholics – Lifesitenews.com – 12/15/23
  5. Is Pope Francis’ new pandemic ecology cause for alarm? (lifesitenews.com) – 2/9/23 – pandemic wonderful for the environment!?
  6. CO2 emissions that replenish plants ‘unfairly demonized’ by climate alarmists, experts say – Lifesitenews.com – 1/8/24
  7. The climate models do not properly account for the impact of the oceans as a carbon sink and thecooling effect of clouds.
  8. D. Vance Is Right and the Pope Is Wrong on “Climate Change” – Crisis Magazine– 7/19/24
  9. Vatican reporter says Pope Francis and China’s communist dictator share ‘similar global visions’ – lifesitenews.com– 1/28/22
    • The eerie similarities between the globalist rhetoric of Pope Francis and China’s Xi Jinping – lifesitenews.com– 2/15/22 – In 2018 Pope Francis signed the controversial Sino-Vatican accord, brokered in part by the disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Although many of the details of the agreement have been kept under lock and key, Francis ceded control over appointing bishops in China to the CCP and the state-recognized Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, while Beijing reportedly accepted Francis as the head of the Catholic Church. The deal was renewed in 2020.
  10. Pope Francis Meets with Bill Clinton, Soros at Vatican – CatholicVote org – 7/6/23
  11. Transhumanism | Why Is the Vatican Is Pushing the Great Reset / Transhumanism Agenda | Clay Clark (gab.com)– 2/11/22
  12. Bishops Initiate Sainthood Process for Marxist Jesuit (churchmilitant.com) – 8/7/23
  13. Vatican official at Davos says the Church is implementing the World Economic Forum agenda – lifesitenews.com– 5/26/22 – Father Leonir Chiarello, the Superior General of the Scalabrinian order, to which Charleston, SC Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune
  14. Pope Francis Encourages Communist Groups as “Veritable Invisible Army” – The Lepanto Institute– 11/01/21)
  15. ‘Don’t Back Off’: Pope Francis Addresses Marxist-Christian Coalition – CatholicVote org – 1/10/24
  16. Revisiting Vatican II’s lost condemnations of communism after Pope Francis encourages Marxists – Lifesitenews.com – 1/11/24 – Vatican II’s global strategy to defeat communism was, in the end, reduced to a cryptic text and a vague footnote.
  17. Pope and Previous Pontiffs Clash on Marxism (churchmilitant.com) – 1/12/24
  18. Pope Francis praises Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum in message sent to 2024 Davos summit – Lifesitenews.com – 1/17/24
  19. WATCH: Is the Pope a Communist? (complicitclergy.com) – 1/16/24 – Either he is losing it, or stupid, or he is really a Communist.
  20. WATCH: George Floyd, Pope Francis, and the Fall of Law and Order (complicitclergy.com) – 1/18/24 – Michael Matt and The Remnant. Since the riots of 2020 Minneapolis has lost 380 of 892 police officers.
  21. Vatican invites Gavin Newsom, other pro-abortion, pro-LGBT Democrats to speak at climate event – Lifesitenews.com – 5/14/24

Pope Francis is a zealot for Climate Change politics:

  1. Pope Francis advocates for powerful global government not subject to ‘changing political conditions’ – Lifesitenews.com – 10/4/23 – Francis’ new climate document Laudate Deum ‘dangerously asserts the transference of moral authority to atheistic globalists who serve not God, but the Prince of this World,’ stated Michael Hichborn.
  2. Faith Leaders, Scientists Meet at Vatican to Push for Greater Efforts to Fight Climate Change (ncregister.com) – 10/4/21
  3. Vatican joins Paris Climate Agreement despite inclusion of abortion, population control agendas – lifesitenews.com – 7/8/22
  4. In Letter on Climate Change, Pope Francis Chastises US-Style Capitalism, Calls for Stronger Global Enforcement – CatholicVote org – 10/3/23
  5. Pope Francis Welcomes Radical Environmentalism (thefederalist.com) – 9/1/22
  6. Pope Francis calls for obligatory global ‘climate change’ policies in new document ‘Laudate Deum’ – Lifesitenews.com – 10/4/23
  7. What Pope Francis gets dangerously wrong in his new climate manifesto ‘Laudate Deum’ – Lifesitenews.com – 10/10/23
  8. Why Catholics should ignore what Pope Francis pronounces in Laudato Si’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/18/24
  9. Abortion-Funding Charities Sponsor Vatican’s Climate Change Summit, Underway Now – The Stream
  10. Jordan Peterson slams Pope Francis’ fixation on ‘climate change’: ‘He should be saving souls’ – Lifesitenews.com – 2/16/24

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Pope Francis Liberal Appointments

Pope Francis’ appointments are consistently liberal, pro-abortion, and pro-LBGT.

(35+ articles)

  1. John Horvat, vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, told LifeSiteNews that, “it is apocalyptically scandalous and a great shame that the highest authority on earth, the Vicar of Christ, publicly endorses homosexual civil unions. It is indicative of our sinful times and why Our Lady warned us of a great chastisement in Fatima.”
  2. Pope Francis’ American cardinals are pro-LGBT revolutionaries with a radical agenda for the Church – lifesitenews.com– 10/21/22
  3. Pope Francis adds Hollerich and four other cardinals to his council of advisers | Catholic News Agency – 3/7/23
  4. Pope Francis defends appointing pro-abortion atheist to Pontifical Academy for Life – lifesitenews.com– 11/7/22
  5. Pope Francis announces new cardinals, including bishop who backed Communion for pro-abortion politicians – lifesitenews.com– 5/30/22
    • The Pope skipped over higher ranking prelates in the U.S. in appointing Bishop Robert McElroy to the College of Cardinals, despite the bishop’s record of support for giving Communion to both pro-abortion Catholic politicians as well as the divorced and ‘remarried.’
  6. Bishop Robert McElroy: What to know about the soon to be American cardinal | Catholic News Agency – 5/29/22
    • McElroy has strongly asserted his views that the Eucharist ought not be denied to politicians who support the legalization of abortion. In addition, he has often criticized what he sees as the elevation of abortion as a priority over other social concerns, such as the death penalty and care for migrants and the environment.
  7. California bishop blasts Cardinal-elect McElroy for thinking abortion ‘not wrong enough’ to discuss – lifesitenews.com– 6/15/22
  8. What the McElroy Appointment Says About the Church’s Commitment to Sex Abuse Victims (crisismagazine.com) – 6/13/22 – It wasn’t long into my study of the sex abuse crisis in the Church that I realized that many or even most bishops customarily respond to a report about abuse (1) by feeling sorry for themselves that they have another mess on their hands; (2) by feeling sorry for the priest whose priesthood may be ruined; and (3) by trying to figure out how to get the victim to remain silent and go away. There is rarely, if ever, any true concern shown for the victim; sometimes counseling is offered but more often as a way to appease than to help the victim.
  9. McElroy doubles down on heresy, pushes Communion for ‘sexually active’ homosexuals, adulterers – lifesitenews.com – 3/3/23
  10. Pope Francis appoints pro-LGBT bishop to replace faithful Phoenix prelate – lifesitenews.com – 6/10/22 – another example of how Pope Francis promptly accepts the resignation of a 75-year-old orthodox bishop and replaces him with “one of “America’s top 10 homosexuality-promoting Catholic bishops”. Dolan’s replacement of Olmsted as bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix is one of many appointments made by Francis in recent weeks that have been criticizedas being intentionally anti-Catholic.
  11. New Phoenix bishop celebrated LGBT Mass featuring homosexual drag queen activist – lifesitenews.com – 6/22/22
  12. Pope invites notorious pro-LGBT priest to lead key Synod retreat for bishops – lifesitenews.com – 1/23/23
  13. Appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (lifesitenews.com)– 10/25/21
  14. Pope Francis and the Vatican appear determined to undermine the Church’s ban on contraception – lifesitenews.com – 9/22/22
  15. Church and contraception: Experts expose errors in Pontifical Academy for Life book | Catholic News Agency – 9/27/22
  16. With the Fernandez appointment, the Pope repudiates his predecessor | Catholic Culture – 7/18/23
  17. Pope Francis’ latest controversial appointments have finally revealed his true colors – Lifesitenews.com – 7/19/23
  18. Special Report: The Devil in Rome (churchmilitant.com) – 8/22/22 – Cardinal Robert McElroy
  19. Vatican Conference to Again Feature Abortion, Population Control Advocates (churchmilitant.com) – 10/27/17 – Vatican health conference features advocates of abortion, LGBT, population control
  20. April 2021 summary by Lifesite News of previous 30 days: https://youtu.be/gqNR1m3V2ac – Pope Francis has placed a scandalous painting behind his desk which was featured in the Vatican newspaper; calls for new world order; global governance; rejects Mary’s title of Co-redemptrix, refused to correct top cardinals in the Vatican calling for blessing homosexual unions; appoint openly homosexual man Juan Carlos Cruz to the commission for the protection of minors.
  21. Assigned Paglia to dismantle the Pontifical Academy for Life and the John Paul II Institute, removing all conservative pro-life professors. Multiple articles follow:
  22. Pope appoints pro-abortion World Economic Forum speaker to Pontifical Academy for Life – lifesitenews.com– 10/17/22
  23. Back to the Sixties? Pontifical Academy for Life Pushes for Departure from Doctrine on Contraceptive Sex| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 7/13/22
  24. Professor: With new president, JPII Institute should be renamed ‘Amoris Laetitia Institute’
  25. S. Catholic Expert Rev. Gerald E. Murray Calls Archbishop Paglia to Recant His Support for Euthanasia – CatholicVote org – 4/25/23
  26. John-Henry Westen: The state of the Church Today – YouTube
  27. Next head of Pope’s marriage and family institute is pro-contraception
  28. New head of JPII marriage institute suggests Church must change its definition of family (lifesitenews.com)– 9/23/21
  29. Bishop Strickland calls out Vatican institute for wanting to ‘redefine’ the family unit – (lifesitenews.com)– 10/5/21
  30. Another Pontifical Academy for Life member criticizes overturning Roe v. Wade | Catholic News Agency – 10/21/22
  31. Pontifical Academy for Life adds member who has voiced support for contraception, abortion – lifesitenews.com– 10/26/22
  32. Pope Francis is fulfilling a long-planned agenda to alter the Church’s teaching on life – lifesitenews.com – 7/27/22
  33. Pope Francis on the Church’s ban of birth control: Morality is ‘always on a path of development’ – lifesitenews.com– 8/1/22 – Pope Francis’ comments appear to lend further credence to speculation that he might soon issue an encyclical overturning the Church’s ban on contraception.
  34. The Pontifical Academy for Life has abandoned its purpose under Pope Francis – lifesitenews.com– 10/27/22
  35. Pontifical Academy for Life Members’ Support for Assisted Suicide Draws Criticism (ncregister.com)– 2/21/22
  36. Pontifical Academy for Life priest says ‘we have to rethink’ teaching on homosexuality, contraception – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) – 8/8/24
  37. Pontifical Academy for Life appears to endorse euthanasia, assisted suicide in some cases – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) – 8/12/24
  38. Pope Francis names pro-contraception, pro-LGBT priest a consultor to Vatican doctrine office – 9/24/24
  39. Gerald Murray slams Pope Francis’ making pro-LGBT Timothy Radcliffe a cardinal – 12/14/24. “The faithful are being misled when they see people promote homosexuality, promoted in the Church…Cardinal Radcliffe is a particularly offensive defender of homosexual activity.”

Pope Francis Liberal Appointments Read More »

Pope Francis Suppresses Catholic Conservatives and Tradition

Pope Francis suppresses Catholic conservatives and Tradition; ignores Dubia (25+ articles)

  1. Pope Francis has declared war on faithful Catholics – Lifesitenews.com – 3/12/24
  2. Pope Francis personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland – Lifesitenews.com – 11/11/23
  3. Bishop Strickland’s removal is ‘a blatant injustice’ says Bishop Schneider – Lifesitenews.com – 11/11/23
  4. Bishop Strickland: I was removed because forces in the Church want to change the teaching of Jesus – Lifesitenews.com – 11/13/23
  5. Bishop Strickland Points-Out “There are Many Bishops Still in their Sees that are Corrupted and Connected to the McCarrick Scandal” (complicitclergy.com) – 11/18/23
  6. Five Questions with Bishop Strickland and Bishop Schneider (complicitclergy.com) – 11/24/23
  7. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on X on the removal of His Excellency Archbishop Joseph Strickland, Good bishop Strickland is cancelled; notorious ones like Marco Rupnik are made cardinal; Bishop Michael Olson still in office despite the petition of the faithful of Fort Worth following his abuses and scandalous behavior with the Carmelite Sisters of Arlington.
  8. Cancelled priests & the time for courage (lifesitenews.com) – 12/14/23
  9. Cardinal Joseph Zen arrested (Where is Pope Francis?) – The Remnant – YouTube – 5/11/22
  10. Viganò: Pope Francis has displayed ‘unequalled duplicity’ in his treatment of Cardinal Zen – lifesitenews.com – 5/13/22
  11. Pope Francis is more interested in not offending Communist China than in defending Cardinal Zen – lifesitenews.com– 9/27/22
  12. Pope Francis faces off against conservative cardinal uprising (lifesitenews.com) – 10/6/23
  13. Vatican Inconsistencies: A Tale of Two Bishops| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 6/29/22
  14. The American Catholic Church: A Defense – The Catholic Thing – 6/10/22 – With regards to Archbishop Gómez and other bishops and archbishops of similar stature, it would appear, as some may conclude, that it is precisely their loyalty to the Church’s perennial teaching, especially with regards to its moral teaching, that disqualifies them from Francis’s consideration.
  15. Seemingly intends to ‘destroy’ the contemplative life: Franciscan friar – lifesitenews.com– 10/4/21
  16. EWTN priest: Latin Mass restrictions have ‘harmed the church,’ seek to suppress traditional liturgy – lifesitenews.com– 2/17/22
  17. Schneider: Vatican ‘will not succeed’ in suppressing the Latin Mass (lifesitenews.com) – 10/25/22
  18. Schneider: Communion in the hand a ‘grievous evil’ that must be stopped – lifesitenews.com– 10/25/22
  19. Pope Francis ramps up attacks on the Latin Mass while pro-LGBT clergy continue to defy Church teaching – lifesitenews.com – 3/3/23
  20. Murray: Pope Francis’ inaction against dissident liberals has caused a crisis in the Church – Lifesitenews.com – 9/18/23
  21. Vatican Publishes Pope Francis’ Responses to One Set of Dubia, But Not Latest – CatholicVote org – 10/2/23
  22. April 2021 summary by Lifesite News of previous 30 days: https://youtu.be/gqNR1m3V2ac – Pope Francis has placed a scandalous painting behind his desk which was featured in the Vatican newspaper; calls for new world order; global governance; rejects Mary’s title of Co-redemptrix, refused to correct top cardinals in the Vatican calling for blessing homosexual unions; appoint openly homosexual man Juan Carlos Cruz to the commission for the protection of minors.
  23. Pope Francis displays profound ignorance by sneering at traditional vestments – lifesitenews.com – 6/14/22
  24. Archbishop Viganò defends Fr. Jesusmary ahead of priest’s canonical trial for criticizing Pope Francis – Lifesitenews.com– 4/17/24
  25. JPII Biographer: Pontifical Academy for Life Has Betrayed Its Mission, Vision of its Founder – CatholicVote org – 5/19/24


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Alternate News Sources

Alternate, Non-Mainstream Sources

Below are my go-to sources of information which most people would consider non-mainstream.

  1. Epoch Times
  2. Dan Bongino
  3. Children’s Health Defense (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
  4. Prager U
  5. Brighteon (caution: some channels are alarmists or even wacko)
  6. LifeSite News including their COVID-19 page
  7. Catholic Vote

Additional alternative news / blog sites which I have not fully explored yet:

  1. Infowars: There’s a War on For Your Mind!
  2. Censored.News – All the news they don’t want you to see – references many of these sites and more.
  3. Stew Peters Show
  4. The Corbett Report
  5. One America News Network | Your Nation. Your News. (oann.com)
  6. Before It’s News
  7. On The Fringe (rumble.com)
  8. X22 Report
  9. SGT Report
  10. 12Bytes.org
  11. The COVID Blog – Official blog of COVID Legal USA. Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Stay Vigilant.
  12. STEEL TRUTH Podcast, Blog – Ann Vandersteel
  13.  Doug Billings Show
  14. Reclaim The Net – Restore Individual Liberty Online
  15. Complicit Clergy – working to purify the Bride of Christ, his Church

Non-mainstream Medical Care resources where you can pursue preventative and early treatments for COVID-19 that are typically ignored by mainstream medicine:

  1. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS.org)
  2. Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance)
  3. My Free Doctor
  4. Budesonide Works
  5. Covid Positive & Treatment | iCareVIP.com
  6. How to Not Die From COVID-19 – Time to Free America
  7. Natural News (caution: some articles are alarming / disturbing)
  8. Dr. Richard M. Fleming – the Fleming Method
  9. The Truth about Cancer (Ty and Charlene Bollinger)

Non-mainstream COVID-19 Expert Sources

  1. Peter McCullough, preeminently qualified on COVID-19
  2. Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee and independent consultant for pharmaceutical industry
  3. Steve Kirsch’s COVID-19 Vaccine Research
  4. Mark Mallett COVID-19 Documentaries
  5. David Martin on the Bioweapon aspect of COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines
  6. Joseph Mercola, trustworthy natural health information


Alternate News Sources Read More »

Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Early Treatment of Upper Respiratory Illnesses

Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide

Early Treatment of Upper Respiratory Illnesses

Video Link

While gargling and nasal irrigation may certainly be useful, I believe nebulizing hydrogen peroxide may be even more effective. The video above has my latest recommendations on how to prepare the hydrogen peroxide/saline nebulization solution and equipment to use.

Over the last three years, I’ve interviewed Dr. Thomas Levy and Dr. David Brownstein about this remarkably effective, yet simple and inexpensive treatment option.

Both treated COVID patients with nebulized peroxide with great success.8,9 In most cases, including severe ones, improvement is seen within just a few hours. To inactivate viruses with hydrogen peroxide, all you need is a face mask that covers your mouth and nose and a nebulizer that emits a fine mist with properly diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide.

The microscopic mist, like smoke or vapor, can be comfortably inhaled deep into your nostrils, sinuses and lungs. I recommend using a desktop nebulizer, as they’re stronger and provide a much finer mist than handheld battery-operated versions.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rapidly Inactivates Viruses

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom (O2), and it is the additional oxygen atom that allows it to inactivate viral pathogens.

Some of your immune cells produce hydrogen peroxide to destroy pathogens. By killing the infected cell, viral reproduction is stopped. So, hydrogen peroxide therapy aids your immune cells to perform their natural function more effectively.

Many studies have investigated the use of hydrogen peroxide against different pathogens. For example, a 2020 review10 of 22 studies found that 0.5% hydrogen peroxide effectively inactivated a range of human coronaviruses, including those responsible for SARS and MERS, within one minute of exposure.

According to Brownstein, all pathogens studied to date have been found to succumb to hydrogen peroxide, albeit at varying concentrations and for different amounts of exposure.

How Hydrogen Peroxide Works

In addition to aiding your immune cells in doing their job, other mechanisms of action that help explain how and why hydrogen peroxide works so well against respiratory infections include the following:

  • It’s a key redox signaling agent that creates oxidative eustress. Contrary to oxidative stress or oxidative distress, oxidative eustress denotes an oxidative challenge that has positive or beneficial effects and is essential in redox signaling.
  • Hydrogen peroxide freely crosses cell membranes and does not readily oxidize biological molecules, including lipids and proteins. It does, however, react with iron. The presence of free, unbound iron in high concentrations in pathogens allows them to be selectively targeted by hydrogen peroxide.

High concentrations of iron result in a rapid breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into hydroxyl radicals and water. The hydroxyl radical, a potent oxidizing agent, kills any pathogens present. (Under normal, healthy circumstances, hydrogen peroxide merely breaks down into oxygen and water.)

  • Peroxide is generated by activated phagocytes (pathogen-killing immune cells) at sites of inflammation.11Phagocytes also contain high amounts of ascorbate (vitamin C), which directly donate electrons to peroxide to generate the pathogen-killing hydroxyl radical inside the infected cells. Vitamin C also helps generate increased amounts of extracellular hydrogen peroxide, which further boosts the elimination of pathogens.12
  • Hydrogen peroxide is continually generated inside all cells in your body, including the epithelial lining of your lungs. The presence of excreted peroxide on these surface cells in the airways is part of a healthy, at-the-ready immune response.13
  • Aside from its antipathogen properties, hydrogen peroxide is also recognized as an important signaling molecule, both intracellular and extracellular, influencing and modulating multiple metabolic processes.14

How to Properly Dilute the Peroxide

While you can use virtually any percentage of food grade peroxide, it’s crucial to dilute it properly before use. What you want is a 0.1% dilution, so even a 3% hydrogen peroxide will need to be diluted at least 30 times.

In a pinch, you could use commercial 3% hydrogen peroxide, the stuff used for wound care, but I don’t recommend routine use of it as it contains stabilizing chemicals that can detract from the benefits.

Also, you want to dilute the hydrogen peroxide with hypertonic saline, not plain water, as the lack of electrolytes in the water can damage your lungs if you nebulize that. Using saline prevents the osmotic differential that can damage lung cells. To end up with a final peroxide/hypertonic saline solution concentration of 0.1%, you need to go through two steps:

  1. Create the hypertonic saline solution
  2. Dilute the peroxide

I used to recommend using normal saline, which contains 0.9% salt, but a 2021 study found that a 1.5% sodium chloride solution (hypertonic saline) achieved a 100% inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro (in cell culture). Using lower levels of saline, like 1.1%, only inhibited 88%. So, I now recommend using hypertonic saline instead, which would be slightly less than double the amount of salt used to make normal saline.

To make hypertonic (1.5%) saline, simply mix 1.5 teaspoons of high-quality unprocessed salt to 1 pint of purified or distilled water. Stir until the salt is thoroughly dissolved. Be sure to use proper measuring spoons and not a regular kitchen teaspoon. For even greater precision, you could use a digital scale to measure out exactly 7.1 grams of salt.

If the 1.5% hypertonic solution causes nasal burning, irritation or cough, you can lower the concentration to 0.9% salt, which is isotonic normal saline. For this you would decrease the salt to 1 level teaspoon to 1 pint of water. Once you have your saline solution and a food grade hydrogen peroxide, dilute the peroxide according to the following chart, based on the concentration you’re starting with.


Food grade peroxide at concentrations of 12% and 36% should NEVER be used full-strength either topically or internally. It MUST be diluted or severe injury can occur. Your safest bet is to use 3% food grade peroxide and dilute it as indicated so you end up with a solution of 0.1%.

Once you have your peroxide-saline solution, simply pour 1 teaspoon of it into the nebulizer and inhale the entire amount. If you like, you can add one drop of 5% Lugol’s iodine solution to the nebulizer as well. Some find it boosts the effects.

I recommend using nebulized peroxide for any suspected respiratory infection, and the earlier you start, the better. If you’re already presenting with a runny nose or sore throat, use the nebulizer for 10 to 15 minutes four times a day until your symptoms are relieved.

You can also use nebulized hydrogen peroxide for prevention and maintenance, which may be advisable during flu season. There is no danger in doing it every day if you’re frequently exposed, and there may even be additional beneficial effects, such as a rapid rise in your blood oxygen level.

Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Early Treatment of Upper Respiratory Illnesses Read More »

American Bishops Dismal Response to COVID

American Bishops Dismal Response to COVID (25+ articles)

(For those uncomfortable with criticizing the Catholic Church hierarchy, see Catholic Leadership Critique Rationale)

Below is a summary of what I have come to believe about the American Bishops and their dismal handling of the COVID so-called “pandemic”.

  1. The American Bishops buckled under political pressure and closed churches in most dioceses during Lent & Holy Week 2020; in many cases withheld sacramental confession and even baptism and last rites for several weeks.
  2. Cardinal Gerhard Müller Calls COVID-Related Sacrament Restrictions ‘Grave Sin’| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) (12/2/21)
  3. Cupich Fires Catholic School Principal Over Mask Mandate – Complicit Clergy– 2/18/22
  4. Queen of Martyrs principal ousted by Cupich over mask compliance – Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)– 2/16/22
  5. Bishops should’ve followed the example of St. Charles Borromeo in dealing with a pandemic (lifesitenews.com) – 6/9/22 – Cardinal Burk: No Pope, Bishop or Priest has the authority to close the churches and deprive the faithful of the sacraments
  6. Another local Catholic priest draws national criticism, this time for anti-vaccine remarks | Baltimore Brew – 11/30/21
  7. Queen of Martyrs principal ousted by Cupich over mask compliance – Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)– 2/16/22
  8. Letter to the American Church – Feb. 2024 Documentary by Eric Metaxas
  9. Pam Popper Weekly Report – 2/15/24 (rumble.com) – 2/15/24 – Government/Public Health Corruption of Religion; plus an Inspiration from George Washington. Start at 2-minute point.  How pastors of many churches supported the Government in their tyrannical COVID response, especially the vaccine mandates.  Francis Collins’ despicable tactics to enlist support of the clergy for “safe and effective” vaccines.
  10. Bishop Strickland apologizes for closing churches during COVID: ‘I was duped’ – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) – 9/9/24

Catholic Accountability Project

  1. Introduction to Covid and the Catholic Church (receiptspodcast.com) – 10/24/23 – Catholic Vote
  2. Part 1 | COVID and the Catholic Church – CatholicVote org – Part I of V – 10/17/23
  3. Part 2 | COVID and the Catholic Church – CatholicVote org – 10/18/23
  4. EPISODE 3: Catholic Schools and the Covid Crisis (receiptspodcast.com) – 11/3/23

Many Bishops pushed the faithful to get the abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines, and going along with the tyrannical government to close churches and limit sacraments.

  1. Without the Right of Conscience, There Is No Common Good (crisismagazine.com)
  2. Mark Mallet‘s Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops
  3. Why Churchmen Who Demand the Vaccine Are Literally ‘Tyrants.’ The Ultimate Resource | The Stream
  4. The Fake Theology Behind Vaccine Mandates (Janet Smith – crisismagazine.com)
  5. Archbishop Viganò: Priests and bishops who promoted ‘lethal’ COVID jabs must answer to God – Lifesitenews.com– 10/23/23
  6. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’ – Lifesitenews.com (10/26/21) – The presence of graphene in the doses that have been administered, reported by numerous laboratories that have analyzed its content,[23]suggests that the forced use of so-called vaccines – together with the systematic boycott of existing treatments of proven effectiveness[24] – serves the purpose of contact-tracing all vaccinated human beings throughout the world, who will be or already are connected to the Internet of Things[25] [26]. As proof that this information is not the fruit of the fantasies of some conspiracy theorist, you should know that the European Union has chosen two projects dedicated to technological innovation as the winners of a competition: “The Human Brain” and “Graphene.” These two projects will receive one billion euro each in funding over the next ten years.[27]
  7. REAL COVID CRISIS: Church Silent While Unvaxed Persecuted – Courageous Clergy – 1/10/22, 17 minutes
  8. Cardinal Gregory, why must children take abortion-tainted jabs to get a Catholic education in DC? – Lifesitenews.com – 1/16/24
  9. The Vaccine Mandates Are a Line in the Sand (crisismagazine.com) – 1/11/22 – Consider the examples of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher and the events preceding their martyrdom in England in the early 1500s.
  10. Catholic mother arrested for praying, protesting outside diocese’s COVID vaccine clinic: (lifesitenews.com)– 3/8/22
  11. Vermont bishop dismisses parish priest for resisting COVID-19 mandates – lifesitenews.com– 3/9/22
  12. COVID Amnesty for Bishops? – The Catholic Thing – 11/22/22 – Nobody has taken responsibility for Catholics being:
    • deprived of the last sacraments as they died.
    • denied Mass for months.
    • refused family weddings and funerals because of arbitrary attendance rules.
    • offered invalid sacraments while bishops saidmedical personnel could do the actual anointing of a sick person while the priest stood behind the door praying.
    • given invalid Confirmation by the use of Q-tips. (I would maintain longstanding sacramental theology holds that it isinvalid).
    • given any accounting for these practices.  Without accounting, we cannot even begin to talk about “amnesty” or pardon.
  13. Healing from the wounds of the Church hierarchy’s betrayal during COVID – Lifesitenews.com – 2/22/24
  14. Roger Stone reveals he was kicked out of Catholic parish over opposition to COVID restrictions – Lifesitenews.com – 3/25/24

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