
General Voting Guide

General Voting Guide

Here are links to the major party platforms:

Below is my assessment of the key differences between the parties (discounting campaign rhetoric where politicians say anything to get elected):

Issue Democrats Republicans
1.    Economy 1.    Capitalism is flawed; we should move toward Socialism (eventually Communism?) and more regulations.

2.    Promote welfare for the poor and middle class over the wealthy.

3.    Expand government; spend more, tax more.  No intent to balance the budget; likely to continue massive deficit spending.  Eventually cancel the debt via a great reset.

4.    Shift more of the tax burden to the wealthy and corporations without regard to the resultant drag on the economy.

5.    Support Digital Currency and elimination of cash, despite hardship to the poor, the elderly and small business.

6.    Price controls are a viable option to contain inflation.

7.    Support tax on unrealized capital gains.

1.    Capitalism is good, having lifted more people out of poverty than any other system.  Link1  Link2

2.    Tariffs that protect American industry are OK, but generally leave capitalism alone with reasonable regulations.

3.    Limited government; spend less, tax less.  Little appetite for balancing budget; likely to continue deficit spending but at reduced level.

4.    Stop outsourcing, reduce dependency on adversaries.

5.    More likely to contain or reduce taxes at all levels.  Recognize all taxes are a drag on the economy.  Overtaxing business will reduce investment and cost jobs.

6.    Keep US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Allow digital currencies, crypto currencies.

7.    Price controls have never worked.  They result in shortages, reduced quality, and underground economies.  Must reduce government spending to curb inflation.

8.    Tax on unrealized capital gains would be catastrophic to the economy and jobs.

Immigration 1.    Open borders; maximize migration; diversity is a strength. Recent Flip?

2.    Emphasize compassion for the poor of other countries, even giving them preferential treatment over our domestic poor. Link  Link2  Link3

3.    Turn a blind eye towards the increased risks of crime, terrorism, drug and human trafficking.

4.    There is no conflict between having tight security at airports but little or no security at the border.

1.    Seal the border; stop the migration invasion. Link1

2.    Emphasize national security and reduce exposure to crime, terrorism, drug and human trafficking. Link2  Link3  Link4  Link5

3.    Deport illegals.

4.    Top issue in party platform.

Energy 1.    Emphasize consuming less energy vs. producing more.

2.    Emphasize wind and solar energy sources.

3.    Resist drilling, grudgingly tolerate fracking.

1.    Strive for Energy Independence as a nation.

2.    Wind & Solar OK but these cannot supply enough.

3.    Continue Drilling & Fracking to meet energy demands.

Climate Change 1.    Climate change is a major threat.

2.    Consider Carbon Dioxide to be a pollutant.

3.    Allocate massive funds to reduce carbon emissions and promote other globalist goals.

4.    Promote / mandate electric vehicles, ignoring the downsides to battery production and the associated environmental impact

1.    Climate changes naturally; humanity’s influence is overblown.  Link

2.    Carbon Dioxide is good for plants and not a pollutant.

3.    Cancel/avoid electronic vehicle mandates.

4.    Electric vehicles have downsides. link

5.    Avoid costly, overly burdensome regulations.

Foreign Policy 1.    Move toward One World Government.

2.    Submit to World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO). link, link2

1.    America first.

2.    Reduce NATO funding.

3.    Do not give up U.S. sovereignty to WEF, WHO.

Constitution 1.    Radically reform constitution; government may restrict free speech, religion, and keeping / bearing arms. link, link2, link3, Totalitarianism.

2.    Partner with Big Tech to censor speech and promote government agenda.

3.    Pack supreme court so the party in power can get the decisions they want.

1.    Defend current constitution with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to keep and bear arms.

2.    Retain the Supreme Court as independent of the Executive and Legislative branches of government.

3.    The only exceptions to free speech should be restrictions on inciting to violence and pornography.

Law Enforcement 1.    OK to use Dept. of Justice, FBI, CIA and IRS to attack political opponents. Link

2.    Enforce laws against political enemies but not against own party.

3.    Encourage harassment of political opponents. Link

4.    Release criminals rather than risk violating their rights. If you disagree, you are racist.

1.    Justice should be objectively applied to all.

2.    Stop weaponization of government agencies against political opponents.

3.    Enforce the law; stop letting criminals go free.  It’s about justice and security, not race.

Military 1.    Inconsistent support for Israel, Hamas

2.    Support Ukraine without limits

3.    Oppose Russia at every opportunity

4.    War can be a means to achieve political ends.

1.    Support Israel.

2.    Support Ukraine up to a point.

3.    Avoid WW3 and entanglements that don’t support America’s interests.

4.    Strong military; peace through strength.

Abortion 1.    Radically pro-choice, even pro-abortion.

2.    OK up to 9 months and even beyond. Link Link2 Link3  Link4

3.    Key plank of party platform.

1.    Varying degrees of pro-life.  A few are pro-choice.

2.    Most support banning abortion at several weeks.

3.    Not prominent in party platform.

LGBTQ+ 1.    Male/female differences are not significant and don’t matter.

2.    Biological males identifying as females may go into women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports.

3.    Drag queen story hours and pornographic books at public libraries are fine.

4.    Those who want to adopt children must accept LGBTQ+ ideology or be barred from adopting.

5.    OK to transition children to opposite gender without parental consent. Link  Link2  Link3  Link4

1.    Male and female humans have significant differences.

2.    Protect women from biological males; Do not allow biological males in women’s sports, locker rooms, restrooms, nor prisons. Link

3.    Disallow Drag Queen story hours and pornographic materials at public libraries, emphasize common sense, common decency.

4.    Criminalize gender transitions for minors without parental consent.

5.    The perceived needs of a tiny minority do not outweigh the needs of the many.

Education 1.    Promote Critical Race Theory, LBGTQ+ gender ideology, sex education and abortion, the younger the better.

2.    More centralized control via Federal Dept. of Education. Link

3.    Professional educators know how best to education children.  Resist parental control. Link

4.    People who have never been to college, or who went to college and paid off their loans, should pay the debts of students who still have college loans to pay off.

1.    Cut Federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, Radical Gender Ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.

2.    Reduce or eliminate Federal Dept. of Education in favor of individual states.

3.    Parents know what is best for their children.

Voting Laws 1.    Allow non-citizens to vote. link1, link2.

2.    Grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.

3.    Allow for early voting, mail-in voting, ballot harvesting.

4.    Resist Voter ID, proof of citizenship, cleaning up voter rolls.

5.    Downplay the extent of voter fraud.

6.    We should count non-citizens in the census which determines how many votes each state gets in Congress.

1.    Must better secure our elections to eliminate fraud.

2.    Strongly prefer in person voting.

3.    Some favor early voting; others same day voting.

4.    Paper ballots to preclude hacking voting machines.

5.    Voter ID and proof of citizenship required.

6.    No ballot harvesting, mail-in voting tolerated if tightly controlled.

7.    Clean up voter rolls to remove those who have deceased or moved.

8.    Census for voting should count only citizens.

My intent on the above comparison is to help you focus on the stark differences between the two parties.  This election should not be about choosing the most likable person, but rather choosing the ideology that will guide the country going forward.

Here is a comparison by First Liberty between the two presidential candidates: Trump vs. Harris: Their Record on Religious Freedom and Other Key Issues – News – First Liberty – 8/30/24.  First Liberty’s focus is primarily 1st Amendment rights.

If you vote in Kamala Harris and the Democrats, then this is what will likely be the result:

  1. Laws will be enacted that ensure the Democrats will never lose another election. Non-citizens and felons will be allowed to vote.  See link1, link2, link3.
  2. Free speech and other 1st amendment rights will be lost. See link, link2, link3.
  3. Government censorship and propaganda will be pervasive (link), and Government protests will be put down harshly.
  4. Political opponents will continue to be aggressively attacked and suppressed via weaponization of FBI, CIA, IRS, and the Department of Justice (link, link2). Enforcement of law will even more depend on the person’s political persuasion.
  5. Crime, drug and human sex trafficking will continue to escalate, fueled by an open border. See link, link2, link3. Pedophilia will be tolerated and eventually decriminalized (link).
  6. Terrorists flooding across the border will eventually mobilize and strike (link).
  7. Supreme Court will be “packed”, or expanded so that the Democrats can appoint enough new justices to ensure the Court supports all Democrat party policies. See link1, link2, link3.
  8. More activist judge appointments will further erode the original intent of the Constitution.
  9. Government health insurance will replace all private health insurance.
  10. Government will control food and other commodities in short supply.
  11. Drag Queen story hours and pornographic materials for children at public schools and libraries will continue and proliferate (link).
  12. The country will devolve steadily into socialism and then communism or Totalitarianism.
  13. As the border becomes meaningless, USA sovereignty will give way to a global one world government and religion. See link, link2.

Some additional relevant links:

  1. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
  2. Election Fraud Articles and Videos
  3. Illegal Immigration and Child Sex Trafficking
  4. Transgender / LGBTQ
  5. State of Education in USA
  6. Kamala Harris Would Overhaul Supreme Court – including expansive “court packing”.

General Voting Guide Read More »

American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms

American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms (18+ articles)

  1. US bishops punt resolution encouraging Holy See to release McCarrick documents (catholicnewsagency.com)
  2. The sexual harassment of seminarians continues – Former Cleveland sems allege sexual coercion, inadequate response (pillarcatholic.com)
  3. Nebraska AG Finds 258 Victims Abused by 57 Catholic Clergy – Complicit Clergy – 11/5/21
  4. The Elephant in the Room the Bishops Refuse to Address – Homosexuality in the Clergy – Complicit Clergy – 10/31/21
  5. RORATE CÆLI: The Catholic Cash Cow (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com) – 11/8/23
    • In 2018, Newsweek reported that the Catholic Church nationally had paid out over $4 Billion in settlements.  That is a 5-year-old number, and it is still staggering.  By comparison, The Catholic Church has paid out four times more than the USA school districts combined.  There are less than 30,000 Catholic priests in the USA and over 3.8 million teachers in our schools.  These are disparate numbers of an epic proportion.
    • Catholic priests are about half as likely to molest children as their Protestant clergy counterparts. They are around one third as likely to molest children as a male family member or friend.
  6. Albany, NY Catholic church settles Child Victims’ Act suit (nypost.com) – 7/7/22 – Some 400 other alleged sexual abuse victims have cases pending against the Albany Diocese
  7. Former Baltimore priest sentenced to prison for sexual abuse of a minor (aleteia.org) – 5/12/22
  8. WATCH: Dozens of Northern CA Priests Facing Child Sex Abuse Claims for the First Time – Complicit Clergy – 6/24/22 – 7 minute video
  9. Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate – OnePeterFive – 7/18/22 – MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY. Catholic Hierarchy is not accountable to anyone.
  10. The Dallas Charter Needs a Redo After 20 Years| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 7/19/22
  11. McCarrick case drags on a year after his arraignment in Massachusetts | Crux (cruxnow.com) – 9/9/22
  12. Roman Catholic diocese in northern New York announces bankruptcy filing amid sexual abuse lawsuits – ABC News (go.com) – 7/17/23
  13. Questions Abound in the Wake of Msgr. Burrill’s Return to Active Ministry| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 7/1/22 – In appointing him to a parish, Bishop William Callahan of La Crosse, Wisconsin, disclosed little about the priest’s alleged use of the Grindr ‘hook-up’ app, what treatment he might have received or what safeguards have been put into place.
  14. Archdiocese Challenges Child Abuse Victims Act – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics – 1/13/24 – Cardinal Wilton Gregory – Now, the current Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, who was identifiedby the late clerical sex abuse expert Richard Sipe as a homosexual, is adding his name to the roster alongside Wuerl’s and McCarrick’s, seeking to protect the Archdiocese’s pocketbook instead of its children.
  15. LISTEN: Cardinal Gregory, Are You an Active Homosexual? (complicitclergy.com) – 1/9/24
  16. Diocese of Fresno to File for Bankruptcy Amid Sex Abuse Claims, Bishop Says| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 5/29/24
  17. Sex Abuse Questions the Bishops Still Won’t Answer (complicitclergy.com) – 6/20/24
  18. Jaw-Dropping Vatican Financial and Sexual Corruption EXPOSED – Steven Brady investigates Corrupt Bishops sexual abuse scandal – 7/11/24
    • John-Henry Westen and Steven Brady discuss corruption and scandals in the Vatican and with clergy – including homosexuality and financial corruption.
    • In 2000, Brady exposed the “Saint Sebastian’s Angels” website, on which priests and bishops were sharing homosexual messages and images and spreading distortions of Catholic sexual ethics.
    • Brady also discusses the money laundering links with the Vatican, as well as threats issued to businessmen who have revealed it.
    • He shines a light on the complicity of bishops in covering up abuses and misconduct – particularly with Cardinal McCarrick, who was publicly denounced by now-excommunicated whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – when they knew about and overlooked McCarrick’s crimes for a long time.
    • He praises the late Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) for his efforts to address these issues, despite facing resistance from various quarters.
  19. Victims feel ‘betrayed’ as Vatican investigation of Rupnik hits one year with no answers – 10/27/24


American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms Read More »

Pope Francis Homosexual Couples Blessing Fallout

Pope Francis Homosexual Couples Blessing Fallout (50+ articles)

Fiducia Supplicans – Blessings for Homosexual Unions – 12/18/23

  1. Pope Francis publishes norms for clergy to ‘bless’ homosexual unions (lifesitenews.com) – 12/18/23 – Fiducia Supplicans
  2. Pope Opens Possibility of Blessing ‘Same-Sex Couples,’ Those in ‘Irregular Situations’ – CatholicVote org – 12/18/23
  3. Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say ‘no’ to Francis’ ‘blessings’ of homosexual couples – Lifesitenews.com – 12/18/23
  4. Archbishop Peta, Bishop Schneider ban ‘blessings’ of homosexual couples in Kazakhstan archdiocese – Lifesitenews.com – 12/19/23 – CLIP: Bishop Schneider on blessing ‘same-sex unions’ (lifesitenews.com) – 12/19/23
  5. Former homosexual: Pope Francis is inviting humanity to join Satan in mocking Christ and His Church – Lifesitenews.com – 12/19/23
  6. Homosexual Blessings: Austrian bishop says priests CAN’T refuse & Malawi bishops say NO WAY (lifesitenews.com) – 12/19/23
  7. Most American bishops are going along with Pope Francis’ ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples – Lifesitenews.com – 12/19/23
  8. CLIP: Bishop Schneider on Pope Francis’ papacy (lifesitenews.com) – 12/20/23
  9. Bishop Schneider: Blessing of same-sex unions is ‘an abomination’ (lifesitenews.com) – 12/20/23
  10. Prominent canon lawyer Gerald Murray excoriates new Vatican doc endorsing ‘blessings’ of gay couples – Lifesitenews.com – 12/20/23
  11. Two Commentaries by Two Prominent Priests on Fiducia Supplicans (complicitclergy.com) – 12/30/23 – Raymond J. De Souza, Fr. Gerald E. Murray: A disordered sexual relationship brought into being by self-indulgent shameless acts is not bless-able. FS is a scandal and a disaster for claiming it is.
  12. Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples show he is a ‘servant of Satan’ – Lifesitenews.com – 12/21/23
  13. Blessing Same-Sex Couples: a CA Roundtable | Catholic Answers Magazine – 12/21/23 – Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF)
    1. Trent Horn – Given the practical difficulty involved in the wide variety of ministers giving and individuals seeking these “spontaneous blessings,” I would not have released the document—or at I least I would have included the reminder from the 2021 DDF ruling, still in force, that God “does not and cannot bless sin.”
    2. Karlo Broussard – the DDF is safe doctrinally but has failed (gravely?) in exercising pastoral prudence. The damage has been done. Confusion is setting in. Let’s implore God that he will bring order out of disorder and peace out of chaos.
    3. Cy Kellett – At every talk I give, I meet people who are at their wits‘ end with Francis and people who are at their wits‘ end with those who oppose Francis. Everybody seems on edge. This isn’t helping… Fiducia Supplicans, in my view, is basically correct in its approach to blessings—if what it’s saying is that Pope Francis wants people to receive the blessings of the Church without priests actually blessing sinful unions.
    4. Todd Aglialoro – Fiducia Supplicans suggests that it is not their false claim to legitimate conjugal union or the sinful sexual acts that accompany it, but rather “all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships”. This strikes me as, at best, an unrealistic view.  I fear that the result of this document will be to present confusion and scandal to the world… to dishearten and impede the efforts of faithful clerical and lay ministers currently resisting the tide of sexual libertinism…
    5. Joe Heschmeyer – So what has the DDF now added to the conversation? The idea that in certain contexts, a priest might give an informal blessing to a “same-sex couple.” It’s not true, therefore (as some have said), that the DDF is okaying the blessing of same-sex “unions.” But it’s also not true (as others have claimed) that this is nothing new, since it’s just about blessing same-sex-attracted individuals. It’s not about individuals or unions, but a third thing, seemingly in between the two: a “couple.”
    6. Tom Nash – nowhere does FS acknowledge and affirm chaste living, as do faithful apostolates that minister to persons with same-sex attraction. Consequently, whatever good intention he may have, a cleric who attempts to bless the relationship of a same-sex couple will do them a grave disservice.
    7. Christopher Check – within hours of the Dicastery’s publication of Fiducia Supplicans, media all over the globe reported that the Catholic Church had reversed its teaching of 2021 that homosexual couples and “irregular” heterosexual couples cannot be blessed. The Catechism tells us that “scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. why would Rome cause scandal? Did the DDF not know what consequences FS would produce? One telltale sign: the word repent is noticeably absent from the document.
  14. Cardinal Müller tells Pope Francis: Blessing homosexual couples is ‘impossible’ and ‘blasphemy’  – Lifesitenews.com – 12/21//23
  15. Altier on Obedience of Faith – We Cannot and Will Not Bless Sin (complicitclergy.com) – 12/26/23
  16. On the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions | Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope (motherofisraelshope.org) – 12/28/23
  17. Bishops can opt diocese out of same-sex ‘blessings,’ Vatican says – Washington Times – 12/28/23
  18. 2023: The Fiducia Fiasco, Synodality, Fr Rupnik, and more (youtube.com) – 12/29/23 – The Catholic Thing, Gerald Murray, Diane Montagna, Fr. Rupni, and Cardinal Becciu.
  19. Kirby – I Will Not Be Blessing Couples in Irregular Unions (complicitclergy.com) – 12/31/23. These ‘pastoral’ blessings do not require repentance and the desire to change like all other church blessings. These same-sex couples are in a state of sin. Conditions: no vestments, no formal prayers, not in civil union ceremony, must be spontaneous, not part of sacred liturgy. God & the Church cannot bless states of sin.
  20. ‘Same-Sex’ Blessings Doc Sparks Sustained Global Pushback: The Bishops and Dioceses Saying ‘No’ – CatholicVote org – 1/1/24
  21. Franciscan University professor calls for Pope Francis to resign following homosexual ‘blessings’ text – Lifesitenews.com – 1/2/24
  22. The Remnant Newspaper – Fiducia Supplicans rollout… What are faithful Catholics to make of THIS? – 1/3/24
  23. ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ 2.0| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 1/4/24
  24. The Hidden Agenda Behind Same-Sex Blessings (complicitclergy.com) – 1/4/24
  25. Lawler and Arroryo Discuss the Confusion Surrounding Fiducia Supplicans (complicitclergy.com) – 1/4/24 – 21 minute video.
  26. LGBT ‘Catholic’ groups celebrate Fiducia Supplicans as an endorsement of homosexual relationships – Lifesitenews.com – 1/5/24
  27. Golden Opportunities Missed – The Catholic Thing – 1/5/24 – David Carlin
    1. The first thing we have to note is that most Americans who have heard of FS – whether Catholics or Protestants or non-Christians, and whether they be pro-SR or anti-SR – perceive FS as a significant victory for the LGBTQ+ movement, a movement which, as I see it, has as one of its aims to undermine and destroy the Christian ideal of sexual morality, hence Christianity itself.
    2. Most people see FS as the Catholic Church giving ground to the LGBTQ+ gang.  They see FS as a sign that Catholicism, like liberal Protestantism, will eventually remove homosexual practice from its list of serious sins.  Defenders of FS can tell people, all they want, that they are mistaken to see things that way; all the same, that’s how they see it.
    3. Second, the American Catholic bishops are once again offered a golden opportunity to put themselves at the head of the SR counter-revolution.  But to do this, they will have to do something that is almost a psychological impossibility for a Catholic bishop: they will have to make a public declaration of their disagreement with the pope.
  28. Catholic priest wearing rainbow stole gives ‘blessing’ to women civilly ‘married’ for 22 years – Lifesitenews.com – 1/5/24
  29. Cardinal Müller: Global rejection of Fiducia Supplicans should give Vatican ‘food for thought’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/5/24
  30. Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis using ‘sleight of hand’ to undermine Catholic teaching – Lifesitenews.com – 1/5/24
  31. ‘Lies, Compromise, and Confusion’: Cardinal Sarah Blasts Fiducia Supplicans – CatholicVote org – 1/8/24
  32. Scandalous book on orgasms surfaces from Cardinal Fernández – Lifesitenews.com – 1/8/24
  33. Archbishop Viganò: Swiss guards should arrest Bergoglio and Fernandez, expel them from the Vatican – Lifesitenews.com – 1/8/24 – ‘The Swiss Guards have sworn to defend the See of Peter, not the one who is systematically demolishing it. Let them therefore be faithful to their oath and arrest these heretical perverts!’
  34. ‘Evil & destructive’ — Bishop Strickland REACTS to Chris Christie’s LGBT stance citing Pope Francis (lifesitenews.com) – 1/9/24
  35. Cardinals vs Cardinals on the Vatican’s heretical blessing of homosexual couples (lifesitenews.com) – 1/9/24
  36. Cardinal Sarah accuses Pope Francis of HERESY over G*Y Blessings? (youtube.com) – 1/10/24
  37. Vatican official says St. Peter’s Basilica will bless homosexual ‘couples’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/11/24
  38. ‘No Blessing for Homosexual Couples in the African Churches,’ African Bishops Conferences Announce – CatholicVote org – 1/11/24
  39. POWERFUL: Bishops REJECT Pope Francis’ latest document about blessing same-sex ‘couples’ (lifesitenews.com) – 1/11/24
  40. Murray condemns Fiducia Supplicans: ‘Pope Francis has not upheld the Catholic faith’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/12/24 – ‘There are heretical teachings contained in Fiducia Supplicans’.
  41. Pope Francis Knew His Doctrine Chief was an Erotic Author – OnePeterFive – 1/13/24
  42. Bishop Strickland calls on Pope Francis to ‘rethink’ Fiducia Supplicans – Lifesitenews.com – 1/14/24
  43. Bishop Schneider strongly condemns Fiducia Supplicans: ‘We should never accept such deception’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/15/24
  44. Pope Francis accuses those rejecting Fiducia Supplicans of reaching ‘ugly conclusions’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/15/24
  45. Marking One Month of ‘Fiducia Supplicans’: Opposition Shows No Signs of Abating| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 1/18/24
  46. Cardinal Zen warns of ‘error’ in Fiducia Supplicans, calls for Cdl. Fernández to resign – Lifesitenews.com – 1/23/24
  47. JPII Academy Calls on Pope to Fire Doctrinal Chief (churchmilitant.com) – 1/24/24
  48. Pope Francis Says He Expects ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ to be Gradually Accepted Worldwide – CatholicVote org – 1/29/24
  49. Crisis Magazine Opinion: Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church – 2/2/24
  50. Cardinal Müller: Fiducia Supplicans ‘leads to heresy,’ Catholics cannot accept it – Lifesitenews.com – 2/16/24
  51. Cardinal Müller calls Pope Francis’ homosexual ‘blessings’ an attack on marriage – Lifesitenews.com – 3/26/24
  52. Priest defends Fr. Jesusmary for rebuking Francis, criticizes Pope for smearing Benedict XVI – Lifesitenews.com – 4/19/24
  53. Pope Francis’ 60 Minutes interview is a classic exercise in Modernist deception – Lifesitenews.com – 5/20/24

Pope Francis Homosexual Couples Blessing Fallout Read More »

American Bishops Disappoint

American Bishops Disappoint

180+ articles. Note: Catholic Leadership Critique Rationale

Below is a list of articles that demonstrate why I am disappointed with the leadership of the American Bishops.

  1. They have failed to make any meaningful sexual abuse reforms (18+ articles)
  2. They have failed to discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic politicians (12+ articles)
  3. They often fail to defend the Faith and Faithful Priests (30+ articles)
  4. Their Dismal Response to COVID (20+ articles)
  5. They promote illegal immigration, thereby supporting human trafficking, while turning a mostly blind eye toward abortion. (60+ articles).
  6. They have funded blatantly leftist, pro-abortion, pro-LBGT, and anti-Catholic organizations for years, especially via the CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). (12+ articles)

General Failures of the US Bishops

  1. The Archdiocese of Chicago under Cdl. Cupich is in complete disarray – lifesitenews.com– 2/23/22
  2. The City of Big Shoulders — and Liturgical Confusion: Chicago Faithful Flummoxed by Inconsistent Liturgy Policy| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 6/27/22
  3. Why the USCCB should be disbanded: $200M cost, less than zero benefits: (Church Militant, 11/23/21)
  4. The Sorry Situation of Catholic Schools | Mark Bauerlein | First Things – 5/9/22
  5. US priests are ‘flourishing’ – but they don’t trust their bishops (pillarcatholic.com) – 10/19/22
  6. Cupich Fires Catholic School Principal Over Mask Mandate – Complicit Clergy– 2/18/22
  7. Queen of Martyrs principal ousted by Cupich over mask compliance – Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)– 2/16/22
  8. Pontifical Academy for Life Members’ Support for Assisted Suicide Draws Criticism (ncregister.com)– 2/21/22
  9. Say what? Cardinal with strong Pope Francis ties says Catholic LGBTQ stance is wrong | Faith | frontiersman.com– 2/23/22
  10. Kids aren’t protected from LGBT ideology just because they attend Catholic schools – lifesitenews.com– 2/15/22
  11. Joe Biden is the ‘product’ of weak bishops who don’t defend Church teaching: Catholic activist – lifesitenews.com
  12. Bishop Callahan of La Crosse cancelled Fr. James Altman but protects Mnsr. Burrill who was caught using a gay hookup app on his phone – 3/1/22 – Church Militant
  13. Largest ever survey of US Catholics shows faithful want an end to Communion in the hand – 10/15/24. Real Presence Coalition (RPC) released the results of its massive July 2024 survey seeking to identify causes of a lack of faith in the Eucharist among many self-professed Catholics in the United States.

Miscellaneous Items

  1. Washington bill endorsed by Catholic bishops could force priests to break Seal of Confession – Lifesitenews.com – 2/19/24
  2. American bishops disappointed by Supreme Court’s climate regulation ruling | Catholic News Agency – 7/1/22 – Following Pope Francis, they would rather back Climate Change politics rather than focus on saving souls.
  3. RORATE CÆLI: Segregation is restored in the Diocese of Arlington (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com) – July 2022 – Suppression of the TLM
  4. Viganò: LifeSiteNews fights back against the errors and lies of the Deep State – LifeSite – 8/23/22 – also the Deep Church.
  5. Brave priest exposes heretical “Shadow Church,” Ready to die (lifesitenews.com) – 1/31/23
  6. Catholic filmmakers release second part of Latin Mass documentary, reveal origins of the New Mass – lifesitenews.com – 6/2/22
  7. USCCB in Baltimore; all Bishops wearing masks (Church Militant) – 11/17/21
  8. The State of Evil in the World – Courageous Clergy – Fr. Ripperger – 1/5/23
  9. The Homily by Fr. Kirby That Should Be Viewed by Every Bishop Worldwide (complicitclergy.com) – 3/26/24
  10. Archbishop Viganò Excoriates Wisconsin Bishop Incorporating Shaman Ritual into Chrism Mass (complicitclergy.com) – 3/23/24
  11. The Case of Bishop Stowe – Catholic World Report – 6/8/24
  12. The Silence of the Bishops in Response to the Persecution of Cardinal Zen (complicitclergy.com) – 9/23/22
  13. Bishop John Stowe Receives New Ways Ministry Award Offering Message of Resilience – 11/18/24. NOTE: New Ways Ministry has previously been denounced by both the U.S. bishops’ conference and the Vatican’s doctrinal office for causing confusion on sexual morality among the Catholic faithful.
  14. Bishop Stowe blesses 3 women in ceremony recognizing lay ministry roles – 12/16/24.

American Bishops Disappoint Read More »

American Bishops Failed to Discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians

American Bishops Failed to Discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians (15+ articles)

  1. A few are now speaking up, but they waited until AFTER the election, to their shame
  2. Canon 915: Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
  3. For the past 45 years, the bishops’ reluctance to enforce canon 915 has allowed grave scandal and contributed to the Culture of Death. We still await most American bishops to do the right thing.
  4. Cardinal Burke: USCCB Must Correct the Scandal of Catholic Politicians Who Promote Abortion – Complicit Clergy
  5. US Bishops Vote Betrays Body and Blood of Jesus – Complicit Clergy (11/17/21) quoting story at National Review
  6. Phil Lawler: Bishops’ Eucharistic Document “Worse Than Nothing” – Complicit Clergy (11/18/21) quoting EWTN story.
  7. Arizona Bishops Attempt to Cancel Pro-Life, Pro-Family Catholics (lifesitenews.com) – 11/2/22
  8. Cordileone should’ve banned Pelosi from Communion ten years earlier (lifesitenews.com) – 5/26/22
  9. DC archdiocese implies it will allow Nancy Pelosi to receive Holy Communion – lifesitenews.com – 5/24/22
  10. Joe Biden is the ‘product’ of weak bishops who don’t defend Church teaching: Catholic activist – lifesitenews.com
  11. US bishops’ pro-life chair condemns Biden’s abortion executive order, mum on denying him Communion – lifesitenews.com – 7/11/22
  12. Our Catholic President and the Most Pressing Moral Issue of Our Time – Word on Fire – 8/5/22
  13. PETITION: US bishops must excommunicate Biden after his shameful pro-abortion State of the Union address – Lifesitenews.com – 3/8/24
  14. ‘Scandalous’: Catholics React to Biden’s State of the Union – CatholicVote org – 3/8/24
  15. EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller joins calls for US bishops to excommunicate Biden – Lifesitenews.com – 3/28/24

American Bishops Failed to Discipline Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians Read More »

American Bishops Often Fail to Defend the Faith and Faithful Priests

American Bishops Often Fail to Defend the Faith and Faithful Priests (30+ articles)

They have failed to defend the perennial teachings of the Faith, reprimand liberal priests who promote sin and heresy, nor defend faithful priests.

  1. James Martin Set to Speak to School Children on Welcoming Homosexuality in Cardinal Dolan’s Archdiocese – Complicit Clergy
  2. Cardinal Gregory praises, celebrates Mass for Fr. James Martin’s heterodox LGBT event – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) – 8/5/24
  3. Cardinal Dolan endorses Fr. James Martin’s new LGBT activism group – lifesitenews.com – 7/19/22
  4. The US Bishops Promote a Protégé to the Rapist Theodore McCarrick – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics – 11/26/22
  5. Kids aren’t protected from LGBT ideology just because they attend Catholic schools – lifesitenews.com– 2/15/22
  6. Viganò calls on bishops to defend marriage, oppose the errors of Amoris Laetitia – Lifesitenews.com – 9/1/22
  7. California bishop blasts Cardinal-elect McElroy for thinking abortion ‘not wrong enough’ to discuss – Lifesitenews.com – 6/15/22
  8. Joe Biden is the ‘product’ of weak bishops who don’t defend Church teaching: Catholic activist – lifesitenews.com
  9. Chicago Archdiocese: We don’t oppose pornographic “children’s books” in public libraries | Chicago City Wire – 6/26/22 – they even slammed Catholic Vote, an orthodox Catholic lay organization
  10. Catholic bishops drop opposition to lesbian becoming a foster parent – Baptist News Global – 6/27/22
  11. Cardinal Dolan praises priest who presided at ‘trans’ funeral in New York cathedral – Lifesitenews.com – 2/19/24
  12. Louisiana bishops conference endorses emergency contraception in cases of rape – lifesitenews.com – 7/19/22
  13. Gregory restricts Latin Mass, bans traditional sacraments in ‘vindictive, heartless’ decree – lifesitenews.com – 7/22/22
  14. 84 Catholic dioceses partner with student evaluation firm pushing drag queen books, LGBT ideology – Lifesitenews.com – 1/18/23
  15. These are the Bishops you need to be warned about (lifesitenews.com) – 8/9/23 – Pope Francis, Cardinal Cupich, Cardinal Gregory, Cardinal Tobin, Bishop John Stowe
  16. REPORT: Catholic Relief Services, Government Funding, and Contraception – The Lepanto Institute – 3/6/24
  17. USCCB-backed law could force religious employers to protect employee abortions, contraception – Lifesitenews.com – 8/9/23
  18. Illinois bishops forbid promotion of petition seeking parental consent for minors’ abortions, ‘sex changes’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/11/24
  19. IN-DEPTH: Abortion, Transgender Services, Communion, and the ‘Transition’ of Catholic Church Leadership | The Epoch Times – 8/21/23
  20. Heretical AUSCP is not sanctioned.
  21. Bishop Strickland calls out US bishops for allowing ‘blasphemy’ and ‘heresy’ to go unanswered – Lifesitenews.com – 4/24/24
  22. Wake Up Call: Democrats Have Declared A Spiritual Civil War On America (Part 1) (conservativehq.com) – 2/4/24
  23. Bishop Stowe to receive award from heretical New Ways Ministry for ‘LGBTQ+ efforts’ – 9/20/24
  24. San Diego Diocese Bans Homeschooling Catholic Families from using Facilities – 9/26/24 – Cardinal McElroy of San Diego objects to Catholic families teaching Catholicism to their children on diocesan property.
  25. Viganò uses AI to show how Communion in the hand destroys belief in the Real Presence – 10/31/24. When he asked ChatGPT how a pope could undermine belief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist, the AI gave answers nearly identical to the Modernist reforms implemented after Vatican II.

Faithful Bishops and Priests are persecuted or cancelled and not defended.

  1. Bishop Callahan of La Crosse cancelled Fr. James Altman but protects Mnsr. Burrill who was caught using a gay hookup app on his phone – 3/1/22 – Church Militant
  2. Four Years Later the Lies Continue – 9/10/22 – Church Militant. Paul John Kalchik went into hiding after burning an LGBTQ Flag at his parish (Resurrection Parish) in Chicago and Cardinal Cupich attempted to banish him. The Chicago Police Department threatened to forcibly remove him from the parish. This threat was substantiated at the time by the parish’s vicar, Bp. Mark Bartosic.
  3. ‘Monsignor GRIDR’ Gets New Parish, Fr. Altman Remains Sidelined – Complicit Clergy – 6/12/22
  4. Another local Catholic priest Fr. Edward Meeks draws national criticism, this time for anti-vaccine remarks | Baltimore Brew – 11/30/21
  5. Priest canceled by Bishop for speaking out against the Church’s homosexual cabal – lifesitenews.com – 8/21/23
  6. S. Bishops Are Cowards (complicitclergy.com) – 11/16/23 – none of them defend Bishop Strickland.
  7. The Silence of the Bishops in Response to the Persecution of Cardinal Zen (complicitclergy.com) – 9/23/22
  8. Hilarious statement from the Archdiocese of Chicago about the suppression of the Institute of Christ the King | Fr. Z’s Blog (wdtprs.com) – 8/4/22 – TLM prohibited.
  9. Archbishop Viganò: Biden Must be Excommunicated after ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ Declaration (complicitclergy.com) – 4/2/24
  10. Biden the Apostate – Crisis Magazine – 4/4/24
  11. Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Cordileone defend Harrison Butker amid onslaught of media attacks – Lifesitenews.com – 5/17/24

American Bishops Often Fail to Defend the Faith and Faithful Priests Read More »

Pope Francis Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal

Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church (15+ articles)

Pope Francis has ignored credible charges made by Abp. Vigano that he was aware of high-level Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops involvement and cover-up of the sexual abuse scandal within the Church. He consistently protects accused priests and bishops while ignoring and even attacking sexual abuse victims. Supporting articles:

  1. Canon lawyer: Pope Francis ‘should resign’ if Viganò’s testimony is true
  2. The Viganò Tapes – Complicit Clergy
  3. Long awaited McCarrick Report was a travesty. The 2-year wait simply gave temporary cover to the USCCB and bishops worldwide in hopes we would all forget.  Typical Pope Francis move.
  4. A Second Look into the McCarrick Report – The Catholic Thing
  5. Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate – OnePeterFive – 7/18/22 – MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY
  6. A Letter to Pope Francis (churchmilitant.com) – 8/25/22 – from abused and persecuted priest Fr. Paul Kalchik. “I can live as a victim of clerical sexual predation without a direct response by you as our Holy Father, but what I can no longer endure is the complacency of our bishops, who are charged with fixing the problem but do nothing more than pay it lip service while neglecting to act. Clerical sexual predation must be ended, once and for all.”
  7. Pope Protecting Predators? – Complicit Clergy – 9/9/18
  8. LISTEN: Is Pope Francis Protecting a Convicted Sex Abuser? – Complicit Clergy – 8/24/22
  9. Vatican sent bishop suspected of homosexuality to investigate abuse-ridden monastery – lifesitenews.com– 5/25/22
  10. Jesuits confirm disgraced priest was excommunicated, focus now turns to Pope’s alleged involvement – lifesitenews.com – 2/15/22 – The Jesuit Order has confirmed that a now disgraced member, Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, had indeed been excommunicated “two years” prior to the Vatican opening an investigation into further offenses, thus supporting claims that Pope Francis personally intervened in defense of Rupnik.
  11. Pope Protects Abuser Priest Rupnik, Now Returning to a Parish– 10/26/23
  12. Alleged abuser Fr. Marko Rupnik enjoys Pope Francis’ special protection (lifesitenews.com) – 3/12/24
  13. Catholic Media Complicity in Church Corruption – OnePeterFive – 9/26/22
  14. Pope Francis accused of opposing reforms to tackle clerical sexual abuse | Catholicism | The Guardian – 2/15/24

No Justice for Sexual Abuse Victims

  1. Clerical sex abusers, not victims, receive ‘mercy’ from Pope Francis | Liz Yore (lifesitenews.com) – 11/15/23
  2. Four Years Later, STILL No Justice for McCarrick’s Victims – Complicit Clergy Eternal Retribution (churchmilitant.com) – 6/30/22
  3. FBI Opens Sweeping Probe of Clergy Sex Abuse in New Orleans – Complicit Clergy – 6/29/22
  4. Argentine abuse victim still waiting for justice from the Church | Crux (cruxnow.com) – 7/4/22
  5. Roger Stone makes stunning Catholic confession, Pope Francis haunted by cardinal elector Danneels’ past (lifesitenews.com) – 3/27/24

Pope Francis Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal Read More »

Pope Francis Vatican Sexual Abuse Coverup

Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Sexual Abuse Coverup (22+ articles)

Pope Francis has ignored credible charges made by Abp. Vigano that he was aware of high-level Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops involvement and cover-up of the sexual abuse scandal within the Church. He consistently protects accused priests and bishops while ignoring and even attacking sexual abuse victims. Supporting articles:

  1. Canon lawyer: Pope Francis ‘should resign’ if Viganò’s testimony is true
  2. The Viganò Tapes – Complicit Clergy
  3. Archbishop Viganò accuses Pope Francis of ‘the same abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick – Lifesitenews.com – 5/29/24
  4. Long awaited McCarrick Report was a travesty. The 2-year wait simply gave temporary cover to the USCCB and bishops worldwide in hopes we would all forget.  Typical Pope Francis move.
  5. A Second Look into the McCarrick Report – The Catholic Thing
  6. Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate – OnePeterFive – 7/18/22 – MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY
  7. A Letter to Pope Francis (churchmilitant.com) – 8/25/22 – from abused and persecuted priest Fr. Paul Kalchik. “I can live as a victim of clerical sexual predation without a direct response by you as our Holy Father, but what I can no longer endure is the complacency of our bishops, who are charged with fixing the problem but do nothing more than pay it lip service while neglecting to act. Clerical sexual predation must be ended, once and for all.”
  8. Pope Protecting Predators? – Complicit Clergy – 9/9/18
  9. LISTEN: Is Pope Francis Protecting a Convicted Sex Abuser? – Complicit Clergy – 8/24/22
  10. Vatican sent bishop suspected of homosexuality to investigate abuse-ridden monastery – lifesitenews.com– 5/25/22
  11. Jesuits confirm disgraced priest was excommunicated, focus now turns to Pope’s alleged involvement – lifesitenews.com – 2/15/22 – The Jesuit Order has confirmed that a now disgraced member, Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, had indeed been excommunicated “two years” prior to the Vatican opening an investigation into further offenses, thus supporting claims that Pope Francis personally intervened in defense of Rupnik.
  12. Pope Protects Abuser Priest Rupnik, Now Returning to a Parish– 10/26/23
  13. Alleged abuser Fr. Marko Rupnik enjoys Pope Francis’ special protection (lifesitenews.com) – 3/12/24
  14. Catholic Media Complicity in Church Corruption – OnePeterFive – 9/26/22
  15. Pope Francis accused of opposing reforms to tackle clerical sexual abuse | Catholicism | The Guardian – 2/15/24
  16. Viganò Told: “Keep Your Mouth Shut” (complicitclergy.com) – 6/3/24 – Francis has also faced scrutiny for his close relationships with renowned homosexual Argentinian churchmen like Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, convicted predator Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, and convicted serial abuser Father Julio César Grassi; as well as with gay clerics like Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmeriowho attended a drug-fueled orgy inside the Vatican, and Monsignor Battista Riccawho is known for having had a live-in boyfriend and frequenting gay hangouts. An investigation could reveal whether any of these clerics were likewise groomed by or had sex with then-Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio and today are “passing the tradition on.” By advising Viganò to “keep your mouth shut,” some journalists in the Catholic media world may prefer not to know the answer.

No Justice for Sexual Abuse Victims

  1. Clerical sex abusers, not victims, receive ‘mercy’ from Pope Francis | Liz Yore (lifesitenews.com) – 11/15/23
  2. Four Years Later, STILL No Justice for McCarrick’s Victims – Complicit Clergy Eternal Retribution (churchmilitant.com) – 6/30/22
  3. FBI Opens Sweeping Probe of Clergy Sex Abuse in New Orleans – Complicit Clergy – 6/29/22
  4. Argentine abuse victim still waiting for justice from the Church | Crux (cruxnow.com) – 7/4/22
  5. Roger Stone makes stunning Catholic confession, Pope Francis haunted by cardinal elector Danneels’ past (lifesitenews.com) – 3/27/24
  6. Francis Apologizes to Homosexuals in Record Time While Abuse Victims Are Still Waiting Decades Later (complicitclergy.com) – 5/29/24
  7. Here’s why the ‘zero tolerance’ policy is going nowhere – 11/20/24 – Catholic Culture. For all the talk, all the pledges, all the touted policies and programs, the Vatican still has not adopted a “zero tolerance” mentality regarding abuse.

Pope Francis Vatican Sexual Abuse Coverup Read More »

Pope Francis and Vatican Scandals

Pope Francis and Vatican Scandals and lack of accountability (15+ articles)

  1. Vatican takes big loss in sale of London building at heart of trial | Reuters – 7/1/22
  2. Vatican Inconsistencies: A Tale of Two Bishops| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) – 6/29/22
  3. Archbishop Paglia used charity funds to renovate apartment (pillarcatholic.com) – 12/14/22 – Hundreds of thousands were paid to a contractor instead of going to missionary and charitable projects.
  4. Report: Vatican Set to Lose More Than £100 Million on Failed London Property Deal| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)(11/10/21)
  5. How Much Was Pope Francis Aware of in the Vatican’s Financial Mismanagement of the London Deal? (ncregister.com) (12/8/21)
  6. Cardinal Maradiaga, the scandal-ridden close ally of Pope Francis, announces resignation – lifesitenews.com– 4/26/22
  7. Zanchetta, the gay porn bishop, on “retreat” with Pope (marklambert.blogspot.com) – 3/11/19
  8. Pope Francis warmly greets infamous ‘artist’ who created image of crucifix in urine – Lifesitenews.com – 6/26/23
  9. Francis Shocks Seminarians with Obscenities (churchmilitant.com) – 1/13/23
  10. Vatican health conference takes money from Moderna, then awards and showcases its CEO – Lifesitenews.com – 5/10/21
  11. April 2021 summary by Lifesite News of previous 30 days: https://youtu.be/gqNR1m3V2ac – Pope Francis has placed a scandalous painting behind his desk which was featured in the Vatican newspaper; calls for new world order; global governance; rejects Mary’s title of Co-redemptrix, refused to correct top cardinals in the Vatican calling for blessing homosexual unions; appoint openly homosexual man Juan Carlos Cruz to the commission for the protection of minors.
  12. Abp Vigano Excommunication Fuels Revolt Against Rome – 7/12/24
  13. Pachamama Scandal October 2019 – LifeSiteNews around the 8:54 minute mark.  See 2 Sam 24:12 & following.
    • Oct 4: attended and act of idolatrous worship of the pagan goddess Pachamama in the Vatican Gardens.  He participated by blessing a wooden image of the Pachamama.
    • Oct 7: the idol of Pachamama was placed in front of the main altar at St. Peter’s, whereupon Pope Francis joined in prayers and the procession of the idol to the synod hall
    • Oct 25: a new idol of Pachamama replaced the old one which was thrown into the Tiber River by irate Catholics
    • Oct 27: in the closing Mass for the synod, Pope Francis accepted a bowl used in the idolatrous worship and placed it on the altar
    • Dec 9: Argentina: Pope Promotes ‘Pachamama Park’ (churchmilitant.com)
  14. Continued to tolerate and even promote idolatry.
  15. Pope Francis EXPOSED – Part 1: Pachamama scandal revisited & Pope Francis’ support of communism (lifesitenews.com) – Dec. 2022
  16. Vatican Scrambles To Address Yet ANOTHER Financial Scandal – Francis names Cardinal Farrell as Vatican ‘pension czar’ – 11/21/24

Pope Francis and Vatican Scandals Read More »

Pope Francis Heretical Statements and Actions

Pope Francis Heretical Statements and Actions (70+ articles)

The definition of formal heresy makes it a difficult charge to prove, nevertheless, the typical serious Catholic can recognize when something has gone off the rails with Pope Francis.  See articles below.

  1. RORATE CÆLI: MAJOR STATEMENT: The Crimes and Heresies of Pope Francis, Their Causes and Effects, and the Action to Be Taken (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com) – 5/2/2024
  2. Francis: The First Anti-Pope in Centuries? | FrontpageMag – 8/5/22 – Premise: Benedict’s resignation did not conform to Canon Law and was therefore invalid.
  3. Pope Francis’ ecumenical Abrahamic Family House project contradicts the teachings of Jesus – lifesitenews.com
  4. Catholic Answers, Word on Fire author Joe Heschmeyer on why he stopped defending Pope Francis – 12/1/2020 – There was a “moment in 2016 in which I stopped knee-jerk defending everything that Pope Francis said… whitewashing of papal misstatements and errors, and I realized that I needed to correct that.”
  5. Pope Francis teaches HERESY: Pope Pius XII condemned the heresy of Francis – YouTube – Dr. Taylor Marshall – 2/3/22 (52 min)
    • See also Link to 8-minute version
    • “Let us think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home? Yes, these too. The blasphemers, all of them.  We are brothers.  This is the Communion of Saints.”
  6. Bishops & Theologians Rebuke Francis for Heresy – YouTube
  7. Viganò: The damages of this ‘pontificate’ are incalculable – lifesitenews.com – 9/14/22
  8. Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s intention is to harm souls, discredit the Church, and offend God – Lifesitenews.com – 11/9/23
  9. Archbishop Viganò: ‘False prophet’ Bergoglio is guilty of ‘all-out apostasy’ – Lifesitenews.com – 12/12/23
  10. Exorcists warn of rise in demonic activity following Indigenous Pagan rituals – lifesitenews.com – 9/1/22
  11. Document saying God wills ‘differences in religion’ was quietly changed just hours after Pope signed it – lifesitenews.com – 9/15/22
  12. Bishops show Pope Francis’ statement on Holy Communion contains ‘HERESY’ – YouTube – 9/16/22
  13. Bishops Against Pope Francis – OnePeterFive – 9/27/22
  14. What if Pope Francis were your parish pastor? (lifesitenews.com) – 10/1/22
  15. Pope Francis hits back at critics following his latest statement that God wills ‘differences in religion’ – lifesitenews.com – 9/16/22
  16. Pope tells theologians to consult ‘non-Catholics,’ avoid ‘going backward’ in Tradition – lifesitenews.com – 11/25/22
  17. Pope Francis reportedly flouts Church teaching, says ‘forgive all’ sins even with ‘no intention to repent’ – lifesitenews.com – 1/11/23
  18. Pope Francis reiterates belief that ‘religions’ must unite in ‘service of brotherhood’ – lifesitenews.com – 2/6/23
  19. Pope Francis Dismisses ‘Sins Below the Waist’ | rome dispatch (churchmilitant.com) – 8/29/23
  20. Cardinals Target Synod, Blitzing Francis withDubia’ (churchmilitant.com)
  21. Cardinals Submit Dubia to Francis over Synod: ‘Statements … Contrary to Doctrine’ – CatholicVote org– 10/2/23
  22. The Remnant Newspaper – Open Letter to Francis: Why Are You Destroying the Religion of the Saints? – 11/1/23
  23. Pope Francis did all the heavy lifting during the Synod by holding his own ‘Uber-Synod’ (lifesitenews.com) – 11/14/23
  24. Cardinal Gerhard Müller exposes a crisis in Church teaching – Catholic World Report – 12/16/23
  25. Pope Francis using Synod as smokescreen for ‘heretical hypnotism’ | Liz Yore (lifesitenews.com) – 11/28/23
  26. Bishop Schneider responds to Archbishop Viganò on papal legitimacy (lifesitenews.com) – 11/14/23
  27. Schneider: Bishops who push ‘heresy’ know Pope Francis won’t punish them – lifesitenews.com – 3/7/23
  28. What happens if the pope is a heretic? Church history professor Dr. Edmund Mazza explains (lifesitenews.com) – 10/13/22
  29. Was the US NSA involved in pressuring Pope Benedict XVI to resign the papacy? – lifesitenews.com – 1/8/23
  30. Priest to Pope Francis: I accuse you of heresy and humbly plead that you correct your ways – Lifesitenews.com – 7/20/23 – Father Jesusmary Missigbètò
  31. Pope Francis ACCUSED of 10 HERESIES, says priest – YouTube – 7/20/23
  32. African Priest Responds to Pope Francis: “You Have Scandalized the Whole World Several Times by Contradicting Christian Tradition” – Complicit Clergy – 7/3/22
  33. Cardinal Müller: Some statements by Pope Francis could be understood as material heresy – Lifesitenews.com – 11/9/23. Müller argued that through Francis’ implicit promotion and toleration of same-sex “blessings” and Holy Communion for the divorced and civilly “remarried,” the Pope is fostering a “heresy of practice.”
  34. Anti-Pope: Catholic Writer Patrick Coffin Says Francis Has Assumed Invalid Authority Over Catholic Church (Stew Peters Show – rumble.com) – 5/2/22
  35. Patrick Coffin comes out as BiP: “Seven Pieces of Evidence That Francis Is an Antipope” – non veni pacem
  36. Priest tells Pope Francis: ‘Bishop Strickland has the right and duty to correct you publicly’ – Lifesitenews.com – 11/22/23
  37. WATCH: Ralph Martin Says It Is Now Unmistakably Clear Where We Are Being Led (complicitclergy.com) – 7/21/23 – changing the Church’s doctrines on Homosexuality
    • “Who am I to judge?” if a homosexual is trying to follow God as best he can
    • Amoris Laetitia – Public sinners, Divorced & Remarried could still receive Holy Communion
    • Pope continues to reward Bishops having been charged with sexual abuse
    • Synod of the Amazon – Bishop proud of never having baptized anyone
    • Less emphasis on evangelization, warnings against proselytizing
    • Catholic social teaching emphasis to exclusion of recognizing Jesus Christ as the only way to be saved
    • Globalist sustainability goals, many of which are contrary to the Faith
    • Personnel is Policy – the Pope’s appointments tell you where he really stands. g. Abp. Paglia who gutted the JP2 Institute; Cardinals Cupich, Tobin in Vatican Dicastery that chooses future bishops.  Bp. McElroy of San Diego appointed Cardinal; Abp. Fernandez as new head of the Dicastery or Office of the Doctrine of Faith, who has been the Pope’s primary theologian and ghost writer; he wrote a shocking, pornographic book “Healing with Your Mouth: the Art of the Kiss”. He believes everyone is saved no matter what.  Pope Francis wrote a letter to him “I don’t want you to be correcting heresy…”
    • Contradictions with magisterial document Veritatis Splendor written to clear up moral confusion.
    • Ralph Martin Book: A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward
    • How to square all this with the Doctrine of Infallibility IF the Pope ends up FORMALLY teaching error. Martin says it won’t happen.
  38. The Wheels Are Coming Off | The Wanderer Newspaper (thewandererpress.com) – 8/17/23
    • The purpose of the Church is to save souls by moving them from Earth to Heaven. That objective is accomplished by teaching the Deposit of Faith and giving the sacraments so that souls are saved by grace. That God-given and divinely mandated purpose of the Church is violated by the documents of this pontificate, by the scandalous words and actions of men appointed to prominent positions by Pope Francis, and without correction by him, and by the Synod agenda.
    • Pope Francis has made abundantly obvious even to those who do not specialize in prophecy that he intends to change the truth itself. He is very determined. An impossible task and yet just one more fantasy. But it is not an idle threat. Why? The phenomenon of papolatry, a perversion of the doctrine of papal infallibility, has been growing apace for many years now and has laid the groundwork for many to believe that whatever a Pope says is true, even if it contradicts matters of faith and morals that preceded him.
  39. Time for a Papal Intervention | Catholic Culture – 9/8/23
  40. Pope Francis is teaching an anti-Gospel by downplaying the gravity of sin – Lifesitenews.com – 9/18/23
  41. Pope Francis: ‘I like to think of an empty hell’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/15/24
  42. Archbishop Viganò: Today we celebrate the papacy amid a historic phase of ‘crisis and apostasy’ – Lifesitenews.com – 1/18/24
  43. Vatican cardinal calls for ‘permanent’ Catholic-Freemason dialogue at ‘historic’ joint event – Lifesitenews.com – 2/19/24
  44. African priest: ‘Pope Francis is a new Judas’ for betraying Christ’s teachings – Lifesitenews.com – 3/27/24
  45. Bishop Strickland slams ‘crescendo of apostasy’ by Vatican forces against Catholic liturgy, doctrine – Lifesitenews.com – 4/19/24
  46. Priest: Pope Francis is waging a ‘war against the Church’ at every turn – Lifesitenews.com – 6/21/24
  47. Bishop Strickland: To deny that Jesus is the only way to God the Father is heresy – 9/13/24
  48. Pope Francis: Every religion is a way to arrive at God – 9/13/24
  49. Pope Francis doubles down, says ‘diversity of religious identities is a gift of God’ – 9/17/24
  50. Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio saying ‘all religions are a path to God’ is apostasy – 9/16/24
  51. Archbishop Chaput on Pope Francis’ claims about religious dialogue: ‘not all religions seek the same God’ – 9/16/24
  52. Francis Doubles Down – but Has He Apostatized? – 1P5, 9/20/24
  53. Gerald Murray – Are All Religions Equal? – 9/19/24
  54. Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis’ comments on all religions being paths to God are ‘heresy’ – 9/20/24
  55. Murray: Pope’s claim that ‘every religion’ is a way to God contradicts ‘Christ Himself’ – 9/20/24
  56. Bishop Strickland Publicly Corrects Pope Francis’ Blatant Heresy – 9/22/24 – Bishop Strickland issues two public letters calling for the bishops and cardinals of the Church to do something about the heretical statements by Pope Francis that point to apostasy.
  57. Sky News Australia slams Pope Francis’ remark that ‘every religion is a path to God’ – 9/24/24
  58. Cardinal Burke says ‘certainly seems’ like end times as Pope Francis corrects ‘pope-splainers’ – 9/20/24
  59. Pope Francis tells interfaith meeting: ‘Divine inspiration’ is ‘present in every faith’ – 9/24/24
  60. Prominent Catholic theologian: Francis may no longer be regarded as legitimate due to heresy – 11/6/24
  61. Pope Francis vs. Master Catechism – Crisis Magazine, 11/9/24.
  62. Doctor Edmund Mazza: Here’s why I believe the Bergoglian pontificate is invalid – 11/11/24
  63. Bishop Strickland: God will punish bishops for their silence while Pope Francis destroys the Church – 11/13/24. Bishop Joseph Strickland strongly rebuked ‘silent’ US bishops in a powerful letter outside the USCCB meeting in Baltimore, warning them that God will punish those who do not speak out against ‘false messages constantly flowing from the Vatican’ under Pope Francis.
  64. Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s attitude to sin is ‘antichristic’ – 11/13/24
  65. Challenging the Francis papacy | Fr. Giorgio Maria Faré and the Church’s crisis – 11/21/24. Giorgio Maria Faré courageously challenges the legitimacy of Pope Francis, raising theological and canonical concerns about the validity of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation. Speaking through a translator, Fr. Faré outlines contradictions in Pope Francis’ teachings and their departure from traditional Church doctrine, emphasizing the dangers of modernist influences within the hierarchy. Despite the threat of excommunication, Fr. Faré calls on Catholics to defend truth and tradition, offering a message of hope, prayer, and action for those seeking to preserve the unity and authenticity of the Church.
  66. Vigano Issues Bombshell Letter On The Heresies Wracking The Church – 12/1/24
  67. Pope tells grandmother not to ‘insist’ on grandchildren’s baptism – 11/28/24
  68. If Francis is pope, a cloud of witnesses have been wrong about the papacy – 12/11/24
  69. Does Bishop Schneider peacefully adhere to Francis as pope? – 12/10/24. Opinion: No traditionalist or conservative can legitimately appeal to the doctrine of ‘universal and peaceful acceptance’ in defense of Francis being pope, as has been done by Bishop Schneider, without engaging themselves in significant contradiction.
    • Bishop Athanasius Schneider has long voiced his opinions in favor of Francis’s legitimacy, and has recently published another article(26 November 2024) to this effect—to which this essay is a response.
  70. Is Francis Pope? My Reply to Fr. Brian Harrison – 12/11/24. Edmond J. Mazza, PhD
    • history shows that Fr. Harrison is wrong when he says the notion that “the entire college of bishops could ever be, and has in fact been, seduced into following an antipope is surely heterodox.” In St. Catherine’s day, that was precisely the case. The Visibility of the Church survived. It also survived the Great Western Schism when for forty years there were two “popes” and then three at a time. And those cardinals and bishops appointed by antipopes were ultimately considered valid. Why not today?
    • As for which of the cardinals are eligible to vote in the next conclave, I would say the ones who have never publicly and pertinaciously denied or cast doubt on any Catholic dogma of faith and morals. That should narrow the number down to about twelve or so, don’t you think Father?
    • To learn the true history of papal conclaves: past, present (and future) might I invite the reader to enroll in my Advent course, Conclave/Antipope
  71. Doctrinal Confusion & the Magisterium: A Concise Guide for Catholics – 1Peter5 – 12/9/24.
    • The Extraordinary (or Solemn) Magisterium: This category of magisterial teaching is infallible and is the easiest to identify as being such because of its explicit and definitive nature. It is exercised by either the pope alone (e.g., the papal definitions of the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), or by the whole college of bishops, with the pope as their head — as, for example, when specific doctrines are defined in an ecumenical council (e.g., the Council of Florence on the necessity of the Church for salvation, Vatican I on papal infallibility, etc.).
    • The Ordinary and Universal Magisterium: This category, like the first, is also infallible but lacks the explicit character of the former. It is expressed when the entire episcopacy of the universal Church, under the headship of the pope, agree that a doctrine concerning faith or morals is to be definitively held by all the faithful.
    • 3. The Ordinary Magisterium: Referred to, at times, as the Authentic Magisterium, this level of magisterial authority, exercised by the pope and bishops, consists of all other magisterial acts that fall outside of the first two categories. Unlike the Extraordinary Magisterium or the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, it is not infallible. Its teachings, nevertheless — according to Canon 752 of the Code of Canon Law — are to be received with a “religious submission of the intellect and will”. Lacking the safeguard of infallibility, teachings emanating from the Ordinary Magisterium, could, in theory, be erroneous. The benefit of the doubt should, however, still be offered to the pope and bishops who exercise it.
  72. 10 Ancient Catholic prophecies warn of a pope who will gravely harm the Church – 12/17/24
    • Our Lady of La Salette – 1846: Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.
    • Nicholas – the Church will be punished because the majority of its members (high & low) will become perverted… succession of St. Peter will apparently have failed.
    • Francis of Assisi – there will be an uncanonically elected Pope who cause a great schism.
    • Our Lady of Akita – work of the devil will infiltrate the church… bishops vs. bishops, cardinals vs. cardinals.
    • Our Lady of Fatima – 3rd secret indicates apostacy at highest levels of the Church. Cardinal Luigi ??, advisor to 5 Popes: 3rd Secret: The great apostasy will begin at the top.
    • Padre Pio – Dr. Mika Hixon – Interview w/ exorcist Fr. Gabriel Amorth. Worked w/Padre Pio for 26 years. “Satan will come to rule a false church.” The Great Apostasy within the Church.
    • Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerik. 1774 – 1824. 4/12/1820 – Bishop dressed in White not the true Pope. 2 Popes;  False Church. Heretics of every kind.  Local clergy lukewarm.
    • Pope St. Pius X. Died 1914.  1909 vision; Pope will quit Rome… will pass over the dead bodies of the clergy.
    • Faustina. 1905-1938,  persecution and corruption in the Church.  “Poland will prepare the world for my 2nd coming.”  12/17/1936 diary entry.  (Birthday of Pope Francis).  “I have suffered more today than any other day…”

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