American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms

American Bishops Fail to Make Meaningful Sexual Abuse Reforms (18+ articles)

  1. US bishops punt resolution encouraging Holy See to release McCarrick documents (
  2. The sexual harassment of seminarians continues – Former Cleveland sems allege sexual coercion, inadequate response (
  3. Nebraska AG Finds 258 Victims Abused by 57 Catholic Clergy – Complicit Clergy – 11/5/21
  4. The Elephant in the Room the Bishops Refuse to Address – Homosexuality in the Clergy – Complicit Clergy – 10/31/21
  5. RORATE CÆLI: The Catholic Cash Cow ( – 11/8/23
    • In 2018, Newsweek reported that the Catholic Church nationally had paid out over $4 Billion in settlements.  That is a 5-year-old number, and it is still staggering.  By comparison, The Catholic Church has paid out four times more than the USA school districts combined.  There are less than 30,000 Catholic priests in the USA and over 3.8 million teachers in our schools.  These are disparate numbers of an epic proportion.
    • Catholic priests are about half as likely to molest children as their Protestant clergy counterparts. They are around one third as likely to molest children as a male family member or friend.
  6. Albany, NY Catholic church settles Child Victims’ Act suit ( – 7/7/22 – Some 400 other alleged sexual abuse victims have cases pending against the Albany Diocese
  7. Former Baltimore priest sentenced to prison for sexual abuse of a minor ( – 5/12/22
  8. WATCH: Dozens of Northern CA Priests Facing Child Sex Abuse Claims for the First Time – Complicit Clergy – 6/24/22 – 7 minute video
  9. Corrupt Cardinal, Corrupt Pontificate – OnePeterFive – 7/18/22 – MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY. Catholic Hierarchy is not accountable to anyone.
  10. The Dallas Charter Needs a Redo After 20 Years| National Catholic Register ( – 7/19/22
  11. McCarrick case drags on a year after his arraignment in Massachusetts | Crux ( – 9/9/22
  12. Roman Catholic diocese in northern New York announces bankruptcy filing amid sexual abuse lawsuits – ABC News ( – 7/17/23
  13. Questions Abound in the Wake of Msgr. Burrill’s Return to Active Ministry| National Catholic Register ( – 7/1/22 – In appointing him to a parish, Bishop William Callahan of La Crosse, Wisconsin, disclosed little about the priest’s alleged use of the Grindr ‘hook-up’ app, what treatment he might have received or what safeguards have been put into place.
  14. Archdiocese Challenges Child Abuse Victims Act – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics – 1/13/24 – Cardinal Wilton Gregory – Now, the current Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, who was identifiedby the late clerical sex abuse expert Richard Sipe as a homosexual, is adding his name to the roster alongside Wuerl’s and McCarrick’s, seeking to protect the Archdiocese’s pocketbook instead of its children.
  15. LISTEN: Cardinal Gregory, Are You an Active Homosexual? ( – 1/9/24
  16. Diocese of Fresno to File for Bankruptcy Amid Sex Abuse Claims, Bishop Says| National Catholic Register ( – 5/29/24
  17. Sex Abuse Questions the Bishops Still Won’t Answer ( – 6/20/24
  18. Jaw-Dropping Vatican Financial and Sexual Corruption EXPOSED – Steven Brady investigates Corrupt Bishops sexual abuse scandal – 7/11/24
    • John-Henry Westen and Steven Brady discuss corruption and scandals in the Vatican and with clergy – including homosexuality and financial corruption.
    • In 2000, Brady exposed the “Saint Sebastian’s Angels” website, on which priests and bishops were sharing homosexual messages and images and spreading distortions of Catholic sexual ethics.
    • Brady also discusses the money laundering links with the Vatican, as well as threats issued to businessmen who have revealed it.
    • He shines a light on the complicity of bishops in covering up abuses and misconduct – particularly with Cardinal McCarrick, who was publicly denounced by now-excommunicated whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – when they knew about and overlooked McCarrick’s crimes for a long time.
    • He praises the late Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) for his efforts to address these issues, despite facing resistance from various quarters.


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